Chapter 1189 The path changes again, fighting continuously!

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Facts have proved that Fan Fuzheng was not alone in his shock.

Since the Warning Wall was upgraded to a spectacle, almost all newcomers in recent times behave like him.

The only difference was that Fan Fuzheng had glimpsed some of the core of the warning wall, while the others were simply shocked by the momentum of this high wall.

Tianyuan Dungeon, Manager’s Office.

"Master, I received the news that target No. 1 Fan Fuzheng has entered the territory."

The moment after the convoy entered the warning wall, No. 0 had already received the relevant information.

"Oh? So fast?"

Sumo raised his head slightly, closed the game panel, and looked at the screen projected by Zero on the wall.

Parking area behind the warning wall.

Fan Fuzheng's family had already stepped off the command vehicle under the leadership of the staff.

At first I was a little confused and panicked.

But when they saw the increasingly prosperous outpost not far away, it felt like they were back in a prosperous town on earth. The four people's performance was basically no different from the usual newcomers.

It turns out that civilization does not only exist in nihilistic illusions.

At first I thought it was ordinary, but everything happened because I didn’t know how to cherish it.

Now returning to this familiar place is not only a shock, a touch, not just tears in my eyes, but also trembling from the heart!

"Where are the others? Is there any news?"

"Currently, No. 2 Liu Shi and No. 4 Sima Yao have been found. Others are sending information to the southern suburbs shelter and are searching for them."

"That's good, let them serve some snacks."

Sumo mentioned it casually and didn't take it to heart.

The situation now is indeed very different from the situation before.

Since the alliance's status has continued to rise, it has issued several rounds of high-pressure demands.

Most of the threats in Qinggang City have been eradicated, leaving only a few radiation beasts still living in the darkness.

Compared with the dangers in the wilderness, there are really only a handful of threats that can be counted in the city.

And as long as the winter is over, the Alliance will send troops to sweep away these dark areas in the city.

It is only a matter of time before the entire Qinggang City becomes a treasure place that can be explored.

It's past noon.

Spurred on by a half-year rights deal, the southern suburbs' refuge has gone into a frenzy.

Without any incident, with a large number of guards dispatched, the other three were all found.

It is worth mentioning that an unlucky egg was actually dropped into the Sunny Harbor Shelter.

But perhaps because the alliance had recently acquiesced to the deal with Qinggang Sanctuary, Tang En, as the manager, did not have too much embarrassment and quickly released the people back.

He also took the opportunity to speak to others and wanted to further deepen the cooperative relationship with the alliance.

"This old boy Tang En probably saw the changes caused by our development of the western suburbs, and wanted to use an excuse to restart the previous urban reconstruction plan."

"But compared with before, now they finally understand their position."

Taking the plan sent by the other party, Qiao Yuansheng shook his head and analyzed.

When Sunny Harbor Shelter held its first reconstruction meeting, it could be described as arrogant and arrogant.

Not only is there no mention in the plan of what benefits the rebuilt Qinggang City will bring to all participants.

They even use force to force everyone to work for free without any conditions.

Now it has gone through a series of changes.

No matter how arrogant Tang En was, he still understood the difference between Blue Star and Wasteland.

Cooperation will benefit both parties, while fighting will lead to loss for both parties.

In a small city, there really isn't much profit for people to continue fighting for. They must cooperate to cope with the more bizarre and changeable situations that will follow.

"Let's put it aside for now. What are we going to rebuild in the winter?"

"If we want to talk about cooperation, we have to wait until spring arrives."

Sumo briefly looked through the plan and expressed little interest, even a little boring.

Although this plan contains more details than before about cooperation, as well as the division of territory among the major forces after the reconstruction is completed.

But it's still the same problem as before, and it's not clear where the cost for reconstruction will come from.

The labor costs money to eat, the materials used for reconstruction cost money, and the engineering facilities used cost money.

The money can be resources or anything of value.

Qinggang Shelter does not want to take money, but only thinks about how to divide the benefits after the reconstruction is completed.

If the alliance has to provide money, then why use it in the city? Isn't it good to use it in the construction of Tianyuan territory?

"Well, it's really hard to build infrastructure in the winter now. The only area in the western suburbs was built by Yehu, a stubborn donkey who had to lead people to build it. People in Qinggang must also understand that we won't agree. This plan is huge.

The probability is that Tang En just wants to test our attitude." Yuan Sheng Qiao also knew it in his heart, but he still said with some greed:

"But having said that, compared to building the city ourselves, if we can occupy Qinggang City, we can save at least 70% of resources!"

A huge city with tens of millions of people, what is exposed on the ground is just the tip of the iceberg.

Compared with the high-rise buildings on the ground, what people are more concerned about in Qinggang City is actually the underground facilities.

Although hundreds of years have passed, most facilities are almost at the end of their service life.

But if it can be maintained in time, it won't be a problem for it to last for hundreds of years.

And if Tianyuan Territory wants to build a city of this size, it wants to build underground facilities of similar scale.

It becomes clear when you look at the Tianyuan Territory in Future Ruins.

After almost using energy stone technology to plunder the wealth of the entire New World, four cities of reasonable size were finally built.

Even the largest of them, Hope City, is only the size of the western suburbs of Qingang City today.


"Ha, just think about it, the mess underground cannot be repaired in a day or two."

Sumo shook his head. Although he had the same desire in his heart, he also knew that the possibility of success was very small.

Sometimes, repairs are not necessarily easier than repairing a new one.

This is why when buying electronic products online, merchants would rather replace them than repair them most of the time.

The cost of resources and labor is only one of them, and more is a matter of difficulty.

At least based on the aging of Qinggang City's underground facilities, it is difficult to rely on manpower to repair underground drainage facilities and some engineering facilities in the short term.

In Somo's idea, the best situation is to further expand the territory until the city is covered.

Then use the territorial points and survival points to help from the side to reduce the difficulty.

In this way, there is only the possibility of slow recovery.

"Hey, don't worry, Lord, everything needs to be planned in advance."

"The reconstruction is all my responsibility. I have to spend a lot of money from Qinggang."

Qiao Yuansheng was not discouraged, but instead had a bit of hope on his face.

The two discussed the future development of the territory and the arrangements of Fan Fuzheng and others.

After a while, Li Hu opened the door and came.

As the Minister of Public Security with 2,000 guards under his command, Lao Li's face looked a little ugly at this time, and the relaxed and happy atmosphere disappeared as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Lord, something happened to the competition team."

"Four people were seriously injured in the Wanjing Arena and have been rushed to the hospital for treatment."

"Oh? What's going on?"

When Somo heard this, his expression became serious.

Compared with yesterday, there are no additional changes in today's rule description, except that the number of games required to advance has been raised from 3 to 5 games.

When the elimination round started in the morning, he went in a few times to see if he could win some more people.

But the result was disappointing. On the third day of the knockout round, not many viewers were willing to pay for a route competition between ordinary people.

In every game he watched, he couldn't even meet the requirements to draw judges from the audience, so he could only sit in the audience and watch the two people compete in the arena.

Sometimes when the gap between the two sides is large, there will be occasional direct surrenders.

What a waste of points!

In this way, Sumo gave up the attempt to continue entering, and turned around and planned to wait until the afternoon to gain five wins.

But now, could something unexpected happen in the arena?

"For the morning route competition, players can exit after the game and re-enter after a break."

"But just now a player somehow triggered the rule change. Now the competition rules have changed. Participants need to complete five games in a row or be eliminated midway to end."

"Five games in a row?"

Sumo was surprised and immediately understood the difficulty.

There are a total of 6,800 people participating in the Ten Thousand Paths Fight in the territory this time, which may not be a large number.

But at an elite level, it is completely guaranteed.

Especially compared to those survivors who are still running around in the New World, the old people in the territory are not only healthier, but also have richer knowledge under the corresponding training system.

If you only go one-on-one and have enough rest time, you have a natural advantage.

But now that the rules have changed, the advantage is gone.

The energy consumed in a competition cannot be recovered, and the second round of competition will begin soon.

Continuous concentration will accelerate the consumption of energy, and by the third and fourth rounds, the state will definitely get worse and worse.

If during this process, the game makes some more moves.

For example, a contestant who has won the fourth round and is only one round away from winning is matched with a contestant who has just entered the first round in the arena.

One consumes a lot of energy, while the other is full of energy.

Although this may be fair in terms of game rules, it ensures a balance between ordinary survivors facing residents of large territories, and balances the physical disadvantages of humans in the face of alien races.

But for Tianyuan Territory, it is definitely not good news.

"It's no problem to have five rounds in a row. How did they get injured?"

"The foreign race took advantage of us again!"

Li Hu's voice was solemn and his murderous intent was awe-inspiring.

"When you participated in the competition the day before yesterday, the tauren openly attacked in the arena, but when the game drove him back, we should have realized that fighting is not prohibited in the arena, and there are loopholes that can be exploited.


"But I didn't expect the game to be so shameless!"

"If the player is defeated in the arena and chooses to surrender, there will be a thirty-second waiting period."

"When our people were surrendering, they were attacked by aliens and were forcibly sent out before they died."

"You can still take action after surrendering?"

Qiao Yuansheng's expression suddenly changed and he looked a little embarrassed.

Although he did not participate in the Battle of Ten Thousand Paths, he also knew the rules of the arena from other people.

On the first day and the second day of the knockout round, as long as you choose to surrender, you will be teleported immediately.

Why is it that on the third day, the rules of the game are still secretly changed?

"In short, there is no intention to fix or change the game for the time being. It seems to be a tacit understanding that one party can use force to resolve grievances after surrender."

"I guess this is probably to take care of the aliens who have drawn the skill category, so that when they are 100% sure that they cannot win this game, they will choose to surrender and clear the rules to take revenge on us humans!"

"I have already informed everyone to pay attention or stop participating."


Su Mo's eyelids twitched and he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Fortunately, Li Hu is always paying attention to the situation in the arena. In order to prevent accidents, contestants in the territory must enter in order according to the time list, so that problems can be solved as soon as they arise.

Otherwise, once most people enter ignorantly, more than a few people may be seriously injured.

Probably dozens or hundreds!

"Lord, if you want to enter later, you must be careful in case you encounter a foreign race."

Li Hu didn't finish his words, the meaning was self-evident.

If we say that on the first day of the competition, there were still a few foreigners coming from behind who didn’t know Somo, the aliens’ number one enemy.

So today, there are still foreign races that are qualified to participate in the knockout rounds, and they are definitely no strangers.

And once you feel that you will lose 100%, there will inevitably be a violent attack like a minotaur in the arena.

Without weapons or guns.

It would be okay if you encounter a barbarian like a tauren and fight a foreign race in close combat. You can hide for thirty seconds without any problem.

But if you encounter any special alien race, such as the tree people, the bright empire's cyborgs, and other alien races with explosive frontal combat power.

Those thirty seconds are likely to be extremely long.

Although there was a final game teleport to save his life, being seriously injured and on the verge of death was definitely not the outcome that everyone wanted to see.

"I see."

Li Hu, Qiao Yuansheng and some other players who knew about the rule changes were not unreasonable to be nervous about him as a lord.

As a symbol of mankind's cutting-edge combat power, it is also a legendary being who has repeatedly killed gods.

If you are defeated head-on by a foreign race in the arena, it will greatly dampen the enthusiasm of the entire human group.

Sumo nodded slowly, thinking about how to deal with it next.

You definitely can't give up.

Although the rewards for the first Ten Thousand Paths Battle were ordinary, the subsequent battle was the only way to gain access to the Boundary Stone.

If you cannot obtain a large amount of information in advance and gain an advantage, it may be even more difficult to start a team fight next.

"You can't bring weapons, not even a white wax pole. This is too much of an advantage for the aliens."

Sumo murmured in his heart.

But soon, he suddenly thought of something very important.

"After five consecutive competitions, does the game change the arena and clear out the materials that players needed to participate in the previous round?"

This chapter has been completed!
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