Chapter 1188 Changes in the Western Suburbs, Weiwei Tianyuan!

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After tremblingly registering the information and leaving an attachment to submit to the shelter manager, Roman's slightly dark face was still flushed with excitement.

His excitement could be understood by everyone present.

For these shelters in the city now, the Tianyuan Shelter is actually equivalent to the former Foundation merchant ship. It is the only way for everyone in the city to live and survive.

Even though it is undeniable that the goods produced by the Foundation are much better than those of Tianyuan Shelter, and there are many more categories.

But is there any choice now?

This is the only choice, and it is the choice they must believe in.

"Captain Mandalay, you are such a good man."

"Thank you so much, Silver Shelter will always remember your help!"

After being sent outside the checkpoint by Mandalay, Roman continued to say thanks, without the slightest regret that he had just been roughly tied up and pressed to the ground.

"Ha, didn't you say that?"

"This is not my help, you deserve it."

Mandalay shook his head, unable to accept this gratitude calmly.

Speaking of which, the other party sent the four members of the Fan family to this checkpoint, which actually brought him an opportunity.

Thinking about it from another angle, if the other party was sent to another checkpoint, wouldn't it be someone else who is happy now?

"I understand, I understand, but thank you, thank you Alliance!"

"Let's go, let's go back quickly."

He waved Roman away.

Looking at the pickup truck leaving, Mandalay's eyes were full of emotion.

The establishment of order cannot be achieved overnight.

There was a time when he was not Roman, and he would bow his head in front of the powerful Sanctuary.

But now, Giant City Sanctuary has joined the Alliance, and he has become a soldier of the Alliance.

The person has not changed, and the strength has not changed, but the platform has changed.

But his status seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

And if you don't realize who gave all this.

For the promotion that may come next, he may also choose some more leisurely and lucrative positions.

but now.

"Alliance. Tianyuan Shelter!"

Looking to the west of the city, Mandalay's eyes were slightly obsessed.

On the other side, the convoy that continued to pass through the Fifth Ring Road also descended from the Gaohuan Ring Road to the main road.

It is different from the previous ruins and mutated plants everywhere.

Since the strange tiger hunt led the National People's Congress to carry out a wave of infrastructure construction, the temperature dropped sharply in winter and destroyed the environment for plant growth. Now the western suburbs finally look a little normal.

The building ruins that were once piled wantonly on both sides of the road have now been brought back to the shelter in batches by the Tianyuan scavenging team, and processed into excellent infrastructure materials.

The potholed main road has also been filled with soil and auxiliary materials, eliminating those scary potholes, allowing vehicles to drive on it unimpeded.

There are different buildings on both sides of the road.

Compared with the monotonous high-rise buildings in the city center, the architectural styles in the western suburbs are extremely rich.

There are four or five-story small foreign-style buildings that look like they are in decline, and there are also complete bungalows with only the first floor facade left.

There are some single-family square factory buildings, as well as the iconic Triumph Twin Buildings.

Previously, because the alliance had not completely brought the western suburbs under its control, scavengers came here to explore during the day and had to return quickly when it was getting dark to prevent danger.

Now, with the further improvement of the defense line in the western suburbs, this building complex has been brought into the protection range.

Tianyuan Territory has also issued different policies accordingly, further clarifying the scope of activities of scavengers.

First of all, there are development rights and overnight rights.

As long as these ownerless buildings are approved, scavenger teams of all sizes can transform them into temporary settlements in Qinggang City for transit and rest during daily exploration.

Even if the renovation can pass the review, you can even have the permission to stay overnight.

Secondly, it is the clarification of the "three guarantees" policy.

If each team wants to turn the temporary station into a long-term station or a permanent station, they must actively cooperate and participate in the reconstruction process of the western suburbs.

Starting from the stagnation point itself, then moving to the neighborhoods near the stagnation point and the environment surrounding the stagnation point.

There is a clear contribution value to measure the contribution of each scavenger team, and different benefits can be unlocked when reaching the specified value.

At this time, it was close to noon, and there were many teams of scavengers operating near the western suburbs, and some old residents of the territory were staying here to do business.

Either set up a big pot to cook at the door, set up a stall to trade items, or provide various unique services.

There was a lot of traffic, at first glance it looked like there were at least several hundred people.

Most of them are residents from Pingtan and Jucheng.

For these people, although residents in the alliance can apply for an unlimited number of times to go behind the security wall, or to the outpost, or to the Hope Village further back.

But every time I go there, I have to pay a real amount of fares and customs clearance fees.

A round trip costs five iron coins, plus one iron coin for the security wall clearance fee.

A full six iron coins.

This is enough for them to eat and drink at the small market in the western suburbs.

So after thinking about it, most people went to see the world behind the warning wall, and finally returned their eyes to this temporary small market in the western suburbs.

“It’s so lively!”

Fan Jing and Fan Han were lying next to the window of the command vehicle, looking at the bustling scene of people coming and going in the market in the distance, and they suddenly felt fascinated.

Although similar trade fairs are occasionally held in the Taihu territory, most people just go there to join in the fun, and no one is willing to trade food.

But this small market is different.

The few food stalls that were set up were all filled with people, and as soon as a seat became available, others filled it.

Bowl after bowl of hot food was brought out, and the air was filled with the aroma of the food.

There is also a lot of traffic in front of the nearby stalls.

Some sell weird gadgets, and some sell handmade cold weapons.

Some sell ceramic products of different shapes, and others sell various styles of clothing.

Although most people in front of the stall are just looking at it, the transaction volume will inevitably increase as more people visit.

Driven by consumption, naturally some people also follow impulse consumption.

And the most surprising thing is that there are actually Blue Star people working in this small market.

Although it was just a simple barber stall, washing the hair of customers who came.

But such a degree of integration has almost broken the stereotype of Blue Star people on the world channel.

"Is this the territory?"

Fan Fuzheng was also a little shocked, looking at the scene outside the car window and saying in shock.

Thinking about it carefully, he had only seen such a lively scene at the inn along the coastline.

However, the reason why the inn is so lively is only because of the huge flow of people.

The coming and going of people naturally leads to the prosperity of transactions.

Once the migration of survivors in the deep sea ends, the station will quickly become deserted and become like the Taihu Territory.

In comparison, this small market is completely different.

There is obviously not as much traffic here as the inn, but it still forms a sizable market.

This directly proves that the bottom layer of the business model here has been formed.

In other words, people here have gotten rid of basic survival needs and have begun to have more needs other than survival!

"Master Fan is joking, how could this be a territory?"

In the spacious command vehicle, Wang Qian shook the hot water cup in his hand and said with a smile: "It's just a temporary camp set up by a group of restless little guys to do business for ordinary people in the two nearby shelters."

"And because infrastructure construction cannot be carried out in winter, they can still continue to do business. When we build the road between the western suburbs of the city and the territory, the industry and trading center will naturally move there.

I can’t continue to do business here.”

"Isn't this a territory?"

Fan Fuzheng was stunned, and suddenly felt that Wang Qian's words just now contained a lot of information.

In such a lively market, even if the number of people in Taihu Territory were to increase tenfold, I'm afraid it wouldn't be possible.

But in Wang Qian's eyes, it can only be regarded as a small fight?

"It's not far away. Going west from this direction for about ten kilometers, we will reach the border of our territory."

While speaking, Wang Qian calmly observed Master Fan's expression.

Although he didn't see too many expression changes on the other person's face, it was still not difficult to feel how surprised and shocked that obvious stiffness represented.

Obviously, this small market alone shocked him!

"More than ten kilometers. That's only a few dozen kilometers away from the city center. Our territory is built next to the Blue Star people's city. Aren't we worried that they will pose a threat?"

After recovering from the shock, Fan Fuzheng asked the biggest doubt he had ever had.

Although the few Blue Star people I met along the way were extremely friendly and not at all hostile.

But based on the information collected in the past, and those communicated on the World Channel.

Can't everyone just make it up, deliberately describing the Blue Star people as so arrogant and vicious?


"What does Master Fan want to know?"

"Every aspect, threats of force, economic deficit, or ethnic conflicts." Seeing Wang Qian's willingness to answer, Fan Fuzheng couldn't wait to add.

Along the way, there are so many things that subvert our understanding.

Especially after getting off Gaohuan and arriving at the western suburbs, it feels like you have entered another world.

"Actually, when these arrive at the territory, there will be someone dedicated to introduce them."

"But since Master Fan is interested, I will give you a brief introduction first."

Wang Qian smiled lightly and said.

"The city under our feet now is a Blue Star city called Qinggang City."

"Qinggang, as the name suggests, is actually a seaport city. However, the sea did not follow us during the crossing, so the construction of the city looks a bit strange and goes against the construction style of inland cities."

"Currently, there are 106 shelters of various sizes in Qinggang City. There are large shelters with a population of more than 500,000, and there are also small shelters with a population of only a few thousand. In total, there are about 230 people living there.

One hundred thousand Blue Star people are distributed in four directions: the southern suburbs, the northern suburbs, the western suburbs, and the eastern suburbs."

"Two million and three hundred thousand?!" A somewhat suffocating number, Fan Fuzheng's eyes widened.

The desolation along the way made him think that this city was an abandoned dead city. Unexpectedly, there were more than two million people inside, and there were also large shelters with more than half a million people inside?

"Yes, it looks desolate, right? In fact, all the shelters are underground, and residents are not allowed to go out at will, which leads to the scene you see." Wang Qian took a sip of water and continued:

"In this city, Qinggang Shelter in the northern suburbs is currently the strongest, which is the large shelter I mentioned with more than 500,000 people. They occupy the entire northern suburbs. As for the southern suburbs where you teleported,

It ranks third in terms of strength, but has the largest number of shelters. Ranking second is our western suburbs, with only two shelters belonging to the Blue Star people, both with a population of about 80,000."

Fan Fuzheng looked at him doubtfully and asked, "I heard they said alliance?"

"Yes, the Alliance is the name of our collective in the western suburbs. Its members now include the Pingtan Shelter in the western suburbs, the Giant City Shelter, the Horsens Shelter in the southern suburbs, the Pumpkin Bunker, and our Tianyuan Shelter!"

In fact, the original alliance was called the "Western Suburbs Alliance".

But with Horsens joining later, more and more shelters in the southern suburbs applied to stay.

Western Suburbs Alliance, unknowingly, only the word alliance was left.

Many people even secretly added two words in front of the word "alliance".

Tianyuan Alliance!

It is precisely because of the existence of Tianyuan Shelter that the alliance has the value of existence.

Otherwise, only Pingtan and Giant City will be left, and there will be no other refuges to choose to join.

"Due to the Metal Sigh disaster, the production capacity of all shelters in the city has been greatly reduced. Now we can only rely on our Tianyuan Shelter to create circulation, so even the shelters in the southern suburbs are constantly applying to join the alliance.

, in this way, all shelters become a community and can withstand the following difficulties."

Because they were all players, Wang Qian did not explain why the Blue Star people's shelter lost its production capacity, but the Tianyuan shelter was able to maintain its production capacity after the disaster.

This is the information gap given by the game, and it is also the only way for Earth players and Blue Star people to track down the gap.

"Then Sunny Harbor Sanctuary will look at other shelters in our alliance cities?"

"Of course not." Wang Qian shook his head, and then laughed confidently: "So, the lord took action and defeated them!"


Fan Fuzheng couldn't help being stunned, and he didn't know how to continue the conversation.

Why not worry about threats?

Because any threats have been dealt with in advance, there is no need to worry.

This reason sounds a bit bizarre, but it is also surprisingly reasonable.

But, in a territory of 500,000 people, what kind of ability does Su Shen use?

"Wow, look over there!"

Fan Fuzheng was still deep in thought, but Fan Jing's surprised shout came from the command car.

He subconsciously looked up and could no longer look away.

At this time, the vehicle had traveled out of the western suburbs and arrived on a spacious plain.

The surrounding urban buildings gradually began to become sparse, and the bumpy ground turned into hardened cement pavement.

The straight cement road continues straight ahead, about four or five kilometers away.

A long gray dragon has appeared at the end, like a densely packed group of buildings squeezed together, with no end in sight.

"What kind of weird building system is this?"

Fan Fuzheng frowned.

Rectangular buildings are the best choice whether they are used for living or military purposes.

Once the enemy attacks from the beginning to the end, the defensive pressure will be much greater than in squares and circles.

Who did this? Isn’t it nonsense?

Realizing that this was most likely the time for him to exert his abilities, Fan Fuzheng did not dare to neglect. He immediately turned on his route ability and looked over again, preparing to observe the structural stability of the building complex.

But the next second, a bright golden color that had never appeared before burst out in his eyes.

It was as if a huge gold brick had fallen to the ground, erupting with brilliant golden light.

From beginning to end, from front to back.

This winding gray line suddenly turned into a long golden strip.

"Oh My God!"

"This is actually...a city wall?!"

"No, how is this possible? How can there be a city wall with a self-contained structure!"

"This is impossible!"

This chapter has been completed!
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