Chapter 3123: Brother and sister disagree over the situation

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Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "What is this Ten Thousand Years of Peace Plan? It can actually make you give up so much, and now you still refuse to tell me?"

The black robe gritted his teeth: "Not yet, Alan, I really can't tell you. Before you have enough strength to accept this fact, you'd better not know, otherwise you will be betrayed by this terrible and great plan forever."

You have been driven by it all your life. Only if you have the power of the god, become one with the brain Gu, and know the secret for thousands of years, you have reached this day. And to absorb this power, you must become a new one.

Only the gods can do that."

Murong Lan sneered: "Do you have to turn into a monster like Mingyue, neither human nor monster?"

The black robe sighed: "It didn't get the knowledge of the Gu at all, it just turned into a killing Gu. But think about it, the power of this divine Gu can make people turn into such powerful and terrifying things.

, if that knowledge can be truly mastered, it will not be difficult even to become an immortal and become the master of the heaven and the world. It was only after I became a god that I truly knew the past and present life of our Murong clan.

How to break that thousand-year-old curse? Now I am only a little bit away from success. At this time, I need your help even more!"

Murong Lan said solemnly: "I have helped you for so many years, helped you do so many unscrupulous bad things, and even helped you destroy our Murong family's home country. Now that we are in this situation, you still want to

How can I help you? You might as well turn me into a monster like Mingyue, so maybe I can help you kill more people."

The black robe shook his head: "Alan, you have always been my biological sister. The hope I have placed on you, my love for you, exceeds that of my son. The brain poison was just an attempt to win the trust of the Heavenly Dao Alliance.

The former God Lord must be placed in you, and now that I have reached this point, I no longer need to cater to Doupeng or anyone else. I have already removed the Gu worms on your body.


Murong Lan was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said: "Impossible, how could you let it go..."

She said it, but with a little luck, the inner breath spread throughout her body, and a look of surprise suddenly flashed across her face: "You really..., you, how did you do it?"

The black robe smiled slightly: "This time you gave birth to a child, this is probably the only chance to cut open your body. Do you remember, this time you had a difficult delivery, so I used the ancient medical technique of Ma Fei powder.

I put you in a coma, then cut open your abdomen to take out the fetus. You didn't believe it at all until you saw the scar on your abdomen, and what I took out was not only the fetus, but also the worm that had been in your body for decades.


Murong Lan murmured: "I see, no wonder, no wonder after I gave birth, I always felt weak and lack of energy. Even this skin and appearance..."

The black robe smiled and said: "What's wrong? Without the source of vitality called Gu worms, I feel that my skin is aging rapidly, wrinkles are beginning to appear, and the stunning appearance is beginning to lose its beauty. Are you afraid that you will become old and ugly?


Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "No one can avoid birth, old age, illness and death. Women are born with a love for beauty, and it is inevitable that they will become sallow when they grow old. Especially my appearance and skin are caused by this poisonous insect in my body. They are not born.

If this evil thing can be removed, even if it makes me turn into an old woman immediately, I will be happy."

The black robe laughed: "Woman, woman, you are duplicitous. You say this, but you really become an old woman. What will happen if Liu Yu doesn't want you anymore?"

Murong Lan shook her head: "No, Zhinu will not judge people by their appearance, and will not leave me like this..."

At this point, her expression turned gloomy: "It's okay to leave me like this. For him to see me like this, it's better not to be able to see me. At least, he can only remember my original appearance in his heart.


The black robe sighed: "It doesn't have to be like this. As long as the Ten Thousand Years of Peace Plan can be realized, I will have the ability to turn things around. Look at me, although I look a little older recently because I have been too busy and unable to practice, but as long as I

If you can resume your practice, you will look like a middle-aged man again within half a year, and you can do this too. Therefore, the only plan now is to defend Guanggu and repel Liu Yu. Don't worry,

Even if he retreats, I will not pursue him, but will let him go back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty. I still want him to deal with Tianshi Dao and my old friend Doupeng."

Murong Lan sneered and said: "To be honest, brother, I am very grateful to you for taking out the Gu worms from my body. This at least allows me to die like a human being instead of becoming a monster. But now, it is a big mistake.

It has been cast for a long time. You don’t really think that relying on an isolated city can turn things around and conquer the world. The miracle of the Battle of Thorn City cannot be repeated. All the forces in the world will destroy our Murong clan, even if Liu Yu retreats.

, the Northern Wei Dynasty will definitely come again, what will you do to stop it then?"

Speaking of this, Murong Lan pointed to the city: "Almost all the Murong Xianbei people in the world are concentrated here. They thought they would have hope of survival here, but you forced them to eat each other like this. The Murong clan has actually

It's over. Even if you become a god or an immortal, you can't change it. Give up. Brother, if you really want to become an immortal, you can go alone, but don't drag so many people along.

Let’s die together!”

The black robe roared: "I've tried hard to tell you, but you just won't help me, right? If I stay here, the Yan Kingdom will eventually be revived. Just like the Yan Kingdom was destroyed before, I can revive it again, and people can survive after death."

It can be regenerated. As long as there is an army and a country, you can quickly conquer the surrounding areas and increase the number of Murong clan members. I don't need you to beg Liu Yu for mercy. It would be best if he is willing to attack. You can

Take a good look at how I defeated Liu Yu and fled."

Murong Lan laughed: "The city is in such a state, how do you still expect to win? Brother, Liu Yu is besieged and refuses to attack. He has never been short of supplies. His men are strong and strong, and now he has conquered the entire Qilu Province.

Earth, even if I don't go back to save the Eastern Jin Dynasty, I can still defeat you. The reinforcements from the Later Qin Dynasty that you really count on will not come again. When the time comes, what will you use to win?!"

A cold light flashed in the black robe's eyes: "You probably don't know my real killing moves and methods, but whatever, tomorrow, I will let you see with your own eyes who is the strongest military strategist in the world, and the strongest offensive and defensive

Master Cheng, who is it?"

As he spoke, he strode towards the city, jumped up a few times, and disappeared into the night. Murong Lan looked at the background of his departure, turned to look at the night sky, and murmured: "Brother Wolf, hurry up

End this and set me free."

This chapter has been completed!
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