Chapter 1742: Vengeance must be avenged

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In the central place protected by layers of formations, Yu Huan has not spoken. He has entrusted the peace talks to Furukawa, because he knows that once he intervenes, he will definitely quarrel with the people of Three Realms Island.

It will be bad.

He is a patient person, otherwise he would not invite Furukawa here at this time, but after hearing Lu Ye's words, he still couldn't hold it back, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Wishful thinking!"

He and Jiang Yu are the only two-month Yao left on Baiyue Island. If they die, Qianxingxu on Baiyue Island will be nothing but a piece of loose sand. Moreover, Lu Ye actually wants them to remove the protection of the central place. He really does this.

, isn’t it the same as putting your neck under someone else’s butcher’s knife, and life and death depend on the enemy’s thoughts?

At present, the protection of the central place is the basis for their survival.

Apart from being angry, he also felt sad in his heart.

How did things get to this point? Think about it two months ago, when Baiyue Island was at its peak, besides him and Jiang Yu, there were also Junior Brother Wang, Chu Zhu, Liu Yu, Junior Sister Meng, Su Yuming...

As a result, Junior Brother Wang was beheaded by Lu Ye two months ago, and Chu Zhu was killed at an unknown time. In today's battle, Liu Yu, Junior Sister Meng, and Su Yuming were killed one after another...

Five people on Yueyao's side died tragically, and eight hundred people on the star level were destroyed. They maintained their glory for eight hundred years and lost it all in one day.

At this moment, Yu Huan regretted getting involved in the Three Realms Island matter. If they had not carried out the sneak attack on Tang Jun, there would not have been subsequent incidents.

Regret is useless, now only anger and frustration remain.

After Yu Huan finished speaking, Furukawa suddenly turned to look at him. The smile that had been hanging on his face disappeared, and his expression became cold: "You talk or should I talk?"

Yu Huan gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and avoided Lu Ye's sight.

Furukawa then slowly turned his head, looked at Lu Ye, and smiled again: "I am entrusted by others, and I am loyal to others. Gu also wants to do things beautifully. Fellow Taoist Lu, please don't blame me. But fellow Taoist just now

The proposal is indeed a bit too much."

"Then there's no need to talk." Lu Ye shook his head slowly.

"Let's not rush to conclusions yet." Furukawa chuckled, "Look, Baiyue Island has retreated to the center. Although the space for movement here is not too large, the protective power cannot be underestimated," he said

The monks under your command have attacked the protective formation of this Dao before. They should know the toughness of the formation. The protection of the central area is no weaker than the protective formation. It is not wise for the fellow Taoist to attack forcefully.


Lu Ye raised his arms and said: "I have a thousand stars, and I can form three hundred formations, and attack in batches. No matter how strong the protection is, it will be broken one day!"

"What about the battle damage?" Furukawa asked, "Have you ever considered this, fellow Taoist? The people of Baiyue Island will not just take a beating without fighting back. As the defensive side, they have the advantage, and fellow Taoist should not want anything to happen to their own monks.


Lu Ye said calmly: "This is a war, and casualties are inevitable. Whether it is me or any monk in the Three Realms, we are mentally prepared to die here!"

Furukawa frowned and suddenly realized that Lu Ye was very determined to kill everyone and would never be easily swayed by his few words.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "Fellow Taoist may not know yet, but your Three Realms Island has now been captured."

"So what?" Lu Ye really didn't know about this because no one had reported it to him, but he had expected this.

There is no one on the Three Boundary Island side at the moment. Only the maze formation is functioning. It is completely fake. Anyone who attacks it can quickly defeat it.

"Although Sanjie Island and Baiyue Island are both high-quality spiritual islands, in terms of value, Sanjie Island is undoubtedly larger. Although others have captured Sanjie Island at this moment, they have not had time to build defenses on the island. If Taoist friends at this moment

Leading the troops back, I believe that with the power of this battle, the opponent will definitely flee, and fellow Taoists can easily regain the Three Realms Island. However, if the time delay is too long and people build up defenses, it will be difficult to say.


Lu Ye said calmly: "I only have a thousand monks in the Three Realms. This Baiyue Island is very good. It is enough for our monks from the Three Realms to be stationed. Although the Three Realms Island is good, it seems too empty if there are thousands of people stationed there, so I don't mind it!"

Furukawa was speechless, and suddenly realized that this young man who looked young was simply a bit out of touch.

Furukawa seemed to want to say something more, but Lu Ye interrupted him rudely: "Fellow Taoist Gu, there is no need to say more. Please retreat, lest a fight breaks out and you are covered in blood!"

He was from the Huanglong Realm, so Lu Yecai talked to him for a while. After all, he would still have to make a living on the Wanxiang Sea in the future, and people from the Huanglong Realm should not be offended easily.

Now that he has made his attitude clear clearly, if Furukawa really had no position, he would not be entangled.

Furukawa pondered for a moment and nodded slightly: "I won't say any more, Gu. I'll say goodbye!"

He hugged his fists and really quit like this.

Lu Ye raised his eyes and looked forward, his eyes collided with Yu Huan, and he said coldly: "Yu Huan, when you sneak attacked my Three Realms Yueyao, you didn't expect this day, right?"

Yu Huan gritted his teeth and refused to answer.

Lu Yelang shouted: "Although I, the Three Realms, come from a remote and remote area, I am not someone who can be bullied by just anyone. I, the monks of the Three Realms, are based in the Wanxiang Sea. I have only one purpose. If I have any grudges, I will definitely retaliate!"

When he finished speaking, he ordered: "Attack the formation!"

Many Yue Yao who were looking here could hear Lu Ye's voice from a distance. Some of them smiled slightly, some looked at her with disdain, and some even sneered.

But everyone knows that Lu Ye's words are not only addressed to Yu Huan, but also to the Yueyaos who are watching the battle.

Three Realms Island obviously wants to use this battle to show the world that we are not easy to bully. Whoever dares to take advantage of Three Realms Island in the future should think about the fate of Baiyue Island!

In fact, for Lu Ye, there was an evil fire that he had been holding back for a long time.

Wushuang Island was taken away. Although he didn't seem to care very much on the surface, in fact, he was holding back anger in his heart. Wushuang Island was created by Chu Shen with the achievement of Little Star Palace, but in the end, he transformed into a top spirit.

The island was actually taken away by people from the Tianyan Realm.

Even Lao Tang almost died in that battle if it weren't for Chu Shen's protection.

Having learned from the experience of Wushuang Island, when he placed the Little Star Hall under the Three Realms Island, he deliberately adjusted the power of the Little Star Hall, fearing that its effect would take effect too quickly.

As a result, some of the adjustments were not quite right.

After the Three Realms Island transformed into a superior spiritual island, it was targeted by people, and behind it was the shadow of Rizhao, the native galaxy of Wanxiang.

When Wushuang Island was captured, Lu Ye was not there, so there was nothing he could do.

Now that he is in the Wanxiang Sea, the same thing must not happen twice!

Why should the spiritual island that I have worked so hard to build have to be taken away by others? Do you think Three Realms Island is weak? Then let me show you, whoever dares to stretch out his claws on Three Realms Island, then chop off his claws!

Today's battle takes place in full view of everyone, and tomorrow, the name of Three Realms Island will surely shock the Wanxiang Sea!

Outside the center of Baiyue Island, following Lu Ye's order, thousands of monks quickly formed a formation of three hundred, and under the protection of the Tiger Shark battleship, they moved forward dozens of miles closer.

Lu Ye's roar rang out: "Yu Huan, I'll give you one last chance to remove your protection. I'll only kill you for two months. If you dare to resist at all costs, I won't leave any chickens or dogs in your Baiyue Island!"

Yu Huan didn't respond, and only the central area took the lead in launching a counterattack.

The Three Realms Stars formed a defensive formation immediately stepped forward to block these attacks. The next moment, the attack formation behind the defensive formation began to show its power. Colorful rays of light covered the central area, causing ripples in the protective formation on that side.


Lu Ye only took one glance and knew that the protection here was extremely tough. It was only stronger than the island defense formation, and it would not be easy to capture it.

But at this point in the war, neither the enemy nor we have the possibility of retreating. The Three Boundary Islands are about to overwhelm Baiyue, and Baiyue will certainly not compromise easily in order to protect itself.

However... for both warring parties, Sanjie Island undoubtedly has the advantage in the situation.

The central area is limited in scope, which leads to the most direct problem. The Baiyue monks' counterattack is not strong enough, because most of the methods deployed here are mainly for defense.

Unlike the initial Baiyue monks' formation to protect the island, the defense line was very long, the space was sufficient, and there were many counterattack methods that could be deployed. However, the central area was only such a large area, and the things that could be deployed were very limited.

Not to mention hundreds of people in Baiyue, there are tens of thousands of people here, and only a part of them can really play a role.

Of course, if Baiyue really has tens of thousands of people, there is no need to hold on, just kill them out.

Although the second round of confrontation seemed very intense, it was actually very boring. After fighting each other for half a day, there were no casualties on either side!

Needless to say, on the Baiyue side, if the protection is not broken, they will not have to worry about their lives. As for the Sanjie Island side, as Lu Ye said to Furukawa before, there will be a three hundred formation plus twenty Tiger Shark warships to attack in batches, and

Half of the formation is used for defense, which allows the Three Realms Island side to have a strong enough defensive force, so as long as the monks do not run out of gas, there will be basically no casualties.

This is the first time that a high-level battle for spiritual islands has broken out since the Tongqi Lianzhi Formation Disk was circulated on a large scale.

The time on Wushuang Island actually doesn't count, because Wushuang Island's defense force at that time was too weak. It was attacked by the enemy once and the defense line was directly destroyed, leaving nothing visible at all.

But this time is different...

According to the rhythm of previous wars, at this time, in a war of this level, the attacking side will inevitably suffer great losses, because Xingxiu's strength is limited, and it is always unable to withstand counterattacks from the defending side.

However, there were no casualties on Sanjie Island. The biggest reason was the formations specially responsible for defense! The formation formed by three or five people could not be said to be unbreakable, but it could play a huge role in dealing with the war at hand.

A small Tongqi Lianzhi Formation Disk has indeed rewritten the competition pattern among the monks in the Wanxiang Sea.

This chapter has been completed!
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