Chapter 1743 The back-up plan of Three Realms Island

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The attack and defense of the two superior spiritual islands were in full swing. The monks watching the battle were watching intently and chatting privately.

Yue Yao, who was with Brother Wu, said: "Three Realms Island is talking so loudly that I don't think they have any trump cards. If we continue to attack like this, I'm afraid that Three Realms Island will eventually be defeated."


Brother Wu also nodded and said: "Yes, although it seems evenly matched on the surface, Baiyue Island actually has the advantage. They can rely on the layout of the island to defend themselves, and they do not consume much power. On the contrary, Three Realms Island

On the other hand, every offensive is a drain on one's own strength. If this continues, Three Realms Island may not be able to hold on."

"Young and energetic." Na Yueyao shook her head slowly, "I think Lu Ye is not very old, so it is not a bad thing to suffer a loss. When he speaks in the future, his tone will not be so loud."

Not only the two of them, Yue Yao, judged the trend of the war in this way, almost all the other monks watching the battle had the same idea. For a moment, they felt that something was riding a tiger on the Three Realms Island. If I had known this, when Furukawa was present just now, the Three Realms Island side

It's better to agree to other people's conditions, at least you can get a lot of benefits.

The current situation is at a stalemate. The Three Realm monks may not be able to capture the central place of Baiyue. Instead, their own Three Realm Island has been captured. The situation can be said to be extremely bad.

At the battlefield, Lu Ye stood side by side with Jieyao Yao from Sanjie Island. During the offensive against the central area, they had not taken action. It was all the stars on the island who were working hard. It was not that they did not want to take action, but that they wanted to have spare strength.

"That's almost it." Luan Xiao'e suddenly said.

Lu Ye nodded slightly, then turned to look beside him: "Giant armor!"

Not only Yueyao from the Three Realms but also Jujia did not participate in the offensive and defensive battle.

No one thought that the giant armor in the early stage of Xingxiu would be the biggest decisive factor in this offensive and defensive battle. In order to catch the enemy by surprise, Lu Ye also specifically asked the giant armor when he attacked the Baiyue Island Protection Formation.

A should not expose any of his abilities.

Just for this moment!

The giant armor heard the sound and came out. At the same time, Lu Ye's whole body mana surged, and the fiery red power spread out in all directions like burning flames, covering a large area. Not only did the giant armor wrap it, but his own moon

All the Yao people were wrapped in it.

With the surge of mana, countless complicated yin and yang dualities quickly took shape, fitting and outlining each other. In the blink of an eye, a huge and unparalleled spirit pattern of the same energy was formed.

The Tongqi Lianzhi Formation Disk is only suitable for Xingxiu and cannot meet the needs of Yueyao's battle. However, if Lu Ye builds the Tongqi Lianzhi Spirit Pattern by himself and maintains it, then there won't be a big problem.

Of course, doing this will consume a lot of his own mana, and it is only suitable for certain specific situations. For example, at this moment, it is inconvenient to do this in a truly chaotic battle.

The spiritual patterns are constructed and the Qi machines of all people are connected. The five Yueyaos are only responsible for maintaining the magic power and do not take the lead.

The giant armor roared, and the flesh and blood on its body began to squirm violently, and violent energy and blood surged into the sky. The entire world seemed to turn into blood red at this moment, making countless monks watching the battle lose their sight.

The next moment, everyone was shocked!

Because a huge formation suddenly appeared on the battlefield, it was a Xuanwu formation.

In fact, there are many Xuanwu formations on the battlefield, which were formed by monks from the Three Realms with the help of the Tongqi Lianzhi Formation. It was also these Xuanwu formations that were able to withstand the counterattack in the Baiyue Center, because this formation is mainly for defense.

However, the Xuanwu formation led by Jujia and the five Yueyao assistants was obviously very different from other Xuanwu formations.

First of all, in terms of size, in comparison, the difference between the newly formed Xuanwu Formation and other Xuanwu Formations is simply the difference between grandpa and grandson.

The second is the texture.

The Xuanwu formation formed by the stars looks like a Xuanwu, and it looks stylish.

But the newly formed Xuanwu Formation is not only formal, it is more like a living creature, with flesh and blood, clear lines on its four legs, and even the criss-crossing ravines on its back are lifelike.

A long time ago, Lu Ye discovered that the Xuanwu formation dominated by giant armor was very different from those formed by others. This may have something to do with the giant armor itself. In his early years, he got a similar monster in the Lingxi battlefield.

Regarding the elixir, Lu Ye once guessed that the demon elixir was Xuanwu's demon elixir, and the giant armor itself was extremely talented. With the help of this demon elixir, it became even more powerful.

Forming a formation with Xingxiu has revealed the power of the giant armor. At this moment, five Yueyao assistants are following him to form a Xuanwu formation that even Lu Ye himself is stunned by.

The roar of the giant armor never stopped. This was not only to boost his energy, but also because the huge pressure made him extremely painful.

After all, his cultivation level is too low. Even if he is in the late stage of Xingxu, the pressure he will bear will be better in this formation, but after all, he is only in the early stage of Xingxu.

If he wasn't a physical practitioner, if he wasn't talented, the pressure of such a formation could kill him in an instant.

Even so, this state cannot last long, at most five breaths!

When the huge Xuanwu formation was born, Yu Huan and Jiang Yu instantly realized that something was wrong. They were not too nervous just now because the protection of the central place could continue. They still held the idea of ​​​​letting Three Realm Island retreat in spite of difficulties.

, but at this moment, feeling the terrifying power of the huge Xuanwu formation, I felt unsure.

Therefore, Yu Huan hardly hesitated at all. With one order, all the counterattacks in the center were directed at the huge Xuanwu.

Xuanwu's body is huge and his movements seem slow, making him unable to dodge the enemy's counterattack.

But at this moment, another figure shot out of the sky, and it was Meng Jie from Kyushu. He was alone among thousands of monks and huge Xuanwu in Baiyue, looking very fragile.

Then he reached out and turned over, took out a golden conch, put it to his mouth and blew it.

The Three Realms Island has good relations with mermaids. With the help of Lu Ye's Qinghai Conch, almost all the monks from the Three Realms have been to the mermaid territory and entered the Tianluo Palace in batches to try to find opportunities.

Some people gained nothing, and some people benefited from it.

The conchs from Tianluo Palace have all kinds of strange effects. Some conchs are of no great use at all, but some conchs can exert miraculous effects at critical moments.

Such as this moment!

As Meng Jie blew his golden conch, the shadow of a conch suddenly appeared and enveloped him.

The sound of the conch continued, and figures came one after another from Meng Jie's left and right, rushing into the shadow of the conch. With each additional person, the shadow of the conch solidified and grew larger.

This is the power of Meng Jie's golden conch. It can accommodate many monks. The more it accommodates, the larger the volume and the stronger the protection. It is equivalent to Meng Jie using the power of the golden conch to integrate the power of many monks.

Turn into protection.


This chapter has been completed!
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