1537. This time I will pester you 1

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No...she doesn't want him to break up at this time!

She must let that woman make a fool of herself tomorrow...

——Look how dare she steal her man!!

——She must die miserably!!!

Suddenly at this time, the maid knocked on the door and said, "Master, Master, there is an express package at the door."

"Oh?" Huo Ziming raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Okay, I'll go see what it is."

Seeing Huo Ziming's back walking out of the door, Sheng Rumeng quickly stood up from the chair, grabbed her own infusion bottle, and rushed towards the cell phone that Huo Ziming had just put aside like the wind.

The phone has a password, but it doesn't matter. She had already paid a hacker to crack his password.

After opening the password, she quickly operated it and instantly put the number 'Su Mo' inside on the blacklist.

After being put on the blacklist, you will no longer receive text messages from her!

Her text messages will go directly to the trash, and no one will go out of their way to check the trash.

And her calls would only go unanswered and then automatically redirected to voicemail.

After doing all this, Sheng Rumeng carefully placed Huo Ziming's mobile phone in its original place, and then sat next to it and started listening to music.

Huo Ziming walked into the room with a puzzled face. Sheng Rumeng pretended to have just noticed him coming in, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Ziming, what is it?"

"Nothing, just a tie clip. So strange, who sent it to me?" Huo Ziming asked in surprise.

"Maybe there is a little girl who has a crush on you."

Sheng Rumeng teased him, "Ziming, you are so good, of course there are many people who like you.

Just an anonymous gift, don't worry."

"Oh." Huo Ziming didn't pay too much attention to this matter. He continued to calm down and thought about what Su Mo is doing now.

If she saw his text message, why didn't she call him or reply to his text message?

It seems that he really has no hope, but it's okay, he won't give up.

Sheng Rumeng, who was looking at his back, had a proud smile on her face.

Soon, her infusion was finished, and the nurse came in to remove her needle.

Sheng Rumeng stood up gently and said, "Ziming, I'm going out to make a phone call."

"Oh." Huo Ziming responded casually.


Sheng Rumeng walked to the courtyard and dialed a phone. The three words Song Xiaoxue were displayed on the phone screen.

Sheng Rumeng said coldly, "Xiaoxue, is that you?"

"Ah, it's me." Song Xiaoxue called on the other end of the phone, "Cousin, what's the matter? What do you want from me?"

"What's going on? The bidding meeting is about to start tomorrow. Are you sure you can let that little bitch Situ Moli capsize in the gutter?"

"No problem, I told you a long time ago. We have sent the plan to the mailbox of Qingguo Qingcheng's boss. I know that their boss is a super strict German and will never allow the two sides to compete.

plan. Maybe he will be furious and never cooperate with Situ Moli again!

It is said that Situ Moli's side is just lingering on.

Two days, two days, she can make a flower, I don't believe it."

"Then will she come to the bidding meeting tomorrow? If she doesn't come, then our plan will be in vain."

Song Xiaoxue smiled secretly, "Cousin, she will definitely come to participate. It's impossible for her not to come.

This bidding meeting is a contract signed with all parties, so she must come. Even if she has no new plan and can only make a fool of herself, she has to come."

This chapter has been completed!
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