Chapter 955 A small profit, three technologies!

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 "Tianyuan takeout?"

Many scavengers who had finished eating and were sitting at the door of the house to rest raised their heads, with a flash of astonishment on their faces.

This is not an unfamiliar word.

On the contrary, for humans living in China, it has been completely integrated into life.

Taking the note handed over by Darren, Feng Long glanced at it and said in surprise:

"Captain Darren, are you sure you need to spend five coupons for a takeaway meal?"

A laborer took the risk to collect calm powder for a day in Qinggang City, and his salary was only two commercial coupons.

The price of this meal is actually close to three days' salary for one person.

If calculated based on three meals a day.

15 commercial coupons.

Good guy, if the scavengers knew that their week's labor force was less than the price of three meals a day.

This gap is simply huge.

Even if the material costs are included, the profit is still scary.

"Yes, why not? Give me one first... No, give us two."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Feng Long stood up, walked to the ramen stall and the stir-fry stall and said something.

As the flames and steam evaporated, the alluring smell rose again.

After a long while, Sean took two large bowls filled with vegetables and noodles from the stove as if he had found a treasure.

The two squatted on the ground as usual and began to use chopsticks awkwardly to pick the noodles into their mouths.


This is not the first time they have eaten noodles.

The separated starch only needs to add some special mixed thickeners to cool and form a flour-like substance.

The kitchen of the Red Spider Caravan will occasionally make some noodle feasts and mix them with nutritional paste for consumption.

But Sean promises that he has never been able to taste the aroma just eating noodles.

Meaty noodles?!

"What is this made of and why does it taste so good?"

“Oh my god, I’ve never had such delicious noodles!”

"Is this flour ground from another special variety of wheat?"

"I don't know, but it's much more delicious than the noodles made in our kitchen!"

Crispy potato shreds and greasy pickled wild vegetables.

Coupled with the chewy noodles prepared by Ma Haosong's staff, the two of them devoured the noodles and were still a little unsatisfied.

This noodle smells like one thing and tastes like another.

In the end, the taste aftertaste was actually different.

"Do you still have the materials? I also want to order some takeout. I need about 125 servings."

Turning his head to look at the waiting caravan members in the distance, Sean asked softly.

Within the Red Spider Caravan, although the ordinary guard salary is the lowest, it only earns 680 coupons a month.

Among the other job types above, engineers have the highest salary, which is basically around 1,500 commercial coupons based on technical level.

This takeaway is quite expensive for the aborigines. One day's meal costs fifteen coupons, and thirty days' worth of four hundred and fifty coupons.

But for these people in the caravan, even the guards have enough salary to spend.

What's more, this consumption is so worth it!

In the past, the cost of returning to the Foundation's Southern District 4 headquarters to reward these guys was no more than 300 coupons per person.

Nowadays, this takeaway, which is comparable to the delicacies of the Holy City, only requires five commercial coupons.

Sean secretly decided to stay in Tianyuan Shelter for the next few days.

Damn this kitchen, I will never eat the food they produce!

You must seize the time and enjoy life at an unbelievably low price.

"Of course, we have a very sufficient supply."

"If you have other needs, you can also provide materials, and we offer the option of customizing different flavors."

Feng Long replied with a smile while silently calculating his income in his mind.

One hundred and twenty-five copies, one five-commercial certificate

Damn it, the income from this night can actually reach 625?

What is this concept??

If Sean is willing to take out three meals a day, then relying on this alone, the territory can achieve a foreign exchange income of 1875 in a single day.

If you stay for ten days.

When I think about the amount of materials in the previous contract, as well as the food and accommodation for the workers, it all adds up.

The Red Spider Caravan just gave the price of 20,000 coupons.

Now you can earn an income that may exceed this amount just from one takeaway.

"We will make it as soon as possible and send it over!"

After hearing the promise, Sean nodded with satisfaction and walked towards the chariot with a round belly.

It was less than a minute after he got back into the car.

A burst of cheers suddenly sounded, and occasionally a few engineers with loud voices could be heard shouting:

“Five business coupons for one meal, it’s such a good deal, I decided to eat there for every next meal!”

"Me too! I think our kitchen should learn a lesson. Even the food in the gathering place is more delicious than ours."

"How is it possible? They must have used very good ingredients and seasonings. This is unfair!"

"It's not fair. Didn't I say that if you provide the materials, they can customize the taste?"

"I agree! If I could eat such delicious food every day, I would rather work overtime for half an hour for free!"

"Whatever machine they use to cook food, let's buy one too!"


The Red Spider Caravan does not have a full-time cook, which is considered a rare species in Blue Star.

It's not because there's no demand, it's just that the meals made by ordinary cooks are not as delicious as those made by machines.

The price of hiring a cook who is above the level of a machine is very expensive, starting with at least 5,000 business coupons.

What's more, with this skill, they are not willing to follow the caravan to travel north and south.

Isn’t it good to stay in a large city or agglomeration?

It’s safe and you don’t have to worry about accidents if your caravan goes bankrupt.

Therefore, in order to save budget, the Red Spider Caravan could only use the fourth-generation cooking machine sold by the foundation.

As a product that has been updated for four generations, this thing can make hundreds of different meals as soon as it leaves the factory.

Just the taste is not delicious.

Especially compared to the food eaten by the workers outside, the Kitchen God machine is simply industrial waste!

Soon, 125 takeaways with almost the same quality were delivered to the chariot in batches.

Just as Sean imagined, this thing really conquered everyone's "stomach".

No matter if it’s someone who is causing trouble, has no appetite, is feeling unwell, or has just been seriously injured.

Hundreds of people slumped on the ground without any image, almost burying their heads in bowls.

Luke, who was dying of illness, sat up in shock and ate two bowls in a row. His whole face was red from the heat of the chili pepper, and he couldn't help shouting "so good".

Compared with the high-value nutritional paste produced by Kitchen God Machine, this product is simply delicious!

Every bite of noodles enters the mouth, and all the taste buds seem to be greedily sucking in the soup and deliciousness.

"How did they come up with the idea of ​​giving food so many different flavors! And the combinations are so delicious?"

"Probably before the development of artificial intelligence, this is what humans ate in the pre-war era."

"My father can also cook vegetables, but the taste he produces is not even one ten thousandth of this!"

"Don't talk about your dad, even the "Devil Archduke" restaurant in Falmouth, Liberty City, is not as delicious as this bowl!"

"Really or not, I've never eaten there, but it's actually as good as the Demon Archduke?"

"Why are you lying to me? I grew up near that place when I was a child. I can guarantee you. This smell is worth three hundred, no, even if it is sold for five hundred coupons, those rich people will definitely wave the coupons to pay.


As the city with the highest concentration of gophers, the Free City of Falmouth is probably the place with the most pre-war culture in the entire Blue Star.

Among them, the Demon Grand Duke is a well-known place that is famous in most of the Blue Star.

Although the main thing there is not the food, but the devil's wine that sells well among the top celebrities in society.

But the food that can be served, not to mention too much, is still no problem compared to more than 90% of restaurants.

At first glance, I heard that the seemingly ordinary noodles in this bowl can be compared to the Demon Archduke.

Suddenly, everyone felt that the food around their mouths seemed to be more fragrant.

For a hundred coupons, they can still find faults with the food.

Don’t talk about selling five business coupons. Even if I am asked to bring my own materials, that’s no problem.

"Hey, if we were still in Blue Star, it would be great if we could take the food here and sell it outside."

Hearing the vague discussions, Sean discovered a wave of business opportunities.

The takeaway here sells for 5 coupons. If it can be brought to a large gathering place, it will definitely not be a problem to sell for 50 coupons.

Even storing food requires purchasing some additional machinery.

In the long run, this is also a hugely profitable business.

But what is regrettable is that the surrounding environment has changed, and the world is no longer the blue star it was before.

Keeping this business opportunity in mind, Sean sat by the window and his eyes couldn't help but fly further away.

Opportunities often come with risks.

The environment changes, if those inherent old forces are reshuffled.

For a land-traveling caravan like the Red Spider Caravan, which is neither high nor low, this may not be a bad thing.

If we can find more business opportunities like this Tianyuan Refuge, we can open up the trade routes again.

Sean's eyes became deeper and deeper.

His intuition told him that if he could seize this opportunity, no matter what difficulties and obstacles he would encounter.

As long as they succeed, the caravan can earn a huge fortune that was once completely unimaginable!

"They were very satisfied and ordered takeout for the following week."

"A meal is 130 servings, and a day requires 390 servings."

"Based on the price of 5 coupons, our total income per week is"


After hearing Feng Long's unabashedly ecstatic report, Sumo had already passed the excitement and listened with a smile.

Measuring the cost of food based on the raw materials sold by the Red Spider Caravan, the cost price of a meal is about 0.4 coupons.

A profit of more than ten times is undoubtedly a huge profit.

If this group of people can be allowed to stay for ten days and a half longer, the territory can definitely purchase more useful technologies or products from them to expand its base.

It's a pity that this kind of business can only be done once in a while. I don't know when the next time I want to wait for the caravan passing by.

For this kind of opportunity that could only make a profit, Sumo was only happy for a while, and then he focused more on technical selection.

After a day of selection, the Red Spider Caravan has all the technologies it can provide.

He has successfully referred to the opinions of Lu Kuan and others and selected three technologies with the highest value for the current situation.

The first one is the extremely mature synthetic starch technology.

This energy replacement resource technology, which has been studied since the pre-war era, has been developed for nearly four hundred years and has entered an extremely mature stage of mass production and sales. According to the description given in the album, the name of the product produced by the foundation

It is a "starch machine" device that contains a special substance.

The user only needs to contact it with the atmospheric environment and turn on the power supply.

The material inside can be stimulated by electric current and automatically absorb carbon dioxide.

According to data from the latest generation of machines, one kilowatt hour of electricity can replace approximately 170g of starch.

Compared to the cost of five kilowatt hours of electricity per hundred grams on the earth, this is already quite astonishing data.

Of course, having achieved this, there is obviously room for improvement in this technology.

However, because Blue Star has initially achieved a breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion, and with sufficient energy, it is not cost-effective to continue to increase the replacement ratio, so it has stopped at this level.

For Tianyuan territory.

Even if you can't buy a so-called starch machine for the time being, you can't find that magical substance.

This technology must also be obtained as soon as possible and ways to make research breakthroughs must be found.

Once a substitute can be found to replace the starch machine, the pressure on food in the future will definitely be reduced a lot.

The second, not-so-palatable protein synthesis technology.

Like starch, the preparation method of this thing is more complicated, and the initial cultivation equipment required is very expensive, reaching over 160,000 yuan in commercial coupons.

And when the protein production is completed, you need to purchase processing equipment with different prices.

One of the best-selling items costs a full 220,000 coupons and can be used to make a red meat-like substance with a poor taste.

The most expensive item requires 500,000 commercial coupons, which can make a white meat substance with a more delicate taste.

Of course, there are cheaper ones.

For example, making a plant-based meat taste only requires 90,000 commercial coupons.

These territories are currently unaffordable to purchase, but this does not prevent us from purchasing the overall manufacturing technology first and then trying to break through the corresponding device technology.

The third item is also the only technology that can be used as soon as you get it.

"K21 type high-strength molecular compound synthesis technology"

This is a novel technology that was only developed in the post-war era. The high-strength plastics produced using it not only have the advantages of plastics, such as good impact resistance, good insulation, low thermal conductivity, etc., but also have properties almost as good as alloyed steel.

Strength of.

Of course, its shortcomings are still very obvious.

It has poor heat resistance, high thermal expansion rate, and its ignition point is only about 210 degrees. It also easily becomes brittle and ages quickly at low temperatures.

But this thing is almost the only technology that Somo can find, buy, and use for the villagers at this stage.

For the villagers who are over 10,000 years old, every death or injury is irreparable wealth.

in a conflict that is about to break out.

A body armor, a bulletproof helmet, and an explosion-proof shield can potentially save a life.

This kind of K21 high-strength plastic is low in cost, and the required raw materials can be provided by the oil well.

In addition, the Red Spider Caravan also sells corresponding manufacturing equipment, which can be purchased with only thirty-five thousand commercial coupons.

Sumo only hesitated for a moment and then decided to choose it.

This chapter has been completed!
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