1732. I'm not interested in him! 3

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"My name is Zhen Keai, and I am now the president's personal secretary, ahem, personal secretary assistant. I should have a lot of time to interact with Minister Yan in the future."

Look, I, Zhen Keai, am not weak at all in picking up men. Don’t you look down on me and call me stupid? I’m just too lazy to be like you and talk about my face all day long!!


Zhen Keai looked at Yan Yuru with an adoring smile on her face. In fact, she didn't even have the handsome boy in front of her in her heart. All she could think about was how to piss off those crow-mouthed women...

Zhen cute?

There are not many such distinctive names.

At this time, Yan Yuru remembered the girl she had heard quarreling with Wei Lan just at work, which made Wei Lan, an old employee of the company and a strong woman, very angry.

I originally thought she was a barbaric girl with three heads and six arms, like a King Kong Barbie, but she turned out to be this cute-looking, petite, and quite polite girl in front of me.

Unable to bear it, he stretched out his eyebrows and smiled.

He was already wondering why Xiao Yunnuo would recruit such a rude woman into the company. He originally disliked such prickly employees...

But it seems that this woman still has many sides and many changes...

It seems that there will be a lot of fun in my future work...

Xiao Yunnuo, you are really a bit unpredictable...

Yan Yuru stretched out her hand towards Zhen Kaiai: "Miss Zhen, I'm glad to meet you. You have a lively personality and it's easy to make friends with others. The company needs young employees with your personality. Mr. Xiao has a good vision this time."


Are his words flattering?

This was the first time in Nuoyan Company, the first time someone said that Xiao Yunnuo had a good eye when he recruited her!

Zhen Kaifeng's impression of Yan Yuru immediately changed completely. He looked so handsome and pleasing to the eye.

Even if it is flattering, it means that this person at least has the courtesy to flatter others.

"Miss Zhen, what's wrong?"

"Oh oh oh, nothing, nothing, nothing at all."

"That's right." Yan Yuru kept smiling, "I hope I can get along well with you in the future."

Zhen Keai quickly stretched out her hand, took Yan Yuru's hand and shook it, and found that his hands were also of the type with clear knuckles and slender hands. Zhen Keai has always liked men with beautiful hands, and what she just said

At this time, he felt even more that Minister Yan Yuru was a good person and a living Lei Feng.

Xiao Yunnuo also happened to come over for lunch at this moment.

As soon as they arrived at the restaurant, they saw Zhen Keai with stars in her eyes, looking at Yan Yuru. The two of them were standing in the open space in the middle of the restaurant, as if they were posing for a photo.

He frowned slightly, then curled up the corner of his mouth and walked towards them: "Are you two staging an encounter? You are such a talented man and a beautiful woman."

After hearing this, she looked over and saw that it was Xiao Yunnuo. Zhen Keai muttered dissatisfiedly: "Here we go again, the annoying guy who likes to bully me..."

After Zhen Keai finished mumbling, she realized that Yan Yuru beside her had heard it, and immediately waved to him and explained: "I'm not talking about the CEO, I'm talking about my big dog that always likes to bully me, it's a monster dog.


This chapter has been completed!
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