Chapter 117: Military and Civilian Family, Crimson Cultivation Plan

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In the twenty-fourth year of Qianlong's reign, the spring breeze of reform was blowing in the south of the Qing Dynasty~

After nearly three months of word-of-mouth fermentation in the four southern provinces, countless people have gradually come to know what kind of people the Long Kingdom people are.

They are completely different from what the gentry slandered.

They are polite and courteous.

They are reasonable with people and speak very kindly!

They are sincerely good to the people.

They used their words and deeds to change the Qing people's perception of others in their own way.

At the beginning of the twenty-fourth year of Qianlong's reign.

Another new person has landed from Guangzhou!

Another group of people who received special training in Wanwan appeared in Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangdong and Guangxi.

Wearing red armbands embroidered with "Neighbors Helping Neighbors", they arrived in the villages of Qing Dynasty.

Some people immediately became wary when they saw strangers.

"Who are you?" an old man asked.

The young man with the red armband smiled and said: "Uncle, don't be afraid. We are the special commissioners of the neighborhood mutual aid committee. My name is Sun Erniu. The leaders of the road construction company heard from the workers that your quality of life is too poor, so let us

Helping everyone improve their quality of life!”

"No, we don't need it." The people who gathered around immediately refused!

They have never heard of neighborhood mutual aid groups.

Are these people an evil sect?

"Don't be afraid, fellow villagers, we are from the Dragon Kingdom! We are here to give you guidance on how to improve your quality of life. For example, how to increase grain production, farming, fertilizing..."

The originally frightened people suddenly brightened up when they heard about the increase in grain production.

Those gentry have no reason to be clingy. The people of the Dragon Kingdom are very scary, and they are afraid of offending each other.

Because the road construction company and the construction company treated people very well during this period, Longguo has established a reputation.

Some people among the common people went to work in road construction companies, so they decided to get in touch. Anyway, it would not be a disadvantage to learn some knowledge.

The special commissioner successfully lectured the people of the Qing Dynasty.

At the beginning, it was very simple!

It talks about crop cultivation, fertilizers, how to increase yields on a larger scale, how to divert water, etc.!

These veteran farmers have gained a lot.

Then, how to make crops more productive.

"What is chemical fertilizer? Can it increase food production?"

"We don't have fertilizer!"

"Our leaders have considered this, and we have decided to provide you with fertilizer for one season, only one season. We can teach you how to produce fertilizer. By the way, we are also planning to open some fertilizer plants to give you multiple places to work."

The people were immediately moved.

In addition to teaching people how to farm, the special commissioners of the Neighborhood Mutual Aid Committee also came up with a simplified version of "Barefoot Doctor" to teach everyone what diseases they have, how to treat them, and how to prevent them!

Although these are books that simplify countless treatment plans, they also mobilize the enthusiasm of the people.

Since ancient times, birth, aging, illness and death have always been inevitable.

Human beings take their lives very seriously.

Although the people are uneducated and ignorant, they long for things that are beneficial to them.

Then, an even more powerful killer weapon appeared.

I saw the special commissioners taking out special farm tools.

"Come on, fellow villagers, take a look at this. This is a small single-person planter. It is very tiring for everyone to cultivate the land. But when using it, you can cultivate without having to bend down... This agricultural tool greatly reduces physical exertion and can

Let people do more farm work every day.”

"Look at this, this is a one-man harvester..."

"This is a pesticide spraying can. Don't underestimate this thing. As long as you spray the grain, you don't have to worry about pests in the future!"

The people of the Qing Dynasty were moved.

Even the gentry who had been watching with cold eyes were moved.

"Commissioner, can we get these farm tools?"

The commissioner with the red armband smiled and said: "Are you gentry? Of course you can. As long as your relatives and friends are our workers, you can buy farm tools at cost price. If not, you can only buy them at the shops opened by Longguo.

Got it!"

The gentry smiled and nodded, and then they tested the farm tools and found that they were really easy to use.

Moreover, many farm tools are made of fine iron and are very valuable.

This caused many gentry to stop their plans to imitate and went to the shops opened by Long Guo to buy them.

Because the farm tools were so easy to use, all the farm tools were sold out for a period of time.

Governor's Mansion of Guangdong and Guangxi!

Li Shiyao and Gao Bin were looking at the delicate but sturdy farm tools in their hands.

The two were amazed.

"These things are really good. They are made entirely of fine iron. They are more convenient and energy-saving when farming in the mud. There will definitely be a good harvest next year!"

"It seems that the people from the Dragon Kingdom are honest and do a good job in business."

"He's pretty good at getting things done, too."

Some time ago, the high school team sent them souvenirs again.

Li Shiyao sneered and said: "Oh, doing business? It's just business. These methods can win people's hearts!"

As early as the emergence of the mutual aid association, they focused on it.

However, people from these mutual aid associations only help Longguo workers, saying that this is the welfare of Longguo Construction Company.

Seeing that these people did not run to other villages, Li Shiyao and others relaxed their vigilance.

"We must continue to observe that mutual aid association, and we cannot let these people confuse the people of the Qing Dynasty."

"Please rest assured, sir, we are always supervising you!"

"That's good, we can't let the people of the Qing Dynasty be deceived."

Letting the Longguo people hire workers is already their bottom line.

If these people still dare to control the population of our Qing Dynasty, they will definitely touch the foundation of their rule.

Although the foundation of the Qing Dynasty’s rule has been trampled on many times!

"The harvest of these mud legs will be higher in the future, and our tax revenue will be greatly increased!"

Li Shiyao and Gao Bin laughed loudly.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom have always abided by their laws, did not break the law, and paid taxes on time.

They think the people of the Dragon Kingdom are very good!

The people of the Qing Dynasty were not their subjects.

When the food output is high, they will collect more taxes!

This is a great thing, so don't worry about neighborhood mutual aid groups.

Li Shiyao, Yin Jishan and others gradually dispelled the fear of the neighborhood mutual aid association. They continued to monitor the Long Kingdom's army and tried to get close to the Long Kingdom to obtain information on these weapons.

But the security system of the Longguo people is too strict, and they can't say anything!

However, as Longguo introduced more and more refined iron farm tools, Li Shiyao and Gao Bin could no longer sit still.

"People in the Dragon Country are all fools! It's such a waste to use all this fine iron to make farm tools."

"Master Zhongtang, the Holy Mountain is currently short of fine iron to make weapons. We can try to buy some and give them to the Holy One."

"This...isn't this inappropriate? After all, this is produced by people from the Dragon Kingdom."

"Hey~ Your Majesty has recently increased mining efforts, which has made the official life miserable. We can purchase steel from the Dragon Kingdom and hand it over to His Majesty. Not only is this nothing wrong, but it is also a meritorious service."

The steel production in Qing Dynasty is still produced by traditional handicraft workshops, with low productivity.

The Holy Lord Shangbingbing developed armaments and attached great importance to the production of weapons and armor.

Because steel production was substandard, many officials lost their jobs!

They provide refined iron to the Holy One, not only to please the Holy One, but also to make good friends with their colleagues.

Gao Bin is moved~

They are now in the enemy camp!



When they were on the front line against the invaders, they could still provide refined iron to Emperor Qianlong. The Emperor would definitely be extremely moved when he saw what they did.

This is a great achievement!

"Okay, but I think we can try another way."

"What method?"

"We can go directly to Longguo to purchase refined iron."

"This... we are enemies with them!"

"Hey, Lord Zhongtang, Long Guo has said that they are here for business."

"Well, let's give it a try!"

Soon, the news that the Qing Dynasty wanted to purchase steel reached Chen Mu.

In the Longguo office, everyone was sitting around for a meeting.

"The people of the Qing Dynasty are not stupid, they actually spend money to buy our steel?"

"Haha, you can't give these things to them. Otherwise, you will endanger your enemies!" Zhuang Yan said with a smile.

Li Ye adjusted his glasses and said with a smile: "That's not to support the enemy. The Qing government wants steel, and we will give it to them. Not only must we give it, but we must give it more!"

Chen Mu asked with a smile: "Increase Qianlong's confidence and then defeat him?"

"No, we just want Qianlong to feel at ease with Li Shiyao and the others."

It really made Li Shiyao feel at ease.

Since ancient times, those who win the hearts of the people win the world. Li Shiyao and Gao Bin are both official fans.

They really do whatever it takes to get official positions.

It was also because of their series of actions that Qianlong was blindfolded.

Qianlong is still unaware of the great changes that have taken place in these provinces.

At this moment, he may have thought that the people were looking forward to the Qing Dynasty and looking forward to the arrival of Master Wang.

This would not only reassure Li Shiyao and Gao Bin, but also give them more reasons to fool Qianlong.

Anyway, they have weapons that transcend the times and have popular support, so they don't worry about the future at all.

"Okay, we can trade steel with them, but we have to speed up the production of industrial equipment."

"Don't worry, the rubber shipped from the Americas has begun to be produced. The petrochemical industry is also in production. In a few months at most, the power era is coming!"

Chen Mu's eyes shone: "That means our steel torrent is about to appear."

"What are you thinking about? At most there are large tractors."

"Attaching a machine gun to a tractor is like a torrent of steel!" Mu Siyue said with a smile.

"That's true."

Equip the tractor with a machine gun and cover it with steel plates to serve as a tank. Even if the enemy has countless cavalry, they will not be able to withstand the torrent of steel.

"By the way, neighborhood mutual aid associations must also increase their efforts to penetrate."

They don't need to protect all Qing people, they just need to set an example.

"Don't worry, in a month at most, the people will completely return to their hearts and become one of our own."


"We also need to win over squires and businessmen. Some good people are our targets."

"That's okay. Our mutually beneficial business plan has attracted a large number of businessmen to us."

"To tell you a joke, whenever the Qing Dynasty takes any action, these businessmen and gentry will inform us in advance!"

"This is what people want!"

"It's a pity that we can't raise the dragon flag yet."

"Don't worry, the emergency training of talents is accelerating. We will soon have a group of grassroots operators."

The next day after the meeting, Li Shiyao got the news that Longguo could sell refined iron.

"You want refined iron just to make weapons, but we don't care. We can sell you hundreds of refined steel, but you have to promise us to sell various products. By the way, you also have to promise us to build a new factory. Don't worry about building the factory.

, is to provide you with employment opportunities for the people of the Qing Dynasty."

"What product? What factory to build?"

"Assemble textile machines and build textile factories."


Li Shiyao nodded directly in agreement.

Isn't it just a textile factory?

What can these things do?

Nothing can be done.

It's not an ordnance factory, so it doesn't matter.

In this way, the commissioners of the Neighborhood Mutual Aid Committee began to promote small textile machines and matchmaking techniques in the following days...

They told the people of the Qing Dynasty to exchange these things for grain and poultry to provide food for frontline road construction workers!

The people of the Qing Dynasty were extremely grateful.

The people felt that the people from the Dragon Kingdom were really kind to them.

It's just that the prices of these devices are too high.

"Everyone, please believe us. If you buy these things, you can use your money to make money."

Some brave people chose to believe in the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

They bite the bullet and buy some equipment, and then the products they produce can be sold.

And it’s a huge profit!

Then, the people of the Qing Dynasty gradually accepted these people from the neighborhood mutual aid association from their hearts.

As the special commissioners brought various agricultural equipment into the rural areas of Qing Dynasty, the living standards of local people skyrocketed.

The common people thought that even if the Qing Dynasty would apportion taxes in the future, they would not have to worry about relying on God for their livelihood.

In the following period, Longguo built cement plants, brick and tile plants, and some steel plants.

The special commissioners from the Neighborhood Mutual Aid Association are here again.

This time, they brought iron pots, pots, pans, etc. that were urgently needed by the people!

"The leader once again feels that everyone's life is too hard! So, we use these pots and pans as wages and hire you to help us work."

Some people liked these pots and pans and asked what to do?

"Hey, we are building canals and roads, digging wells to draw water, and building houses! By the way, we are building more factories. Everyone can participate and improve life together."

"We have no money!"

"Just exchange a small amount of grain for building materials."

There were wealthy gentry who tasted the benefits of farm tools, and then spent some money to build new houses!

Soon the construction team arrived.

In more than ten days, a one-story brick house common in later rural areas was completed.

That big translucent glass, that beautiful red tile!

The solid walls and the courtyard made of cement were the envy of countless people in the Qing Dynasty.

This chapter has been completed!
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