Chapter 304: Dismount and accept surrender, the Qin army is defeated

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It's just that the difficult command has not yet flown out of his mouth, and the lingering sound is still rolling on the tip of his tongue. On the small hill, Liu Yu has already erected a purple flag, and with the raising of this flag

, countless ambush soldiers suddenly emerged from the grass on the right, there were more than a thousand people, holding the same kind of hooked spears as the ambush soldiers on the left, and they pulled the horse's legs with a hook, causing the horse to neigh.

, the cavalry on horseback disappeared directly into the vast grass.

In addition to these gouging infantry, there were hundreds of craftsmen who were almost without armor and only wore leather jackets. They carried short-handled hammers on their shoulders and faced the fallen enemy cavalry.

Instead of beheading, he just swung the hammer over and hit the guy's head like a smashed watermelon, with white brains and red blood flying all over the floor.

Maoqiu was wearing leather armor and leading several of his brothers, shouting loudly. In pursuit of killing people quickly today, they didn't even wear heavy armor. This allowed them to jump up and down in the grass, and this

The location happened to be a muddy swamp, and the horses were stuck here with no way to turn around.

Those unlucky Qin army cavalry could neither advance nor retreat. They wanted to fight these ambush troops, but they could not find anyone at all. The length of those hooks was beyond their reach on horseback, and some of them came back to their senses.

The soldiers who wanted to jump off their horses to fight were hit in the calves by those hooks as soon as they landed. Now they tasted the same feeling of being cut off as a horse's legs. They screamed and fell to the ground. Before they had time to hug their legs and roll around, they would

They saw a grinning big man from the Jin army standing in front of him, raising the hammer in his hand high. Some guys could even hear the words in their mouths: "I don't want to strike anymore, I don't want to strike anymore."


In less than half an hour, the battlefield on the left and right flanks gradually calmed down. Except for a few last screams of the dying people as their heads were removed by the soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield, there was almost no movement.

The wind was howling, and hundreds of Qin cavalry who had managed to escape had disappeared into the distance of the battlefield. Holding bloody swords, hooks and hammers in their hands, the Jin cavalry lined up from the grassland on both sides.

The soldiers of the army, in turn, had surrounded the more than 4,000 Xiongnu cavalry still in the center of the battlefield from both directions, and the Jin army in front of Liu Yu had also pulled away the corpses of the dead Qin soldiers and horses in front of the formation and cleared them out.

A large gap was left, with shields in front and spears behind, followed by infantry and archers, singing military songs and shouting slogans, and with unstoppable momentum, they pressed on the last remaining cavalry.

Ju Nan's mouth became very dry, and he turned to look behind him. At some point, behind him, there were also four to five hundred cavalry, holding bows and arrows, holding horses, patrolling back and forth in the rear, and on the left

, on the right and front, a large number of Jin infantry were pressing forward, shouting slogans and shouting loudly in the Xiongnu language: "Let the war go, let the war go, spare your life!"

Ju Nan gritted his teeth, drew out his sword, and said sternly: "Hongnu warriors, we are the proud sons of heaven. The warriors of the Qin Dynasty cannot retreat or surrender even if they die. The Jin army just used some deception. Now everyone

Follow me and attack, and you will definitely be able to defeat the enemy!"

A deputy general, Blanc, ran to Ju Nan's side and said with a loyal face: "Commander, the last general is willing to lead the army to attack first!"

Ju Nan's brows widened and he laughed loudly and said: "General Bai, you are indeed loyal and loyal. You charge first and I will respond later!"

Blanc returned the salute with his hands raised, turned around and whistled: "Brothers from Bai's headquarters, charge at me!"

More than five hundred cavalry followed closely behind and rushed towards the Jin army formation that was pressing like a forest on the opposite side. Junan shouted: "Quick, blow the trumpet, blow the trumpet, cheer for General Bai!"

But before the messenger next to him had time to put the horn to his mouth, he saw Blanc, who had rushed more than 200 steps, suddenly dropped the weapon in his hand, followed by the helmet, and pulled out a helmet from his arms.

A large piece of white cloth fluttered in the wind. While holding the piece of white cloth high, he shouted in blunt Chinese: "Don't shoot the arrow, we are willing to surrender, we are willing to surrender!"

Juran's eyes went dark and he almost fainted. He vaguely heard Liu Yu's calm and majestic voice on the opposite side: "Send the order to clear the passage for the team on the side and let the cavalry pass. The Qin cavalry on the opposite side

Listen, throw down the weapons in your hands, put your hands on your head, dismount and walk through this passage, anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

Blanc immediately jumped off the horse, and this time he even took off his leather armor. He only wore a single coat, held his head in his hands, and rushed through the passage as if he was running away, regardless of his mount.

The hundreds of cavalrymen behind him followed suit and rushed through the passage, taking off all their armor as they ran. Some of them rushed through the passage almost naked.

Liu Yu stood in front of the formation and looked at the surrendered soldiers coldly. With a wave of his hand, Yu Qiujin came forward with hundreds of sergeants behind the formation, pulled out the long ropes that had been prepared, and pulled out the surrendered soldiers.

They were tied up in groups of five, and hundreds of people were quickly tied into a large circle. They were escorted by dozens of Beifu sergeants and sat in a corner behind the formation.

Junan came to his senses and cursed angrily: "Traitors, cowards, you are not worthy of being Huns, come on, shoot these traitors to death!"

Without waiting for his order, hundreds of cavalry from the front army rushed up with their bows and arrows. However, they ran to a place less than 300 steps away from the Jin army's formation. Just like their companions in front, they abandoned their bows and arrows and jumped directly.

He got off his horse, raised his hands and ran towards the passage.

This emotion was like an infectious disease, infecting all of Ju Nan's men. Almost all the cavalry threw down their weapons, jumped off their horses, and walked towards the opposite side with their heads in their hands. Everyone knew that this was probably the only chance to survive.

Ju Nan opened his mouth, spit out a mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound, and in a daze, he heard Liu Yu on the other side shout loudly: "Ju Nan, I won't kill you today, and I won't capture you. I'll spare your life and tell you when I go back."

Peng Chao, let him wash his neck and prepare to die!"

Junan gritted his teeth, and with the help of several guards around him, he reluctantly sat down. His eyes stared at the formation on the opposite side. A tall and burly man with a long-handled sword stuck on his back stood up.

In front of the formation, he shouted sternly at the big man: "Who are you? Tell me your name. Even if I lose today, I will lose clearly!"

The big man smiled slightly and said calmly: "The owner of the second building of the Tiger Force of the Northern Army of the Jin Dynasty is Liu Yu! Liu Bang's Liu, the wealthy Yu, you must remember it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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