Chapter 369 Love

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On the fifth day of school, Li Xin brought dumplings to Zhao Qingge and bumped into the two living together. Li Peifeng also planned to run away with the bucket.

This time it was not Zhao Qingge who kicked him out, but force majeure. Li Xin spoke.

The mother-in-law-to-be's intentions should still be respected, not to mention that what the other party said does make sense.

"Auntie is not against the continued relationship between you, but your current relationship is very special. In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, you should keep a low profile as much as possible, and keep it secret if you can. School will start in a few days, and in this community Many teachers from North China Normal University live here, Peifeng, if you are still here, if someone sees you living with Qing Ge... the impact will be very bad, after all, you have not graduated yet."

"And even if you put this aside, auntie doesn't support you living together now, because not only are you not engaged, your parents haven't met yet, and I don't even know your parents' phone numbers... It's better to wait until you graduate soon, Ask your parents to come over and let our two families talk together. What happens next is up to you, and I will never interfere again."

What she said was reasonable and well-founded. Zhao Qingge remained silent throughout the whole process. She did not try to persuade him to stay, and Li Peifeng was also unreasonable. He hesitated and made a statement: "You are right, I will pack my luggage after dinner."

"Don't worry, you can move tomorrow... By the way, you are renting a house now, right?"

The deep meaning of the words was quite obvious. Li Peifeng understood it immediately and nodded: "I am renting a house, but I want to buy a house soon. The results of my new book are quite good. With two months of manuscript fees, I can buy a clear book." A house with a lot size like this is not suitable."

"That's good."

Li Xin raised her eyebrows slightly and nodded slightly: "It was probably the day before yesterday that Qingge talked to me about your novel. She was very happy for you, and I am very knowledgeable about Internet articles. She talked to me for a long time about the meaning of your achievements. What are you wearing..."


Li Peifeng looked at Zhao Qingge in surprise. He really couldn't imagine how Zhao, who had always been honest with him, praised his excellence in front of Li Xin.


Zhao Qingge might have been embarrassed and tried to interrupt, but Li Xin waved her hand and continued: "When I first knew that you two were together, Auntie was a little prejudiced against you because the relationship between you was a bit unconventional. Concept... But since you two are in love, we as parents can't beat you up. But your uncle and I still have a hard time accepting your identity as Peifeng's student."

"What is unacceptable? To be realistic, many of the people who have been introduced to Qing Ge for blind dates have a certain status in political and academic circles, and the last two are leaders in the business world. The family conditions of those people are similar to ours. , On the other hand, Peifeng, you..."

Me? What’s wrong with me? I’m quite old and you’re still separated from me by this PUA, right?

Li Peifeng interrupted with a smile: "But I am young and handsome. Auntie, I must have other advantages, right?"

"Listen to me!"

Li Xin couldn't help laughing, and said in a different voice: "Age and appearance are secondary. The main reason is that Auntie has been in contact with you for a long time and has learned more about you through Qing Ge, so I changed my mind, Peifeng. You are indeed a very outstanding young man. My daughter has good taste. You are young, talented, and have certain financial strength. The most important thing is that Qingge likes you... In short, Auntie has no objection to the relationship between the two of you now. .”

Li Xin's changes in her mentality are very complicated, from disgust, resistance, ignorance, and reluctant acceptance when she first learned about their teacher-student relationship, to her true recognition now.

Very twists and turns, many changes!

But Li Peifeng was able to guess the reason very well. On the one hand, it was more realistic. Now that he was famous and could make more money, Li Xin's attitude towards him naturally softened, and he was not as resistant as before.

This is inevitable. This is not snobbery. The identities of Li Xin and Zhao Haiqi are there. The gap between the Zhao family and the Li family does exist. I can only say that I have pity for the hearts of parents in the world. No parent wants to

His daughter married a poor boy with no money or power.

On the other hand, perhaps Li Xin panicked a little after discovering that she and Lao Zhao were living together.

"Did you have sex with him after you moved in together?"

When Li was in the kitchen, he vaguely heard Li Xin ask Zhao Qingge this question seriously. Since she had just engaged in borderline sexual behavior with Li Peifeng this morning, Zhao Qingge answered with some hesitation: "No."

This lack of confidence made Li Xin's heart skip a beat.

Is the raw rice cooked? Is your cabbage eaten by pigs?

OK, hold your nose and admit it.

Opposing now will outweigh the gains and losses, and it will be easy to scare this little bastard away.

You should get married as soon as he graduates. Otherwise, what if Li Peifeng regrets it after a long time?

This was probably Li Xin's idea, and then the other party acted like an elder and talked about Li Peifeng's future plans, what kind of house, car, when he planned to have children, the current situation of his parents and other topics, which further confirmed Li Peifeng's suspicion.

This is a disguised form of urging marriage, and Li Peifeng feels that among the parents of the four girls, Li Xin is definitely the one who is most anxious.

If Li Peifeng hadn't graduated yet, she would have wanted them to get their certificates right now.

"Yes, you are right, well, I think so too!"

Li Peifeng braced himself to deal with it, packed up after the meal, packed up and left. However, when he arrived at the door, he found that Zhao Qingge had changed his shoes, took the car key and said, "I'll drive you off."


"Drive slowly."

After Li Xin finished her instructions, she whispered to her daughter: "Come back soon."


Go downstairs and get in the car.

The two of them were silent all the way. The car drove into Baoyu Community and stopped downstairs. Li Peifeng felt Zhao Qingge's reluctance to leave, so he comforted him: "Why don't I wait until auntie leaves today? I will move back tomorrow."

"never mind."

Zhao Qingge shook his head lightly: "It's too troublesome."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Li Peifeng turned sideways, kissed Zhao Qingge's cheek, and said softly: "As long as you want to live with me, I'm not afraid of trouble no matter what."

After Zhao Qingge was kissed, he turned his head as if to dodge, looked out the window with a smile in his eyes, and said in an indifferent tone: "Then you can cook for me these days."


"As of the beginning of school, just come at noon and leave after cooking dinner."

Then I have really become the nanny you hired. I am responsible for three meals a day, but not a single day? What am I trying to do?!

Li Peifeng had some opinions in his heart, but he didn't show it and remained silent.


Zhao Qingge turned around and looked back, with no smile in his eyes. His brows were furrowed and he could only look at it: "Didn't you just say it nicely? You are not afraid of any trouble for me, and now you won't say a word when I ask you to cook? You can only lie with that mouth of yours.

Besides, can it have some other effect?"

"You know the other functions of my mouth very well!"

Li Peifeng's eyes glanced at the casual pants under Zhao Qingge's body. The latter couldn't help but think of the day when Li Peifeng attacked him like a hungry tiger pouncing on food... His face suddenly became red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Where are you looking?!"

"Can't you look at the place where I ate?"

"Shut up,'s not serious!" Zhao Qingge was extremely embarrassed, and then he was afraid that Li Peifeng would become a wolf, so he quickly scolded: "Don't change the subject, will you cook for me?"

"What's your attitude? I'm your servant?"

Li Peifeng curled his lips: "It's easy to knock your upper lip and lower lip. If I agree, I won't be able to write a book well these days. I have to take the bus and run to your house every day just like going to work. I have three meals in the morning, noon and evening. After I finish, I will

You won't let me stay overnight, and then you won't even help me wash the dishes. Why? Just because I like you?"


Zhao Qingge's face turned redder, but this was because he was angry, and his eyes were rounded. He couldn't understand how Li Peifeng could be so shameless as to say such things: "Obviously it was you who said you wouldn't be afraid of any trouble for me, so I...


Li Peifeng interrupted: "Then what can you do for me?"


Zhao Qingge felt something was wrong in her heart. She felt that Li Peifeng was playing tricks, but she didn't know what to say for a moment, and this gave Li Scumbag a chance.

"You don't even want to wash the dishes for me. I cook, so you can't divide the labor like washing the dishes?"

"Shut up! Can you cook while I wash the dishes? Then I'll wash them!"

Zhao Qingge cut through the mess quickly and came up with a solution, but Li Peifeng was not satisfied: "I proposed this on my own initiative. You didn't mean this at all before, and you don't know how to put yourself in someone else's shoes!"

Zhao Qingge sneered: "You are very good at changing positions. If you are a woman, you will find fault with these trivial things..."

"I'm not nitpicking. From beginning to end, I just want your attitude."

Li Peifeng ended his nonsense and looked very serious: "Let's think carefully about the details of our relationship. Do you think you treat me more as a student or as a boyfriend?"

"Even after experiencing so many dreams, even though we are so close, you still treat me as a student, and you still play the role of mentor in front of me."

"To be honest, this puts a lot of pressure on me. Sometimes I don't know whether to call you or you, whether to call you wife or guide. This mismatch of identities will make both of us uncomfortable, and will also lead to

Our relationship status became unhealthy."

"The relationship between teachers and students is a superior-subordinate relationship. Teachers are leaders and students are followers. But partners are different. Partners are equal and respect each other... In short, our current relationship model is completely abnormal!"

Zhao Qingge was silent for a moment and whispered: "You feel pressure to get along with me, but you feel comfortable getting along with them?"



"Our relationship is abnormal, but the relationship between you and them is normal."

Damn it, Lao Zhao has learned to use magic to defeat magic!

"I did not mean that……"

"It's up to you."

Zhao Qingge's tone did not fluctuate: "If you don't get used to it, don't get along with me. That's just me."

You are like this, you are stubborn, you will be the winner of the 12th Jianren Spirit Cup Jianren Competition!

Seeing Zhao Qingge, who was sitting in the driver's seat, holding his hands on his chest and exuding a cold aura, Li Peifeng didn't do anything. He tilted his head and thought for a moment, then slowly reached out to grab the other person's small hand under his armpit.

"Do not touch me!"

As soon as Li Peifeng touched the back of his hand, as if he pressed some switch, the expressionless Zhao Qingge became fierce and serious, grabbing his claws with both hands and stretching them outward.

"Li Peifeng, you will never touch me again..."

"Then you call the police?"


Zhao Qingge's attitude became even worse, and he even retaliated. He scratched Li Peifeng's hand twice with his round and sharp fingernails, and then made a big move to attack his face.


Li Peifeng was also helpless: "That's what I just said to you, don't always put on airs like my leader and boss me around and be condescending. You are falling in love with me, not arranging combat tasks for me..."

"That's just me."

Zhao Qingge's eyebrows were solemn and there was a hint of severity in his tone: "If you can't stand it, don't. If you think they are good, then go talk to them."

Li Peifeng advised: "Speak less angry, don't ignore your true feelings and needs for temporary emotions, you have to try to express your true inner thoughts to me, communication, communication is really important. All relationships are

Communication and exchange…the more we listen to the feelings and needs behind other people’s words, the less afraid we are of communicating openly with them.”

"I have nothing to communicate with you."

Zhao Qingge interrupted again: "You obviously know very well what I am thinking, and you are still...getting out of the car. I don't want to talk to you anymore!"

After a moment of silence, Li Peifeng not only did not get out of the car, but got closer to Zhao Qingge. He vowed to change Zhao Qingge's attitude towards him today.

It was undeniable that Li Peifeng felt good and comfortable when the other party occasionally put on a strict teacher's posture, and had a sneaky and despicable stimulation, but after a long time, he really couldn't stand it.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! I believe that except for perverts, no man likes his girlfriend to always discipline him like a primary school student, and Li Peifeng does the same.

Deep down in their hearts, almost everyone regards love as therapy. They hope that their lover can play the role of their ideal parent and cure them.

In other words, if a pair of lovers truly love each other, they are each other's parents and each other's children. They will fight with each other, play tricks, and deliberately act mentally retarded to make the other person happy. Sometimes they are naive children, and sometimes they are naive children.

He is a mature adult again...

Li Peifeng believes that Zhao Qingge always shows his parent side in front of him, but never shows the relatively naive child side. This is not conducive to the warming of the relationship between the two. Only by exposing his true self and exposing his most vulnerable and softest parts to each other

, it shows that the relationship between the two people has entered into a true fit.

But what should I do if Lao Zhao refuses to change like a hedgehog and even gets angry and quarrels with him?

There is a way, there is a way!

Take the initiative to act as a parent and treat the other person as a child!

"Are you tired after arguing for so long?"

Li Peifeng leaned close to Zhao Qingge's ear, his tone was soft and very disgusting.

The style of painting changed so quickly that Zhao Duoduo twitched the corners of his mouth, dodged in the opposite direction, and turned his head away from looking at him, trying his best to maintain an indifferent expression.

"Honey, how about you let me kiss you before we continue to quarrel?"

Li Peifeng was just like coaxing a child, and he used the clip sound in "Rou Liang Zhi Yin"...

"Stay away from me and get off the car!"

Zhao Qingge even felt a little sick.

Li Peifeng increased his intensity, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with indulgence in his grievance: "Honey, how can you be angry with me? Is it because I did something wrong to make you sad? Then will I give you a kiss?


"I'll let you get off!


Singer Zhao Qing was at a loss as Li Peifeng's right hand reached towards her waist...

Mr. Li's tone remained gentle: "Whoever kisses me first will be more generous. Kiss me? Why don't you take the initiative to kiss me?"

"I won't kiss you!"

"Why don't you kiss me? You are so majestic, beautiful, and gentle... Look, you look so good even when you are angry!"

"As expected of the goddess of North China Normal University, the perfect teacher in the hearts of many students, the heroine of idol dramas, and the perfect partner in my heart... Please take the initiative to kiss me. You make a small concession, and I will give in a small step. Between us,

The relationship between us has taken a big step forward!”

While speaking, Li Peifeng also deliberately nudged Zhao Qingge's face with the bridge of his nose. Zhao Duoduo finally couldn't hold back anymore. Even though she tried her best to control her thin lips, the corners of her lips were slightly upward, and the corners of her eyes were like bowls but not curved, and the shape of a crescent moon could be seen.


"Are you snickering? Are you happy?"

Li Peifeng said directly, and then said in a pretended surprise: "Then don't be angry, just kiss me. This is what I want most. In the final analysis, I only have one request. Please change your attitude towards me a little bit in the future.

Not saying that you are like me, but at least try to express the love in your heart and stop duplicity...Kiss me, hurry up, take the initiative, my wife~"

Zhao Qingge frowned slightly, turned his head inadvertently, pressed his lips lightly on the corner of Li Peifeng's mouth, and quickly returned to his straight position, not letting Li see his expression, but unable to hide his crimson profile.

What does this red look like?

As if the sun never sets,

The afterglow falls on the white snowtops of the Himalayas.

Beautiful, very beautiful!

"Wife, I love you~"

Li Peifeng couldn't help but finish speaking softly, put his hands around Zhao Qingge's neck, slowly leaned over and kissed him.

Zhao Qingge's cheeks showed a rosy and charming luster, his eyes were squinted and elongated, and he had a unique look, which was both charming and confused, but also a little helpless.

" are such a scoundrel!"

"Don't call me a scoundrel, tell me you love me!"

Li Peifeng planned to take this opportunity to ask Lao Zhao to confess to him and say those three words. Before, the other party had only written them by hand and had not spoken them out, so the meaning was somewhat missing.


"Do you love me?"



Feeling that Li Peifeng's hand was causing trouble, Zhao Qingge quickly pushed him away, sat on the other side, straightened his pants, and avoided his questioning gaze: "Will you still cook for me tomorrow?"

Li Peifeng nodded heavily and said, "I'll definitely do it. Do you like it?"

"I love……"

Zhao Qingge stared at Li Peifeng for a moment, hesitantly said two words, then twisted his neck and looked out the car window: "I love to eat your cooking."

This chapter has been completed!
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