Chapter 538: Sad Elf Crusade

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 Linn packed his luggage and took his cousins ​​on the boat. Aglaia appeared in mid-air and softly sang blessings.

A statue of a girl wearing a sky-long dress stood on the bow of the ship holding an exquisite ball in her hands.

Although Aglaia does not control many wind laws and can only increase or decrease the ship's speed a little, for Linn, defense is more important.

The white clouds that appeared around the magic ship shrouded the skirts piled up like clouds at the feet of the girl's statue.

These layers of clouds and water can at least ensure that the ship will not be directly smashed in mid-air.

Hill watched the magic ship go away, clasping his hands, and softly wished Lin En a safe return.

He couldn't say anything else. Myth Drannor's fate had already been determined. All they could do was save the survivors.

Lin En had actually received the message he gave. After they arrived at Myth Drannor, they probably only had time to clean up the mess and fight with the surviving Grand Arcanist's men.

There will certainly not be many deaths among the great arcanists, but the first reaction of those who survive will definitely be to run towards the Nese scroll in the warlock tower.

For this matter, even the City of Shadows, which had protected them for thousands of years, was sacrificed. They would never give up the Nese Scroll.

When the Harpers came again with news, Hill estimated that Lynn had just flown halfway.

The man who brought the news from the Harper stood at the door of the building with an excited face and waved one hand vigorously in the air.

This is completely different from people dying from the plague.

In the continent of Faerûn, there has rarely been a war in which so many high-level professionals died.

The Grand Arcanists of Shade City tried to control the mythos of Myth Drannor. In a crazy battle, Shade City crashed into Myth Drannor, razing both cities to the ground.

No one knows how many of the Grand Arcanists died, but Queen Iseveril seems to have survived and brought some survivors back to their original settlement of Cyberholm.

Hill didn't ask for news about Lynn, how could he turn back!

There are still two demon legions in the underground ruins of Myth Drannor. Even if only corpses are left, they have to find all the elves.

The number of members of the Elven Crusaders is not large, but if they continue to live in the woods according to their old habits, they might be able to survive a little longer.

Hill specifically confirmed with the Harper that the demons and goblins had returned to their original location.

They didn't take the elves with them.

It may be that a sudden misfortune forced them to flee desperately, but the direct abandonment of their allies also made most people unable to agree.

Hill looked at the indignant members of the Harpers. Compared to the goblins who seldom dealt with these big forces, the Harpers never lacked elves. Even the human members would only speak from the perspective of the elves at this time.

But for those demons and goblins, they are just temporary allies and are not the elves they tricked. How could they not save their own kind at this time?

Hill sighed.

It stands to reason that these elven crusaders died in a foreign country for the glory of the elves, but Evermeet Island really may not take them back.

A race that has lived for too long always has more rules than feelings.

Hill hesitated for a while, then flew to the large forest on the north side of the town.

He has been reluctant to expand his territory into forests, because these places are likely to hide some elves or dryads who don't like to deal with humans.

Hill looked back to the southeast. Based on his understanding of Linn, he should choose to bring these elves here.

The port of Hill can allow the giant ships of the elves to dock and pick up the decadent crusaders who may have been attacked.

And those who can't go back.

Hill found a clearing in the forest and spoke softly: "Some brothers and sisters from Evermeet Island sacrificed their lives in Misth Drannor for their blood and honor.

If you die in a foreign land, you cannot return, and your soul does not know whether it has a place to return to.

I hope to build a resting place for them here, and hope that Corellon's eyes will be on their souls."

The big trees around the open space suddenly and slowly retreated, leaving only pine, cypress and oak trees. The sunlight penetrated the branches, filling the place with a warm atmosphere.

Hill bowed slightly.

There are indeed some elven druids deep in the forest.

Hill estimated that this was the reason why Pastor Melikai, who once wanted to preach, gave up coming to the small town of Aglaia.

In such a large forest, there are no green dragons stationed there, so there must be strong ones who can keep these giant dragons at bay.

Hill once suspected that there were powerful treants and tree spirits, but as the town became more and more prosperous, the eyes that appeared made him sure that it should be a druid.

For these druids who have no contact with the outside world, Hill is a little worried that they follow a primitive sect that cannot even open farmland.

Otherwise, he would not directly refuse the small town residents' request for farmland.

He has always been eligible to open up the wasteland near the town. This is the innate right of every confirmed territory.

However, judging from today's reactions, although these elven druids live in seclusion, they seem to believe more in the path of the Earth Goddess. They use their own bodies to maintain the path of the earth. They can pick and plant and even build some needed buildings in the forest clearings.

, but you cannot harm these plants that can grow naturally.

They still identify with their elf identity and are willing to accept these poor and respectable brothers and sisters.

Hill did not raise his head and put away his curiosity. He did not intend to observe which elves these elves belonged to.

Even the wood elves who hate humans still show their kindness.

Hill is willing to respect their traditions.

His fingers moved slightly, and then stopped. There were some things he wanted to leave to those survivors who were sad and painful.

Hill just transplanted a wind chime tree in the center of the cemetery.

The trees full of silver bells sang in the wind, like a long-lost hometown gently singing a lullaby.

When Hill returned to the town, he found that the few elves who had settled here came out of the door for a rare occasion and gathered around the harpist to inquire excitedly for news.

Although many elves disapproved of the Crusaders' actions, no one expected that Myth Drannor would be destroyed so quickly.

So some of the elves who were adventuring in Faerûn went to that city. After all, it was the glorious city in the elves’ inherited memories, so curiosity was inevitable.

It seems that although these elves are hiding themselves, they still have relatives and friends who went to Myth Drannor.

Unlike the powerful Elf Crusaders, who are generally above level 15, it is difficult for these ordinary elves to survive such a huge impact.

Hill turned his head helplessly, hoping that some alert people would leave Mis Drannor after discovering the movement in the City of Shadows.

But humans and other races may be able to do it, but it is entirely possible for elves to choose to stay and fight because of their pride and feelings of the same race.

What Shadow City did this time was the beginning of their true transformation into the enemy of all elves.

It was probably from this time that the elves became completely involved in the pursuit of the Nese Scroll.

It's just that they might want to destroy it even more.

No matter how stubborn and conservative the elven nobles of Everjum Island are, this incident is indeed the reason why many elves choose to return to the mainland.

Revenge against these ghosts is the only thing they want to do.

Although Hill was prepared for the worst, he still hoped that these elves would eventually return to their relatives on Evermeet Island.

However, when he saw the magic ship returning half a month later, he knew that his hope was dashed.

A large number of elves stood on the deck, with expressions of despair on their faces.

Dozens of white wooden coffins were placed in front of them.

Judging from the obvious fluctuations of divine power on the wooden coffin, these elves chose to tear down the outer wall of Mis Drannori's dilapidated elven temple.

This is indeed the best place for elves to sleep peacefully in the arms of their beloved gods.

With a long enough life, the elves are not afraid of death, and can also smile and wish their friends a long sleep. Normally, these elves would only be full of revengeful anger, not so desperate.

Evermeet must have refused their request to bring back these dead elves.

Hill flew to the bow of the ship and said softly: "Come with me! There is a place suitable for sleeping."

The magic ship followed Hill around the town and landed directly on the open space.

The elves looked at the warm green land under the sun, listened to the crisp sound of wind chimes, and suddenly cried out in pain.

Hill stood quietly under an oak tree outside, silently watching them digging graves one by one in grief and pain.

The elves did not follow the past tradition of separating their comrades according to their families, but instead reserved positions for each team according to their team numbers.

Then bury the comrades in his squad where they belong.

It seems that these Elf Crusaders have given up on the idea of ​​returning to Evermeet Island. They plan to wait until they sleep forever and return here to accompany their comrades.

Linn accompanied her cousins ​​to bury their friend, with a sad but complicated expression.

He glanced at Hill, turned around and walked over.


"Of course the elf can choose to stay here." Hill raised his hand to stop his incoherent words, "otherwise I wouldn't have chosen the cemetery here, but I originally hoped not to use it."

"I didn't expect that either." Lin En replied softly, "There are many children of big nobles here. Although they are not good children, they have all bullied me...

But I still don't want to see this result.

When the news came that Yongju Island refused their return, everyone was about to collapse."

"Queen..." Hill asked tentatively.

"Of course the Queen would agree, but was stopped by the Council of Nobles." Lin En said with an indifferent expression, "In order to prevent the Queen from bringing the children who died outside to Yongju Island for burial, they did not even plan to have their own children.

Take care of it.”

Hill was silent. This is political struggle and there is nothing human about it.

This chapter has been completed!
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