Chapter 536: Warlocks who are promoted in the unpredictable mind

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 This autumn, a plague emerged from the northern continent of Faerûn and swept across Faerûn.

Silvermoon City and Baldur's Gate are naturally impossible to avoid.

Although many people understand why there is such a rapid rate of infection, no one tells civilians that as long as they don't touch money, they may be safe.

Instead, many nobles began to purchase grain supplies in large quantities at high prices, allowing farmers and fishermen who knew nothing to sacrifice their family property and lives.

On the other hand, Neverwinter, which had made deals with Hill, had made enough reserves for the war with Luskan, and was able to save most of its population during the great plague that swept across the North.

The royal family of Neverwinter really lives up to their reputation of being kind and capable. Although some gold, silver and jewelry still fell into the hands of residents, the large amount of property they brought back was put into sealed warehouses.

The leading princess even took her team members directly into the magic tower of the chief mage of Neverwinter City, hoping to find a way to save the people from herself and her companions.

Professionals who are physically strong enough will not be defeated by this plague, but they carry the source of the plague with them.

Neverwinter was also the only city that said that Baal's treasure was probably the source of the great plague, but Hill got the news from the Harpers, and other cities not only chose to cover up the news, but also figured it out.

Various rumors were used to suppress the real reason spread from Neverwinter City.

Especially Luskan, who was not affected much. Bane, who is also the three gods of death, helped Baal share the big pot. Zhentarim became the main messenger of the plague. Luskan's Arcane Brotherhood will naturally be no less.

, plague is their specialty.

Obviously everyone saw it, but the group of pirates from Luskan also left with a lot of gold, silver and jewelry, and even robbed some people along the way.

They don't care that they can no longer enter the town of Aglaia to drink. If they have money, there will always be someone to help them deliver the goods.

Many cities came forward to accuse the evil forces in Luskan of creating this plague, and even cited the epidemic in Neverwinter two years ago as evidence.

It is completely ignored that Luskan is a city where ordinary people cannot survive. Even if they do not reach the level of official home buyers, the people of Luskan are strong enough.

On the contrary, in Neverwinter, no one said this at all. They felt that it was the biggest humiliation to themselves who bravely resisted Luskan's invasion.

Because of this, Hill had a better attitude towards Neverwinter City. At least the inexplicable arrival of Prince Ben gave him a warning.

Judging from the performance of Silver Shield, they didn't think it was any surprise that Hill had taken precautions in advance.

Although some things cannot be said, the results can always be seen.

Although Hill was not sure whether they did this intentionally, he felt that if something happened, he might choose to help them. After all, it allowed him to see a little bit of the beauty of human nature.

Otherwise, Hill will really be completely disappointed in this world.

But now, he no longer thinks how great the gods of Toril are. Even the noble gods of Trasil are stronger than them in some aspects.

Including those silent good alignment gods.

Some gods are indeed blocked, such as Tyr. Although he doesn't know who the enemy he faces is, he can't even use divine descending.

However, he still issued an order to collect the treasure of Baal. Gods like Miriel also issued similar orders.

Lansendre even asked his followers to burn those things completely.

In fact, it also told ordinary people the origin of the plague.

But even powerful gods cannot force everyone to hand over these valuable things. There will always be people who feel that their lives are not as important as money.

Most people are lucky, not to mention that this plague cannot cause any harm to healthy professionals and can at most make them weak for a few days.

There are also some gods who do nothing, only send messages hoping that their followers will not be greedy, and then stay at home.

Although these matters have nothing to do with their clergy, Hill was still surprised that thousands of priests did not move.

Toril's kindness seems to be different from what Hill thought.

To a certain extent, the churches in Toril that worked the hardest on this matter were those of Suellen and Lathandel.

Hill really didn't expect that the Tablet of Destiny had such strong control over these gods.

Toril is really a scary world. The more he learns about it, the more Hill feels that this place is really only suitable for traveling.

Fortunately, after he came here, the first friend he met was an elf, and the second was a dragon. They didn't have so many restrictions on them.

This allowed Hill to maintain enough sanity.

Although other cities also tried to buy pearls that can make pure water from Hill, many people were blocked from the store because of the black aura they carried.

Those who could occasionally get in had to compete with groups of merchants for the quota.

Hill has refused to meet any outsiders.

Alustriel's people are not good, and Hill doesn't have such a good relationship with her.

Sometimes, Alustriel's kindness is very floating, she thinks too much, and always takes back the hand she has extended when encountering something related to the Silver Moon Alliance.

Therefore, it is difficult for people like Hill to establish any friendship with her.

Madam, as long as business is done, that's fine.

The Silver Moon Dragon Queen and her husband will only work for Alustriel personally and cannot sacrifice their country's interests for Silver Moon City.

The two of them only purchased enough water-purifying pearls for their own country through Terry, and then returned directly to the Floating City without saying anything good to Silvermoon City in Hill.

These giant dragons actually understand very well what they can and can't do.

The friendship between individuals and the power they belong to cannot be confused.

All Hill is doing now is just not wanting Terry to lose his parents at such a young age, but that doesn't mean he cares about the Silver Moon Dragon Queen's territory and alliance.

However, all of this is like water flowing under the ice. People standing on the shore cannot see the undercurrent surging below at all.

No one wants to disturb the owner of the floating castle for these trivial matters.

After confronting Barr and killing Barr, Hill has the right to reject all so-called goodwill.

In Toril, Hill finally learned one thing, even if he behaves with good intentions, he will never have the power to shock people.

In Trasil, he was very well protected. There might be calculations around him, but there was absolutely no oppression.

Toril is completely different. He has probably felt more hostility and murderous intent in the past two years than he has felt in all the years he has lived in the past combined.

Moreover, for the first time, he understood what inexplicable hostility was. People who had nothing to do with him would hate him from the bottom of their hearts and want to kill him just because they looked up at his floating castle.

Hill's town still does things as it did in the past, with only golems and Tyrian paladins patrolling the streets, but few people dare to make loud noises anymore.

Including the family members of Silver Shield, they finally understood that even though these paladins acted like the owners of the town, they were actually just guards.

Now these people not only obeyed all Lin En's instructions honestly, but also began to get along well with the large residential area next door.

Although they would not disobey Lin En's orders in the past, they would always murmur behind their backs for a while. They also completely looked down on those who came after them, treating them as if they were nothing and not saying anything to them.

But after Hill killed Barr, their attitude immediately changed.

Although it was only a few months, Hill's research on human nature during this period made him take a rare step forward steadily on the road of warlock.

Hill had always thought that his warlock career had reached its peak! So if he continued to explore his bloodline and spirit, would there be room for improvement?

He sat beside the artifact painting and silently thought about the various aspects of life he had seen recently:

Human nature and beasts desire and fear, hope and despair.

Sometimes they are consistent, sometimes they are opposite.

Sometimes, what was still in fierce conflict at the front suddenly merged together at the back.

The faint moonlight at midnight shone on Hill, intersecting with the silver light on the oil painting. Hill's spiritual sea was enveloped in the thin moonlight.

He could feel that the Silver Moon in his spiritual sea was much more powerful. Illusions, charm magic, charm field spells, and enchantment/charm spells, even if used by gods, would hardly affect him anymore.

Hill opened his eyes at dawn, stretched out his hand to catch the first falling snowflake, and winter was coming.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the whole Northland has become quiet.

However, the plague has not been resolved, and the Northlanders can only hide in their rooms and wait for the result.

It was a curse brought by the power of death. It was not actually a disease, and Hill had no solution.

Trasil is a new world, and the realm of death has not yet appeared.

Even after reading many related books, Hill could only helplessly wait with the Toril people and continue to blockade his town.

Probably we can only wait until that epic hero or heroes appear.

Wait until he or they find the hidden Baal, fight bravely to the death, and once again rescue Toril from the crisis of the end of the world in the hands of the evil god, and then return to their ordinary and extraordinary days, waiting for the next destiny


Hill just doesn't understand why everyone is stalling for time?

Whether it's the good camp who can't find Baal, or the evil camp who doesn't take any more action at all, it seems that they all plan to stay in their lair. No one takes advantage of the victory to pursue them, and no one resists heroically.

However, this winter, the town of Aglaia is a little more lively. There is no threat of plague from outsiders, and the whole town is very active. People from the North actually want to see the snow scene in the extreme winter, but in the past, it was only available in Silver Moon City.

Only people can be so lucky.

Hill spent the winter of 1374 quietly, filled with questions and expectations.

This chapter has been completed!
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