Chapter 1008 Hill’s little thoughts

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In fact, Hill also knew that he was thinking too much.

Even Uniflora wouldn't think that much.

When she appeared in the world, Trasil had been transformed into a living planet by the World Tree.

Otherwise, the sun god and moon god would not have been born directly after the earth goddess.

At that time, Uniflora had not accumulated enough energy to grow.

It can even be said that the reason why she can become the crystal flower she is now, instead of growing into something else, is because of the influence of the divine power of the World Tree.

Only people like Hill would be entangled in the question of 'chicken and egg or chicken and egg'.

For Crystal Flower, the things she encountered in life are real, and her respect and love for the Earth Goddess are never false... No matter how complicated her thoughts are, Uniflora still has some of the simplest principles: There is no need to think about things that have not happened and things that are unlikely to happen again.

In fact, the reason why Hill thinks so much is because his bloodline is so complicated that he himself can't understand it.

Some his terrible luck.

Although the gods of the sun and moon, and even the goddess of the earth, gave him blessings so that Hill could live on a smooth road, that should not make Hill's luck surpass that of the sun and moon itself.

In fact, it's not like Hill hasn't considered Westalia...but that guy really used his stupidity to cover up his luck.

Who can think that Vistalia is lucky?

When talking about him, there is basically only one reaction: 'If Corellon hadn't been his biological father'... What a pity, people who know that it should be the mother either don't want to say it or dare not say it.

Rose was quite cautious in this regard, mainly because Corellon's wife at that time was herself.

If it were the current Elf God Queen, she would definitely spread this matter to the entire universe.

But... Rose has personally experienced and witnessed Corellon's thick skin.

That person can definitely say something that, um, puts the blame on Rose.

After all, she and Corellon also played the reversal game.

Rose is of course thick-skinned, and she is not very shameless, but she doesn't like being blamed for things like Westalia.

However, Corellon, as a maternal being, can hang this child on Rose's head... Who knows that Rose actually appeared in this universe because of Corellon!

The Spider Queen only knew her ex-husband so well that she kept all this a secret...unless she found out who the adulterer was.

The identity of Westalia was concealed due to this kind of mistake. After all, the elves and gods knew more or less about Corellon's little games.

The moon elf goddess who makes up the trinity of goddesses is also one of the participants in the Corellon Reversal Game.

This Corellon only likes women, but she doesn't pay much attention to men.

Therefore, no one will mention the origin of Westalia, as long as Corellon admits that he is his son.

Who can think that this Westalia was born with luck?

No, it should be said that it was his greatest luck that he came out of Corellon's belly... and then he sat on the slide all the way down.

Therefore, it is no wonder that Hill directly rejected the possibility of coming from the elves and only considered the other two bloodlines.

He knew the Earth Goddess very Hill's mind was really spinning around Uniflora at that time.

Of course Hill now knows why.

Since Toril's goddess of destiny can be directly divided into luck and misfortune.

Of course, the boss of his own family can also directly give luck to his descendants... However, Hill estimated that the Lord of Destiny himself did not expect that Westalia could turn such great luck into bad luck.

The reason why Hill wanted to know more about Uniflora's identity was of course because of the special nature of her main flower petals.

When used as medicine, the main function of crystal flowers is to double supplement spiritual power and mana, as well as the strength and toughness of its own material.

Although they are incredibly good, there will always be some incredible beings in the world.

Not to mention that the source of the bloodline is a peerless boss like Uniflora.

However, after getting the main flower, Hill was really shocked.

After the energy emitted by Uniflora's petals was taken out, if Hill hadn't reacted quickly enough, some of the imprints on his spiritual sea would have been cleared away.

For example, the blessing of the Silver Moon Goddess.

Although her blessing protected Hill from the influence of the illusion, the mark also affected Hill's spirit.

This is completely different from Hill's elemental alliance contract has no spiritual power of Hill's own.

Therefore, when the purification energy, which has no ability to think at all, enters Hill's spiritual sea, the first reaction is to clean up all traces that do not belong to Hill.

This is also the basis for Hill to boldly enter Toril.

He knew very well how powerful the Silver Moon Goddess Trasil was, and he even knew that the crystal flower petals he used were only of an intermediate level.

And this one can already use the energy to clean up the Silver Moon mark instantly.

No matter how powerful the gods of Toril are, they can't be so powerful that Hill can't even go home after using up these petals.

Especially after the undead appeared in Toril, Hill felt even more relieved.

Although the elemental body of the undead belongs to Toril, the portal is not actually directly connected to Trasil.

But Hill can go to Ferenriel and even Gerns through that door.

And once he got there, he could return to Trasil immediately.

He chose to find his own way because he was traveling and had no intention of going home directly.

Moreover, when there is no direct threat, it is best not to use this kind of fixed dimensional gate... Sometimes, a portal that seems to have no problem turns into the biggest problem when you pass by.

Otherwise, Hill wouldn't have acted so unconcerned and gentle when he saw Selune's blessing.

Even though there were a lot of curse words in his heart, he could still smile and say thank you... Even now, Toril still thinks that Hill is very friendly to Selune!

Doing bad things with good intentions has always been Selune's style in the world.

She also really has no ill intentions toward Hill.

Even if she sometimes does things that are detrimental to Hill subjectively... But in the heart of the Silver Moon Goddess, Toril is a very, very good place.

Ciel only found Toril uninteresting if he lived in a rural place like Trasil.

Therefore, she really came to poach Hill with good intentions.

You have nothing to say to this kind of person, especially you absolutely cannot discuss silly questions like why you don’t want to go to Toril with her... Pull your IQ down to her level, which is as low as it can get, and then rely on The words "defeat you with proficiency" are used to describe a standard chaotic body like Selune.

Just thank her with a smile but stick to your attitude. This will make her shut up.

No reason is needed, I just like my own home... Even if she doesn't agree with this, she can understand it.

It was precisely because she had no malice in her heart that she was able to place a blessing on Hill's magic book.

Hill is quite familiar with his magic book... When Hill made the magic book, he did not consider that this inexplicable thing would happen.

Therefore, he was able to suppress his anger.

Although Hill disliked Selune very much, he would not look down upon her too lowly or vulgarly.

Being selfish does not prove that she is bad... If you know that the other person is incompatible with your own attributes and is not suitable for dating, then it is better to choose to stay away.

Besides, his own children are also in the chaotic camp, so Hill can easily understand the reason why such strange things happen.

And he learned a lesson deeply and understood the flaws of his magic book... Even good intentions can turn into evil intentions when it comes to his own things.

He shouldn't leave such leeway. The right choice is to let this magic book add nothing except his own power.

However, at the beginning, Hill never thought that this book would become that important!

It was originally just an experiment.

God knows how he made an experimental subject look like this.

Hill felt sad thinking about it...but he didn't dare to say this to others.

Hill is not stupid enough to seek scolding himself.

If it weren't for the fact that the magic book chose to split itself in order to accompany him into this world, Hill would have chosen to remake the cover of the magic book after returning to Trasil.

But the prerequisite for all this is to dissolve Selûne's blessing.

Of course, you can only do this kind of thing when you go home.

However, Hill had carefully investigated it. Although Selune's mark allowed her to find Hill's traces at any time, it might also affect Hill's future career as a mage, but it was not a big trouble.

Hill didn't care about the former for the time being... When he entered this world, he was still thinking that this mark might be of some use.

Just because there was nothing to hope for in Selune, he didn't dare to expect too much.

This is why as soon as Hill confirms that Selune is involved, Lansander will inevitably find this world quickly...his huge radiation source is here!

This is no different from sending a location directly to Selune.

As for the latter, it won't have any impact for eighteen hundred years.

Hill knew that it was impossible for him to hang around outside for so many years.

However, although the self-division of the magic book this time is very harmful to the magic book itself, it is not necessarily too bad for Hill.

Everyone knows that his magic book is broken... He has been hanging this book on his body in a grand manner some time ago. Selune has also seen it with her own eyes and glanced at it several times.

It is not surprising that Hill then remade the magic book so that the previous blessings disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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