Chapter 3120: Proposed Peaceful Black Robe Leaving

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Murong Lan said coldly: "I'm not in the mood to talk to you about anything else. You have always known about the feud between Lu and Xu, but you never told me. You were afraid that I would tell Liu Yu and take the opportunity to attack Lingnan."

The black robe shook his head: "Whether you tell Liu Yu or not, he will attack Lingnan sooner or later. If I hadn't sent troops to plunder Huaibei this time, the first one to be beaten would be Tianshi Dao, and why would Liu Yu send an army to help?

Ji is the commander-in-chief and Liu Daogui is the deputy. He concentrates the power of Jingzhou and Jiangzhou to attack. Whether Tianshi Dao can withstand it is a question. Therefore, in order to give Tianshi Dao time to gain a firm foothold, I also need to interfere with Liu Yu.

, I didn’t expect that this kid would play so big.”

Murong Lan sneered and said: "I'm afraid that's not the case. Tianshi Dao has always been commanded by Doupeng, and you also have a competitive relationship with Doupeng. Liu Yu has been running Jiangbei, and he is obviously coming for your Nanyan. This is what you are doing.

The reason, however, is that you have never listened to me and underestimated Liu Yu's determination to protect the country and the people, so we are today."

Heipao gritted his teeth: "It doesn't matter. I'm dragging Liu Yu here. Doupeng can find an opportunity to raise troops. Today's Tang newspaper said that Xu Daofu raised his troops three months ago, and it's only less than three months."

, Jin's entire western defense line was almost completely destroyed, and the two big states of Jiangzhou and Jingzhou almost fell into the hands of the enemy. Now only Liu Yi's Yuzhou Army is left to defend before Jiankang. If Liu Yi is defeated again, then

Jiankang is the treasure of Tianshi Dao. By this time, Liu Yu's entire army will collapse without a fight."

Murong Lan's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly: "Liu Yi is also a famous general in the world after all. As long as he remains cautious and steady, he can control the line from Songzi (today's Anqing) to Liyang, control the water and land strongholds, and use the water army to camp.

If there is an iron chain across the river and the army is entrenched in the road, then the Heavenly Master Road will not be able to break through even if there are hundreds of thousands of troops."

The black robe sneered: "Do you think, with Liu Yi's personality, he would be able to defend like this? No matter how well he defends, there is no credit. Once Liu Yu's army comes and quells the rebellion, the great credit belongs to Liu Yu.

What good does he have? This Liu Yi is indeed a famous general in the world, but his heart and magnanimity are not as good as that of a woman. In your eyes, the situation is dangerous now, and you need to keep the clouds clear until the moon shines. But in his eyes,

But this is probably the only opportunity in this life that I can surpass Liu Yu and achieve great success, and he will not guard it!"

Murong Lan gritted his teeth: "Liu Yu will definitely understand this, so he will attack the city with all his strength and then return. In this way, the battle will be fierce and dangerous. No matter what the outcome, both sides will suffer heavy casualties. Even you are not sure.

You must defend the city."

The black robe's eyes sparkled as he fell into thinking. Obviously, Murong Lan's words touched his mind. After the Battle of Linqu, this calm military strategist restored his usual judgment. The miracle of the Battle of Thorn City that year, he

I don't expect to be able to perform it again.

Murong Lan took a step forward, looked at the black robe, and said in a deep voice: "Actually, the incident caused by the cloak in the south may not be what you want. Now you and Liu Yu are fighting here to lose both sides. If he attacks the city with all his strength,

I'm afraid that even if you can hold on, Nan Yan will be completely destroyed. Once Liu Yu retreats, Northern Wei will definitely come again. What will you do to stop it? You have worked hard for decades, but in the end, your country and your family have been ruined, and you have to make a wedding dress for others.

, even if you can escape with the help of the monster Mingyue, there is no place for you in this huge world, let alone the ten thousand year plan of the Tiandao Alliance."

The black robe gritted his teeth: "You are right. The success of the cloak is exactly my failure. If the power of the two gods is out of balance, he will establish another one. This is something I cannot tolerate. Therefore, I

The original plan was to let the army of the Later Qin come to rescue and let Liu Yu retreat, but now it seems that it may not be too late."

Murong Lan's beautiful eyebrows frowned: "Isn't it true that Hou Qin has stationed troops in the Central Plains and is ready to rescue him?"

The black robe sighed: "The Hou Qin army's combat effectiveness is not good, and it is also facing the threat of Hu Xia. Unless Liu Yu's vitality is seriously injured, I am afraid he will not dare to send troops. Liu Yu also understands this. After the first month of siege, he failed.

, so they turned to a long siege because they didn’t want to lose their troops and wanted to trap us to death!”

Murong Lan sneered and said: "You have recruited more than 200,000 Xianbei people from all over the city to enter the city. This Guanggu is a small but strong city. How can there be much food and grass? Anyone who comes to attack will use this siege style.


The black robe gritted his teeth: "I didn't expect that despite Liu Yu's great victory, the generals were so eager to conquer the city that they could suppress their desire to attack the city. I had prepared many killing moves, but I couldn't use them. Later Qin also continued

If I wait and see, I really made a miscalculation."

Murong Lan shook his head: "You have a good idea. If I hadn't appeared at the top of the city several times, Liu Yu would have attacked the city with all his strength last time, and Guanggu City would have been breached long ago. It was because he was nostalgic.

It doesn't matter how capable you are if you don't kill her."

The black robe sneered and said: "Okay, then when he attacks the city tomorrow, you can see how I deal with him. This time I will severely injure Liu Yu and defeat the Jin army. Only by hurting their vitality can foreign aid be used."

May come."

Murong Lan gritted his teeth: "Okay, don't brag with me here. You are not sure. Maybe some of your killing moves are useless, but Liu Yu obviously did not try his best. This time he will not attack the city because of

If you stop taking care of me, you won't be afraid of losing soldiers. For him, breaking the city as quickly as possible is what is needed!"

When she said this, she pointed to the surrounding city walls, the soldiers who were too hungry to stand up and were leaning on the battlements to survive, and said: "Do you think that if everyone has a full meal now, they will be able to survive tomorrow?"

Is there a big battle? Even if you need to recover your strength, it won’t take a day or two!”

The black robe's eyes sparkled, thoughtfully.

Murong Lan said sternly: "I will go see Liu Yu once and discuss my interests with him. Now there is a fire in his rear and he is attacking Guanggu. Even if he is defeated, his vitality will be greatly damaged. Then he will bring the troops with heavy losses and go again."

If you fight with Tianshi Dao or Doupeng, you may not have a chance of winning. Especially if Liu Yi continues to rush forward and lose money, then he will be fighting alone. If there is no time, he will have to divide his troops to guard Qingzhou.

The more troops he divides, the weaker his own strength will be. And the lower his chances of winning will be. He cannot afford to gamble in this battle, let alone lose."

The black robe said coldly: "Do you think he will let this opportunity pass and let me go?"

Murong Lan gritted his teeth: "So, the condition I want to put forward to him is that you and your organization, including the monster Mingyue, leave Nanyan and cannot come back, forever!"

This chapter has been completed!
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