Chapter 362: Cohabitation and Valentines Day

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How did the ancients call all things?

The mountain is Cuiwei, the sea is Cangyuan, the rain is Lingze, the snow is cold crisp, the clouds are slender, the wind is swinging, the sun is supporting light, the moon is Wangshu, the sky is called Biluo, the earth is called Kunling, and the stars are white

Elm, wind-blown gravel is also called shocking sand...

The slender verdure is slightly bumpy, helping the light to enter the abyss. The shaking sand rises, and the mountain alley looks far away.

Translated, the meaning is very simple; it is dawn, the sun rises to the horizon, the clouds rise and the wind rises, and the moon sets on the mountain. However, at dawn, the light is dim. Looking from a distance, the mountain seems to have a slight double shadow, trembling and trembling.


A very common scene, when described with some rhetoric, gives people a very beautiful artistic conception.

Writing is so fun!

Li Peifeng thought that his skill of "playing with words" was becoming more and more proficient day by day. When he started writing, a smile appeared on his face, and the sound of typing on the keyboard inevitably became louder.


The bedroom door opened, and He Yimeng, who was only wearing underwear, poked his head out: "After washing up, hurry up and cook."


Li Peifeng responded, typed two more lines, then got up and ran to the kitchen.

After the four girls drove away last night, He Yimeng still came to Li Peifeng's house. When they met, they didn't talk nonsense. They went straight to the topic and met frankly. They just rubbed each other until He Yimeng couldn't bear it and fell asleep. They just gave up.


But Li Peifeng put perfume on his body, and the other party smelled it for a long time, so he was affected. Last night, he had a dream communication with him. Li Peifeng was just about to enter the dream to find inspiration, so he followed the other party.

Dreaming about dreams is something that Li Peifeng and the four girls are accustomed to, but dreaming about He Yi was the first time the elder girl had ever gotten into a sedan chair, so she kept asking about it after she woke up.

Although she had heard about this miraculous experience from Huang Tianxuan when she was undergoing psychological counseling, she thought it was Huang Tianxuan's exaggeration at the time. But now she experienced it for herself and went on an adventure with Li Peifeng to understand the magic.

After waking up, it was natural to ask questions. Li Peifeng did some Tai Chi without explaining too much, but He Yi Meng was still very curious and kept talking while he was cooking.

In fact, the dream is too real and the experience is too beautiful.

"It is truly a state of physical and mental relaxation and complete freedom. Watch your dreams and enter your heart. Watch the moonlight in the clear pool and get a glimpse of the body outside of you."

He Yimeng hugged Li Peifeng from behind, looking a little intoxicated and a little disappointed: "It's like watching a good movie, and then returning to the bad real life after the end... I want to do it again, no, not just


Li Peifeng stir-fries: "Do you want to cook some more rice?"

"Whether you like to do it or not."

"Points will be deducted for making puns!"

"If you love me, just do it. Is that okay?" After He Yimeng said this, he couldn't help but hugged her tighter, and smiled close to Li Peifeng's ear: "You look very sexy when you cook. I saw you doing it before.

When you're chopping vegetables in the kitchen, even if Wu Wenyue is present, I want to slap your butt..."

Through this dream communication, He Yimeng's feelings and covetousness for Li Peifeng became more and more obvious, and she spoke so openly that she looked like a female gangster.

Rebellious, artistic, seemingly passionate but actually withdrawn, she constantly tries various hairstyles and colors, thinking that she can replace the female gangster who lacks a noble background in life.

He is very candid and has a beautiful smile, which Li Peifeng appreciates very much.

After breakfast, the two had an in-depth discussion about the meaning of life and the origin of species. Why Meng left with satisfaction, while Li Peifeng simply packed his luggage and headed to Zhao Qingge's home.

He didn't bring too many things, just a few changes of underwear, a [Variety of Chinese Clothes], a laptop, and a few toiletries.

Li Peifeng felt that he could not live in Zhao Qingge's house for long, because as time passed, the other three people knew about the two living together, which would definitely cause some uncontrollable consequences, so Li Peifeng had already made plans to stay for a few days.

Prepare to run away with a bucket...

So how many days are these days? It depends on how much the other three listened to what Zhao Qingge said.

If they only hear a little bit, in less than three days, some of them will be unable to help but go to Baoyu Community to secretly look for Li Peifeng. When the time comes, they will look... Oh, Li Peifeng is not there? Where are you? I'll look for you!


On the way to Zhao Qingge's home, Li Peifeng was also thinking about how to solve this problem, but after thinking about it, he felt that there was no need to worry too much.

When the three girls know the cause and effect, they may blame him, but the one they hate the most is Lao Zhao who doesn't mean what he says.

Zhao Qingge's behavior is more despicable than a traitor.

Make rules, tout the benefits of the rules, make others abide by the rules, and then secretly break the rules yourself...

However, Li Peifeng was somewhat resentful towards the three of them. Who made them trust others? Zhao Qingge asked them to have a cold war with him, so they did so and took the initiative to distance themselves from him?

You deserve it, don’t you!

"Let them experience Zhao Duoduo's thick blackness and gain wisdom, lest they be sold by her in the future and have to pay for others."

Li Peifeng calmed down for a moment, picked up his phone and called up the camera, pointed the lens at himself reflected in the subway train window, took a selfie, and used this selfie to post to a circle of friends, setting it to only the three people Wu, Huang, and Xu

bit visible.

"Perhaps you will still think of me, just like a flower that will never bloom again."

After getting off the platform, I didn't see any likes or comments from the three of them.

Li Peifeng sighed: "I gave you a chance but you didn't use it!"

"Ding Dong~"

The door opened, and Li Peifeng's eyes lit up at Zhao Qingge inside. He saw that the other person was wearing a white shirt, showing off his graceful waistline, and a knee-length black skirt on the lower body, showing off those plump and light eyes.

Perfect combination of nose and calves.

The only pity was that Zhao Qingge was wearing slippers, but Li Peifeng could see that the other person's face was lightly made up, the corners of his slender eyes were slightly upturned, and the right black eyeliner made the originally indifferent eyes exude a kind of charm.

The tension and the pair of black-framed glasses on the bridge of the nose make this charm more restrained and add an intellectual touch; the red lips are slightly pursed and slightly moved, as if they are charming, but coupled with Zhao Qingge's indifferent expression, it makes it even more charming.

People dare not approach easily.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Come in, change your shoes."


At the first glance, Li Peifeng felt the little emotion in the other person's heart. When changing shoes, he gave a sincere compliment as Zhao Qingge expected: "You are so beautiful today."


Zhao Qingge glanced at him as if to say: That's it?

Li Peifeng started using his brain and started talking nonsense with the ink in his stomach: "With handsome eyes, you can trim your eyebrows, you can look forward to the sky, you have the essence of literary talent, and you will forget the vulgarity when you see it!"

Zhao Qingge's reaction was lukewarm: "I remember this was the description of Jia Tanchun in "A Dream of Red Mansions". Some people said that she became the princess of a foreign vassal in the ending, which is the best ending among many heroines, but I think that

Not necessarily."

"She has a high ambition since the Qingming Dynasty, and she was born in the last days when her luck has declined. This is her verdict. How can the ending be any better?"

[I have been high-spirited since I was born in Qingming Dynasty, but once I encountered good luck, my luck was gone. It's a pity that I have been so noble for half my life, how did I meet you...]

Not satisfied with such praise? What else are you thinking about in your mind?

Li Peifeng secretly smacked his tongue, thought about it, and decided to praise more specifically: "Look at the shirt you are wearing today. It is a simple slim fit, but on you it looks... big breasts and very thin waist... I

I kind of want to touch it. And this skirt... What kind of material is it made of? It looks very high-end at first glance. Those legs below... are really killing me! Can you lift your feet so that I can... let me kiss you?


"you shut up!"

Zhao Qingge's eyes widened, his face turned red, and he looked in disbelief: "Do you know what nonsense you are talking about?!"

I'm acting like a gangster, didn't you notice?

Li Peifeng simply stopped talking, just pursed his lips and smiled, put on his slippers, strode forward, hugged Zhao Qingge with both hands, and kissed Zhao Qingge forcefully despite the other's resistance.

If the rainbow farts of Yaoliangzhiyin don’t work, then let’s use actions to prove how beautiful Lao Zhao is today!


The facts also proved that he answered correctly. After the kiss, although Zhao Qingge's tone was still angry, he was not thinking wildly in his heart, but his heartbeat was racing and his face was slightly red...

"My eyes, no matter whether I look at the lights on the roadside, the waves on the sea, or the moon in the sky, they never light up when I see you!"

Li Peifeng was disgusted to a certain extent, and the words he said were so disgusting that they could kill him!

Zhao Qingge was also a little uncomfortable. He turned around and pointed at the person lying on his side, and abruptly changed the subject: "You will stay in this room and try to finish the work within a week."


"Pack your things and come to the study. I'll tell you the specific work."


Perhaps because he was afraid that Li Peifeng would try to act like a gangster, Zhao Qingge quickly left the living room and walked into the study.

And Li Peifeng had nothing to deal with, so he laid his computer on his side, threw his bag on the bed, and went into the study.

The behind schedule of the project that Zhao Qingge said is really not an excuse, but a real situation. It turned out to be caused by a team that failed to do the work it was supposed to be responsible for. As the general person in charge of the project, Zhao naturally has to be responsible for checking for leaks and filling the gaps.

"He can't use this thing at all."

"It really needs to be rewritten."

Li Peifeng estimated the workload and frowned: "I thought I moved here because... but it turned out that I really have to work. So what, I have to do it all by myself?"

Zhao Qingge said: "I will tell the group later that I will arrange some of the data collection chores for them, but the overall direction and manuscript must be done by you yourself."


After talking for a while, it was noon, and Li Peifeng made lunch. After the teacher and student had eaten, they started working.

It was not until six o'clock in the evening that Li Peifeng took a short break and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

There were not many ingredients, just two small stir-fries and one soup. Li Peifeng finished the work quickly. While eating, he reported the progress to Zhao Qingge and discussed the next work arrangements.

After the meal, the two returned to the room. Li Peifeng was full of thoughts and was a little distracted. He walked into the study and looked at Zhao Qingge sitting in front of the computer. He asked inexplicably: "Are you sleepy after a busy day?"

Zhao Qingge glanced at him: "I'm not sleepy."

Not sleepy? You have to be sleepy even if you’re not sleepy, otherwise I wouldn’t have come here in vain? And you’re dressed so beautifully today, you even put on makeup at home, and made all the preparations... Who would believe you if you say you’re not sleepy?

Li Peifeng was so courageous that he reached out and grabbed Zhao Qingge, dragging him until he was lying on his side temporarily. In the dark room, without turning on the light, he hugged Lao Zhao and fell down on the bed.

"Let go! What do you want to do?!"

Zhao Qingge did not lose his majesty despite his panic. Li Peifeng comforted him nonchalantly: "Just hug him for a while, nothing else!"

Zhao Qingge hesitated for a moment, tried his best to turn his head away from looking at him, and whispered: "Don't touch me, it's itchy."

"Yeah, just a hug."

After Li Peifeng finished speaking softly, he buried his head in Zhao Qingge's hair, greedily breathing in the body fragrance produced by the combination of shampoo, shower gel and human body on the other person's body. His hands were also very honest and just held Zhao Qingge's waist, nothing else.

Abnormal movement.

After more than ten seconds, Zhao Qingge also felt at ease. His body was no longer so stiff. He turned his head slightly to look at Li Peifeng in his arms. His lips unconsciously opened a few times. When he saw that the other person was about to raise his head to look at him, he quickly turned away.

Make eye contact with him.

"Have you had enough hugs?"

Li Peifeng's answer was another kiss. Because he was in bed, in a dark room, and the conditions were different than usual, Zhao Qingge was very panicked and nervous.

Her first reaction was to hide, but she couldn't hide. She could only arch and arch, her hands clawing at Li Peifeng's body, trying to grab some life-saving straw.

"Let me massage your legs."

After Li Peifeng took off her white shirt, gradually stretched her hands towards her skirt, and said something about 'massage legs', Zhao Qingge finally put up some decent resistance, and grabbed Li Peifeng's hand in a slightly trembling but expressive tone.

The meaning is unwavering...

"You want to marry me!"

With his keen vision, even if there was no light in the bedroom, Li Peifeng could clearly see that Zhao Qingge underneath him seemed to have red eyes. His movements could not help but stagnate, and he subconsciously said: "I will definitely get married, I promised you."

Zhao Qingge changed several expressions in just two seconds, including anger, disgust, sorrow, self-blame, and helplessness. In the end, he just muttered indifferently: "I don't want a divorce."

Li Peifeng didn't want to divorce, but his divorce was just for a better marriage.

This makes people very embarrassed.

After silently putting on Zhao Qingge's dress, Li Peifeng hugged Zhao Qingge again, remained silent for a moment, and said, "Then we won't get divorced."

Zhao Qingge trembled slightly and turned to look at Li Peifeng, with sudden joy in his eyes: "Huh?!"

“Civil affairs in all provinces are not connected to the Internet.”

Li Peifeng said in a low voice: "I can get four certificates in different provinces. If the authorities find out in the future, I will be found out. How will I be sentenced? I believe that if I go to jail, I will be released in a few years. I just don't know where to go."

Can those four red books be kept at that time..."

This is all bullshit.

The joy in Zhao Qingge's eyes turned into disappointment. He broke away from the other party without saying a word, stood up, put on his shirt and returned to the study.

After a while, Li Peifeng heard the phone ringing next door. It was Wu Wenyue calling Zhao Qingge. Not long after, Zhao Qingge changed into a set of sportswear and left the house.

"I think I went to the gym with Wu Wenyue."

Li Peifeng frowned slightly. At the end of the day, none of the three people came to him. It seemed that they really listened to what Zhao Qingge said and did not realize that the other party was guarding and stealing. Wu Wenyue was kind enough to take the initiative to ask Lao Zhao for training.


"These tiger girls simply consider thieves as their fathers!"

Li Peifeng sighed and continued typing on the keyboard.


Zhao Qingge came back at nine o'clock in the evening. She didn't say hello, and Li Peifeng didn't talk to her. He just focused on work. With the help of steel and iron bones, the transformed internal organs stayed up all night. He made some progress and moved the project forward.

Pushed a little.

Time also passes, the night disappears, the sun rises, and it is a brand new day.

He had breakfast with Lao Zhao, chatted a few words about the project, and then continued back to his room to work.

However, a phone call reminded him that today seemed to be a special day...

"Okay, send it over, I'll take a look at it."

The caller is Tang Yan because the special effects production part of the trailer for "Sword and Law" has been completed as scheduled.

MOREVFX Studio sent the completed short film to Trinity in the morning. Tang Yan and others did not spend much time finishing the final subtitles and soundtrack. If there are no other surprises, this video will be available on the entire network at noon today.

Released to build momentum for the release of "Sword and Law".

But besides that, today is also a special day; February 14th, Valentine’s Day.

"Brother Feng, how do you plan to spend Valentine's Day?"

After Tang Yan reported his work, he asked, probably out of curiosity. Li Peifeng also asked, which made him confused, and then he laughed.

"It's definitely not going to be easy anyway!"


A female voice coughed vaguely on the phone. Li Peifeng immediately recognized that the person on the other end was Xu Manying. Then Tang Yan seemed to remember something: "Brother Feng, if you don't find it interesting to live by yourself, why not let us accompany you? Let's have a dinner together.

Eat, drink some wine, sing...well, mainly I want to eat the food you cooked."

At the end of the sentence, Tang Yan smiled and seemed a little embarrassed.

His acting skills were good, but Li Peifeng had already figured it out. It was definitely under Xu Manying's instruction that Tang Yan made this call.

Heart to heart, start!

Sure enough, Tang Yan was in Wu Wenyue's exclusive office in the studio, making a phone call on speakerphone, with Xu Maning and Wu Wenyue listening in...

How many days have it been? It’s been less than two days, and you can’t bear it anymore?

"Who came up with this idea? Boss Wu, Boss Xu, or you guys?"

"We!" Tang Yan answered quickly: "Me, Jin Yu, An An... Anyway, we have been talking about it since the last dinner at your house, okay, Brother Feng?"

"forget it."

Li Peifeng said calmly: "There's no point in just celebrating Valentine's Day with you. You can have dinner by yourselves. I still have to code, so I'm done~"

After hanging up the phone, Li Peifeng fell into deep thought. He felt that he might not be able to hide the fact that he lived in Zhao Qingge's house...

"Dingling bell~"

Video call, caller, Huang Tianxuan.

"Happy Valentine's Day."

Li Peifeng chose to connect via voice, and then took the lead in sending his worthless blessings with a smile and sincerity.

Huang Tianxuan didn't accept it and went straight to the point: "Where did you go fooling around when you weren't at home?"

Li Peifeng took a breath and made a small contribution to global warming.

"Are you at my door?"

"This is not your home. To be precise, it is in front of a property owned by Xu Maning... Where are you?"

"This is a good question!"

Li Peifeng was quite emotional: "Why don't we let time give us the answer?"

This chapter has been completed!
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