Chapter 1719 Return to Vientiane

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In the Yuluo Realm, Lu Ye opened the portal of the Little Flower Realm. The hundreds of Yuluo stars walked in one by one under the leadership of He Baichuan, and Cang Dang also followed. Lu Ye then closed the portal.

"Junior Brother Lu, I'd like you to take care of me over at the Wanxiang Sea." On the Yuluo side, led by the Realm Master Qiu Wu, all Yueyao sent him off.

Lu Ye nodded: "When you are away from home, the three realms are one family, so the realm master can rest assured."

Wu Zhuo put his hands behind his back, looked at Lu Ye and said: "When we go back to the Vientiane Sea, tell Lao Tang to come back quickly!"

He was still thinking about going to the Wanxiang Sea in person. Tang Jun, an old man with little pursuit, was sitting there. It was really better for him to work hard. At the very least, he had room for improvement.

Lu Ye nodded, cupped his fists and said, "Everyone, please stay."

Stepping onto the starship, Ma Shangsi activated his magic power, and the stars soared into the sky.

After watching the Xingzhou disappear from sight, everyone withdrew their gaze, and Wu Zhuo did not stay here any longer. Although there was no danger in the Qingli Taoist realm, having Yue Yao in charge was different from not having Yue Yao in charge.

What if some star beast without eyes comes to harass the realm?

He still has to go back to look after the house.

On the star boat, Lu Ye sat cross-legged and practiced while Ma Shangsi concentrated on driving and rushed all the way to the location he had visited before.

Ma Shangsi took over Xingzhou, and Lu Ye took him in with the help of the Little Flower Realm, and used the colorful divine lotus to connect to the ancestral land of the Soul Clan.

After a while, Lu Ye appeared on the lotus land where the Starry Sky Pond was.

Xu Yuan sat there leisurely, raised his eyes and looked at Lu Ye: "Has everything been dealt with?" When Lu Ye came over a few times before, he would check the situation, but now he is too lazy to check.

Apart from Lu Ye, no one else frequently goes in and out of the Soul Clan's ancestral land.

Lu Ye responded: "It's taken care of."

Xu Yuan nodded without getting up at all: "Wherever you want to go, do it yourself!"

"Thank you, elder!" Lu Ye was not polite and went straight to the Starry Sky Pool.

It was a bit difficult to use the starry sky pool to find Kyushu last time, because Xu Yuan didn't know where Kyushu was specifically, and he had never been to the nearby starry sky wonders, so there was no location he could locate.

Nowadays, going to Wanxiang Sea is different. Such a famous starry sky wonder is easy to find even in the Starry Sky Pool.

It didn't take Lu Ye much time to locate the Sea of ​​Vientiane. Using this as a starting point, he searched around and quickly found the location where Li Shang took him back to the ancestral land of the Soul Clan last time.

This location is also the closest to the Wanxiang Sea and the place where you can enter the ancestral land of the Soul Clan.

"Elder, I'm going then!" Lu Ye turned around and said.

Xu Yuan just waved his hand.

Lu Ye leaned forward and jumped towards the Starry Sky Pond, his mind locked on that location.

The world was spinning for a while, and when he came back to his senses, he was already in a starry sky. He turned around and looked around, taking a look at the nearby stars to make sure that he was right. This was the place where Li Shang brought him last time.

Cangyue Galaxy!

This galaxy has an insect tunnel directly connected to the Wanxiang Galaxy.

He opened the door to the Little Flower Realm, released Ma Shangsi, and ordered him to take out the star boat. He then identified the direction and gave him a guide.

The stars swept through the sky and flew towards the insect tunnel leading to the Vientiane Galaxy.

On the star boat, Ma Shangsi was driving the boat while looking around in confusion. He stopped talking several times. It was obvious that Lu Ye was concentrating on sitting cross-legged and practicing and did not dare to disturb him.

Suddenly, Lu Ye's voice sounded: "If you have anything to ask, just ask!"

Ma Shangsi then spoke: "Holy Lord, which galaxy is this?"

He could vaguely feel that this was no longer the Yuluo Galaxy, because the whole environment gave people a different feeling from Yuluo.

So he couldn't figure out why the Holy Lord came to another galaxy during the time he was staying in the Little Flower World.

"Cang Yue!" Lu Ye simply replied.

Ma Shangsi pondered for a moment and said in surprise: "Isn't it the Cangyue Galaxy that is connected to the Wanxiang Galaxy through the insect path?"

"Oh? Do you know this galaxy?" Lu Ye was surprised.

It’s true! Ma Shangsi was so shocked that he laughed dryly and said: “To be honest with you, Holy Lord, I spent some time in the Sea of ​​Vientiane before, so I have a little understanding of the surrounding galaxies.”

Lu Ye had already guessed that Ma Shangsi had been to the Wanxiang Sea, and was not surprised by this. However, looking at it now, Ma Shangsi should have been hanging out in the Wanxiang Sea for a long time.

This made Lu Ye feel a little heavy. The vampires' methods of pretending to be human were too clever. On the surface, there were no active vampires in Wanxiang Sea, but who knew how much was hidden secretly?

The tragic incident in Jingyue Galaxy back then was a bloody lesson. The vampire Bai Jin had already reached the Rizhao level, but was never exposed. He stabbed Sifang Galaxy at the critical moment and almost caused Sifang Galaxy to suffer a catastrophe.

It is conceivable that there must be many vampires secretly active in the Wanxiang Sea. Although he has the ability to identify them, he has to encounter them. If he cannot be encountered, there is nothing he can do.

In comparison, the Vampires are undoubtedly more difficult to deal with than the Zerg.

Lu Ye suddenly thought of something, looked at Ma Shangsi and said: "When we get back to the place, I will introduce someone to you. You can teach him the art of disguise."

Lan Qiyue, although she can also restrain the various characteristics of the vampire and disguise herself as a human, her methods are obviously incomparable with Ma Shangsi. Lu Ye has always been worried that one day she will accidentally reveal her identity. Now that Ma Shangsi is here, he can

If you teach, there won't be any problems.

Ma Shangsi was shocked: "Are there other blood servants under the command of the Holy Lord?" If this were not the case, how could the disguise technique of the blood clan be used?

"It's not a Blood Warrior. You'll know it when you see him." Lu Ye replied.

Ma Shangsi did not dare to ask any more questions and concentrated on driving the star boat.

When they were about to arrive at the insect tunnel, Lu Ye took Ma Shangsi into the Little Flower Realm, not because he was afraid that his identity would be exposed, but because he had to pay some fees to pass through the insect tunnel.

Even if it's not much, save it if you can at this time.

Next to the insect road, there is a huge floating land lying across it. There is a palace on the floating land. This is undoubtedly the place where Yueyao of the Cangyue Galaxy is seated.

There is also a place like this at the other end of the Insect Road. When Lu Ye first came here, he spent some spiritual jade to get the passage token.

The difficulty of entering the Cangyue Galaxy is different from that of leaving the Cangyue Galaxy. The last time he entered the Cangyue Galaxy as a star, he was asked some questions, such as his origins and what he wanted to do to enter the Cangyue Galaxy.


This time no one asked him anything at all, they just collected some of the common spiritual jade and let him go.

The reason for this is naturally because the Wanxiang Galaxy is beyond the insect path. No matter what Lu Ye wants to do, it has nothing to do with Cang Yue. Even if he goes to attack the Wanxiang Sea, Cang Yue doesn't care.

After leaving the insect tunnel, we successfully arrived at the Vientiane Galaxy.

Looking at the direction of the Wanxiang Sea, Lu Ye smiled slightly. After struggling for so long, he finally came back. Next, he would work hard to improve his cultivation.

Hun Que told him that with the Seven Colorful Divine Lotus, the soul will grow all the time, so the cultivation level must keep up. If one day the foundation of the soul exceeds his own realm, there will be no good results.

To others, this may be a bit difficult, but to Lu Ye, as long as he has enough talent tree fuel, improving his cultivation level is not a problem at all.

Therefore, when he returned from this trip, he not only had to use the Wanxiang Sea to practice, but also developed the Three Realms Island. With enough spiritual jade in hand, he could practice without any worries.

When he was in the stars before, Lu Ye couldn't feel much, but now that he was in Yueyao, and when he returned to the Wanxiang Galaxy, Lu Ye clearly noticed that the energy in the stars here was richer than any other galaxy he had encountered.

This is obviously because of the Wanxiang Sea.

The rich energy in the starry sky means that it is easier to breed spiritual jade and spiritual crystals. Therefore, many low-level monks who cannot gain a foothold in the Vientiane Sea will search for spiritual jade in the Vientiane Galaxy to satisfy their own cultivation. Of course, this is risky.

Yes, in the Vientiane Galaxy, except for the areas where several major realms of this galaxy are located, all kinds of fighting and fierce things happen from time to time. If the strength is not enough, you will die without knowing how.

After piloting the starship to fly some distance away from the insect path of the Cangyue Galaxy, Lu Ye released Ma Shangsi.

After thinking for a while, he released Cangdang again.

"This is... the Vientiane Galaxy?" Cang Dang was shocked.

Because Lu Ye took him into the space of a small world, it only took twenty days, and it was a bit incredible to reach Vientiane from the Yuluo Galaxy in just twenty days.

But if there is an insect connection between Yuluo and everything, then it can be explained.

"Brother Dao, the Wanxiang Galaxy has arrived, what are your plans?" Lu Ye asked.

Cang Dang pondered for a moment and said, "I want to go back to the Five Colors Domain first."

In this regard, Lu Ye was not surprised that he would have the same thoughts if he had been wandering outside for many years.

Immediately he said: "Then I wish Brother Dao a happy journey." He rummaged through his storage ring and found a star boat: "Brother Dao, please take it."

He had killed many members of the Kamikaze Bandits before, and this thing was one of his trophies.

Cang Dang was startled for a moment, then took the star boat and said, "Since we are in short supply of this thing, I won't refuse."

"Then let's say goodbye!" Lu Ye clasped his fists.

Cang Dang returned the gift: "Thank you, Brother Lu, for taking care of me."

"It's a small matter." Lu Ye nodded and greeted Ma Shangsi, who flew the star boat towards the Wanxiang Sea.

"Brother Lu!" Cang Dang suddenly shouted from behind.

Lu Ye turned around and looked.

"If I come back to Wanxiang Sea again, where will I find you?"

"Three Realms Island!" Lu Ye waved his hand.

Watching Lu Ye's star boat go away, Cang Dang retracted his gaze, turned around and swept in another direction. There was an insect tunnel in that direction. Although it was not connected to the five-color field, it was connected to the one adjacent to the galaxy where the five-color field was located.


That galaxy basically exists based on the five color realms, so as a Stone Clan, it is not difficult to pass through it.

After not returning for a thousand years, he was also a little uneasy, wondering if his old friend was still there.

On Lu Ye's star boat, he released He Baichuan again. He came from a remote place like Yuluo to such a prosperous place, and He Baichuan was dazzled by what he saw.

This chapter has been completed!
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