Chapter 3106: Killing brothers is incompatible

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Liu Daogui nodded: "Only by sending these people to Yongzhou, which is under your control, can I rest assured that their families will be sent there after Jingzhou is pacified. However, I still need your troops now. You still need them?"

If you want to help me guard Jiangling, we cannot take them to Jiangling. We can only send a small number of soldiers and horses to send them back to Xiangyang."

Lu Zongzhi nodded: "No problem, I will send my lieutenant Yu Minzhi to take these prisoners back and escort them with a thousand troops. I will take the other troops to defend Jiangling. Where are you going to fight next?"

Liu Daogui curled his lips: "Xiangzhou is a key position for the bandits. After capturing it, we can cut off the bandits' escape route and cut off their passage back to Lingnan. If we can force the bandits to return to fight for Xiangzhou, then our goal will be achieved."

Okay, Brother Xile is a famous general, but after all, the demon thief is now powerful. The best way is to hold on and not fight. We hit the tail of the demon thief, and he will strangle the head of the demon thief, making it unable to fight and unable to retreat.

, In just one or two months, the momentum of the demon thieves will inevitably decline, and the mob that has been attached to them for a while will gradually disperse, leaving only tens of thousands of old thieves, who will be able to destroy them all in one fell swoop when Big Brother's army returns home."

Lu Zongzhi smiled and said: "I originally thought that I could defeat the demon thief with my own hands this time and gain credit. After all, I have never really fought against them before, but I know He Wuji's ability. He was defeated by the demon thief."

My subordinate, this has aroused my desire to fight even more, but I have no choice but to obey your arrangement."

Liu Daogui said sternly: "Zongzhi, this time you traveled thousands of miles to come to the rescue and came forward at the most urgent moment. This is a great help to Jingzhou and the Jin Dynasty. Regardless of the gains on the battlefield, you are a minister of great merit. Later, the monster thieves were defeated."

When the time comes, I will definitely arrange for you to go out to fight and make more meritorious deeds. You don’t have to worry about this. Now I even suppress Tan Daoji and Yanzhi under my command to prevent them from getting into danger in order to gain merit. After all, now we are no longer in danger.

I can’t afford a big defeat either.”

Lu Zongzhi nodded and suddenly said: "But, will Liu Yi really stand still and defend Yuzhou? I doubt it very much. You are a person who obeys the overall situation and knows the choice of war guards. But this Liu Xile may not be with you all the way.

Who are you?"

A hint of helplessness flashed in Liu Daogui's eyes, and he sighed after a long while: "We know nothing about the situation in the east now, and we don't know what's going on with Brother Xile. The only thing we can do is to try our best in the rear.

Beat the demon thief hard and force him to divide his troops to reduce the pressure on Brother Xile. Brother Xile must be very clear about this matter of defense. As long as he does not forcefully send out troops just to gain credit and be ambushed by the enemy, then the demon thief will not

Maybe a path to Jiankang can be opened from him."

Lu Zongzhi curled up his lips: "Do you really think that Liu Xile will give up this great opportunity to fight the rebellion alone? This may be the only opportunity in his life to prove that he is stronger than your elder brother."

The corners of Liu Daogui's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked in the northeast direction. His eyes seemed to fly across thousands of mountains and rivers, to the foot of Guanggu City thousands of miles away, and murmured to himself: "Brother, can you

You have to hurry up."

Qingzhou, south of Guanggu City.

Liu Yu had a gloomy look on his face. After sitting alone in a major case, there were tears in his eyes and his hand holding the newspaper was trembling slightly. As the commander-in-chief of the entire army and the first person in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he already had more than 20 people. He had never been so out of control in the past year. Even when tears were flowing freely on his face, he had no time to wipe them away. His lips were trembling and he murmured to himself: "Wuji, Wuji!"

Everyone's eyes were as if they were about to spit out fire, and they looked fiercely at a person kneeling in the center of the tent. Shen Tianzi's voice was like thunder: "Zhu Lingshi, tell the truth, have you brothers colluded with the demon a long time ago?" What a thief?! Brother Wuji is so kind to you, he can even be said to be your brother's mentor, yet he can actually do this!"

Zhu Lingshi gritted his teeth tightly and said in a deep voice: "Master, I still think there is a hidden secret in this matter. Chao Shi has been following you for many years and has grown up with me since childhood. There is no way he can deceive his master and destroy his ancestors and betray his ancestors." The country, he, he must have been framed by demon thieves!"

Kuai En sneered: "That's what you said when Nankang fell half a month ago. You also said that the demon thief must have used the art of disguise or found a substitute to pretend to be him, in order to alienate our army, but this time What? Even Brother Wuji died in his hands. How many people saw this with their own eyes? Do you still want to say that it was a substitute and that it was a cover-up trick by the demon thief? "

Zhu Lingshi's lips were trembling and his hands were clenched into fists, but he was speechless.

Wang Zhene sighed softly: "Maybe the little stone fell into the hands of the enemy and was controlled by the demon thief. Maybe he was in the enemy camp and wanted to take advantage of it."

Tan Shao gave a loud "hum": "Zhen evil, how long has it been and you are still fighting with Ni Ni? Is it interesting? That traitor was seduced by Lu Lanxiang, a bitch, and forced to die, so he became a weakling. You pretty boy, the demon thief wanted him to kill Brother Wuji with his own hands to prove his sincerity. Now Brother Wuji has indeed died in the hands of this thief. No matter how much you try to defend yourself, it will be in vain!"

Zhu Lingshi suddenly raised his head and said loudly: "If this matter is really done by Zhu Chaoshi, then I, Zhu Lingshi, swear here that I will kill Zhu Chaoshi with my own hands, for brother Wuji, for brother Xie Bao, and for those brothers who died. Let’s take revenge!”

Xiang Jing grinned: "You are a good brother if you kill your relatives for the sake of justice, Da Shitou, if you are really willing to kill your relatives for the sake of justice, I, Tieniu, will definitely help you!"

Zhuge Changmin said coldly: "Zhu Lingshi, the most unforgivable thing in this world is betrayal, especially for our Jingba brothers. That is a life-changing friendship. We made an oath when we joined the Jingba Party. , if there is a brother who kills his brother, he will be cut into pieces with thousands of knives, his belly will be disemboweled, and his heart will be ripped out in memory of his dead brother. Zhu Chaoshi's crime has been irrefutably proven. No matter how many excuses or reasons are found, it will be useless. Brother Jinu After all, Zhu Lingshi is Zhu Chaoshi's brother. Regardless of whether he knows it or not, it is not appropriate to let him become one of us now. He should be captured and sent back to Beijing. After the demon thieves are eliminated and Zhu Chaoshi is captured, they will be punished together! "

Zhuge Limin followed up and said: "Brother Changmin is right, rebellion is a serious crime for the Yi people, and we Jingba brothers share life and death. If a traitor kills his brother, the whole family should be implicated. Last time, Wang Sui killed Thanks to Brother Tingyun, Brother Jinu brought all our brothers to his door and killed the entire Wang family. This time it was Zhu Chaoshi’s turn to harm his brothers. Can Zhu Lingshi be spared? Kill him! Sacrifice to me, Jiangzhou. The spirits of soldiers are in heaven!"

This chapter has been completed!
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