Chapter 3889: The enemy of the country and the family hates the man.

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After a moment, Duan Hong, dressed in formal attire, with leather armor and cloth robes, and a leather beanie on his head, opened the tent door and entered. He was surrounded by a group of generals in fine steel armor and standing with their swords in the tent. The abnormalities visible to the naked eye were just like Liu's back then.

The feeling Yu felt when he entered the military commander's tent in Beifu as a soldier to discuss matters.

Most of the people's gazes were strange, as if they were looking at a stranger. Duan Hong obviously felt this pressure. Although he didn't know why he was called here, he still saluted and said: "I'm a humble citizen.

Duan Hong, the captain of the sixth team of the third battalion, has met the commander-in-chief and all the generals."

Liu Yu nodded: "Duan Duanzheng, no courtesy, you performed well in today's battle. You temporarily received the order from the former army to join the army, Wang Zhene, and commanded the army in Nancheng, stabilized the front, and made military exploits. According to

The military system of the Jin Dynasty should reward you. When you enter the camp, you are in good order, but after you leave the camp, you are not."

Duan Hong still looked calm and said seriously: "My humble position is just to fulfill the duty of a soldier. I don't expect any rewards. No matter where my humble position is, I will do my best for the Jin Dynasty."

Shen Tianzi said coldly: "Duan Hong, you are not a subject of the Jin Dynasty. You are a nobleman of the Duan family and Xianbei. Just a few years ago, you were a general of Nanyan. If your brother hadn't been involved in the rebellion,

If your entire Duan family is executed, I'm afraid you will become a general of Nan Yan, just like Duan Hui, and you will fight to the death with us on the battlefield, so why do you want to be loyal to the Jin Dynasty and do your best?"

Duan Hong nodded: "General Shen is right. If my brother had not been framed for rebellion, then I would have served Nan Yan and met the Jin soldiers. Even if I died in battle, I would have no regrets.

Because my family, Duan Hong, was born in the State of Yan and grew up in the State of Yan. I am a citizen of the State of Yan. I have received the favor of the State of Yan. Naturally, I have to serve the State of Yan. This is what I do as a person and as a soldier.


Shen Tianzi nodded: "That's right. Your identity as a Yan State and a Hu person is innate and cannot be changed. Therefore, don't say anything about being loyal to the Jin Dynasty. If it is your son, he was born in the Jin Dynasty.

, raised in Jin, that’s pretty much it.”

Duan Hong shook his head: "General Shen's words are wrong. What I just said is that I can't choose my origin. Yan State treats me as a national scholar, and I will repay it as a national scholar. It was Murong De who caused the war back then.

We, the Duan clan members, fled to the land of Qilu and allowed us to survive the sabers of the barbarians in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Naturally, we want to repay our kindness."

"But when Murong Chao came, he listened to the slander and killed Zhongliang. Our Duan family only led the troops to guard Linqu and did not participate in their struggle for the throne. Gongsun Wulou asked my brother for a bribe and couldn't, so he framed us and

Murong Fa and others raised an army together to seize the throne, and unjustly killed more than 300 members of my clan. They have already turned from kindness to hatred and have become sworn enemies who will never die."

Zhu Lingshi looked at Duan Hong and said: "But after what happened, you did not defect to the Jin Dynasty, but fled to the Northern Wei Dynasty. It is said that your Duan family has always led troops in the south, closer to the Jin Dynasty. This is

Doesn't it mean that you are more loyal to the Northern Wei Dynasty than to the Jin Dynasty?"

Duan Hong shook his head: "General Zhu, please pay attention to this. When Murong Chao killed my entire clan, Da Jin and Nan Yan still had a non-aggression covenant. Not only could they not attack each other, but they also couldn't take each other in.

General Zhu will not forget the agreement made by the fugitive felons. Once captured, they are obliged to be repatriated to the country."

Zhu Lingshi smiled and nodded: "There is such a thing, but I neglected it. In this way, you really couldn't come to the Jin Dynasty at that time, and the neighboring Hou Qin Dynasty was the suzerain state of Nan Yan. You went there

It is also a dead end, so the only option is to go to the Northern Wei Dynasty, right?"

Duan Hong nodded: "Yes, in fact, when the Northern Wei Dynasty invaded the Central Plains and destroyed Houyan, our Duan tribe also led troops to fight against the Northern Wei Dynasty. We fought many battles with the Northern Wei Dynasty and suffered heavy casualties. We also killed many of their people.

, so when Hou Yan fell, we did not dare to stay in Yecheng for fear of Wei Jun's revenge, so we followed Murong Beide to the land of Qilu. If the entire clan had not been killed, I couldn't imagine that one day we would still be here.

Will go to the Northern Wei Dynasty."

Tan Shao nodded: "So, after you fled to the Northern Wei Dynasty, although you were taken in, I'm afraid your life will not be easy."

Duan Hong sighed, with a sad look in his eyes: "Yes, if it weren't for the fact that He Lanlu had been guarding the northern part of Nanyan for a long time, which had caused the Northern Wei Dynasty to suffer a lot over the years, and even sent troops to break through Qinghe and other counties in the Northern Wei Dynasty, I'm afraid that

The Northern Wei Dynasty would have killed me long ago. They kept me here because they wanted to know the inside story of Nan Yan from me, especially the arrangement of the army and the situation since Murong Chao ascended the throne. They did not want me, a man who had deserted alone, to take charge of the army.

Army, fight back to take revenge."

Xiang Mi smiled and said: "You went to the Northern Wei Dynasty to borrow troops to take revenge, but they wanted you to be a spy, or to recruit old troops to strengthen the strength of the Northern Wei Dynasty. The two sides have different ideas, so how can they really cooperate, but

, the Northern Wei Dynasty has always liked to recruit and accept rebels. I heard that after Tuoba Si killed Cui Hong, a group of exiled nobles from the Jin Dynasty were so frightened that they ran away to the Later Qin Dynasty and did not dare to go to the Northern Wei Dynasty. From then on, they did not refuse anyone who came.

Even if you are not given power, you will still be able to live with dignity and serve you with good food and drinks. Xiao Duan, you don’t have to worry about wealth in the Northern Wei Dynasty."

Duan Hong gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "General Xiang, hundreds of members of the humble clan died at the hands of Murong Chao. I think about this blood feud all the time. I spared one life just to avenge them. How can I just

Why are you just trying to survive? I didn’t go to the Northern Wei Dynasty to enjoy happiness!"

Having said this, Duan Hong looked at Liu Jingxuan: "For this point, I think the champion general can best understand the feeling of humble position. Back then, he was also burdened with the deep hatred of destroying his family and genocide. When he came to Nanyan, he wanted to do what he wanted to do every day.

What I want is to be able to rally the troops, fight back to the south, and kill Huan Xuan to avenge this deep revenge. Although I dare not compare myself with the champion general, at this point, you should be the one who can best understand me."

Liu Jingxuan nodded: "Yes, I also received your care when I was in exile in Nanyan. The most regretful thing in my life is that I could not return home in time to kill Huan Xuan with my own hands and avenge my late father. Xiao Duan, you

When you came to Dajin, why didn't you take the initiative to find me? If I knew that you had come to join the army, I would never put a general like you in a civilian camp."

Duan Hong said in a deep voice: "I, Duan Hong, must rely on my own strength to take revenge with my own hands. Moreover, as a barbarian, I have served three countries. I am afraid that the Jin Dynasty will not trust me and let me lead the army. Instead of

If so, then I might as well rely on my own ability to stand out. As long as I can break the city, I will rush into the palace and kill the thieves who harmed my entire family with my own hands. Even if I am engaged in military law because of this, I will have no regrets!"

This chapter has been completed!
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