Chapter 116, Qianlong: I'm still the king of the turtle!)

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In the Qing Dynasty, the gentry and officials were looking forward to the arrival of the Heavenly Army and driving away the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

On the Long Kingdom side, construction of schools and academies began.

Although schools and academies are just part of a large construction plan.

But these things are related to task scoring.

The high school team took care of Li Shiyao and Gao Bin and returned directly to the Longguo office.

He took out the plan he had made long ago and handed it to Peng Yushan, asking him to inform the people of the Qing Dynasty!

"Brothers, we can recruit you to work out of goodwill, but you need to complete the following conditions before you can work for us."

Peng Yushan wrote down the working conditions.

[Anyone who wants to work in Longguo Construction Company must learn enough Chinese characters within the specified time, otherwise they will not be given a job quota!]

[Anyone who wants to work in Longguo Construction Company must let their children learn knowledge within the specified time, otherwise they will be exempted from the job quota!]

The conditions are simple, but very effective.

"Sir, does that mean that not only we must be able to read and write, but our children must also be able to read and write?"

The high school team stood up and said: "Yes, knowledge is power. We are eager for knowledgeable people. As long as you are knowledgeable, you can continue to serve, and you can even be leaders in our company in the future!"

"Sir, can we also learn to read? Don't you think we are stupid?"

The high school team smiled humorously: "No, you are just ignorant! You are smarter than anyone else. After careful consideration, we will give you a chance. But opportunities must be earned. So... we need you to work hard on your own before we can give it to you.


Survival of the fittest has always existed!

Just like the high housing prices and betrothal gifts in a high-pressure life, countless men have to live a peaceful life.

They lost the right to choose a spouse, but gained a more comfortable single life.

Although this kind of life will make them lonely and helpless when they grow old, they can enjoy it for decades.

Life only lasts a few decades.

Carpe diem and have fun.

Otherwise, after decades of hard work, a few father-in-laws will really happen to kill off the whole family, and then the daughter will inherit the entire inheritance.

For the system to be implemented, everyone must work together to pursue a goal!

People who are literate are not indispensable, but the system is inseparable from countless people to implement it together!

The Dragon Kingdom will not easily overthrow the Qing Dynasty before sufficient talent is prepared.

On the contrary, it would be better to keep this corrupt and dark dynasty.

Because this can better set off their brightness and majesty!

This may seem a bit cruel, but it is a method that can subvert the Qing Dynasty at the lowest cost.

This is the minimum price to pay for not having enough talent pool to implement their system.

As for arresting Qianlong, let him implement the reform plan!


Corrupt officials in the Qing Dynasty would ask them to start a new life.

If we don't want the war of the Qing Dynasty to spread and cause countless people to be displaced, we must shorten the damage of the war.

School is the foundation for passing on knowledge and the foundation of civilization!

Books are the carrier of civilization and the basis for recording everything.

Knowledge is both important and light.

Letting countless ignorant and ignorant people of the Qing Dynasty learn to read is their third step plan.

As long as some people in Wanwan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Zhejiang learn to read and write, they can officially turn infiltration into soft occupation!

It will be even easier for the Qing Dynasty to change its royal flag in one day with a cheer in the future!

Knowledge is important, but human nature is lazy.

Never cherish what you get easily.

People in future generations who have experienced the explosion of the Internet will not think about how great it is to be able to easily obtain knowledge.

Because for modern people, basic knowledge is too common.

Basic knowledge of various industries can be learned from the Internet.

Any book is useful.

Everyone knows that reading is good, but everyone would rather play games, follow TV shows, and read novels than improve themselves.

This is human hedonism and laziness!

In fact, Chen Mu had a better way to subvert the Qing Dynasty.

It is easy to turn the people of the Qing Dynasty into red-eyed rabbits and spontaneously overthrow the Qing Dynasty.

But who gave Chen Mu the task of making the Qing culture more "splendid"?

Mission 1: Book collector, save all the burned books. Make the culture of the prosperous ages of Kangxi and Qianlong more "splendid"!

There is nothing much to say about mission one, just save the Qing Dynasty books and collect them.

Of course, you can also build libraries to spread knowledge throughout the Qing Dynasty.

The scientific founders of task two need to broaden the people's wisdom so that they can stand on top of the world again!

The scientific founder scoring method for task two is determined by the wisdom of the people.

As long as they are the people under the Dragon Kingdom, they can develop people's wisdom.

Therefore, without killing people, turning this land into a land of educated people and letting more people learn to read and write will definitely get the highest score.

But this task is the most time consuming!

Rabbit started literacy training back then, but it took decades to complete.

It is absolutely impossible for the alien team sent by the Dragon Kingdom to be completed within 20 years.

But they can be clever!

They just need to get some people to read.

Let the people of the Qing Dynasty only need to read the written words and understand the government orders. This can speed up the establishment of the system.

Then copying the classic novels and operas of later generations, wouldn’t this make the culture brilliant?

Construction studies, reading and the plan to subvert the Qing Dynasty can be implemented simultaneously.

Tap tap tap~

The fast horse at the post station waved its whip again and rushed towards the capital.


A few days later, the urgent military report that traveled 800 miles was officially delivered to the capital, the ruling center of the Qing Dynasty, and delivered to Qianlong!

"Where is the battle report?" Qianlong asked urgently.

"From Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian and Zhejiang!"

Qianlong took a few deep breaths, took the letter and read it.

Then, he laughed.

"God bless the Qing Dynasty, God bless the Qing Dynasty!"

Military Minister Meng Lin asked curiously: "Master, why are you laughing?"

Qianlong handed the memorial to Menglin and said with a smile: "Take a look."

Menglin took the memorial respectfully and watched it carefully.

[On the eighteenth day of the first lunar month in the twenty-fourth year of Qianlong's reign, the Dragon Kingdom recruited workers... which caused dissatisfaction among the people and righteous people... In order to protect the scholars and the people, the Governor-General's Office of Guangdong and Guangxi sent soldiers to stop them, but the Dragon Kingdom's envoys did not listen to the dissuasion, which directly triggered the war...]

[The people of the Qing Dynasty assisted the Qing Dynasty in attacking the envoys of the Dragon Kingdom, killing and wounding more than a hundred of the enemy, and making the enemy flee in panic... Later, we experienced another battle, and our phalanx killed 1,500 Dragon Kingdom soldiers. This battle was a great victory!]

[Then, the envoys of the Dragon Kingdom sent people to talk... Tens of thousands of Dragon Kingdom troops appeared along the coast. Our army showed weakness and stopped fighting. However, the Dragon Kingdom saw our Qing sergeant Tianwei and the people were united. The Dragon Kingdom was trembling and proposed a plan to compensate the Qing Dynasty. , they specially built ten schools, taught the Four Books and Five Classics, and provided pensions to the scholars...At the same time, they paid one hundred thousand taels of taxes and supplied countless dragon and phoenix glazes...One million taels of various treasures...God bless the Qing Dynasty! God bless the Qing Dynasty!]

Menglin's face was filled with joy.

"It seems that this man from the Dragon Kingdom has made people angry and resentful in the Guangdong and Guangxi areas, and is even more unpopular with the people. We, the people of the Qing Dynasty, must be looking forward to Master Wang's return day and night."

After hearing these good words, Qianlong Longyan was overjoyed!

"It's a pity that both Li Shiyao and Gao Bin said that there are many soldiers in the Dragon Kingdom and they have the initiative on the sea. If we can't decide the situation in one battle, the war will definitely cause countless troubles."

Qianlong sighed, and then said: "So I, the Qing Dynasty, will have to endure for half a year. When enough volleys of fire cannons appear and countless new artillery are installed, that will be the day when the barbarians of the Dragon Kingdom are destroyed!"

Menglin shouted: "God bless the Qing Dynasty!"

Qianlong tightened his grip!

"The people of the Dragon Kingdom have finally caused great wrath in our Qing Dynasty."

"When the Qing Dynasty trains the Eight Banners soldiers, I will definitely annihilate you in one fell swoop."

"In those days, my king Gou Jian was forced to endure hardships to gain the supremacy of the Wu Kingdom. I am the great emperor of the empire. I only need to be patient and I will avenge this in the future."

"I, please bear with me any longer!"

Chen Mu in the Guangdong and Guangxi areas still didn't know Qianlong's thoughts.

During this time, they have been busy teaching workers how to read and write.

Teaching school construction workers to read is a systematic project.

But Wanwan is already well prepared.

During this time, countless textbooks, books and workbooks were shipped to the Qing Dynasty.

These workers who built various buildings began to engage in high mental and physical exertion activities while working and studying at the same time.

In the evening, these workers must be gathered together to recite the vowels together.

"Ah, uh, a few words..."

"If you are not active in studying, there is something wrong with your brain!"

Various jingles are drawn with various vivid pictures.

Every night, they have to memorize five vowels!

I have to copy the sounds and vowels hundreds of times a day until they are completely memorized.

When practicing calligraphy, first use a sandbox to practice, and then use a pencil made by Wanwan to practice writing.

During the day, various very vivid calligraphy and paintings were listed on the school construction site.

Under the calligraphy and painting there are various very vivid graphic characters, as well as sounds and vowels.

For example, shovel is written under shovel, and hoe is written under hoe.

When preparing meals, you can see the meals written separately.

Cement, steel plate, road, southeast, northwest, various words and pictures.

In less than seven days, these workers learned more than 20 words.

In addition to this, some radio jingles have benefited the workers a lot!

For the first time, they felt how easy it was to learn literacy.

The attentive people of the Qing Dynasty only needed to understand the pictures and write down the strokes every day.

After a month, about 100 words were mastered by them.

What follows is a painful and happy assessment.

A test paper with pictures of various objects printed on it was handed out.

As long as the workers can write matching text according to these calligraphy and paintings, it will be fine.

In the first exam, 80% of the Qing people learned these words.

This guy can actually write more than 60 characters completely silently.

Those who pass these exams will see their wages change.

Qualified candidates who reach sixty points will receive one tael of silver (one silver coin).

Workers who achieved a score of 70 to 90 received a salary ranging from one tael of silver to five copper plates.

Those who score more than 90 points in the exam will directly receive one tael of silver and 30 copper plates.

Those who fail to pass the exam will have their first month's salary reduced by 20%. If they fail to pass the exam in the second month, they will be kicked out of the team.

But there is another way, and that is to teach your children so that they can learn these words!

This method can stimulate dull workers.

Let them take their children to attend night classes and strive for their children to learn more than 60 words in a month.

If you and your children can't even learn to write.

Sorry, you can only carry the package and say goodbye to the workers at the construction site.

However, we are not unkind.

If you still want to work in a company in Longguo, you can also use a roundabout strategy.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom will give you some books when you leave. You have to teach two people or children to learn a certain number of words.

If you bring this child here again, you can get a work position!

The people of Longguo have said that they will need millions of workers in the future, so there is no need to worry about work problems!

Then on the construction site, you can see various strange scenes.

Not only were the guys working and building houses, they were also reciting various texts loudly.

In short, workers at construction sites learn writing very quickly.

This is true for school construction, and this is also true for the study of road construction teams...

This chapter has been completed!
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