Chapter 3910: A series of poisonous schemes forcing a desperate situation

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Doupeng's eyes sparkled and he sneered: "You said it very well. Heart-draining diseases have been used throughout the ages. However, in order to mix with common epidemic diseases such as plague and typhoid fever, our ancestors in the past generations often controlled them.

Scale, on the other hand, the attack of this disease is extremely violent, causing a large number of deaths, and then disappears. Except for doctors who study pathology carefully, few people will pay attention to it."

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "But Liu Muzhi is a wise man who knows astronomy and geography. Others don't know it, but he must know it. Moreover, there are a large number of skilled doctors in the Jin army this time. They will definitely find something wrong.


Doupeng smiled slightly: "I have already expected this. Don't worry, I will spread rumors in the army, saying that because Liu Yu massacred the city this time and there were a large number of deaths in the siege battles this year, it caused trouble.

They angered a large number of undead souls and ghosts, and they cast a curse on Liu Yu, saying that he would not have a good death. All the Jin army officers and soldiers contracted strange diseases and died."

Tao Yuanming laughed loudly and said: "This is a good excuse, very reasonable. I'm afraid that Liu Muzhi will be completely focused on tracking down these rumors, and will not bother to find out the origin of the heart disease. Even if he waits to find out

, we can rely on this to make a large number of Jin troops sick and delay their return."

Doupeng said coldly: "What I want is not the kind of disease that causes death quickly, but a slight change in this heart-infusing disease."

Tao Yuanming's heart trembled, and he blurted out: "Change? What change?"

A cold light flashed in Doupeng's eyes: "I changed the medicine powder for this disease with a few ingredients, so that its ability to cause sudden death is greatly reduced."

Tao Yuanming frowned: "Doesn't this make the disease less severe? It's not very good."

Doupeng waved his hand: "Yuanming, you are still too young. Our goal is not to cause the Jin army to die in large numbers. If this is really the case, the Jin army will soon know that the water or food was poisoned.

, we will strictly guard against it, and even change the drinking water or move the camp to another location. In this way, we can poison hundreds of thousands of people at most, and it will have no effect on spreading the epidemic."

Tao Yuanming nodded thoughtfully and said: "Understood, if the fatality rate is reduced, but the infectivity is increased, tens of thousands of people can get sick, and not die, but they will be riddled with strange diseases and extremely painful, then it will be even more

How can people believe that this is the curse of the person who died unjustly, and that it is the ghost that lingers, rather than someone poisoning?!"

Doupeng laughed: "Yes, and if a person dies too quickly, then the body will be burned or buried deeply, and there will be no way for others to get sick. The only way is to make them sick, painful, and sick for ten days."

Only by surviving for half a month can more and more people be infected quickly. What I want is that the entire army cannot go back to fight, not hundreds of people who die."

Tao Yuanming suddenly realized: "God, you are still powerful. If this happens, thousands of Liu Yu's troops will be infected with the disease and will not be able to return home quickly. In this way, as long as Liu Yi can be provoked to fight, we will be destroyed."

Liu Yi's army has a chance to win Jiankang."

Doupeng nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, this is the result I want. After winning Jiankang, we can coerce those high-ranking families who are adaptable to the situation to cooperate with us, and then restore Sima Dezong to the throne and become our leader."

puppet, and then issued an edict to declare Liu Yu a rebel, arrest all the family members of the Beifu Army in Jingkou and Jiankang City, and threaten Liu Yu's subordinates with their lives to rebel. When the time comes, I will see if Liu Yu is alive.

His body can withstand the attacks of thousands of subordinates."

A smile broke out on Tao Yuanming's face. He suddenly thought of something and frowned: "But if Liu Yu's subordinates don't want to go home, don't want their wives, children, and family property, and are willing to stand on their own with him in Qingzhou and Jiangbei, then

But what should we do?”

Doupeng's face changed slightly, he pondered for a moment, and said: "It is possible, Liu Yu is very good at winning people's hearts, and there are not many people under him who are willing to give up their families and careers or even their lives for him, but after all, this is not

In the land of Wu, the local wealthy people were disloyal. If they knew that Jin's hometown in the south of the Yangtze River was gone, they would not have given up their lives for Liu Yu. They relied on tens of thousands of soldiers and horses who had suffered from the great plague to face the Tianshi Dao in the south of the Yangtze River.

How many days can the three-sided attack from the Northern Wei Dynasty in the north and the Later Qin Dynasty in the west last?"

Tao Yuanming's expression was still serious: "But he is Liu Yu after all. If he is not dead, he will always be his enemy. Who knows what other miracles he can create?"

Doupeng sneered and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as our plan goes well, we will first spread the rumor among the army that Liu Yu massacred the city and killed all the Murong clan in order to avenge his wife.

A plague was laid in the army as punishment, and the south fell and the foundation was cut off. These soldiers would definitely not worship Liu Yu as before. Even if they did not escape back, they would only be under pressure. Once Liu Yu lost his heart, he would not be so

It’s scary, we can fight without bloodshed and wait and see what happens.”

"Even if Liu Yu's men are loyal, we can encourage the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Later Qin Dynasty to take the opportunity to attack Qingzhou and consume Liu Yu's troops. It will be difficult for his men to be replenished. If one of them dies, one of them will die. The local wealthy people will definitely not work hard for him.

Help him replenish his army and food, and then as long as his strength is further weakened and we integrate and unify the south, we can go north in a big way and completely eliminate Liu Yu."

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Having said this, Doupeng looked at Tao Yuanming: "You can find your old friends, Yao Xing and Kumarajiva, and ask them to send troops at this time. Later Qin will definitely be happy to do this at this time.


Tao Yuanming curled up his lips: "But what if Liu Yu doesn't stay here and takes the initiative to go south to counterattack Jiangnan?"

Doupeng smiled and said: "Yuan Ming, don't forget that Tianshi Dao now dominates the river and has the advantage of the fleet. Even if Liu Yu can fight, he will not be able to fly over the river with tens of thousands of troops. Jiangbei

The six counties can be given to him, but so what. When he reaches the river, he can only look at the ocean and sigh. Even if he leads the army south for a long time, the land of Qingzhou will inevitably be lost. If the foundation is lost again, who will follow?

Where is he?!"

Tao Yuanming nodded: "It sounds like Liu Yu doesn't have any chance. The key to this plan is to plant epidemic powder in the army, and the other is to make Liu Yi rush to send troops and be defeated by us.

Only then can we capture Jiankang and cut off Liu Yu's foundation, right?"

A mysterious light flashed in Doupeng's eyes: "Yes, I will leave this disease powder to you, and Wulongkou is the best place for us to cast the powder!"

This chapter has been completed!
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