Chapter 3307: Stick to the bottom line and stick to the bottom line

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There was a sound of exclamation on the stage. Everyone looked at Wang Miaoyin. In addition to the admiration just now, they also had a little more respect. Ding Wu looked at Wang Miaoyin and sighed: "I didn't expect that Queen Wang is not only extremely smart.

, and also has a compassionate heart. Even if the war is so tragic, I still think about the other side's soldiers and civilians. If it were me, Mengniu, I would wish that all the barbarians in the city would die, and this would relieve my anger."

Wang Miaoyin said calmly: "Now it is Heipao who controls their life and death. As the people of Yan State, it is naturally their duty to fight with our army with all their strength. But if we capture the city and destroy Heipao, then all the people who are willing to do so will

The surrendered soldiers and civilians are no longer soldiers of the Yan State, but our subjects of the Jin Dynasty. There is no need to carry out such killings. Moreover, our crusade against Nan Yan is not to kill people, but to punish the people.

To eliminate violence and bring peace to the good, Liu Cheqi, don’t you think so?”

Liu Yu said sternly: "What the Queen said is absolutely true. This is righteousness. If we go on a killing spree out of hatred or want to grab credit, what's the difference between that and the Xianbei bandits who came to rob our Han people?

We need to resolutely eliminate the enemy troops who take up arms to fight us, but as for the people in the city, we must not kill them as much as possible, because they may surrender to us and become the subjects of the Jin Dynasty in the future."

Liu Muzhi also echoed: "The commander-in-chief is right. When we capture Guanggu, we can't be like Shi Hu and Murong Ke, and only get a ruined city and the corpses of the whole city. This immortal evil thing,

Qian Tianhe is a monster whether it is against our army or the enemy's army, so it is best not to take advantage of it."

At this point, Liu Muzhi paused: "Besides, it's hard to say whether we can lure them over so far from the city gate. Even if we lure them over, it's unclear whether we can pull Tieniu and the others back in time.

Easy, now Tieniu's troops have already entered the city and are fighting with the enemy. I'm afraid that before we lure these evil creatures to attack the city, Tieniu and the others will be hurt first."

Wang Miaoyin frowned: "Is it really too late to withdraw?"

Liu Yu nodded: "It is not easy to withdraw in the melee of Wengcheng. What's more, how can our archers retreat when they attack the city wall?"

Speaking of this, Liu Yu paused: "Even if the army can be withdrawn at once as Her Royal Highness the Queen wants, these immortal monsters can generally only last two hours. Even if they are put into the Weng City, the enemy only needs

Once the inner gate is closed, it will be difficult to break through further. After all, our army can occupy the city wall, climb to a high place and then break through the door, but these monsters are not so easy."

"Moreover, it is impossible that Heipao does not have black demonic water or sulfur, saltpeter, and kerosene in his hands. When the time comes to close the gates of Wengcheng and set fires everywhere in the city, even these immortal monsters will not be able to do anything.


Liu Zhong suddenly said: "Commander, are you also worried that the enemy will deliberately let our troops break into Wengcheng and then set up an ambush to encircle and annihilate them, so you don't use the city gate as a key target?"

Liu Yu sighed: "Yes, the city gate is the strongest place for defense. Once it is broken through, there is an urn city behind it that can be used as the second line of defense. Once the gates on both sides are closed, you can cause a lot of damage to the sergeants below from being condescending, so don't

I thought everything would be fine once we conquer the city, but we are still far from it. Unless we can control the walls on all sides, we also have to guard against ambush by various agencies in the city, especially the walls and tunnels."

Hu Fan nodded: "Yes, just like our Jiangling City, there is also an urn at the city gate. When necessary, not only are there mechanisms to ambush, but the water from the Yangtze River can even be diverted into the urn to allow the siege to take place. The troops were reduced to nothing. So from the very beginning, the commander focused his attack on the city walls."

Liu Yu said seriously: "The battle at the city gate will continue for a long time now. We can't invest a large number of troops in it too quickly. Tieniu is very calm and is still commanding outside the city. Let Lu Jiuling and his reinforcements break into the city with about 500 people. Fighting against the enemy, this is a way of preventing enemy ambushes. Chite and his archers occupy high places on the city wall, and also clear the ambush of the agencies at the top of the city to cover the infantry in the urn city. This strategy is very safe. At least, it will not stand in the way. The place of defeat..."

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "It's true that I don't know the military affairs and I take it for granted. Liu Cheqi, I'm sorry if it interferes with your train of thought."

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Liu Yu shook his head and said sternly: "It's just a matter of teamwork and sharing everything we know. I have nothing to apologize for, but there is one attitude of Queen Wang that I respect very much, that is, we are Master Wang. We are the ones who punish the people and eliminate violence." Master Jin Wang, we are not robbers, nor are we butchers who take pleasure in killing. Even if we can only take down Guanggu with this immortal monster, I will not use it!"

Liu Yu's words were full of righteousness and resounding. Everyone changed slightly when they heard this. Wang Zhongde gritted his teeth and said: "Commander, this is a war. In order to win, please consider using some extraordinary means. Otherwise, the sacrifice and efforts of our 100,000 soldiers will be..."

Liu Yu waved his hand and said: "Zhongde, there is no discussion on this matter. If we do whatever it takes to win, even turning into a devil, then even if we capture this city and place, we will become like black robes and monster thieves." They are the same monsters. We can use cruel devils like immortal monsters to win external wars, but in internal governance, we will definitely use tigers and wolves to suppress the people."

"We will become those vampires who once sat on our heads, oppressed us, and harmed us, or even become black-robed demon kings who have brought chaos to the world for their own selfish desires. This is why I, Liu Yu, would rather give up victory. The bottom line to stick to, if you break through this bottom line, you will no longer be my brother, Liu Yu, but an enemy that I will resolutely kill!"

Without saying anything, Liu Muzhi stood up and bowed: "I will remember the commander-in-chief's instructions. Throughout our lives, we must stick to our original intention of joining the army to serve the country, and we must never lose the bottom line of our lives!"

When the other generals saw Liu Mu's statement, they all followed suit and swore an oath.

Liu Yu sighed and looked at Wang Zhongde, who had just finished his oath but was still standing aside silently, and said: "Zhongde, I know that from a soldier's point of view, winning is more important than anything else. We have sacrificed so many loyal and brave people in this battle. The soldiers, even now, have not seen the dawn of victory. Everyone is anxious and wants to quickly take advantage of the city. I feel the same, but as the coach, I still have to resolutely prevent everyone from thinking like this. This city, I can definitely win it in our own way, not relying on these monsters that are neither human nor ghosts!"

Wang Zhongde gritted his teeth: "Then I would like to ask the commander, what method can be used to eliminate these monsters and attack the ghost wall?"

Liu Yu said calmly: "Ah Shou is already taking action!"

This chapter has been completed!
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