Eight hundred and sixty seventh chapter undercurrent under easy battle

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 As a member of the command team, 'Lu Huayu' certainly knew the main reason why they came to Falling Star Sea... it was definitely not to bring warmth to the Imbutu royal family.

So their topic quickly shifted to the dracolichs in Imbutu and the magic towers in the giant valley next door.

‘Xue Yunfeng’ arranged the battle plan, then quietly joined the conversation, and sang along with Eunuch Lu to get first-hand information.

The Crown Prince of Imbutu does have some tricks up his sleeve. Although he doesn't know why these Trashil elves are interested in lichs and even dracolichs. After all, the elves and lichs who have always considered themselves the sons of nature are almost natural enemies... but he

In order to maintain friendly relations with the elf commanders in front of me, I neatly revealed the details of the major magic towers in the giant valley that I knew in great detail.

The target is indeed the 'Xueyunfeng' and 'Lu Huayu' of these giant valley lichs. While talking and laughing, their eyes occasionally cross each other and they can't help but freeze for a few seconds... This is the first time that they have cooperated for many years. They have been enemies for many years.

I thought they could have such a tacit understanding.

Could it be said...that the person who knows you best will always be your enemy?

Neither of them felt very comfortable, it was a faint feeling of nausea that resonated with the enemy.

Whether it is Rollins' demon followers or the hundreds of millions of hobgoblins on the Dragon's Crest Mountains, there is nothing that can stop the undead.

Prince Homs was worried at first. Although he kept chatting with the two elf commanders, he was always restless.

Until 'Xue Yunfeng' discovered his state, he opened the top of the carriage and let him follow a route of undead... It is said that he was a direct subordinate commanded by this elf... and watched a battle.

According to the commander of 'Xueyunfeng', the mages rarely take action because they don't want to harm the forest. Now it is only half of their strength... But Holmes was already dazzled by what he saw.

Swords were flying, spears were like a forest, and they were running rampant behind the knights holding giant shields. The mages followed casually at the end. Occasionally, someone would reach out and throw an arcane missile or ice spear and ice arrow... 'Xueyun Peak' made three orders and five orders.

When there are NPCs following behind you, whoever dares to take aim at someone who can't aim accurately will have their family merit deducted.

So it's not that the mages don't want to take action, but they don't dare.

The Demon Sect is different from other families. There is a large amount of materials in the family warehouse that can be exchanged, so even if Xue Laogou only deducts the merit points within their family, it is still very threatening to them.

Furthermore, the experience value of these little monsters is not high, and the overall experience of the mission is valuable. Although the undead have always been full of selfish thoughts, they will not offend their family leaders for a few cents.

Finally, there are priests and paladins standing in twos and threes... The paladins usually stand on the outside, protecting the priests in robes.

The female priests were chatting softly, with touching smiles on their beautiful faces, as if they were on an outing. Occasionally, someone would reach out and throw out a golden light fountain, allowing the accidentally injured swordsmen to reach out and touch it themselves, and then

The blood-soaked warriors instantly regained their dazzling appearance, carrying their weapons and rushing forward again.

Prince Homs lost interest in talking for a moment... The Trasil elf was so powerful that it frightened him.

Then he quickly regained his composure. Regardless of whether the Trasil elves are in the good camp or not, they all abide by order.

So what is Yinbutu afraid of?

Give them eight courages, and no one will dare to violate the signed contract... Because not everyone can use Butu's royal seal, only the king and the supervisory crown prince can print traces on the contract... He did not get the title of supervisory country

Neither can the crown prince.

And as long as the king's seal is sealed, as long as you are an Inbutu before that, you must abide by this contract... Most Toril people are not afraid of things like treason, but violating Lansander's

When it comes to contracts, unless they feel that they are invincible, most people will consider whether they can afford it.

Even if Amaunata returns to the sun now, no one will think that he is more intimidating than Lathandel. The Lord of the Dawn is not only crazy himself, but also his men, who have no scruples.

Isn't the most powerful god these days a lunatic?

The most obvious example is that Cyric Toril, who killed Mystra, was reduced to such a state. Isn't it because of this crazy god of lies?

So as long as the contract is still there, Imbutu can just wait and pay when the palace is built.

Prince Homs relaxed back into the carriage and continued chatting with these elves who were interested in dracolich... No matter what the Trasil elves wanted to know, it was impossible for them because of the dead dracolichs in Butu.

There are relationships.

When the Dragon Worship Cult caused the Dragon Madness disaster, they didn't even go out... they even warned the silver dragon in advance to escape to other dimensions.

To be honest, the royal family on the Falling Star Sea had more or less known the news before the Dragon Worship Cult caused trouble. Otherwise, the Golden Dragon elders would not have gotten the news so early and forced the Golden Dragon King to hold a meeting to summon all the Golden Dragons.

, planning to leave Toril with the whole family.

It's a pity that giant dragons can do anything but not be honest and obedient. The final result is that the golden dragon is half missing, and even the dragon king has his elders kill him.

But they ran very fast because of Butu's silver dragon, which slept all year round.

On the other hand, those lichs in the Giant Valley may cause trouble and attract the elves.

Prince Holmes certainly knew his ambitious neighbor very well, so he spoke almost openly.

The two undead commanders quickly sensed that the NPC was overly cooperative and moved on to the next topic without even moving an eyebrow.

With Jugu as their leader, they began to inquire about the lichs in various countries in the Fallen Star Sea, and even the bald heads of Ser were not spared.

Prince Homs is a little regretful... The Trasil elves seem to be only interested in the undead, probably to guard against Bane.

Naturally, everyone in Faerûn knows about the hatred between them and Bane... Although Zhentil Keep and the Zhentarim were destroyed at the hands of the Wraith Mage, everyone knows that the main reason is because of their relationship with Aggar.

Come to the battle between cities, otherwise things that should not be exposed will not be exposed.

Except for Serge's Necromancy School, he went into more detail. After all, this guy obviously has a lot of connections with Ben... Prince Holmes is still very willing to do what he can for these capable elves.

He basically just took care of the lichs from other countries.

So he didn't know that the two commanders had selected a few of the giant valley lichs they had recorded, and then put a few five-pointed stars above their names... Especially two of them, they also had several heavy ""s" drawn on them.

lock up.

When 'Xue Yunfeng' and 'Lu Huayu' exchanged lists, they were both a little surprised... Although most of their lists were the same, the key personnel were different: one was from both sides, but the other two were different.


They both knew each other's insidiousness, so they immediately fell into deep thought, thinking about why they didn't choose the person marked by the other.

Obviously, both of them are suspects. Logically speaking, they should not miss the other person... This only shows that their judgments are different.

But that's not a bad thing.

The reward William gives them has always been based on the degree of completion of the Undead in an incident, especially the degree of exploration of unknown events. If they find all the suspects, the reward will be very high, but if they find the wrong one, they will have to

If you don't accept William's reminder, the reward will be reduced in half.

This is also the reason why the undead rarely act on their own and always follow the command group... If someone really had that ability, he would have joined the command group long ago.

Most people still don't like to waste their mental energy when playing games, as long as they have fun.

Despite the analysis, 'Xueyunfeng' still quickly distributed the jointly marked lich to the management of each family, allowing them to start looking for information about this person and the magic tower where he is... This person with questions is not needed

I have doubts, but Prince Homs only knows the part that he needs to know as Prince Imbutu... No matter how detailed the information that people who play politics know, they don't know as much as the people at the bottom.

The undead are very good at searching for this low-level information. They always think that... the cleaners and washerwomen have the most comprehensive information.

Even if those lichs like to use decomposition circles to deal with garbage, their apprentices are not treated so well. There will always be news that seems insignificant, but when combined together, it makes people feel that something is wrong.

In front of Prince Holmes, 'Xue Yunfeng' and 'Lu Huayu' could not communicate directly about their different judgments, and both of them were actually quite arrogant and unwilling to give up on themselves just like that.


The two couldn't help but look at each other and tacitly decided to study this name later.

As for whether the two lists will be replaced by three, no one is sure now... but there is actually some foreshadowing that they will draw two lists of people at the same time.

There must be some truth to the judgments made by two insidious commanders at the same time.

The demon believers in Rawlins Forest were cleaned up very quickly. The weapons of the undead were all stained with holy water. Those humanoid creatures who were in a mess and could not even speak had almost no ability to resist.

So the undead quickly piled the corpses in the large clearing between the Giant's Crest Mountains and Rawlins Forest... The blazing flames and the falling light spells quickly turned these unlucky ghosts into ashes.

Then it was blown into the forest by a strong wind, and the brown soil quickly stirred up, burying the dust deep down.

It’s also a good ending, born in the forest, returned to the forest.

After discovering the large group of elves at the foot of the mountain, the hobgoblins on the Giant's Crest Mountain Range did not hesitate to assemble into a group and charge downward... A few years after the Succubus Queen disappeared, the already large number of them had multiplied.

Several generations.

With a population of hundreds of millions, they have nothing to fear.

This chapter has been completed!
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