Chapter 2834 The treasure rumors came to nothing

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Everyone lowered their heads. The painful and bloody memories had been tormenting them for many years in everyone's mind, and they could not get rid of them. The hands of almost all generals and colonels were stained with the blood of innocent women and children, even if they were

No matter how ruthless these killing machines are during the killing, they will feel guilty and uneasy afterwards. These terrible memories were finally brought back to Liu Yu today.

Xiang Mi murmured: "Yes, that was the case at that time. I followed the order of Marshal Liu of Liu Zhenbei to search for those so-called traitors everywhere. As long as one person in the village joins the traitors, the whole village will be looked down upon.

As an accomplice, many of my men were newly assigned to me by Zhenbei before the war. They are horse thieves who have been in the Lianghuai River for many years. They are so ruthless. I saw them piercing the head of a baby like this.

, treat it like a game, or throw the child into the air and then cut it in half with a knife as a joke."

"I was furious at the time and wanted to punish them with military law, but the supervisory officer sent by Zhenbei said that this is how to deal with the rebels. Only by killing them and leaving no one behind can we take away their family's property.

The village was burned down, and the owl's head was placed on the roadside to intimidate everyone. The tragic scenes I saw along the way, I, my Tieniu, still often have nightmares today!"

Speaking of this, the eyes of this iron-clad man shone with tears: "To be honest, face-to-face killing on the battlefield, even if the opponent's brains are beaten out, their intestines are pulled out, their eyes are pulled out alive, or...

The feeling of being strangled to death and having the blood and brains splashed on your face and body is not that terrible. Because what we killed were unarmed people. Brother Jinu said, those who provide us with food, clothing, and parents


Having said this, he could no longer hold back, and two lines of tears flowed from his eyes. Most of the generals present also shed tears like him. These could be heard in the entire tent.

Silent sobs.

Liu Yu sighed: "Yes, in this war, we all have blood on our hands, and we all have evil that can never be washed away in our lives. Zhenbei may have been controlled by a demon at that time, so he gave such an order. He later

We are also reaping the consequences, being framed to death by that black robe. In this world, there is God's will, the reincarnation of good and evil, and there is also cause and effect. The tragedy of Wu land can never be repeated again. The kind of thing where family hates and hates happily, we

It can’t be done again.”

Zhuge Changmin gritted his teeth: "The people of Wu may have been wronged a lot. The mass killing at that time was indeed inappropriate, but what about the Hulu this time? Are they innocent? If we let them go, how can we be worthy of it?

Those thousands of people who died tragically?"

Liu Yu looked at Zhuge Changmin and said: "The murderers will not be all the Hu people in the city. The current intelligence is that there are more than 200,000 Xianbei Hu people, concentrated in Guanggu from all directions. This is not to protect some treasure, but

This is the consistent practice of the Hu people. Whether it is Fu Jian or the Murong family, they all have this tradition. They usually let their tribes go out of the town, but in times of national calamity, they shrink back to the capital to protect themselves. I also saw this when I was in Chang'an.

In this case, none of the tribesmen who came back to help received any treasure."

Zhuge Changmin opened his eyes wide: "How is it possible? Could it be that this is a rumor?"

Liu Yu nodded very seriously: "I am very sure that this is a rumor. The so-called treasure is worthless in troubled times. Let's say that after the death of Zhao, the Shi family, he seized power from Ran Min and established Ran Wei.

, and when Ran Wei fell, even the maids of Hou Zhao were eaten in its capital Yecheng. It was so trapped, how could it find treasures? It was because of a jade seal passed down from the country that the Jin Dynasty at that time wanted to send troops, and the reason why the Xie family could become

Isn’t it that the top aristocratic family relied on the merit of welcoming back the Jade Seal back then?”

"The other one is the former Qin Dynasty. When it perished, Chang'an City was also a hell on earth. All the grass roots and tree bark in the city were eaten away, so that the soldiers and civilians guarding the city actually ate alive the thousands of Xiyan who rushed into the city to be wiped out.

Sergeant, Murong Lan and I were in the city at that time. I know best whether there is any treasure in Fu Jian's hands. Everyone is fighting for survival and to thank him for his usual benevolence and righteousness. There will be no treasure from the beginning to the end."

Zhuge Changmin's face was ashen, and big beads of sweat began to flow down his face. Obviously, Liu Yu's words broke his dream and made him unable to accept it. He shook his head: "No, it can't be like this.

Yes, slave, you lied to me, that treasure, that treasure that is hundreds of years old, must be there, there must be it. There is no food in the city, it does not mean that there is no treasure, it must be hidden by them!"

Liu Yu sighed: "If there really is a treasure, then at this time of life and death, it will definitely be used to recruit warriors to make a decisive blow. Even that idiot Murong Bao knew about Jusan Mansion during the decisive battle in Baisi.

The treasury was full of palace maids to recruit warriors to attack Tuoba Gui at night. We are all leaders of troops, don’t we understand that there must be brave men under such a heavy reward? In the end, it was not taken out, so it can only explain

, this so-called treasure never existed!"

Wang Zhene said sternly: "Brother Jinu is so right. When my grandfather was the prime minister of the former Qin Dynasty, he repeatedly suggested Fu Jian to lighten the corvee and pay less taxes and rest with the people. Fu Jian himself also took the lead in implementing it and did not pursue those luxuries.

The former Qin Dynasty was originally built by the Fu Di tribe who wandered into Guanzhong during the chaos of the Later Zhao Dynasty. It has no foundation. The treasures in the palace before the Western Jin Dynasty were also looted in the previous years of war. It is a national treasure.

Wealth depends on stable taxation, rather than accumulation over the past few hundred years. Only the common people in the world are the greatest wealth and treasures."

Liu Yu said with a smile: "It's a good saying about suppressing evil. People are the most precious wealth in the world. As soldiers, we plunder, burn and kill, which makes us happy for a while, but it leaves the country without people, and there will be no one to farm and provide taxes."

, in the end, the only option is to disband the troops and let the soldiers return to their fields and return to farming. In the long run, those of us who serve as soldiers will still suffer. Therefore, treating the people well and not harming them at will is not only a moral issue, but also a practical benefit.


Liu Fan's brow softened slightly: "That is indeed the case, but with all due respect, it is still difficult to accept the view that these barbarians are the people of the Jin Dynasty. Before the Wei and Jin Dynasties, hundreds of thousands of barbarians moved into the country.

I also thought that they would be grateful and become loyal subjects of the Jin Dynasty, but as a result, when the country was in crisis, they did not want to serve the country, but instead provoked a rebellion, and finally stood on their own in the north. There was such a lesson in the past, so Brother Jinu, you

How can we ensure that this kind of wolf story will not happen again in the future?"

This chapter has been completed!
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