Chapter 787: The pride of the single dog Hill

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 Hill couldn't help but laugh while looking at the giant screen: The undead have divided the battlefield into two parts, and the big families are standing in front of the drow... while the Sans and small families are fighting with the goblins and trolls.

Got together.

The Disease Stone Golem had already exploded into dust all over the ground.

The undead who were in a hurry just now have found their own fighting rhythm.

The defensive knights standing directly in front of the drow have not suffered any casualties for ten full minutes... Now the people standing next to them are all old friends. They have fought together for so long, even if there is no commander shouting slogans, they can still

Even the time to switch skills can be almost the same.

The archer that Hill was staring at closely, the posture of drawing the bow and shooting arrows was almost exactly the same as the one next door, and even the rhythm was very similar... This made Hill more sure of his idea.

Drow are also elves, and every elf will have their own feelings about the longbow in their hands, including mages and priests. Just because they don't use it doesn't mean they're not good at it.

The Waxmelt Demon was different. The raw material used by Rose to create this monster was succubus. She could use spider silk freely, but they could only shoot accurately with bows and arrows.

It is difficult for the Waxmelt Demon to express the unique rhythm and rhythm of elves... But this thing is very good at imitating it. If you hadn't noticed her from the beginning, it would have been difficult to spot her difference among so many archers.


Hill marked a spider web on her head..

Selune, who had been watching for a long time, noticed that Hill's observation was over, and quickly asked: "Does the silver moon goddess Trasil have only the moon as her priesthood?"

Hill was stunned for a moment before replying: "There are also illusions, animals and detection."

"Animals?" Selune asked in surprise. She also had the other two types, so she could understand them.

"The animals in Trasil are very special and can evolve into monsters.

The Silver Moon-type monsters are born Silver Moon believers. Most of the others are earth-type monsters." Hill replied readily that this was not something that needed to be kept secret.

Selune hesitated for a moment before saying: "The world created by World Tree is so different from ours! Here, animals are animals, and Warcraft are Warcraft. They are two completely different creatures.

The Silver Moon type of Warcraft sounds really good...but I also have cute lycanthropes, who are not only honest in character, but also really love me.

Hill, what do you think? A kind lycanthrope is better than Shar's group of villains, right?

It's a pity that the people of Toril are always too harsh on these poor children..."

Hill was silent. The existence of lycanthropes is a tragedy in itself. Among the kind gods of Toril, Selune is the only one who is willing to stretch out her hands to embrace these poor people.

Even if the lycanthropes themselves are not from the evil camp, the lycanthropy contagious toxin they carry is enough to make most people reject them.

For the people of Toril, it is true that Shar followers would destroy the world once they take action, but most people don't think they will be so unlucky.

But anyone can encounter a lycanthrope, and stories like this can be found in every village in Toril.

It sounds interesting to be able to turn into a wolf or a brown bear... but most people actually don't have enough willpower to survive the transformation period after being bitten... Once they fail, they can only be an animal for the rest of their lives and forget about it.

I have no memory of my past life as a human being, not even my IQ.

Seeing that their family and friends can only turn into animals in the wilderness, or even become hunters one day, with souls under their bows and food in their mouths, how many people can have a good impression of the lycanthrope who brought all this?


So although Hill is not afraid of the existence of lycanthropes in his territory, he will not openly welcome such creatures... Kindness does not mean that they will never go crazy, even if his territory is full of belladonna.

Plant a plant... If you eat this plant within one hour of being bitten by a lycanthrope, you can avoid the tragedy of turning into an animal.

That was the preparation he made after discovering a lycanthrope among passers-by for the first time.

Selune didn't expect Lord Aglaia to be willing to let her lycanthrope followers settle here. She just wanted to test it out... If one of her lycanthrope followers was injured and needed treatment and entered the Silver Moon Temple, Ah

Lord Graia at least won't drive them away forcefully, that's enough.

Selûne is used to her church being in trouble from the lords for insisting on providing lycanthropic healing services: while they dare not expel the Moon Maiden's followers, they can block the road to Silvermoon Church.

Even if these children recover and leave, these lords cannot accept it.

The last lord who was willing to give some space was Alustriel.

Selûne feels that Hill's future territory will be more powerful than Silvermoon City... The lord's ambition determines the future of the territory.

Fran, who was listening, always felt that something flashed in his mind, but he had no clue at all... He couldn't help but glance at Hill, and found that his grandson had no feelings... Knowing that Hill had no feelings for Tra

Frank, who was very sensitive about Hill's affairs, felt that he might have thought too much.

He glanced at the battle on the giant screen and couldn't help but ask Hill: "The undead... don't seem to be trying their best?"

Not to mention all of them are group attack spells... they are also field control spells such as cold rain and violent wind. Their attack power is not as good as that of drow's bows and arrows!

Hill blinked and couldn't help but cough softly before saying: "I guess... it's... that scenery... is so nice, so... they plan to... watch it for a while longer... right?"

Fran shook his head helplessly: "William doesn't care either?"

"Drow wants to stall for time, and William may not want to. It just so happens that the undead are still cooperating." When it came to business, Hill's speaking speed returned to normal, "He probably hopes that more drow will come out, and it will be better than him."

Find ways to attack the city.

After all, there has always been a saying that the drow have some favored families, and the main city is connected with the spider magic web... Although Rose can't enter Toril now, she might be able to use the spider web to control those families.

The city is dragged into the abyss.

William probably doesn’t want to cause trouble for himself.”

Although the undead's bodies will dissipate after entering the abyss, it is troublesome for William to explain this result to the players. It cannot be said that the map of the abyss has not been completed, and if he falls in, he will die.


Unless he could prevent those cities from being pulled into the abyss...but William, who was far away in Trasil, simply couldn't do it.

This must rely on the local gods of Toril. Not to mention that the gods' control over Toril is now reduced. Even if it is possible... William's ally cannot be counted on.

Hill couldn't help but look at the sky... With Corellon's character, he would not be willing to help Shar deal with Rose.

Moreover, there are many drow elves in the Underdark who still secretly believe in and respect Corellon. It is impossible for the father of elves to help the undead massacre the drow.

So Rose is stalling for time, and William is stalling... He will help Shar, but it is impossible for him to devote himself to Shar. This temporary alliance based on tacit understanding ultimately depends on whether he can solve it.

This war will ultimately depend on whether Shar in the Shadow Realm can cut off Rose's hand... Just like Selune's most direct reaction at that time, Shar must really want to kill Mask, who has a tail everywhere.

Oh...otherwise, how could Rose have this opportunity!

You must know that the shock in the shadow world only lasted a short time, but Rose was able to seize the opportunity to rush into the shadow world through the loophole. This only proves that she was well prepared. The loophole was actually observed through the poison bead lens of the spider web.


A window similar to an organ will grow on the surface of the huge sphere composed of flesh and metal. Through this window, Rose and her men can see the perfect image of the selected location. Once they find an opportunity, they can directly

Build a portal... Rose was also an elf before! Her vehicle is a metal spaceship in the shape of a giant spider: two spherical cabins are connected together by bolted panels, and eight delicate spider legs are carefully supported


This ship can send Rose's clone to any location she chooses through the lens, without Rose even needing to use spells herself... This is when Rose has the ability to fall into the entire Toril magic network, and still

The reason why he has the ability to take action against the shadow world.

Selune quickly understood: "So the Trasil elf only intends to help Shar, and has no intention of establishing a formal alliance with her?"

Hill couldn't help laughing: "Although William secretly admires Ms. Shar, his priesthood is fairness and justice, and he insists on justice...Although he stands in a position of lawful neutrality, he is more inclined to be kind.

So he will help the Lady of the Night, but it is impossible to cooperate formally. In terms of work style, William does not agree with some of Ms. Shar's methods..."

Hill swallowed back a sentence: But Shar's madness is not incomprehensible... A social terrorist who only wanted to survive in the darkness had his home demolished by his sister... And she firmly disagreed.

in the case of.

Selune hesitated for a few seconds before saying: "I don't understand... Shar has many crazy admirers, and they don't even care about the countless dead souls under her. As long as she says a word, she can go through life and death for her, but basically they all

He was tricked to death by Shar.

Why does she only like this William who doesn't think about her wholeheartedly?"

After all, having lived together for tens of millions of years, Selune could still feel Shar's special attachment to William.

Hill smiled helplessly: "I can't answer this kind of question."

After thinking for a moment, he said confidently: "I've never had a girlfriend! How do I know what a girl thinks?"

Selune said softly "Oh" and fell into silence. She didn't know what to say.

Fran, who had been listening, lowered his head silently: Sometimes he really didn’t know what Hill was thinking... He is dozens of years old and has never even had a female companion. Why can he?

So proud?

This chapter has been completed!
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