Chapter 998 Maybe, because I have a rich father?

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However, at this moment, while listening to the exchange between Hill and Styx, and looking at the City of Death where he had only laid a foundation, Gilbert was speechless for a moment.

Therefore, when he heard that Styx was particularly interested in saying that he wanted to try it out in this world to see how much strength he needed, Gilbert just rolled his eyelids towards the gray sky.

He was even thinking about how much Styx valued Trasil.

With Gilbert's clever mind, he could tell that on Trasil's side, Styx did not intend to rework it again and again.

It's completely different from him.

Of course, it may be that the Styx area in Trasil is not as desolate as his... When Gilbert flipped through the information and saw that there were Nether plants growing on both sides of the Styx River in other places, he was truly speechless.

Their world will, the heart of the earth really hates human beings!

Even the River Styx is bare.

It will definitely not be like this in Trasil... Touching the scrolls recording the creatures of the Styx on his desk floating in mid-air, Gilbert sighed.

He has no interest in reading those inheritances anymore. After all, he doesn't care at all what the gods of death in other worlds do, and he has no interest in learning.

However, Gilbert is very interested in these underworld creatures that may slowly grow.

This is probably related to the life he has always longed for.

However, Gilbert didn't think there was anything wrong with him... How could anyone in their world not be tempted by plants growing wantonly?

Color and appearance are not issues.

Gilbert believed that he would never be as crazy as some gods of death who found life very attractive and always wanted to build green plantations on the River Styx.

People have seen colorful plants and breathtaking greens... What about him? He has only seen the surviving food crops in flower pots and black taro.

Is there a duller plant than black taro?

Gilbert curled his lips... at least the plants in Styx still have deep and light red colors!

At least now he is easily satisfied.

Therefore, there is really no need to show him some things now... It will only make Gilbert, who can't even build a house and can only work while floating in the air, feel jealous and resentful.

Why do fools live better than him?

Then Gilbert was almost knocked out of his own domain by the huge airflow that almost broke through the thick oil layer above the Styx.

Gilbert was extremely suspicious that the tiny stars that suddenly appeared in the distance were the curious big eyes of the red dragon.

I guess Red Dragon has never seen the God of Death who was almost kicked away by his boss in his own home.

Of course, Gilbert is not really unable to escape.

But in that case, his only table would be gone... This is a pure solid wood table, and it also has a fragrance!

A metal table, a bone table, things that are just around the corner, Gilbert would definitely not care.

However, Gilbert, who is still the aristocratic archmage from the past, absolutely cannot bear the thought of a solid wood table turning into ashes in front of his eyes!


William tilted his head, looked at Hill with a strange expression and asked curiously: "What's wrong, Hill?"

According to his prediction, Styx should be very happy to see his plan!

Although Trasil had a special design, he still made a general plan and gave it to Styx.

After all, not every god in the world is willing to let his followers stand trial before discussing whether he should enter his own kingdom.

Generally speaking, the gods will not let their followers walk around the River Styx.

After all, these believers who can enter the Kingdom of God have basically made great contributions to their gods... and once these undead souls enter the city of death, they may expose themselves to the god of death.

Especially those high-level believers who take care of mundane affairs for good gods.

In fact, everyone understands that they can enter the Kingdom of God only because they have the ability to maintain the glory of the gods, but it does not mean that the halo around them is as pure as that of angels.

You can't say that they are actually battle angels, right? Asmodeus probably doesn't want to take the blame.

But for the gods of the good camp, the doctrines they claim cannot explain why they are more willing to allow such souls to enter their own kingdom.

So, just don’t go to the City of Death and show your face like this.

Of the many foreign gods William knows, the only one who is really not afraid that one of his own will accidentally fall into the River Styx is Lansander.

The evil camp is also afraid, and they don't want to make every crime public.

There are always some secrets that you want to keep in your own hands.

Of course, generally speaking, if their followers don't know what they are doing after they finish it... it doesn't matter if they throw it into the River Styx.

If you want to simply lose your soul, you know too much. Even if there is someone who is so capable that these evil gods are reluctant to discard it, then they have to clean up their emotions and memories, leaving only a brand new blank soul to become their god's kingdom.

Those who pray for union.

William has only seen one Amber who can really let his evil followers enter the Kingdom of God to serve him without clearing his memory.

However, William was not sure whether this guy could not remember that he could still do this, or whether he felt that the Shark Head believers did not have the intelligence to rebel.

The latter words made him think that Anbo might not be really stupid, but... after being in contact with him for so long, Anbo's IQ always made him wonder whether it was when Anbo was born, it was from the place where the divine power of Shar and Selûne collided most fiercely.


He was knocked stupid before his head had grown.

Of course, this has always been William's own internal slander.

He is now glad that he never said it.

The past and present life of the Hunting Goddess will definitely be spread throughout the multiverse in the future... At that time, others doubted whether Trasil had the law of stupidity, and let the Hunting Goddess take possession of it.

It is precisely for this reason that Trahill's plan was written in more detail and made more perfect.

This is a plan that the God of Time and Space, who has studied the assembly line for many years, thinks is perfect.

They don't know how many intelligence points Styx can add to the Hunting Goddess, but they can reduce the space for her to intervene to the limit.

After all, the original moon tree and the current underworld tree should be responsible for the work of soul transfer... No god in Trasil would doubt the children raised by Hill.

Well, the main job of the God of Death is to provide energy for the operation of the City of Death.

But similarly, the gods of Trasil also paid a certain price... When they restrain others, they must also restrain themselves.

Therefore, all their believers must visit the City of Death once.

If he fails to pass the basic judgment of the City of Death, even if his god is willing to forgive his mistake, he will have to go through a mountain of knives, a sea of ​​fire, or even a big millstone.

This, for every god, is like putting a splint on himself.

After all, even the bastard couple of the God of Nobles accepted this restriction.

In Trasil, their followers are the ones most likely to cause problems.

William, when he thought back on the past, occasionally felt that it was quite normal for him to be blinded by the thoughts of the God of Nobility.

That guy is willing to sacrifice anything when it comes to something that is really good for mankind as a whole.

After years of torment by the undead, the believers of the Noble God who have walked the road of atonement still have red circles on their bodies!

Not to mention that he also has an army of half-devils... These guys can keep themselves from getting worse, thanks to the abyss gate opened by Graz'zt.

They didn't dare to leave the crater.

There is a ring of temples outside to calm their spirits, and there are demons outside that they want to kill whenever they see them, and it is not a crime to kill them, so this group of people can live reasonably well.

Every once in a while, the undead will receive the task of finding this group of troops who are lost in the volcanic crater's always jumping plane space, and they have to give them food and drink.

Even so, if this group of people really reaches the end of their lives, the best outcome is to go to Daoshan.

After all, they are different from the evil brought about by the blood of devils and warlocks... They can become half-devils, and they really rely on their own efforts to become non-human beings.

But even so, the Noble God gritted his teeth and accepted the agreement.

And even he agreed, what else can the other gods say?

Therefore, the Earth Goddess agreed to let the souls of all animals walk through the City of Death.

Hill raised his eyes and looked at him: "Nothing, I just didn't expect that someone would cherish the gift I gave him."

Gilbert's solid wood table was, of course, a gift from Hill.

Although he is a son of nature, he will not refuse some cash crops because of this, not to mention that the earthquake in Neverwinter Forest destroyed many forests.

Hill did not let the trees fall to the ground, but collected them and occasionally did some carpentry work himself.

After all, only by eradicating dead plants can the forest recover as soon as possible.

However, he actually gave Gilbert a complete set of furniture... Didn't this guy go too far?

Yes, for Styx to see?


William's curiosity became even more intense, and he strongly demanded that Hill tell him the cause and effect.

However, he was also a little confused.

Shar, who had been hanging next to him, said quietly: "You two, have you never known what poverty is?"

"Ah?" Hill and William looked at Shar stupidly.

"If the only table is damaged by his own god, can he still ask Styx to compensate?" Selune, who had not left, suddenly joined in with concern, "Ah, Hill is rich. , was originally the consensus of Toril.

But, William, how can you be rich if you are just and fair?

How can this be called fair?"

William blinked and said tentatively: "Maybe, because I have a very rich father?"

This chapter has been completed!
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