1534. Go Love Like You've Never Been Hurt 2

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【....I'm sorry, I was too tired last night. I only saw the text message you sent me today.

Also, was it you who was waiting at my door last night?】

[Hey, I said, why are you so stupid? It rained all night last night! If you get wet and get sick, I won’t compensate you!]

After the text message was sent, Jasmine continued to face the computer, trying to modify the plan.

But now, she can no longer concentrate!

Densely packed square characters appeared in front of her eyes, but she couldn't read them at all. All she cared about was whether Huo Ziming had texted her back on her phone.

But she waited for an hour, and Huo Ziming didn't text her back.

She was going crazy. She looked at her phone and opened her inbox carefully for a long time.

There was no way she had sent the wrong number. Huo Ziming had sent her a text message and she had replied to that number. There was no way there was a mistake.

But why didn't he reply to the text message? Is he busy?

Or did he wait for me all night yesterday, become desperate from then on, and never want to reply to this text message?

Jasmine waited and waited, even suspecting several times that her mobile phone was out of service and unable to receive text messages.

She checked her balance and found that the balance in her phone was still sufficient.

And common sense also tells her that even if her mobile phone is in arrears, the messages can still be received.

But why, why did Huo Ziming still not reply to the message?


Jasmine gritted her teeth and continued to speak.

[Huo Ziming, do you hate me? In fact, I really had a compelling reason, so I rejected you yesterday.

Really sorry.】

[Huo Ziming, I have figured it out now. If you give up on anything without trying hard, then when you are 80 years old and all your teeth have fallen out and you look back on it, you will regret it so much that your intestines will turn blue. I don’t want to become a regretful old man.

Madam, you don’t want to become an old man with a green intestine.】

[Huo Ziming, didn’t you say you wanted to watch movies and take a walk with me?

I also think, come here, if you are brave, just let your horse come over. Are you a coward now?

mock up!

I'm waiting for you. I've been waiting for you to send me text messages all day long.

As long as you send me a text message, I will go to the movies with you, go for a walk with you, and treat you to dinner, okay?

If you don’t come, you are a coward!】

After sending these messages, Jasmine collapsed on the bed, as if all her courage had been exhausted.

She dozed off again in a daze, but still no text message came back.

One hour passed, two hours passed, and no text message came back.

Jasmine grabbed the phone impulsively and wanted to call Huo Ziming again.

But in the end she held back, this was rejection, silent rejection, what else?

She has already tried. If she doesn't try, she will regret it when she is 80 years old.

Well, she has already tried it, but what she got was a cold response.

Huo Ziming, why can't you wait for me one more time? Why do we always miss each other? Are we always late? There is always this entanglement in fate. Why?

As if she had been stimulated, Jasmine gritted her teeth tightly, ran back to the computer, and quickly went through the entire plan again.

Then, she was completely immersed in the atmosphere of work.

When a person is emotionally frustrated, it is best to devote himself to work.

At this moment, Huo Ziming was sitting quietly in his study.

And Sheng Rumeng was sitting next to him, wearing headphones and listening to music.

————I’m so exhausted today……Tomorrow will be super exciting, please look forward to it!!! Taotao is almost finished writing, and I have all the manuscripts in hand, so everyone must

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This chapter has been completed!
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