Chapter 401: The Undead's Ambition

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After Hill returned to the Magic Tower, he read all the newly purchased books, focusing on the legend of the Gold Coin Goddess.

Although this goddess of gold coins does not even have her own country and declares that she will never compete with the gods of other countries for faith. She only has a commercial city as her main temple, but she is one of the only remaining gods that has existed since ancient times.


The main reason why the human kings of this world have no idea of ​​minting rights is that humans seem to have been using the transaction method gifted by the Goddess of Gold Coins since their emergence.

People in this world may be kept in the dark, but Hill from outside knows very well that every transaction of these currencies will bring great benefits to the goddess of gold coins.

She is named after gold coins, but in fact she focuses on the priesthood of trading and commerce.

There is no way this gold coin goddess is just a medium-level divine power.

The three most powerful gods in this world are the gods of battle, judgment and justice.

However, these three gods live like symbols.

Although they are powerful gods that have existed since the beginning of the world, their existence is so illusory.

If he were the true God of Justice, although his rigid and tough style made many people hate him, he would never leave Madam Venom alone who blatantly feeds on humans.

People can accuse those gods who shout about eradicating evil and showing no mercy at all of being ruthless and unjust, but they will never let the human-eating demon exist in an upright and upright manner just because the evil country is far away from their own country.

But the three powerful gods in this world seem to only take action after the evil gods attack their allies of light. The only thing that can be commended is that any evil god who provokes them will definitely die without a burial place.

Or maybe a few neighboring countries fought too ferociously, triggering a real war between good and evil, and then they took action to completely suppress the evil forces.

Then the world returned to peace, and the evil god slowly regained his strength under the eyes of all the gods.

Hill deeply suspected that this world was created by the enemies of the God of Justice.

Many books secretly express dissatisfaction with the God of Justice who only cares about his own country.

Most people believe that these three gods are not worthy of the respect of the world at all. Therefore, many humans respect the god of their own country even more. Even if he is a weak god, he is more useful than the God of Justice who is far away and useless.

too much.

Hill felt that the mastermind behind the scenes just wanted to hear humans curse the God of Justice, otherwise these books would never have been written.

However, the existence of the Goddess of Gold Coins made Hill a little confused as to whether the mastermind wanted to kill the Goddess of Wealth, or whether a certain god had secretly become a collaborator.

That goddess of wealth, Wojin, had been in big trouble before, and her divine power dropped to a weak level. She has been trying desperately to find a way to return to a medium level of divine power.

And as an absolutely neutral goddess, she doesn't care about being associated with evil gods. If she hadn't been set up by a certain Lord of the Abyss and became a famous joke in the star world, she would even be willing to cooperate with the devil.

"Is the goddess of gold coins the Wojin?" 'Junqi' asked thoughtfully.

"I don't know. The gods in this world are a bit like the incarnations of many gods, not just Faerun." Hill replied lightly, "I don't know which one is a real existence and which one is a simulation of the law.

That ability can be seen.

After you have collected the information, just tell His Majesty the King.

He didn’t follow, did he?”

"Then who knows?" A knight laughed, "Haha", "If William were disguised as an undead, no one would recognize him! Maybe he is picking up girls somewhere!

His body makes many girls drool! We can’t imitate him even if we want to!"

The 'Old Sanda King' stood on the chair and hit him on the head with a book: "Shut your stinky mouth! There is no need to expose your precarious character in front of Mr. Hill!"

Seeing the knight holding his head and groaning in pain, the loli priest in a white dress straightened his dress and smiled at Hill: "I'm sorry, Mr. Hill, but you should be used to it. We

There will always be this kind of idiot among the undead who has nothing but mouth!

Please read this book! We Black Rose have evacuated several magic towers!"

Hill shook his head helplessly: "I won't care, I've been used to it for so long.

I have already set the purchase price of the books, you can just give them to the puppets.

I don't come here every day. This world is a bit strange and I need to hide away.

I don’t have many gold coins in this world, so I’ll settle with you using crystal stones!

If you need money from this world, you can buy the crystal card I laid out, and I will accept both Trasil and this world's money."

The 'Old Sanda King' happily took out all the books on his body and gave them to the puppet, and got back a large crystal bag.

'Junqi' smiled and narrowed his eyes: "Mr. Hill, do you think it would be beneficial if we let the countries we have occupied use our own currency?"

"His Majesty the King does not necessarily want the priesthood of transaction and currency." Hill thought for a while before answering cautiously, "The world has almost defaulted to the fact that those who issue currency have those two priesthoods, and it seems that there is also commerce.

Although many gods have multiple priesthoods, business and fairness still seem to be in conflict. You'd better ask His Majesty the King before making a decision.

Moreover, transactions and commerce, in our world, seem to be within the scope of the God of Contract’s ministry. His Majesty the King still wants to return to Trasil.”

The undead were stunned. They thought for a while before they understood what Hill meant.

The 'Old Sanda King' suddenly gasped: "Wait a minute, I have to talk to the old dog about this! We have been using our own gold coins to buy things for so long!

Especially in the original Kingdom of Spring, people there have begun to trade with our gold, silver and copper coins!"

She was immersed in typing, and her hands were almost typing, and she looked very anxious.

On the contrary, the alliance of 'Xueyunfeng' has been following William closely and has gained a lot of benefits. They are not willing to cause trouble for William from their own side.

After so many years of hard work, no one would want William's favorability points to be deducted for such a trivial matter.

Hill took a curious look. For Hill, who rarely interacted with ordinary people anymore, gold coins were almost the minimum currency value. This was the first time he knew that the undead also had a lot of silver and copper coins!

No, it was William who also issued small currencies to the undead!

The currency of the undead has always been made by the God of Time and Space and William himself, and the currency of Salar is only available to residents of the country.

Otherwise, with the number of undead, Salar's ability to mint coins may not be able to provide even one-tenth.

Speaking of which, Hill had only seen gold coin mountains. He had almost forgotten what silver and copper coins looked like.

In the past, when he was a low-level mage, he was also a noble. Bonn and his parents would go out to buy small things, and Hill rarely cared about such trivial matters.

By the time he went out to buy something, he had already started to use gold coins to make change.

‘Junqi’ suddenly asked Hill curiously: “Mr. Hill, to become a god, you only need to have divine power and divine fire?

Can we undead also become gods?

The boss who bought Doomsday a few days ago came to see Lao Gou, and he wanted to try to see if he could grab a priesthood while William was not here."

"Have you picked up the fragments of the godhead?" Hill reacted suddenly.

When a god falls, even this kind of false god will have his godhead shattered and his divine fire scattered.

"Is it the kind of golden-red spar?" 'Junqi' replied, "When every SS in the big wave dies, a lot of small pieces will fly out, and many people will pick them up.

The boss in the last days didn't know how to get the biggest one. He said that after holding it in his hand, he had the illusion that he could become a god.

So he wanted Lao Gou to help him find a way to try it, and he was willing to pay a big price.

Young Master's ideas are always so unexpected.

He plays too many role-playing games, and it’s as if William can’t hear the stupid things he says.”

"The old dog told him not to daydream." The 'Old Sanda King' said without raising his head, "It took us several years to open the legendary level. When there is a god level, there will still be so many people coming to this world.

What’s going on!”

Hill understood what the female priest was saying. Even if one day William really gave them the opportunity to become gods, it would be more than ten years or even decades later.

These undead people don't know whether they will continue to play this game in a few years, and they won't bother to worry about something so long ago.

If you seize the opportunity a few months in advance, you will be a lunatic if you are a few years in advance. If you are a few decades in advance, a lunatic will not play with you.

Moreover, it is impossible for William to do it now.

Unless after a few decades, he and the God of Time and Space have become medium or even powerful gods, they can play a virtual godhead game like the masterminds behind this world.

"The old dog said he knows. Let's buy back the crystal card from Mr. Hill first." The 'Old Sanda King' exhaled softly, "He is now going to investigate the few mages who have taken refuge with us in the Kingdom of Spring.

Is there something wrong with the Cavaliers?

But we used Mr. Hill’s oil painting! I feel like they didn’t tell any lies.”

"That oil painting also has restrictions." Hill reminded lightly, "If the speaker believes in his words, the oil painting will judge them as harmless.

There is something wrong with the laws of this world in Ferenriel. People who have grown up in this world can easily have their thoughts affected by the laws."

The undead looked at each other for a few times and stood up one after another: "Then let's go back first. We need to talk to everyone about these things. Come back to Mr. Hill in a few days. I hope Mr. Hill won't dislike us for having too many books."

Hill smiled and shook his head: "Every book is valuable."

This chapter has been completed!
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