Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty-Three The Second Generation Alliance Group to Dig Treasures

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 Hill looked in the direction of the residential area. Did he come here after he opened this place? Does it have anything to do with it?

Martha said hesitantly, "Could it have something to do with the people living in the apartment? There were several young people from Neverwinter renting a floor together, and they didn't look like they were from ordinary families.

Moreover, the one upstairs is from Baldur's Gate, the one downstairs is from Waterdeep, and the one on the fourth floor is from Silvermoon City.

They are all city-states in the Silver Moon Alliance, and they may want to do something."

"I don't want to hear questions, Martha." Hill smiled, "I just want results."

"Yes, sir, please be patient. I will find the answer as soon as possible." Martha quickly disappeared.

"Dad Hill~" Aglaia came over.

When Hill finished speaking, Liszt notified her that the goods should have been loaded now.

"Aglaia, you should have enough of that kind of pearls, right?" Hill tilted his head and asked her.

"It's definitely enough. I have piles of pearls of this level in the warehouse. After I finished this clone, I grabbed some. Although I haven't counted them, a few thousand are no problem." Aglaia raised it.

Her right hand.

The bracelet is made up of more than a dozen pieces of aqua sapphire, each piece is a storage space.

Compared with space rings made of space crystals, the space that this aquamarine can construct is not very large, but it is very suitable for collecting things in the sea.

Each piece is a pool of pure sea water.

This kind of aquamarine is also very rare in Trasil. After all, it can only be found in the deepest ocean. Even if it appears occasionally, it is only a few pieces brought out by some ocean currents.

Before the appearance of the God of Time and Space, each piece of aquamarine cost as much as twice its size of fine gold.

It's not that expensive now.

But if the sizes of the spaces are the same, one aqua sapphire ring can be exchanged for three space element rings, but there is still a difference in appearance.

Therefore, it is a very good decoration for Aglaia, who is the God of the Sea and already controls the ocean of Trasil.

Anyway, she has many, and Aglaia likes them better.

"Dad Hill~" Aglaia came over and asked curiously, "Why the blue pearl? That is the lowest grade in my hand!"

"They can't afford expensive ones. They can only afford 200 blue water pearls. Neverwinter is still a wealthy city in the world." Hill knocked her little head, "Don't be so lazy!

Didn’t I copy you a copy of the prices of rare items in this world?

Be sure to remember it well.

The materials in this world are not as abundant as ours. No matter what it is, it is best to lower it by two levels when taking it out."

"Obviously the level of the world is so high~" Aglaia said unconvinced.

"It used to be higher. However, all the good things have been ruined. Neither the gods nor the demigods and those powerful legends have much mentality to protect one side.

No, their protection is different from ours. It may be because they have too many enemies." Hill said nonchalantly.

"I recently read their stories, and suddenly I felt that all the noble gods here are good people." Aglaia complained.

"Him?" Hill laughed, "He was the first one to die."

If it were the God of Nobles, he would probably be the one who saw the kind of Hiroshi that would make gods go crazy.

The desire to control is so strong, but the ability to control is so poor.

Aglaia blinked, trying to understand the meaning of Hill's words.

"Don't think about him anymore. The gods in this world deserve your attention for their strange ways of death.

Don't step on the pitfalls they have stepped on before, and you will successfully become a powerful god." Hill touched her head, "Have you seen the ruins opposite the Temple of Tyr?

Go read Barr’s story!

He is actually quite powerful, but unfortunately his ambition exceeds his ability."

"The Paladin of Tire said that although he has become a scum, there is still a possibility of resurrection, so he must keep an eye on him." Aglaia said, "Are they enemies?"

"Baal's priesthood is murder." Hill thought for a moment before saying, "It stands to reason that Cyric, who inherited his priesthood, is the biggest enemy of the good gods like Tyr.

However, the gods of Toril would rather compete with the crazy Cyric than see Baal again.

Even the goddess of magic will work hard to make him continue to be that scumbag.

The hatred between them has exceeded the faction and the priesthood."

Hill hesitated for a moment, wait, why did he suddenly think of Barr?

This guy is a god from the evil camp and has no value in warning Aglaia.

The death of the first magic goddess is what Hill wants Aglaia to pay attention to. He definitely does not want Aglaia to be bound by the priesthood.

That one is great, but Hill definitely doesn't want his daughter to be that great.

He turned to look in the direction of the apartment building.

No way? Only people from the good camp can stay here!

Among the young people who came to Baldur's Gate, there couldn't be a son of Baal, right?

Don’t ever come to this place with this thing!

However, if the son of Baal had not awakened his bloodline, it was indeed possible that he would have been in the good camp.

Hill pinched his eyebrows, he really didn't want to stage a fateful battle here.

"Dad Hill?" Aglaia held his arm and asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

Hill shook his head: "Actually, it's not a big deal, but there may be a little trouble coming to us."

Hill used his left thumb and index finger to spread a little distance. He remembered that the young people all looked like humans.

Games like Baldur's Gate may not necessarily happen in reality, otherwise, according to the timeline, Baal would have been resurrected in one of his sons by now.

In reality, he did have some children, but as soon as they were discovered, they were sent to major temples to suppress them, and there were not as many as in the story.

The gods are not fools, and their hatred for Baal also made many gods pay attention to Baldur's Gate.

I just didn't expect that a certain archmage would suddenly overturn, causing a student to do something, and almost destroying half of Baldur's Gate.

But Baal's resurrection failed in the end.

He is not the adopted son mentioned in the game, nor is he such a kind adoptive father.

The archmage just wanted to study the descendants of gods and find a way to live forever without turning into a lich.

As a result, Baal's remnant soul was used.

If such a level 20 archmage really wants to do something, even the temple may not be able to handle it.

This archmage and his students whose souls had been corrupted overturned several temples of the good camp and killed all the children of Baal who were suppressed inside.

However, the temples of Baldur's Gate were caught off guard, and the lying prince Cyric, who did not want the God of Murder to resurrect and steal the priesthood from him, was well prepared.

He directly killed the Archmage and his son of Baal's student.

Cyric's incarnation was really glorious that time, and he used several major temples in Baldur's Gate as stepping stones.

It has attracted countless believers.

And that time was the closest Baal came to being resurrected. Even many of his children actually died, leaving only a few who were not discovered by the temple.

People in Faerûn feel that the remaining bloodline is not enough to resurrect Baal again, so as long as the person who comes is not a half-elf, Hill can rest assured.

At worst, he would take out the artifact oil painting to ensure that Barr's scum would never wake up.

Aglaia observed for a while and found that Hill's mood had stabilized, so he quickly took a book and ran away.

She didn't want Hill to give her another pile of homework.

After observing for a few days, Martha came to give Hill a reply.

The person coming from Baldur's Gate is the daughter of Duke Silvershield who likes to run away from home, a third-rate thief.

She also brought a small team: warrior, bard, mage and a ranger.

Martha felt that there was something wrong with the cold mage, but although the warrior was not that stout, he was a berserker who could not control his emotions.

They came to Hill because they heard that the mysterious lock in the town of Aglaia has a strong ability to purify and suppress emotions.

Hill smiled bitterly.

And that Prince Benn was actually paying attention to a certain female mage from Neverwinter: that was his biological sister.

She also brought an adventure team she organized.

Hill was stunned for a moment, how could such a person live in an apartment?

Martha glanced at Hill quietly: "The people from Waterdeep City and Silvermoon City seem to have some status. Although they are not as high as the two, they all know each other and they all bring their own companions.

It seems that we have agreed to go on an adventure together."

Hill gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Where do they want to take risks?"

Martha said softly: "If you can't do it in the Sword Mountains, go down to the water and see the Temple of Baal."

"Even the legendary mages dare not go down to that place. Don't they know?" Hilti didn't even mention the Sword Mountain Range.

If they dare to go, Hill will throw them all out of the territory.

Hill walked around in the study unhappily. This matter could not be handled by Linn.

The identities of these people are too troublesome, even Hill must pay attention to them.

"No, do they already know the identity of the berserker?" Hilton asked, "Does this mean that there is no hope of Baal's resurrection, so they want to hide the treasure house in the temple?

Do you want to use the blood of Baal to unlock the door?


Prince Ben, doesn’t he have any intention of dragging his sister back?”

Martha nodded: "After observing for a day, he left directly. It seemed that he just wanted to see who his sister's companions were.

He soon left with the pearl.

Ah~ Sir, many businessmen also want to buy that blue water pearl."

Hill clicked his tongue: "Go and ask Aglaia. If she wants to sell it, she will quote 550 gold and only sell one per day.

It is estimated that except for people like Luskan who will buy two and go back to see if they can crack it, others will not be willing to part with it.

Pure water beads are much more cost-effective.”

"Okay, sir." Martha agreed simply and disappeared into the air.

Hill looked in the direction of the Temple of Tyr, and the Silver Shield didn't seem to be trying to stop it.

This chapter has been completed!
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