Chapter 3113: The fight for power and title is a bad omen

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Liu Yu sighed: "You will not be rewarded for your merits, and you will not be an official without a title. This is an iron principle and cannot be changed. If this changes, it means that the order and rules we established no longer exist, and we are in power.

The prestige is gone."

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "This rule was originally intended to restrict those children of aristocratic families who could eat and drink and wait for death by relying on their ancestors' influence. It was also intended to stimulate the soldiers in the army to fight the enemy bravely. Officials at all levels

We can be diligent in serving the public, and get promoted after making meritorious deeds, but now it seems that its side effects are beginning to show up. In order to gain merit and rank, vicious competition has emerged, especially among the middle and senior generals in the military, who tend to be self-respecting."

Wang Miaoyin also said: "Yes, whoever has more soldiers and stronger strength is likely to make greater achievements. Now I am just scrambling for credit under you. If you really want someone to take charge of it in the future, then

They may not listen to your orders and do their own thing, which may even affect the overall situation."

Having said this, Wang Miaoyin looked at Liu Yu and lightly pursed her lips: "It stands to reason that Wang Zhene and Zhu Lingshi are your two closest and most promising generals of the younger generation. Do you want them to be in the future?"

There are also Tan Daoji and Zhu Chaoshi who are on their own. You let them train under Dao Gui and Wuji respectively. You also hope that they can be independent under these two good brothers in the future. I know that you are training the next generation of the Beifu Army and hope to be successful.

There are more people like you, but they may not think so. Everyone wants to be you, not Liu Yi, so why not."

Liu Yu shook his head gently: "I think things are a bit too simple. After all, they are not like us, who have lived and ate together since they were recruits, and have lived and died together. Moreover, since I was a recruit, I have been doing my part.

Brother, everyone is convinced by me. Except for Xile, even Wuji and Ah Shou obey my words. But today’s young people, alas..."

At this point, his eyes became dim: "This is the point I paid the least attention to. I only realized it now, maybe it's a little late."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "It's not too late. Sometimes, this is a bad thing, but it is also a good thing. Since they are already competitive, it's better to take advantage of this and let them compete fairly. Now is the time of crisis. We need to

Mobilizing and stimulating everyone's greatest wisdom and courage can only be stimulated, not suppressed."

Wang Miaoyin's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly: "It's already been like this and you want to stimulate it again? Is it really possible for them to lead the troops independently in the future?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "I think that in the future, except for the Northern Expedition and the war against the demon bandits, it is not appropriate for slaves to personally lead troops in battles. This incident in the south also proves this point, that is

If he doesn't sit in the capital and mobilize the overall situation, there may be problems in the rear."

Wang Miaoyin said thoughtfully: "You mean, the demon bandit's rise this time will have something to do with the Tiandao Alliance's so-called associates in the south?"

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "This is inevitable. Lu Xun and Xu Daofu alone cannot carry out such a steady and ruthless raid. Even if they succeed in a sneak attack on Nankang, they will not know the entire military situation in Jiangzhou."

, it is even more impossible to plan multiple enemy forces to attack Jingzhou at the same time, so that the two armies of He Wuji and Liu Daogui cannot rescue each other. What I am more worried about is..."

Having said this, he looked at Liu Yu, who also frowned tightly and said slowly: "What you are more worried about is Xi Le. From the beginning to the end, he did nothing, and even

There was no support or supplies from Wei Shunzhi, so he almost just sat back and watched Jiangzhou's defeat."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Wei Shunzhi's fleeing without a fight may have some tacit understanding with Liu Yi. I'm afraid this is also the reason why you refuse to let Wei Shunzhi go."

Liu Yu closed his eyes in pain: "Xile, how could he do this? We are brothers who grew up together, joined the army and fought together, how could he, how could he just look at Wuji like this?


At this point, his voice was choked, and a line of tears finally flowed out of his eyes. He could no longer speak. This steel-like man, the commander of Beifu, who had not shown any emotion in front of everyone, finally took control at this moment.

Unable to control the sadness and anger in his heart, he shed heroic tears.

Wang Miaoyin murmured: "This is the fundamental reason why you want to discuss matters with us. What you are worried about is that the next generation of young generals will become like Liu Yi and others.

On one side, it eventually evolved into the Eight Kings Rebellion, with brothers killing each other?"

Liu Yu wiped away his tears, returned to his usual appearance, and nodded: "Yes, it is impossible for me to create thousands of incarnations. In the future, I will conquer the world and regain the north. I cannot rely on myself alone. This time the battle of Linqu

, everyone performed very well, but they were still under my unified command. When in a desperate situation, everyone knows that winning can only survive. But in the Guanggu battle, everyone thought they would win, so they started to grab credit. After a small setback,

They are unwilling to fight anymore and want to preserve their strength. These signs are not good, so the only solution is to let them lead the army freely?"

Liu Muzhi said calmly: "Since you want people to make meritorious deeds, and you cannot change the basic rule of being rewarded for merit, then you can only use power tactics to restrict these high-level generals. Miaoyin, do you agree with my point of view?"

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, let each general have his own unit and lead the army independently, and then you, as the commander-in-chief, will be in a mediating position to prevent one person from obviously rising. Such a balance will make everyone feel that there is hope for advancement.

Naturally, try your best not to let one person have a position where everyone can be convinced and attached to you, just like you did back then. This will form a constraint on each other and not threaten your position. When the world is calm, let them come out and enter the general phase.

, enter the court and leave the army, this is a good thing for them, for you, and for the country."

Liu Yu curled his lips and said, "Is this how Mr. Xie family treated our new batch of people who entered Beifu back then?"

Wang Miaoyin shook her head: "This is true for others, but not for you, because you have no ambition for fame at all, unlike Liu Laozhi and others, so Mr. Xianggong deliberately promoted you and won over you, even me..."

At this point, she blushed slightly, and then said: "Those are all in the past, but the facts have proved that this method is not feasible. With the support of the Xie family, you stood out, and later became incapable of us."

The person you control can, in turn, control the entire Beifu and make the Xie family do your bidding. The same was true for Liu Laozhi before. Originally, he had the same status as Gao Su, He Heng, and Tian Luo, but because of too much in the war,

Outstanding, Wang Gong was promoted to the commander-in-chief of the Beifu, which made him ambitious and took away the Beifu army. From then on, our Xie family completely lost control of the army. You must keep these two lessons in mind in the future."

This chapter has been completed!
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