Chapter 239 Dong Zhuo is dead

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 At the beginning of the third year of Xinping, a piece of news came from Luoyang City, which immediately shocked the whole world. Dong Zhuo was dead, and the number one prince in the world was dead.

No one knows how Dong Zhuo died. Luoyang City has been sealed off, so it is difficult for outsiders to know any news.

Some people say that Dong Zhuo's body collapsed due to Dong Zhuo's debauchery and immorality. He originally suffered a lot of trauma when he was young.

Some people also say that Dong Zhuo was assassinated, and the assassin was someone who was die-hardly loyal to the divine man.

There are different opinions.

But Luoyang City was once in great chaos. Dong Zhuo was the backbone of Xiliang. Once he died, the entire Xiliang Army fell into chaos. Without Dong Zhuo's suppression, Luoyang City, the Xiliang Army, the Forbidden Army, and the private armies of various aristocratic families all fell into disarray.

In a crazy fight.

The entire city of Luoyang fell into civil strife, especially in the imperial court.

During his lifetime, Dong Zhuo promoted many officials who had taken refuge with him, and some officials from aristocratic families were suppressed. Now that Dong Zhuo is dead, these people naturally do not want to be suppressed again.

Everyone stood up to fight for power. Of course, the Xiliang Army was also unstable internally.

Dong Zhuo's sudden death left no successor in Xiliang. As a result, Xiliang's generals were all ambitious and wanted to become the next Dong Zhuo.

With the death of Dong Zhuo, the world also fell into greater chaos. The princes from all over the country seemed to think that once Dong Zhuo died, they would have a chance to surpass them, so they frantically expanded their armies one by one, and then devoured the surrounding chassis.


Donghai Ling, Fuya.

Su Fan naturally also received a letter from the dark owl, and he even knew more about Dong Zhuo's death.

Dong Zhuo's death was indeed an assassination.

According to the information found by the dark owl, there were many forces involved in the assassination of Dong Zhuo, and the aristocratic families contributed the most, especially the Yuan family, the Wang family, and some aristocratic families around Sili, who joined forces and finally cooperated with the sword master Wang Yue to secretly reveal Dong Zhuo.

Get rid of it.

The dark owl also paid the price of three people in order to investigate this news.

Su Fan was very distressed. He had established Dark Owl for several years, but the number of Dark Owls was always very small, and each one was extremely precious.

As for how Dong Zhuo died, Su Fan actually didn't care, after all, everyone died.

What's more, Luoyang City was quite far away from him and there was no way to interfere, so what if the cause of Dong Zhuo's death was known?

Besides, without the news from the dark owl, Su Fan could make some guesses about Dong Zhuo's death.

Those aristocratic families in Luoyang looked down upon Dong Zhuo at all. How could they tolerate Dong Zhuo shitting on their heads?

Especially in recent years, Dong Zhuo Zhuo has become so unbridled that the interests of each of their families have been constantly being swallowed up, and they finally couldn't bear it anymore.

At this point, Su Fan had already guessed that Dong Zhuo was destined to fail.

If it were a world without law, there would be no force, and if Dong Zhuo was more careful, he would still have a chance, but in this fantasy world, those powerful soul refiners and some underhanded methods would make it impossible for you to guard against it.

There were no genuine civil servants under Dong Zhuo's command, and the only one he trusted, Li Ru, was only a disciple from a humble family and did not have a deep understanding of those wealthy families at all.

Jia Xu, the only person who might have some understanding, was not really serving Dong Zhuo.

Therefore, Su Fan had speculated on Dong Zhuo's fate as early as a few years ago.

If he could really subdue Lu Bu, he might still be able to take precautions. After all, if he was protected by a strong general at the ninth level of refining, ordinary assassination would not be possible.

However, after the Battle of Hulao Pass ended, Lu Bu's status in Luoyang City dropped a few points again.

Perhaps Dong Zhuo felt threatened by Lu Bu and began to suppress him constantly, which naturally made Lu Bu alienated.

In the end, Wang Yue assassinated Dong Zhuo. It was unclear to outsiders whether the other party sensed it, but with his strength at the ninth level of Gang Refining, as long as Wang Yue made a move, he would definitely sense it immediately.

According to the news of the secret owl's investigation, Lu Bu did not take any action at all that day, which shows the estrangement between the two parties.

It can only be said that Dong Zhuo's fate is destined.

In Luoyang City, if he cannot conquer everything, he must suffer backlash. This is the consequence of being domineering.

If he had the domineering power of the First Emperor or Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he wouldn't be afraid, but it's a pity that he doesn't.

Dong Zhuo's death did not have much impact on Su Fan.

Luoyang is far away from him, separated by Yanzhou and Yuzhou. What idea can he have to use the emperor to control the princes? It is a good choice for the princes who are relatively weak at the beginning, but they are very strong. The emperor has no choice for him.

Too big an effect.

Historically, this is probably why Yuan Shao did not choose to march into Luoyang and capture Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.

At that time, he was already very powerful, and the effect Emperor Xian of Han had on him was not as good as icing on the cake.

It might even cause trouble.

Many of the ministers around the emperor have high reputations. Even if you regard the emperor as a puppet, they are still puppets, but once they want to cause trouble for you, it is still easy.

You don't dare to kill randomly.

In history, Cao Cao initially relied on the emperor to control the princes, and he developed rapidly. However, later on, he also encountered constant troubles.

For this reason, he also massacred some ministers, and as a result, his reputation suddenly became bad.

Fortunately, he defeated Yuan Shao in the Battle of Guandu. Otherwise, his fate would definitely have been bad, and he might even be as famous as Dong Zhuo in history.

The Emperor is now of no use to Su Fan. He has no shortage of righteousness. Yuzhou Mu and Zhendong General are enough.

After he captured Yangzhou and Xuzhou, no righteousness could hold him back.

At that time, all the world looked at was strength.

Therefore, he was quite unconcerned about Dong Zhuo's death. On the contrary, he was quite cautious about the battle in Jizhou and Youzhou.

Jizhou was still captured by Yuan Shao. In the battle of Hulao Pass, although Yuan Shao's reputation was reduced, the Yuan family's heritage was there.

His ability itself is not bad either.

Most of the aristocratic families in Jizhou are also more optimistic about Yuan Shao, and Han Fu can't beat him after all. Although the generals in the Jizhou army mostly sneer at Han Fu.

It's a pity that Han Fu himself is too good, and the few generals in Jizhou are not very handsome either.

Faced with the various schemes of Yuan Shao's counselors and the "rebellious boys" in Jizhou, Han Fu was finally defeated at the end of the first year of Chuping, and Zui Zhou was defeated in Jizhou.

Fortunately, he ran to Yuzhou and defected to Kong Ni. As for several generals from Jizhou, they also came to Donghai County under the leadership of Gao Lan.

All of a sudden, the generals of the East China Sea Territory were raised several levels again.

There are indeed many generals under Han Fu, including Jizhou General Pan Feng, Hebei Sitingzhu Zhang He, Gao Lan, and two brothers Lu Kuang.

Plus a Zhu Ling.

Seven generals who practiced martial arts.

This chapter has been completed!
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