Chapter 2830: Reminiscing about my military career (2)

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 Shen Yunzi nodded: "When we joined the demon thieves, on the one hand, we were intimidating them and had to obey, but on the other hand, it was also because the Shen family had suppressed them in Wu for many years. Since the founding of the country, Shen Chong had been punished for his rebellion. Since then, I have been unable to raise my head. Having the opportunity to make contributions is the only chance for the family to turn around. Unfortunately, we went astray and almost died. If the commander hadn't saved us, I'm afraid we would have fought against those thieves who made trouble. Just the same, he died silently and without any value."

Liu Yu said with a smile: "Men are afraid of getting into the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man. Tianshi Tao has been established in the south of the Yangtze River for many years, and almost no one at the bottom of the class doesn't believe it. And many local wealthy families in Wu who have been suppressed also borrow Tianshi Tao." And the idea of ​​turning over, coupled with the help of monsters like the Mafia and the Tiandao Alliance, led to huge changes, which is a logical thing. If we put ourselves in the shoes of the Shen family brothers and I, I am afraid it would be difficult not to do the same thing as you The same choice. There is no need to mention this point again. Now we are all brothers in the Beifu, and we can bring glory to the family with our own abilities."

Shen Tianzi said excitedly: "Brother Jinu saved us from the sea of ​​suffering and returned to the right path. Now we brothers of the Shen family have nothing else to think about. In addition to brightening the lintel of the Shen family, we are doing everything we can to help Jinu. Brother has achieved great things."

Liu Yu smiled slightly and looked at Wang Zhene and Mao Dezu and Suo Miao who were standing side by side with him: "Zhene, Dezu, Lao Suo, you are all heroes from Guanzhong who came to join the Jin Dynasty from the north. When you joined the army What are your thoughts?"

Mao Dezu curled his lips: "My Mao family was originally a powerful force in Guanzhong. When the former Qin Dynasty fell, there was great chaos in the north. Our family went south. On the way, we met the Laosuo clan and we all joined the Jin Dynasty. At that time, we just wanted to survive and didn't think too much. Over the years, under the command of the commander-in-chief, we have obtained things that we never dared to dream of. Just like the brothers before us, we will do whatever the commander-in-chief says."

Suo Miao sighed: "Our Suo family was originally a big family in the Hexi area. After the demise of the Zhang family in Qianliang, we moved to Guanzhong. It was also when the former Qin Dynasty collapsed. My family and the Dezu family went south together. They got separated on the way and wandered to Liang. In the Hanzhong area of ​​Prefecture, the powerful local families looked down on us northerners and humiliated them. So I made up my mind to make a name for myself in the future and let those guys who looked down on me back then apologize to me. ,apologize!"

Liu Yu was a little surprised: "I didn't expect you, Lao Suo, to have such a past."

Suo Miao gritted his teeth: "Later I left Hanzhong and first served under General Mao Qiu. Because I came from the north and was good at riding and shooting, I was highly valued by General Mao. He told me again and again that Brother Jinu was the best person in the world. Hero, if you want to really make great achievements, you'd better defect to him sooner or later. He also wrote me a letter asking me to go to Yangzhou to defect to you. It's a pity that when I came to the capital with the letter, Brother Jinu, you haven't come back from the grassland yet. Fortunately, Ah Brother Shou thought highly of me at that time and left me to train cavalry under him, so I have been following Brother Shou all these years."

Liu Yu laughed: "Ah Shou is one of the best knights in the army, but you, Lao Suo, are also very powerful. Among the barbarians, there are not many people who can beat you in martial arts. Don't worry, with your With your abilities, you will definitely be able to make great achievements, and you will have plenty of opportunities to show off to those who looked down upon you back then."

Suo Miao laughed and said, "Then I'll leave it to the Marshal."

Wang Zhene curled his lips: "Everyone knows about my family's situation. When I was young, I was young and frivolous. As a result, the world was unstable. My late father and Qian Qin passed away together, and our Wang family's nephews were also scattered around. At that time, I was in Bingzhou No.

Once I saw the commander who was going to the grassland, I was shocked. I made up my mind to serve such heroes in the future. Later, I joined the Jin Dynasty alone. Although I went through many twists and turns, I still saved my life, which also made me

I have the opportunity to follow the commander later. Of course, the main idea when I join the army is to enhance the reputation of my Wang family. After all, I have such a great father, I can't disgrace him."

Liu Yu nodded: "Uncle Ling is a famous prime minister throughout the ages. Although he was in the former Qin Dynasty, we all admire him very much. In addition, he has done many good things to protect the Han people in the world, and he also advised Fu Jian not to launch a campaign.

War, if Fu Jian had listened to him at that time, how could there have been the subsequent tragedy and the decades of war?"

Having said this, Liu Yu looked at Zhu Lingshi, Zhu Chaoshi brothers and Hu Fan, and said with a smile: "Three brothers from Jingzhou, you are all generals. The purpose of joining the army should be better than those of us who started from humble beginnings.

It’s a lot simpler, after all, you don’t have to worry about whether you have a good meal or not, or whether you can’t get a wife.”

Zhu Lingshi laughed: "Having said that, if I hadn't met you, Master, in Shouchun City, our brothers would have been like the tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Shouchun City, either dead or slaves. Although we joined the army

It is the tradition of our Zhu family for generations. Honoring the ancestors of the Zhu family and making contributions are also the biggest goals. But at that time, our brothers still hoped to have the opportunity to serve under the master, learn more about the art of war from you, and do more things for you.


Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction: "You are all my good apprentices. However, the Huan family is very kind to your Zhu family. It is right for you to join the Jingzhou Army when you become an adult. It is also the duty of a human being. Beard, you think so."


Hu Fan said sternly: "My Hu family, like the Zhu family, has always been cared for by the Huan family, so it is our fate to serve the Huan family. I only regret that I only regarded personal favors, ignored the righteousness, and sided with the traitor Huan."

Xuan, on the other hand, was not only disloyal to the country, but also caused inevitable harm to the Beifu brothers. In the rest of my life, I can only atone for my previous crimes."

Liu Yu waved his hand: "Huzi, don't say that. You, the Hu family, have been favored by the Huan family for many generations, and you should repay it. At that time, Huan Xuan usurped the rebellion. Even our Beifu Army generals could only be driven by him, let alone you.

.As for the previous grievances, they have been cut off. Now you are our brothers. You are fighting for the country not to atone for your sins, but to fight for what you deserve."

Hu Fan's eyes sparkled with tears: "In the past, what I really wanted to fight for was not glory and wealth, but the false reputation of being the best archer in the world. But now it seems that this false reputation, even if I don't give up the country, can create a peaceful world.

To prevent everyone from suffering from war is what those of us in military uniform should do!"

Liu Yu said loudly: "Well said, great. Soldiers should protect the country and the people, rather than torture the people for their own selfish desires. Everyone has said their original intention of joining the army, so I would like to ask you, what is this original intention?

,How much is left on us?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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