540 The Scum and the Scientist's Contract

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 At this time, the Fantastic Four are visiting S.H.I.E.L.D. They say they are guests, but it is more to seek cooperation.

After learning the news about the Demon King of Hell, Mr. Fantastic Reed will not have any bad thoughts.

Although this guy has a wide range of expertise, whether it's mechanics or biology, a series of things that can be linked to science are within his scope of expertise.

There was even the idea of ​​a greater evolution for humans, but demons and humans were completely different. This was the conclusion he got from Tony.

Although Reed is a little disdainful of Tony's technical level, he still believes in Tony's professional knowledge.

Science may produce explosive progress, but there are traces to follow, and unreasonable beings like him are exceptions.

"My interest has been attracted by your alien technology. If possible, I hope to study it with you.

After all, you have proven that you cannot master that level of technology."

Reed spoke to Tony somewhat rudely, even ignoring others around him.

Tony's face looked a little ugly when he heard this, but he couldn't deny what Reed said.

He lost control during his research on the Cybermen and realized his shortcomings, but this was not the reason for him to admit defeat.

"Who do you think I am?"

Tony made the hostility in his heart very clear with a dissatisfied tone. Reed has not yet been recognized by Tony as a "comrade-in-arms".

"Tony Stark, a playboy."

Reed stated calmly.

Regarding the technology of the Iron Suit, he had almost understood the technical hurdles through just a few observations. There was only one thing that limited him from making better things, and that was the materials.

The team of the Fantastic Four are not street heroes. They have industries and money. But compared with Tony, they are far behind, not to mention the political power represented by the Stark family.

Stark's industry has been able to develop to the present level not only because of Tony's talent. There are people who have always been protecting him.

Howard Stark's scientific achievements are not inferior to those of his son, but he is more mature and understands what can make Stark even greater.

The Fantastic Four cannot obtain all kinds of magical materials like Tony. Even though Johnny may be one of the best metal smelters, he cannot change the nature of the materials.

"I think so too, but Tony is definitely the best among the Playboys. At least everything he enjoys is something you, a scientific ascetic, can never imagine."

Constantine spoke in a tone of fire, with a smile and longing for Tony's life.

Tony even felt a little proud after hearing this. Being rich is not a shameful thing. Many people are full of yearning for Tony's life.

Although Constantine is not very short of money, he always has a way to get it. But some enjoyments cannot be enjoyed simply by getting money, but also require some "status".

Unfortunately, Constantine basically has no "status".

As for bewitching those high-status guys for his own enjoyment? Constantine has no plans to send himself to prison yet, even if he can live a good life in prison.

But not every prison in the United States sells "Sika" cigarettes.

Tony glanced at Constantine thoughtfully: "Yes, I am a playboy, but the resources I have are beyond your imagination. Do you think being a playboy only requires money?"

Tony did not deny Reid's thoughts at all, and he was full of pride when he spoke.

However, these words were not addressed to Constantine, but rather hinted at Reed's special status.

Everything in the Stark family belongs to him, and no one can change it. And he! He deserves the glory of the Stark family!

"Okay, now is not the time for you to argue about this. What we need to discuss now is how to obtain more powerful power!"

Nick Fury directly interrupted the argument between the two parties.

If he is happy to see conflicting opinions on technology, it is a collision of scientists' ideas.

But this kind of argument now is nonsense and will not help anything! It may even create a rift between two scientists.

Rich people don't matter, but rich people who like to show off are not very likable.

More and more incidents are happening, and the intensity is getting higher and higher. SHIELD has been marginalized. Faced with the endless troubles, SHIELD agents seem to be unable to do anything but evacuate the scene.

Even covering up the news is becoming increasingly difficult.

SHIELD needs the help of scientists. Although they have their own scientific research team, there are also many outstanding talents among them.

But it seems that it is always a few of them that really drive the breakthrough development of science.

Which is rarer, those who lay the foundation or those who lead the times? It is obviously the latter.

The two scientists in front of him were like this, and Nick Fury was reluctant to make a choice.

"Hill, are you sure your power comes from that ring?"

Nick Fury looked at Agent Hill and said seriously, he needed a brand new topic to divert everyone's attention.

He originally wanted to ask some questions about Constantine and Melinda, but when he saw Constantine's smiling eyes, he didn't know why he felt a little scared.

As for Melinda, she no longer takes him seriously.

The Blue Lanterns are equally strong-willed, so naturally they won't have any fear or other emotions because of Nick Fury's eyes.

The greatness of will is not something that can be easily changed.

"Do you have any more 'great' ideas to make all of SHIELD become Lanterns?"

Constantine interrupted without caring about the atmosphere, and his smile became even more annoying.

What he is doing now is like constantly announcing his existence. Although it is a bit annoying, it is just right so that people will not feel that they would be better off without him.

This can probably be regarded as a kind of talent. This scale is difficult to grasp.

It's better to be slightly disliked than to be a stranger, especially for Constantine.

And Constantine will turn other people's impression of him into trust at the right time. It doesn't take long, as long as it is needed.

Just when Nick Fury was about to say something to Constantine, like a threat?

Constantine neatly took off the ring from his hand and threw it on the table.

The sound of the ring rolling attracted everyone's attention involuntarily, until the ring stopped in front of Tony!

"Now, we have two scientists. Although one of them is more like a hateful rich man than the other, I think the rich man doesn't mind spending some money that has no meaning to him to buy this thing.

Right to use it?”

Constantine showed a "kind" smile to Tony,

No matter when, Constantine's smile can make people feel bad, as if they are being watched secretly.

"You want money? I know you are short of money, but it's not to this extent yet. Tell me, what do you want?"

Tony said in annoyance, but his hand had already grasped the blue light ring.

He is full of curiosity about everything new.

While speaking, Tony's sight was completely occupied by the ring in his hand. When he grasped the ring, he seemed to be grasping hope.

"What he wants is results, or connections and support for some of his plans."

Nick Fury directly exposed Constantine's background. In his eyes, Constantine is more dangerous than the other guys combined.

If it weren't for the possibility of using Constantine's power, Nick Fury would have used the gun as payment for Constantine.

Unless mysterious magic is involved in all of Constantine's cooking, most of it cannot escape the eyes of Nick Fury, the king of secret agents.

But it is not unimaginable that Constantine has a plan.

"Of course, this is only part of it. I need more things, but you can't give me anything."

Constantine stretched out his hands easily, showing no guilt or any intention of hiding anything. He directly admitted what Nick Fury said, and his expression didn't even change.

"Tell me about it, I want to know if there is anything in this world that even the Stark Group cannot come up with."

Tony calmly put the ring in his pocket and said to Constantine.

This is not because he is arrogant, but because Stark can get most of the things in the world.

As long as it’s something that requires money, it’s fine!

This was considered a promise by Tony, but Constantine didn't seem very excited.

"Ha, I like your generosity. Although the gods I know are also moved by 'money', you really have no choice this time. What I want is a god!

I admit that you are a hero and one of the rare rich people in the world, but your technical level is too poor. In other words, you cannot create a path for science to involve theology."

Constantine didn't mean to hide it, he said it directly and openly, and despised Tony by the way.

An angel or a demon will do.

But the angels and demons that originally existed in this world are all finished.

Hell is occupied by burning hells, and the so-called heaven is even worse.

At least after High-level Heaven appeared in this world, Constantine no longer felt the breath of those old acquaintances.

At this time, no one would deny the existence of God. Basically, everyone present had seen demons, and some of them had even communicated with Auriel, the Archangel of Hope.

Although it was a bit ruinous to their outlook on life, they quickly accepted the existence of "gods".

"A god? A god who is omnipotent?"

Reed seemed to have a different idea when he said this, and continued talking without waiting for anyone else to reply.

"Science can also accomplish anything, so do you have any belief in science?"

Reed's words were a bit shocking, and even several other members of the Fantastic Four were a little shocked, because they didn't sound like what Reed had said.

Nick Fury felt something was wrong, as if Constantine's previous disdain for science had made Reed a little bit heady.

He wondered if Constantine had secretly used some magic to affect Reed's sanity.

But he could do this level of provocation, so Nick Fury hesitated for a while.

He wants Constantine's help, but he also wants the wisdom of Mr. Fantastic Reed.

If you intervene at this time, it may turn "I want them all" into "I choose one."

For Nick Fury, this is a loss!

In particular, Mr. Fantastic and Constantine are both a bit petty, especially since Constantine is a scumbag and he doesn't really want to gamble.

"Ha, so science can create a stone that science itself cannot lift?"

Constantine's words sounded like sarcasm, but his expression was very serious.

This look seemed to have suddenly awakened his admiration for science, which made Reid relax a little.

"Science can't lift anything, but by using science, it can. For example, a stick long enough and a fulcrum can lift the unliftable ball under our feet."

Reed looked directly into Constantine's eyes and said, even doing a little popular science.

Constantine laughed directly under such gaze.

"That's great, but does science tell you where you should go to find a stick long enough?"

While Constantine was speaking, he glanced at Johnny who was still lying on the sofa intentionally or unintentionally.

Something interesting seems to be happening to this second-generation Human Torch. It’s just that the real fun hasn’t begun yet.

Now Constantine had more important things to do.

"As long as I can find a way to mobilize energy, I can find any kind of stick I want."

Reed's words were a bit tough. In his eyes, the world is full of "sticks" and as long as he can find a way to use them, it is enough. He believes that he can do it, or in other words, Reed believes that there is nothing he can't do.


In the field of science, Reed may really be able to call himself "god".

"Awesome, now I need a god, so you want to say that you can take on the role of this 'god'?"

Constantine's eyes showed undisguised anticipation!

He is waiting for this answer!

Nick Fury felt that he needed to stop it immediately. Constantine's feeling that his goal was about to be achieved made him feel that things were out of control!

But he found that he couldn't open his mouth at all, and everything that happened before him seemed like he was in a dream.

As the king of agents, he can wake up by his own will even in dreams, but now, he is as powerless as when he was a child facing a nightmare.

Tony on the side seemed to realize something.

These guys who know something about Constantine know that making a promise to Constantine is sometimes no better than signing a contract with a devil.

This guy always has a way of getting guys who promise him something to fulfill their obligations.

As a debt collector, Constantine, a scumbag, is even more professional than the devil in hell!

In contrast, his ability to default on debts is equally outstanding.

But like Nick Fury, he couldn't do anything. It was as if everything that happened in front of him was separated by a veil. He could see it but couldn't participate!

As for the other people present, it was exactly the same, because Constantine's hand had already grasped the sand bag!

"One condition!"

Reed said seriously. He was not aware of what was happening around him. As a scientist, he seemed a bit slow to deal with mysterious matters.

In Reid's eyes, this was already a negotiation, and negotiation was not unfamiliar to Reid.

He also had something he wanted to get from Constantine, not something like the ring in Tony's hand, but a little guarantee.

His friend and old enemy Dr. Doom is not only an excellent researcher, but also a powerful mage.

Because of Johnny, Dr. Doom didn't have time to take care of it.

In order to fight Dr. Doom, who might become a demon, Reed needs the help of a mage.

Time was running out, and he didn't want to become a magical dead man because of Dr. Doom's arrival before he could develop a way to resist magic.

"I need you..." Before Reed could finish speaking, Constantine's voice rang out.

"Yes, as long as you agree to my conditions, I will be yours today. If you are still willing to pay a little money, then please don't treat me as a human being today."

Constantine's face flushed with excitement.

Then Constantine raised the back of his hand and showed it to Mr. Wonderful Reed, who felt a slight pain on the back of his hand and blood flew out at a glance.

The blood of the two people mixed together in mid-air, and then returned to each other's side.

Reed is a pretty charming guy, and at least to Constantine, a successful scientist "friend" is pretty attractive too.

A vein throbbed on Reed's forehead.

It wasn't because Constantine was irritated, nor was it because of blood loss.

The blood lost could not even reach the amount of blood at one time. He was nervous because he found a strange pattern on his hand.

And there was exactly the same one on the back of the hand that Constantine raised to show him!

"Then! The deal is done! Tonight, I am yours~"

Constantine said with a smile, then took out a Silka cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth, and even gave Reid a wink.

It wasn't until this moment that the rest of the people's dream-like state was lifted.

"Reed, you..."

Susan's expression was a little strange. Of course she didn't misunderstand that Reed was a "Gay", but she understood that Reed had been tricked by Constantine!

At that moment, Mr. Fantastic's IQ was successfully brought down to the level of a scumbag by a scumbag, and then he experienced an IQ failure.

This experience is a bit bizarre...

"Constantine! You are a counselor of SHIELD, who asked you to do this!"

Nick Fury showed anger and dignity as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although he understands that this "contract" has been reached and he can't change anything, this does not prevent him from expressing his position!

Constantine is useful, but also dangerous.

Asking Constantine for help is not a wise choice, but Reed is a good candidate!

Getting even a small amount of gratitude from Reed will have a positive effect on everything that may happen next!

"Well, I'm not an advisor to SHIELD today, I'm one of Mister Fantastic's, today only of course. So, great Director of SHIELD, I'm calling in sick today!"

Constantine gave his response with a mean smile.

"Constantine, please tell us about your contract in detail. Now that the contract has been reached, I hope to know what you agreed on."

Rumlow put his feet on the table and rocked back and forth on the legs of the chair beneath him.

He didn't really care how angry Nick Fury was or what he thought.

Now he only cares about whether there is anything bad in the contract that Constantine deceived Reed into.

To be a good person, you only need to be yourself, but to be a redeemer and a hero, you can't do without "meddling in other people's business".

So when Rumlow was shaking early, he took out the mace and slapped it on the other hand.

Constantine still smiled in the face of Rumlow's unabashed attitude.

"It's very simple. The great Mr. Miracle will help me when I need it. This is his mercy as a 'god'. And I temporarily give everything of myself to him, only for today.

If he wants to climb into my bed, or wants me to climb into his bed, I can let him experience the most professional service.

I bet that even Tony has never experienced this kind of service. You know, although the magazine cover girls are also good at it, they certainly don’t have all the skills I know.”

As Constantine spoke, he took a deep breath from the cigarette, and the cigarette burned directly during this deep kiss.

Constantine did not lie about the content of the contract, at most he said less about his responsibilities.

This contract magic was learned from the original demons, and it may not be a good thing for both parties.

His mastery of magic is very complex, but he cannot be said to be proficient.

"So, if Reed asks you to bring Dr. Doom to him today, you have to do it?"

Rumlow glanced at Constantine, as if he wanted to see some panic in Constantine's eyes.

These are just guesses, but judging from what Reed needs to do, this contract definitely has a lot of restrictions on Constantine.

Especially considering that he has compressed all his responsibilities into "today", this restrictive force is likely to be so powerful that Constantine is completely unable to resist.

Rumlow doesn't know much magic, but he knows that the contract is relative! He doesn't think Constantine can modify the binding force of the contract at all!

"Yes, but I can't guarantee that I can do it. Because I am not a 'god' and I am not 'omnipotent' at all, so I will try my best to do what I can do."

Constantine still smiled, and then refilled his cigarette.

As Constantine finished speaking, the room became silent.

The focus now is no longer what price Constantine needs to pay, but what Reed will do for Constantine!

Like a "god" who is omnipotent and helps Constantine? Can Reed really do it?

And to what extent are there any restrictions in this damn contract, and what are the penalties for breach of contract?

Constantine is a scumbag, and he himself will not deny this assessment!

This chapter has been completed!
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