Chapter 403: Felonriel, known as flying chess

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 While Hill was immersed in drawing the map, the undead killed the traveling god quickly.

Hill didn't expect it to be so fast. Logically speaking, the God of Traveling should be no worse than the King of Insects! That guy was still fighting the undead. How could the God of Traveling fall so easily?

Hill couldn't help but ask the undead about the battle.

The undead were very surprised and told Hill that for some reason, when that god fell, all his high-level believers suddenly died together.

Most of the ordinary priests are still alive, but those who are pious enough have also perished.

This has never happened to gods who have been killed by the undead before.

Hill suspected that it was because the undead really killed the god, rather than like in the past, the death of the god was just another kind of slumber, and after hundreds of years, it would wake up again at the call of believers.

The gods who were killed by the undead in the past did not have such a terrible ending as the Traveling God, probably because their believers were not so pious.

The gods of the evil camp only require their believers to be respectful and fearful. They also understand in their hearts that except for a few who have been brainwashed and stupid, it is impossible for normal people to devote themselves wholeheartedly to an evil god.

Evil gods tempt believers through brainwashing, coercion and inducement, or by committing sins that will lead to no return.

It’s normal for the goddess of spring to have few followers.

In undead terms, even the loyal believers protected by this goddess in her great temple have mostly surrendered, kneeling faster than the followers of the evil god.

The God of Travels is really a very responsible god. He is the only one who would really take action just because his followers are being extorted and robbed by the undead. He and his priesthood are really well integrated.

Because of this, the undead have a pretty good attitude towards the traveling god. Although they are enemies, they don't hate him.

This is the most normal enemy they have encountered since entering this world. When the two armies faced off, many undead were moved to tears. However, this may be because many of them had just come out of the Insect Kingdom.

But they also felt that when the traveling god was fighting, he was actually at about the same level as the legendary level wave SS set by William.

Very rigid, not like a real person at all.

Hill has heard several people muttering that the God of Travel is much easier to fight than the original Dwarf God of Forging.

They only looked at which side had more people, regardless of whether the people on that side were more lethal. They made flexible use of defensive knights and paladins, and the fight was easy.

Team Chaplain, the traveling god, doesn’t even look at it.

If it were the former God of Forging, he would definitely attack the place with the fewest people and the thinnest skin first.

Such an upright resistance warrior, the undead of course used their best attacks to send the Traveling God on his way. Being able to stand and attack really made those legal professions happy, so they all had a good attitude towards the Traveling God.

Although the Traveling God failed, he died gloriously in the battle, and the undead did not humiliate him with some boring tricks.

The secret god next to him might have been planning a fight between the undead and the Traveling God. When he died, he probably felt like he was done with it once and for all, so he died quickly to settle the matter.

The undead happily shared the drama of the fall of the Hidden God with Hill. Hill was dumbfounded when he saw it. He had never been so lucky that he had always been a friendly camp to the undead.

Hill didn't even expect that the fishing nets he sold to the undead would allow them to play to new heights.

Of course, Hill's things can only be used against enemies at the lower level of magicians, but are useless against gods.

However, in the last world of Gerns, Hill had always thought that the undead had little to gain from the Red Moon Country, but they actually got the best materials.

The spider web of Lolth's demigod-level subordinate.

They were all preparing to weave a network to pull the world of Gerns into Rose's infinite realm on the 66th floor of the Abyss, but unexpectedly they met Shar.

Rose would not meet Shar, and it would be too late to hide.

She has many laws that she wants to occupy, and they are actually related to Shar. Who knows if the Lady of the Night will take care of Rose first after seeing her.

The big spiders hurriedly retreated into the bottomless abyss, leaving behind countless spider webs.

This thing is said to be able to stick to even gods. It is immune to fire, cold, and electric shock damage, and it will also cause continuous damage.

Of course, if you are in the abyss, the spider web will also create endless clouds of smoke. If the person who enters it does not have enough willpower, he will fall directly into the chaos of the bottomless abyss. Not to mention the gods, even if the devil enters,

It's hard to get out.

Spider webs in the outside world are not that strong, but after the undead pulled out the threads one by one and woven them into large webs, they became powerful one-time artifacts.

Hill really didn't expect that the undead would use this spider thread. He really admired the first person who thought of it. Of course, the group of people who really did it were also really powerful.

If you want to weave these spider silks into such a large web, the undead will pay a high price. Even if you reach the legendary level and the health bar is much longer, everyone can only stay next to the spider web for 10 minutes. If you exceed 10 minutes, you will die.

Undoubtedly, that kind of continuous damage cannot be resisted by any defense.

Even if the people in the 'Snow Cloud Peak' alliance are more obedient to orders, there will still be many deaths.

Being distracted is a glorious tradition of the undead.

The most important thing is that the web weaved can only be used once. Once it has devoured flesh and blood, the web can only be completely purified, otherwise it will use the flesh and blood to summon demon spiders.

The undead are probably the only people besides Lolth's followers who can draw silk and weave webs. Their bodies are not made of flesh and blood, and they are just a ray of light after death.

However, Hill felt that he could completely understand that they would use such a powerful weapon to deal with this hidden god.

The hidden god with a black cloak, a face like a skeleton, and limbs that are not humanoid. Not only does he know a lot of private secrets, but his fighting style is also very obscene. If he is hit even slightly, he will hide in the air.

When I came out, the little blood I lost had almost recovered.

The trick he often used was to hide himself and then change places to attack the undead with the shortest health bar, which put a lot of pressure on the priest.

If it weren't for the fact that all the gods in this world are inseparable from their own main temple, the undead would never be able to capture this hidden god.

The video Hill watched was probably recorded by the command team. "Xueyunfeng"'s voice was hoarse from shouting.

This was probably the most scolded priest had ever received. The old dog shouted so passionately that he had already forgotten that most of the people glaring at him were young ladies.

Many priests habitually give the HP to the defense knight first instead of themselves. Even if "Xueyunfeng" shouts for the priest to top up the HP first every once in a while, many people still forget it.

It was only after half an hour of scolding that ‘Xue Yunfeng’ finally realized who he was scolding.

He almost offended more than half of the women in the entire league.

If it hadn't been for his fox friend who opened his mouth in a hurry and put his entire head into his mouth, Mr. "Xueyunfeng" could probably have been scolding him passionately for an hour.

When he calmed down, 'Xueyunfeng''s face turned green. Of course, it might also be because the fox had a bad mouth.

He walked around on the stage, watched the situation of the priest army below for a while, and then announced that he would test the spider web.

Hill could feel that there were more than two or three in their hands, and it was possible that the spider silk in the Red Moon Country had wrapped them around them.

When the God of Hiddenness appeared again, he fell directly into the trap.

Since the undead already knew that he would look for the person with the shortest health bar, of course they knew how to trick him.

Calculate the time when he appears every time, just take out the spider website in the corner. As long as you take out that thing, the people next to you will continue to lose blood.

When the Hidden God appeared, the health bar of that group of people was almost only one fifth.

But as long as this jumping guy goes directly into the spider web trap, the deaths of those people will be very valuable.

The moment he entered the net, 'Xueyunfeng' immediately shouted in celebration and kept praising those people for their great work.

The person who recorded the video said in a low voice: "Is this diverting the focus of the struggle?"

Hill couldn't help but laugh, but luckily it was covered by the wild laughter of the undead people watching around him.

It seems that the ending of the command of 'Xueyunfeng' is quite wonderful. The girls of the undead will definitely come after him.

The God of Secrets is just a false god. If he hadn't always been able to hide and recover his blood, he would have been caught and killed by the undead.

After being caught by the spider web, the undead wanted to vent their anger, or a certain commander wanted to divert attention. They finally stabbed the hidden god to death with ordinary attacks without any skills.

When the god who had been assimilated by the law finally fell, his face even showed the expression "It's finally over".

The undead probably thought it was fun, but the traveling god behind would be so desperate, and Hill could completely understand.

Even other gods in this world will try their best when facing the undead.

Hill's scalp felt numb when he watched it, although he could understand that for the undead, this was just a game to kill time, and fun and fun were their goals.

But Hill, who has become a human in the fantasy world, once again deeply understands why players are called the fourth natural disaster.

This has nothing to do with whether they are inherently good or not.

When Hill told the undead that they would encounter crazy resistance from all the gods in the world because of this matter, the undead would certainly not be afraid. They would only become more excited. Even if they were attacked by several gods at the same time, it would not matter.

The undead find this world very interesting, and they even call Ferenhill a flying chess piece on their own forums.

This chapter has been completed!
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