Chapter 1,268 Liu Yis ambition is Yuzhou

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Meng Chang's eyes widened: "Are you willing to enter the city to help defend it? I heard you right. This is not in line with your Celestial Master's practice of leaving early if there is no benefit and fleeing when there is danger."

Lu Xun said with a smile: "Mr. Meng seems to have a lot of misunderstandings about the divine religion. We always save people in danger. In the Jin Dynasty, at least we can preach freely, but if it is in a war-torn area or a foreign country,

It is to vigorously promote Buddhism, which is not good for us. Although sometimes, in order to preserve our strength, we will make concessions, but in the Central Plains region, the divine religion has been operating for several years and finally has a group of believers. If we just give up like this

, it’s such a pity. Even if you don’t come this time, we will still help General Zhu Xu defend the city, so those who are here now are our thousands of elite soldiers.”

Liu Yi nodded: "What you really want is not some merit or reward, but to ask the court to add some titles to you and allow you to officially open a monastery in the Central Plains and accept disciples."

The corner of Lu Xun's mouth curled up: "Liu Sima, you came here this time not because you want to get some credit after Liu Yu, but because you want to cooperate with us and take credit for the great contribution of defending Jinyong City. You

Knowing that Liu Yu will not cooperate with us, he may leave in anger in the end, so we are the only ones left here. Use real performance on the battlefield to make those who believe in Liu Yu turn to you as their big brother. This is

What do you think?"

Liu Yi laughed: "Our thoughts don't need to be hidden. Yes, that's it. If Liu Yu hadn't taken the lead, I wouldn't have been able to bring so many people here. Now he has brought more than a thousand veterans, and

After getting Wang Gong's official letter, I no longer need him. What's left is for us to cooperate and defend Jinyong City. From now on, everyone will know that the real new generation hero of the Beifu Army is me, Liu Yi, not him, Liu Yu.


Lu Xun nodded: "However, I have one last question. After all, it was Liu Yu who led the troops this time, and it was Liu Yu who handed over to Zhu Xu. Is there anything you can do to let the court know that this battle is between us?

Where was the fight?"

Liu Yi's lips curled up: "I have a friend of mine, and I discussed it with him before coming here this time. He has a way to let every scholar in Jiankang City know the truth here. Liu Yu doesn't have it now."

Now that the Xie family is behind us, we can't cover the sky with one hand like before."

Meng Chang's expression was serious: "Xile, it's not good to do this. It will cause division as soon as it comes. I'm afraid that if you openly oppose Liu Yu like this, these thousand brothers will not be more than 300 of us."

Liu Yi smiled and waved his hand: "Liu Yu's best friends are only the more than 300 people who followed him out of the city now. I also have more than 300 people here who will firmly follow me. As for the remaining four or five hundred people, like

He Wuji, Zhuge Changmin and the others would not clearly lean on which side, and Liu Yu would not take everyone away just because they fell out with me. In the end, he would only take more than 300 people back to Luoyang to defend the city with Zhu Xu, and

Most brothers will stay here with me to guard Jinyong City, and let me tell you a secret, there is a secret passage in Jinyong City, and even if we can't defend it, we can still run away."

Meng Chang's expression changed: "You mean the three tunnels in this city?"

Liu Yi looked at Lu Xun with a smile, and saw Lu Xun shook his head: "No, no, no, Empress Jia built Jin Yong City back then to imprison those political opponents who were her enemies. In the end, she herself was imprisoned and died.

In view of this, the later ruling Sima Lun and his counselor Sun Xiu secretly built an escape passage in Jinyong City. The descendants of Sun Xiu are the line of leader Sun of our divine religion.

Senior brother Sun En, when we were in the Central Plains for the past two years, we walked through that secret road again. If the defense of the city fails, we can take you away safely."

Meng Chang's eyes sparkled and he fell into deep thought.

Liu Yi patted Meng Chang on the shoulder: "I don't want to be suppressed by Liu Yu all the time and become a stepping stone for his shadow. Yanda, do you want to be suppressed by him all the time?" He said, pointing to one side.

In the city, Liu Muzhi, who was bloated and fat, panting as he walked, and leading the Wei brothers to hold something up at the city gate, had a sneer on his lips.

Meng Chang gritted his teeth and stamped his foot: "Okay, I will listen to you this time. Now I will go find Aaron and Huaiyu. But Lu Xun, listen carefully. If you do something cunning again this time,

, betrayed us in the end, don’t expect me to trust you again in this life.”

Lu Xun smiled slightly and stretched out his hand: "We are on the same boat now, how could we betray you? Don't worry, the senior brother is leading the mobile disciples outside the city. We are here, working together inside and outside, and we will definitely be able to defend Jinyong City.


Without saying a word, Meng Chang went up and patted Lu Xun's outstretched hand as a response. He turned around and ran down the tower. Lu Xun watched his back go away, and the smile on his face gradually dissipated. He turned to face

Xu Daofu winked. Xu Daofu understood and also went down to the city from the other direction and went out.

On top of the city tower, only Lu Xun and Liu Yi were left. Lu Xun curled his lips and said: "Xile, this is the second time we have joined forces. The last cooperation in Yecheng was not successful. I hope this time

Don’t let anything go wrong again, don’t worry, I’ve checked the secret passage, it’s foolproof, it leads directly to Ruyi Fang in Luoyang City.”

Liu Yi shook his head: "You don't need more troops, just a thousand, which is a little less. I originally thought that you have been operating in the Central Plains for so long and you have an army of more than ten thousand, which can fight the Xiyan Army head-on.


Lu Xun smiled and said: "What's the rush? First we must defend the city to consume the spirit and strength of the Xiyan army. When they are exhausted, we can then counterattack. If we can take off Murong Yong's head this time, it will really be a great achievement."

One thing, when the time comes, Zhu Xu’s position as governor of Yuzhou will belong to you. You must follow your promise and let our religious religion recruit believers in the Central Plains. Don’t worry, in the future, if you want to make achievements in the Northern Expedition, my people will be useful to you.


Liu Yi nodded with satisfaction: "The gentleman behind me promised that if I make great achievements this time, he would recommend me to take over as the governor of Yuzhou. If I can kill Murong Yong, then I can kill Zhai Wei and Zhang Yuan."

, then I will be able to control the entire Central Plains and Qilu, and the center of the world is also in my hands. Even if I can stand on my own as Cao Cao, it is not impossible. The big families in the court are on guard against you, but we are

My friend, Yuan Long, I know that what you want is the position of leader of Tianshi Dao, so we don’t need to say more about this."

A sly cold light flashed in Lu Xun's eyes, and he turned to look in the direction Liu Yu left: "I can't wait to meet this old friend.".m.


This chapter has been completed!
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