Chapter 1747 Miracle

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Of course Lu Ye could see the threat in Yuan Du's eyes, but he was completely unmoved. There was no possibility of a good relationship between Sanjie Island and Yuan Du. Not to mention what happened today, Lao Tang was attacked by a sneak attack before.

There is a shadow of Yuan Du.

It can be determined that Baiyue Island worships Shan Yuandu. Today, Sanjie Island has offended him by attacking Baiyue. Yuan Du also has a grudge against him and Sanjie Island, so...what's the problem if he offends him?

He looked at Yuan Du calmly, without flinching.

He is not worried that Yu Huan will run away. Yu Huan has the power of a beast. Within a certain range, Lu Ye can control him and take his life at any time!

Of course, it won't work beyond this range. At most, it can only be used to locate Yu Huan's position. But Yu Huan is now seriously injured, like a bereaved dog. Although this sea of ​​​​things is huge, where can he escape to?

He will definitely die today!

After a few breaths of silence, Yuan Du suddenly felt a surge of magic power all over his body. He raised his hand and gently grabbed it in the direction of Yu Huan.

At that location, Yu Huan, who had escaped thousands of miles away, suddenly seemed to be restrained in place by an invisible force, unable to move.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that the force suddenly became stronger, and all the bones in his body began to crack.

He was horrified and shouted: "Shou Yuan, please spare my life!"

Yuan Du turned a deaf ear and just looked at Lu Ye coldly and said loudly: "Yu Huan of Baiyue Island cheated and deceived the superiors. I will be killed by the current guard. I hope that future generations will remember the lesson. There are rules in Wanxiang Sea.

, if anyone dares to violate it, we and the Rizhao Guards will never sit idly by and ignore it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his open big hand suddenly shook.

Thousands of miles away, a cloud of blood mist suddenly exploded, and Yueyao's vitality disappeared.

Lu Ye raised his eyebrows.

He had just asked Yuan Du to return the escaped Yu Huan to him, which was a reasonable and reasonable request. After all, Yu Huan was forcibly rescued by him from his own sword.

In the end, Yuan Du actually killed Yu Huan directly. Even though Yu Huan was severely injured, he was still in the late Yueyao period and was crushed to death like an ant thousands of miles away.

The power of sunlight... how terrifying!

What actually concerned Lu Ye was not the great strength Yuan Du showed, but his approach.

His original intention to ask Yuan Du to return Yu Huan was to disgust him with the fairness and justice he kept preaching, but Yuan Du did not act according to his ideas. Instead, he killed Yu Huan directly and took the opportunity to preach again.

Wanxianghai's rules virtually erased many things that were unfavorable to him.

At least at this moment, in the eyes of outsiders, Yuan Du's image of upholding fairness and justice in Wanxianghai has been established again.

These old guys... are really not easy to mess with.

Yuan Du still looked at Lu Ye, his expression no longer showing any emotion or anger, he just said calmly: "I failed to find out the truth, and I was almost deceived by a traitor today. Fortunately, it didn't lead to a big mistake. Yu Huan deceived me, and I have already paid my dues."

Are you satisfied with the price?"

What else could Lu Ye say, he immediately clasped his fists and said: "Guardian's actions are indeed fair and just. I respect you. Please rest assured, Guard. We will definitely abide by the rules when we act on the Wanxiang Sea in the future, and we will never go overboard in the slightest!"

"I hope so, just take care of yourself!" Yuan Du glanced at him deeply, swayed, and disappeared.

Na Yuan Cheng glanced at Lu Ye suspiciously, then piloted the star boat and flew towards the direction of Wanxiang Island.

After the incident was over, Lu Ye felt that his whole body was covered with sweat. Facing such a Rizhao, the pressure was really huge, especially when the opponent appeared and suppressed him with such powerful power, his blood was now somewhat blocked.

The monks who were watching gradually dispersed. Lu Ye took a short rest and then called Ma Shangsi: "Let's go!"

Ma Shangsi set up a cloud of blood mist, wrapped Lu Ye in it, and flew towards Baiyue Island.

When Master Lu Ye's servant returned to Baiyue Island, the war here had ended, and the monks from the Three Realms were resting. Seeing Lu Ye's return, Ji Yao from the island immediately came to welcome him.

Luan Xiao'e asked: "What happened?"

They had just felt the aura of sunshine in the distance, but it was difficult to leave, so they didn't know what the specific situation was.

"It's a false alarm. Let's talk later." Lu Ye's spiritual thoughts surged and he checked the situation on Baiyue Island. "How are the casualties?"

Luan Xiao'e replied excitedly: "There are only injuries, not deaths!"

This is definitely a huge miracle. Looking at the battles for spiritual islands in the Wanxiang Sea, even if it is just a battle for low-level spiritual islands, it is rare that one side does not die, especially when Three Realms Island is the one attacking the island.

But thinking carefully about this battle, everything was within Lu Ye's plan.

He disguised himself as Chu Zhu and sneaked into Baiyue Island. With the help of Xiaohuajie, he placed five hundred monks in three formation halls. These three formation halls were guarded by strong formations, so even if everyone was in

In the enemy's hinterland, if the formation is not broken, there will be no fear of life.

Before the island protection formation on Baiyue Island was breached, very few monks from the Three Realms were injured.

When the island-protecting formation was breached and the monks from the three realms gathered their forces to besiege the central area, there was no damage to the pull between each other until the giant armor dominated the Xuanwu formation and combined the power of the five Yueyaos to forcefully break open the central area.

Formation, that is when monks in the Three Realms are most in danger.

Because at that time, there were more than a thousand Xingxiu monks on Baiyue Island, even more than those on Three Realms Island.

If the Baiyue monks resisted desperately, there would definitely be considerable losses on the Three Realms Island side.

But after the defense of the center was broken, Yu Huan, a mainstay figure, actually escaped first...

The Baiyue cultivators were already in a state of panic, but Yu Huan's escape completely deprived Baiyue's Xingxu of their fighting spirit. Then when Jiang Yu was beheaded, Baiyue lost its backbone, and the Xingxu cultivators scattered in all directions.

This created the miracle that no one on Sanjie Island died in the battle for the Spirit Island.

Injuries are inevitable. In such a fierce battle, no one can guarantee that they will be intact. Fortunately, the medical practitioners accompanying the formation started treatment in time, so there is no big problem.

At that time, Baiyue monks gathered more than 1,200 stars in the central area. After this battle, more than half of them escaped, and only more than 400 people were killed by the monks from the three realms.

For those who escaped, there was nothing they could do on Three Realms Island. Even if we still had three months left, it would be impossible to drive out all the enemies in such an environment.

After hearing Luan Xiao'e's report, Lu Ye nodded and said: "Not bad!"

This battle completely made Three Realms Island famous and perfectly achieved its original goal.

When Jieyao Yao was speaking on Baiyue Island, the monks watching outside were still immersed in huge shock.

They witnessed with their own eyes a battle for the Superior Spirit Island, but no one expected that the outcome of this battle would be so bizarre.

As the defender, Baiyue Island not only failed to hold on to its 800-year-old foundation, but even Yue Yao was killed. Countless Xingxiu died in battle. On the other hand, no one died on Sanjie Island!

How outrageous is this?

Many Yueyaos have witnessed battles for more high-quality spiritual islands, and they never imagined that a battle of this scale would have such a magical ending.

How could Three Realms Island be so powerful?

But just looking at the apparent power of Three Realms Island, it is actually not that strong. Five Yueyaos are a normal configuration, and the number of a thousand stars is not many, so no one can understand how Three Realms Island achieves this level.


This thing is just weird.

It cannot be said that this is Baiyue Island cooperating with Three Realms Island. No force will pay such a high price to achieve the prestige of another force.

"Brother Wu, the latest news is that Three Realms Island has been captured."

Next to Brother Wu, his companion held a musical note and suddenly spoke.

"Who did it?" Brother Wu was shocked.

"Big Blade Island!" the companion replied.

Brother Wu showed a clear look: "The Giant Blade Galaxy is adjacent to the Baiyue Galaxy. The monks from the two galaxies are already on good terms. Baiyue Island was attacked. Yu Huan should have sent a message to the Giant Blade Island to take action. Three Realms

The people on the island are all here, and there is no one on the other side. It is normal for it to be captured." As he said this, he suddenly laughed: "I just don't know if Zhao Yunqi still has the courage to stay on Three Realms Island.


Zhao Yunqi is the big island owner of Jublade Island, and has a close personal relationship with Yu Huan. When the Three Realms Island troops attacked Baiyue, he was willing to intervene to help Baiyue reduce the pressure. But if the news from this place spreads back, Zhao Yunqi

It's hard to say whether you dare to stay on Sanjie Island.

Baiyue Island is so big, and the Three Realms Island is easy to break. The Giant Blade Island is weaker than Baiyue Island. Zhao Yunqi always has to consider whether he can withstand the pressure of the Three Realms Island monks if he continues to stay on the Three Realms Island.


The companion also grinned, gave a thumbs up and said, "Brother Wu, I have good news. The person who sent me the message said that Jubian Island had already begun to build defenses on Sanjie Island, but now it seems that it is preparing to withdraw its troops."

"Normally, today's battle has greatly enhanced the reputation of Three Realms Island. As long as Zhao Yunqi still has some sense, he probably won't force himself to stay on Three Realms Island. Otherwise, he won't be able to eat the mutton and get into trouble."

"Brother Wu, this Three Realm Island now occupies Baiyue and holds two high-grade spiritual islands. I'm afraid it doesn't comply with the rules."

"Then it depends on whether their appetite is big enough. If their appetite is big enough, they can completely separate their families and occupy the spiritual island in the name of their respective realms. It does not break the rules. Of course, the premise is that their respective realms have

This strength occupies the upper spiritual island."

"It's difficult. I think the galaxies on the Three Realms Island are also working together. There are only five Yueyao and a thousand stars. They can barely occupy one high-grade spiritual island. They will definitely not be able to occupy two."

"If they don't have that strength, then they will definitely have to return to the Three Realms Island." This is also a reasonable speculation. Relatively speaking, the value of the Three Realms Island is undoubtedly greater than that of Baiyue. Because the Three Realms Island is large, Brother Wu

I feel that the people of Sanjie Island will not abandon the island.

This chapter has been completed!
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