1331 Speculation when information is insufficient

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 The target of the legendary Iron Fist Wu Fengji can be seen with just a slight identification that it is heading towards the earth. [.\nCOM Situ updated the chapter is the most complete and comprehensive, and the error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, it is recommended to browse

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Although except for those unlucky demons who were hit directly, no one was harmed by her power.

But Wu Fengji's identity is no longer a secret.

She cleaned up those demons along the way and reported directly to her family.

With this approach, even if you want to hide your identity again, it becomes impossible.

So as Wu Fengji continued to clean up the demons she could see along the way, and left behind a few guys who seemed to be capable of reporting, she rushed towards the earth without any hesitation.

Such changes will certainly not be ignored by the high-level heavens and burning hells.

At this time, this powerful Iron Fist has also become the object of thought for Archangel and Barr!

As for what is happening in the universe, the Nephalem are the slowest to know.

After all, although the Nephalem are not ignorant of the situation in the universe, they have indeed not put down any more arrangements in the universe.

Although the portion received by those angels is definitely not as small as one-eighth, for us, even so, it is still a lot of energy.

At most that example is vivid.

But Constantine was not yet ready to meet such a strong man whom he did not understand!


I have been paying attention to the conversation between Rand and Wu Fengjiding since the end.

But the strength gap between Wayne Denny and Nylander may be even more exaggerated than that!

A weak warrior is heading towards Earth, and it is clear that I am on the side of humanity."

"A weak warrior? No less Kazumi?"

"The gap is indeed too small."

But at most I know one thing in common in the supernatural realm!

And just when the people under the earth finished discussing Nilander, the legendary Iron Fist was about to arrive on earth.

"You think it's more important to find Wayne first, and then ask me if I know anything about Zheng Hangzhe.

Although it would be polite to describe Wayne Denny as "a lobotomized baby".

There are many such top extraordinary weaklings who just help others cross the street every day!

And Matthew, who is in the worst condition, is about to break through the boundary from elite to legend.

So you think the possibility of the two Iron Fist powers coming from the same source is the smallest."

In Nylander's hands, the legendary level demon can even withstand the aftermath of your attack!

It's just that Zheng Hang never expected that the power of the iron fist that was mediocre in Wayne's hands would actually show such a degree of power in the hands of Nylander!

The strength that Wayne Denny showed later was not to mention facing the legendary demon.

This guy Wu Feng Ji Ding is definitely a fuel-efficient lamp.

In Wu Fengjiding's eyes, Niland's strength must at most be comparable to that of the legendary monk Zheng Hangzhe.

Although Wu Fengji's performance along the way showed her weak attitude, the process still made the devils and angels believe that you have the top power.

Rand asked.

On the other side, the cooperation with these gods has been completed.

"This is Zheng Hang's own problem with Danny. There is no doubt about Nylander's weakness.

Can you even trust your own power, and then try to find the power of others?

Although I also think that the plan has no value, I simply think that a sensual guy like Zheng Hang is not that enjoyable to watch.

My analysis is not serious, but it is not enough to convince Durasri.

But no matter what, the gap is really too small, right?"

"Iron Fist?"

Even if Nilander only has the power of Zheng Hangzhe, this is a great encouragement to the human mouse puppet!

"Kan Ulena? What am I doing here?

In the extraordinary realm, the weaker the existence, the weaker the opponent will be!

When she said that, Wu Fengji Ding's eyes became more and more teasing.

Villain organizations like these four-headed snakes will definitely take action.

"This weakling introduced himself as Iron Fist Nylander before killing the demon."

Zheng Hang's ability as Danny was indeed not very high, but Durasui would ignore the weakling who was also considered to be the seventh generation rich.

Although I'm still this worried bastard who always tries to control everything, I have indeed relieved the worries of the superheroes in that world.

Since Wu Fengjiding meant that this weakling was from a human standpoint, Rand became suspicious.

Under such circumstances, Wu Fengji and Ding Shao mostly wanted to see Zheng Hang's jokes.

Wu Fengjiding said to Rand with a strange smile.

"How about asking Wayne Denny first.

Durasri made a conjecture that sounded completely impossible.

But what's even rarer is that despite such disparity in power, they can actually share the same title.

Zheng Hang always acted like he had everything under control, and that kind of performance made Zheng Hang and Zhe Ding uncomfortable.

Durasri coughed twice and walked behind.

This approach undoubtedly adds a lot of cohesion to human beings.

"Judging from the current situation, the special legendary demon company is qualified to fight you head-on.

The power of the Iron Fist is also familiar to me.

Could it be that before he knew that there was no police station called SHIELD in a certain village, he would have been very upset to share the name SHIELD with us?

Durasri said helplessly.

But if you take it as a benchmark of strength, do you think there is any problem?"

Zheng Hangzhe is hiding his disdain for Wayne Denny!

For human beings, any existence without extraordinary power is a vital force!

Wu Fengjiding said as if something was wrong.

Zheng Hang said.

After all, Rand's database contains almost all weak human beings who have never shown any strength.

Before becoming a barbarian, Rand also understood that talent would lead to gaps in strength.

Although I also gained the power of the Nephalem, in terms of attitude towards the power I possess, Wu Fengji Ding is much worse than Zheng Hang Danny.

The villains who became the villains all stood in the position of fighting against the devil. The villains who planned to fight against the devil have not yet become the devil.

"Has he told you the name of this weakling? Judging from his appearance, this weakling should be a human being."

That's what I did really well. After all, not many superheroes are down and out.

But in the end, the combat effectiveness displayed was that one was the elite among the elite, while the other was like a baby whose posterior frontal lobe had been removed.

Although it’s not too far-fetched for you to think that way, you think this weakling might be on the same level as the little angels and us.”

The talisman that fled in embarrassment before being severely injured by Li Min!

And a guy like Constantine who had many friends knew the news very quickly.

“This weakling behaved all the way as if he was the type to assume command responsibilities.

Rand was worried about the position of the new weakling, although that guy Zheng Hangzheding always told lies.

Rand noticed that title unexpectedly!

Zheng Hangzhe and Ding Ruo said matter-of-factly.

Wayne Zhenghang's iron fist is definitely a secret to us at Rand.

The meaning of Iron Fist’s nickname is not very obvious yet.

"According to the investigation by SHIELD agents, it is believed that Wayne Denny may not have gone to Kanulena with the intention of becoming a paladin."

I know that this news is too bad for Rand and Durasri.

There must have been a weakling among human beings who couldn't compete with the little angel. Then the life of human beings would be as difficult as it is now.

"There is no possibility that Zheng Hang and Danny just lack a lot of time?"

Rand still had an expression on his face.

I'm reminding Rand.

At this time, these superheroes need to hide their identities.

As long as it is a positive force, there is often no similar standard when choosing a successor!

Rand said.

I obviously listened to Zheng Hangzheding’s reminder.

"Wayne Denny was last seen getting off the plane heading to Kanulena."

A period of time had not passed since the subsequent battle. During that period, these weak mages had always stayed at the battlefield while arranging things to collect traces.

In that case, the strength between us was not really stretched!

I can very well understand the significance of Wayne Denny's subsequent visit to Urenna.

That guy Durasri made an extraordinary contribution in that incident.

Before hearing the news about Nylander, I could understand why Wayne Denny was so powerful with the power of the same origin.

But when it comes to things that are not harmful to human beings, I will definitely speak nonsense!

Rand was very vague about the significance that the strength of a top weakling could bring!

The nephalem are often the last to know about these things, but they are not slow enough to find out about them after everything is over.

But if I go to Ulena with the intention of trying to become a paladin, do you think I will be able to surpass this Nilander in my lifetime?

So what Rand cares about now is that the weak one is still weak!

Only by directly cooperating with the devil will there be no prerequisites and basic restrictions!

Of course, my attention was not hidden from Wu Feng, Ji Ding and Rand.

I even offered wages to these superheroes whose identities were exposed...

And the existence of top weaklings like Zheng Hangzhe will not have a huge impact on our plan.

And Wayne Denny looks like a fool who got his powers due to bad luck, but has a bad understanding of the power.

Even if it's just a warrior-level demon, there's no chance that Danny Zheng Hang can defeat it!

But you have also encountered the first opponent on the road that needs to be taken seriously!

Although Wu Fengji Ding can guarantee what the inheritance method of Iron Fist power will be like.

Zheng Hang said without any embarrassment.

That Nylander must be a weakling who cannot affect the current situation!

If we didn't understand that weak person, the situation we might have to face would be so embarrassing."

Rand asked with an expression on his face.

Although Rand believes that the probability that Zheng Hangzhe is weaker than Constant is not small, I still hope that Niland will not be stronger!

After all, those two guys are the type to make plans with beauty.

It is said that in the past, among the gangsters who were fighting on the streets, you could find hundreds of guys named Iron Fist.

Now I don't have much need to hide my identity. I fought as a barbarian that time.

Durasri defended Wayne Denney.

Are you planning to settle in Kanwulena?"

But among the warriors who became barbarians in the same group as me, even Luke, who seemed to have the most brilliant talent, also stepped onto the threshold of legend!

Therefore, there is no small chance that Wayne Denny and Nylander were selected based on the same standards.

Zheng Hangzherui said.

The members of the World Danger Council were also eliminated by Durasri. Naturally, there will be such things as tying up superheroes for personal gain!

Later, Wu Fengjiding used her own headshot to Malthael as proof of my strength. Rand would think that Zheng Hangzheding is now a guy who only knows how to conceive conspiracies.

Wu Fengjiding found Rand at this time.

Wu Fengji Ding, who is definitely the strongest among the legendary ranks, can be called a weak existence. Her strength is certainly worthy of my attention.

If Kazumi really doesn't have a rural police station called S.H.I.E.L.D., that doesn't even bother me.

Wayne Denny's family does not own a very good company. Although it cannot be compared with the Rand Group, it definitely belongs to the wealthy class.

"It is indeed rare to see such a disparity between the weak and the strong without the same title.

"Zheng Hang, your friend in the universe told you wrong news.

"Is there any possibility that it is just a coincidence that Zheng Hangzhe and Wayne Denny are both called Iron Fist?"

The probability of that kind of guy becoming a weakling is indeed too high."

That's just Rand's guess about Zheng Hangzhe's power!

Wu Fengji Ding felt that just saying that thing was so ridiculous!

At most, Wu Feng Jiding herself is very understanding and vague about her own power.

Even if it is just to protect the other party, he will allow us to continue to use the name SHIELD.

After all, Rand later met a guy who called himself Iron Fist!

But I will always do meaningful things in critical situations.

Zheng Hang said while nodding.

So it can only be that Zheng Hang and I work hard enough, or my talent is too poor, so there is no huge gap between me and Nylander?

"That is possible, but with the strength and attitude he has shown, it is completely obvious that he will grow to the level of Nylander."

And Rand himself has not gone far in the legend, but my talent and conditions are undoubtedly superior to Luke and Matthew.

Although I am not sure whether that judgment is correct, I can at best guarantee that this Nylander is above a special legend!

However, even with the identity of Batman, there is actually no harmonious and hidden value.

And the gap between the two sides is more than just a world of difference?

At this time, the gods have not left the earth. We are waiting for these gods to absorb our share of the crimson universe before we can get our own part.

After all, with a title like Iron Fist, it doesn't feel like a bad street.

In other words, this person is probably not an immature idiot who doesn't even know who he is.

It felt like two soldiers using exactly the same equipment and receiving exactly the same training, even with little difference in their starting levels.

This chapter has been completed!
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