Chapter 487 Flying Leopard attacks at night at midnight

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Luojian, southeast, opposite the Qin army camp.

In the dense forest more than a thousand steps away from Jianshui, more than 5,000 soldiers of the Tiger Army and 2,000 elite disciples of Tianshi Dao were fully armed and hung with various weed garlands, hiding in the forest.

In the long grass in the middle, the night is as cool as water, and a light mist rises from the stream. Even with the bright moon in the sky, this lurking army cannot be seen.

Liu Laozhi did not ride a horse. Like all the soldiers, he was lurking in the grass. His position was at the edge of the forest. He looked motionless at the brightly lit but seemingly deserted camp opposite, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

: "If I were Liang Cheng, I wouldn't pretend so much. I would at least have some people on duty in the camp. It's too quiet and I can't hide that murderous aura."

Sun En, who was wearing a black scarf and wearing a smart outfit, grinned at the side: "General Liu is naturally experienced in hundreds of battles. How can Liang Cheng compare with you? By the way, if you brought us here today, you would not let us.

Let’s cast spells on the enemy here.”

Liu Laozhi sneered: "Everyone is fully armed and came here today, and even distributed five-stone powder. Obviously, you are not here to do these rituals. Senior Brother Sun, what we want today is to unite sincerely and work with each other."

If we cooperate, we don’t have to hide it anymore.”

Lu Xun nodded. His fair face was also covered with thick black paint. Only a pair of shining eyes occasionally pierced with a cold light: "General Liu, the main force of the enemy army is also here. Kong

The camp is just a bluff, do we really want to attack from here?"

Liu Laozhi shook his head and looked at Liu Yu, who had been lurking in front, motionless: "Liu Yu, now you can give Commander Xuan's order."

Liu Yu is dressed like a soldier today, but like every sergeant in the Tiger Army, he is heavily armored. The armor leaves are layered on top of the hard leather, and covered with leaves to block reflections. If he stands up, it will be five thousand

There are multiple steel warriors armed to the teeth, or humanoid automatic heavy tanks, and the armor leaves made of fine steel can block almost all the strong bows and crossbows in the world. This is also the most sophisticated infantry in the world. Only

Only a strong man with infinite strength can do the job.

Liu Yu turned his head, looked at the core disciples of Tianshi Dao calmly, and said: "Shuai Xuan has ordered that today everyone from Tianshi Dao will join the Tiger Force's battle sequence. The combat goal is to completely annihilate Liang Cheng's troops.

From Sun En on down, everyone obeys the orders of General Ying Yang and Liu Laozhi, the leader of the Tiger Army."

Sun En's face changed slightly: "What? Annihilate Liang Cheng? That's right. Aren't we here to rescue Hu Bin this time?"

Liu Yu said calmly: "This is Commander Xuan's military order. Once Liang Cheng is destroyed, Hu Bin will naturally be saved."

Lu Xun's brows furrowed tightly: "But with just these 7,000 men and horses, can we completely annihilate Liang Cheng's 50,000-strong army? Also, Fu Jian's camp is about thirty miles to the north, and it can be done in an hour.

Is it true that Marshal Xuan is a bit exaggerated this time?"

Liu Laozhi said coldly: "Lu Xun, now you are under my command, that is, the subordinates of Commander Xuan. As a subordinate, if you do not follow the military orders, but make arrogant suggestions to go to the peak, based on this alone, I can kill you now."


Lu Xun hurriedly said: "My subordinate made a mistake for a while, please forgive me, general."

Liu Laozhi gave a heavy "hum": "I think you have not been in the camp for a long time. You are new here, so I will let you go this time. If you dare to talk nonsense again or disobey orders, you will be punished for both crimes and be executed."

No mercy!"

Lu Xun gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "Follow your orders!"

Liu Laozhi glanced at the camp opposite again and said in a deep voice: "Sun En listens to the order. I am waiting for you to wait for the disciples of Tianshi Dao. Attack the enemy camp now. You must not..."

Liu Yu suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Liu Yingyang, I haven't finished half of Commander Xuan's order just now."

A hint of surprise flashed across Liu Laozhi's purple face: "What? Commander Xuan still has orders?"

Liu Yu nodded, took out half a tiger talisman from his arms, and handed it to Liu Laozhi. Liu Laozhi quickly took it, took out half a tiger talisman from his arms and closed it perfectly. He nodded,

He put these two tiger talismans into his arms and said seriously: "General Yingyang Liu Laozhi, I respectfully listen to Commander Xuan's command!"

Liu Yuzheng said: "Xuanshuai ordered that in this battle, the heavily-armed soldiers of the Tiger Force must lead the attack. After successfully seizing the beach, they can continue with the light-armed troops of Tianshi Dao. No beheading is required, regardless of the cost. There is only one goal, which is to

Defeat Liang Cheng as quickly as possible and annihilate his army!"

Liu Laozhi's expression changed: "Is this really Commander Xuan's military order?"

Liu Yu nodded, with a cold glint in his eyes: "The military order is like a mountain, how dare Liu Yu pass a single word of it? General, please act according to the order!"

Liu Laozhi gritted his teeth and said: "Sergeant Liu Yu, you have finished passing on the order now. You are not my personal guard. Now please go back to the flying leopard building at the front. Since Commander Xuan has given such an order, then this

The general must obey the order and start with the flying leopard banner, and the whole army crosses Luojian by force."

Liu Yu smiled slightly. This result was already expected. He stood up gently, barely making any noise, and cupped his fists slightly: "Yes."

Liu Jingxuan had been squatting next to Liu Laozhi. Seeing Liu Yu getting up to leave, he suddenly said: "Slave slave, take care."

Liu Yu smiled and waved his hand at Liu Jingxuan: "Ah Shou, see you on the battlefield, I also want to see your new weapons." He said, pointing to a piece of clothing Liu Jingxuan was carrying behind him, which was wrapped in black cloth.

, the big guy who couldn't see the shape clearly smiled slightly.

Liu Laozhi said expressionlessly: "My general order, everyone should take their positions. The Flying Leopard Building is the first, the Flying Bear Building is second, and then the Zhulu Building. Within a quarter of an hour, the three buildings must stand opposite Luo Jian. Tell me.

The three building owners Liu Yi, He Wuji, and Tan Pingzhi, if you can't do it, come and see me!"

Several messengers quickly ran towards the grass in front. Liu Yu turned around and strode towards the grass at the edge of the forest. The moonlight flashed, and under the reflection of the snow, a banner with flying leopards bared its teeth and claws.

As Yu walked, he took out the Hundred-Refined Iron Sword on his back. The head of the knife was still wrapped in a thick black cloth. He pulled off the black cloth with an expressionless face, and the dazzling sword light was filled with coldness.

The fierce murderous aura illuminated his resolute face. In front of him, hundreds of tall and strong bodies, like hills wrapped in steel, rose from the grass. Liu Yu walked straight to the front of the queue.

Xiang Jing on the other side grinned at him: "Brother Jinu, it's up to you."

Liu Yu smiled and shook his head: "Look at us!"

A long sound of drums and horns sounded from behind the formation, and Liu Yi's voice revealed a burst of excitement and excitement: "Flying Leopard Building, raise your shield and attack!"

This chapter has been completed!
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