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Chapter 214 Arrive in another world, the extreme north

Chapter 214 Arriving in a different world and meeting the Cold God for the first time (please subscribe)

I have been revising the manuscript for several days in a row.


The last few days in the main world were rushed and fulfilling.

Learn the knowledge of ice and fire, collect official maps, and organize all families.

Of course, the more important thing is language!

If it were the same as the TV series Game of Thrones, it wouldn't matter.

I am afraid that there will be a new language in another world.

You know, Mr. Martin often said that it was a different world, with Valyrian and other languages.

Of course, none of this is a problem for everyone!

In short, everyone has made a lot of preparations.

I brought a lot of weapons and industrial equipment.

The Chunfeng team that went to another world this time has 300 main station members who are good at fighting, proficient in some modern industries, and know all kinds of knowledge.

There are a total of 80 generalists who are good at logistics, education, and engineering, and a scientific research team of 20 people.

The total number of people in the Dongfeng Team soared to 400 people.

In terms of supplies, in addition to nuclear fusion energy vehicles and vehicle-mounted electromagnetic guns, they also carry some high-power weapons, individual-type high-power bombs, and artifact incendiary bombs that can deal with the White Walkers. Naturally, you need to carry a lot of them.

Because they are afraid of the cold in another world, they have to prepare more high-tech clothes to keep out the cold.

Before the system mall was closed, the high-tech clothes purchased once again played a big role!

There was no big change in everyone’s load this time.

Combatants relied on bulletproof armor and exoskeletons, and each carried 400 kilograms of supplies. Non-combatants carried only 200 kilograms of supplies.

A backpack can handle all emergencies.

You can open a parachute when landing at a high altitude, and you can also raise a motorboat when you jump into the sea.

The special inflatable rubber boat can withstand harsh environments.

Even if you travel to the desert, you will have enough survival supplies for a month.

Of course, if it spreads to areas such as volcanic craters, we can only ask for blessings.

However, after teleporting so many times, it stands to reason that the portal would not send people to the Jedi.

Dozens of hours pass quickly!

It's time to leave the main world and conquer another world.

Four hundred fully armed soldiers saluted the people in the rear one after another. Chen Mu looked at the rear with a slight thought in his mind.

A bright light, then grew bigger...

Everyone glanced at the rear again, and then jumped into the space-time light gate.

Soon it was Chen Mu's turn.

After saluting the people at the base camp again, Chen Mu also jumped into the space-time light gate!

Then, the space-time light gate completely disappeared.

"I don't know how many decades it will take to complete the task this time."

A member of the Spring Breeze Team who had not left sighed.

"Let's go and teach others martial arts."

The logistics leader watched the space-time light gate leave and thought to himself: "When can we go to another world?"

He shook his head, and then ordered people to produce weapons and quickly transport them to prepare materials and equipment for the next use.

He didn't want the team members to be in an embarrassing situation without supplies when they came back.

The world of ice and fire!

The Great Wall of Despair is one of the nine man-made wonders in the world of ice and fire.

It spans the northern part of Westeros continent, is 480 kilometers long, 213 meters high, and is made of ice and snow.

The Great Wall of Despair is the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms. It separates the kingdom in the south of Sainan from the barbarian land in the north of Saibei. It is regarded by the people of the Seven Kingdoms in the south as the dividing line between civilization and barbarism. The Great Wall of Despair is composed of the ancient and honorable legions——

The Night's Watch guards and protects the lands of the Seven Kingdoms in the south from the invasion of the White Walkers.

The Night's Watch has been established for more than 6,000 years. At its peak, there were 25,000 permanent Night Watchmen.

They once formed an alliance with the ancestors, savages, giants, children of the forest, magicians and sorcerers, and relied on the more than 200-meter-high Great Wall to resist the common enemy of the living, the cold messengers from the far north: the White Walkers.

In ancient legends, the White Walkers are the apostles of the Cold God.

They can control the dead bodies and have endless malice towards the living.

It is their mission to turn Westeros into a land of the undead.

They are the enemy of all living things.

But by now, the White Walkers have disappeared for thousands of years.

Because the White Walkers have not appeared for thousands of years, the terror of the White Walkers has long been transformed into fireside stories told by old ladies to scare their grandchildren.

The Night's Watch, which once represented glory, has also become synonymous with exiled criminals.

Except for a few idiots, they still think that the Night's Watch is great and noble.

Most of today's night watchmen are criminals, ZZ criminals.

On this day, an iron gate on the Great Wall of Despair suddenly opened.


The heavy winch turned, and the three huge and thick iron gates rose one after another.

The tunnel leading to the north beyond the Great Wall slowly opens.


The biting cold wind blew into the tunnel, and a creepy and strange howling sound could be heard.

The weak and timid people will tremble involuntarily when they hear this whistling sound.

If the weather were so bad in the depths of modern people, they would definitely hide under the covers.

Either live with your girlfriend, or watch TV dramas like Hanhan, or read books~

Too bad this isn't modern!

Three unfortunate night watchmen dressed in black walked out of the dark tunnel.

Ser Waymar Royce led the way on his steed, followed by two fellow rangers, Will and Gary.

Ser Waymar Royce is a ranger of the Night's Watch and the third son of Lord Yorn Royce of the Vale.

As the youngest son, he didn't have much chance to inherit the family's wealth and land, so he volunteered to join the Night's Watch.

When he went to take office at the Great Wall, he visited Winterfell with his father, where Sansa Stark fell in love with him at first sight. Unfortunately, the man who became the Night's Watch made a sacred oath and could never marry or have children.

With the cold wind blowing on his face, Weimar Royce slightly lowered his neck, then kicked off the horse's belly and walked towards the endless ghost forest ahead!

Ranger Will, who had been in the army for four years due to theft conviction, and Gary, who was in the army in his forties, followed Wilma Royce and walked silently into the ghost forest ahead.

This time they walked out of the desperate Great Wall in such a harsh environment, so they naturally had a mission.

Because recently, the scouts on the Great Wall can see a lot of fire in the ghost forest.

Those are the traces of massive savages!

Since the White Walkers became a legend, the number of members of the Night's Watch has declined over the years.

The Night's Watch, who were responsible for intercepting the White Walkers, also transformed into intercepting the wildlings coming from beyond the wall.

Because the Night's Watch only has less than a thousand old, weak, sick and disabled people, they cannot garrison the more than ten castles on the Great Wall.

For the safety of the Great Wall, the Commander-in-Chief of the Night's Watch, Mormont Bear, sent three Weimar men to conduct reconnaissance and collect intelligence.

The three night watchmen were planning to go to Kalimborg, which was more than a hundred kilometers away, and then to the Ghost Forest for reconnaissance.

Five hundred kilometers away.

On a mountain covered by ice and snow, desolate and without any life, the light gate of time and space opened out of thin air.

One by one, fully armed warriors stepped out of the light gate~

"Damn, it's so cold!"

As soon as he walked out of the light door, Zhang Jin, who was alert, was trembling from the biting cold.

So damn cold~

Zhang Jin quickly endured the discomfort and inspected the surrounding area to confirm whether it was safe.

Everywhere you can see are mountain peaks, and there is no trace of life around.

Safe for now!

Check your wrist temperature.


It was actually sixty-nine degrees below zero.

Fortunately, Zhang Jin has kung fu and high-tech thermal clothes, so he can rely on his internal kung fu to warm his body.

The team members traveled through different worlds one after another.

Ju Chengyan shivered as soon as he left the space-time gate: "Damn it, this temperature...it's not that cold at the North and South Poles!"

"Give way!"

Ju Chengyan quickly gave up his seat.

After a while, the mountain peak was filled with people.

The team members quickly dispersed to cover non-combatants.

Make sure there is no one around for the time being, and everyone does not relax their vigilance.

If they land in the land of eternal winter, they must always be vigilant.

As Chen Mu also walked out of the time and space gate, the light gate closed, and the 400 team members arrived safely in another world.

As soon as Chen Muchang stepped out of the space-time gate, he shivered with cold. He quickly switched his bulletproof armor to internal circulation mode: "Why is this damn place so cold? Old Ju, can you confirm where it is?"

Ju Chengyan raised the compass.

Chen Mu's eyes widened when he saw the wildly spinning pointer on the compass~

"This... we won't be unlucky to be near a mining area, right?"

"The devil knows. First cover Mr. Wang and the others and put on thicker clothes. They can't bear this weather for a long time."

Chen Mu nodded: "Okay."

The dog-headed old man who has been responsible for reconnaissance pointed to a few kilometers away: "There is a river somewhere. The river is not frozen. We can move along the river."

"There's so much wind and snow all around that we can't see the stars in the sky, and the compass is useless!"

"We can't tell north from south. We can only rely on the river to walk."

Chen Mu nodded: "Okay, get ready to go down the mountain."

Generally, rivers flow from high to low. They rely on rivers to walk, not only to obtain water sources, but also to quickly find organisms.

The troops covered the non-combatants and put them into more frost-resistant equipment before quickly descending the mountain.

Everyone is alert to their surroundings, always on the lookout for dead bodies that may crawl out of the snow.

Fortunately, no bodies were found along the way!

An hour later~

Everyone arrived in front of the river.

Looking at the steaming river in front of him, Tian Yuanzheng, a meteorologist who came over, sighed: "The ice and snow are gathering from the top of the mountain. It is obviously extremely cold at the top of the mountain, but it is not frozen when it goes down to the river."

In nature, generally the higher the altitude, the lower the temperature.

But Chen Mu and others carried temperature detectors, and the detected temperatures were different.

What was the temperature when they were on the top of the mountain? After they came down from the mountain, the temperature was still the same.

It's as if the temperature of this world has been stabilized.

Tian Yuan is using instruments to test the water temperature in the river.

He was surprised: "The temperature of the water in the river is over 7 degrees. It's really weird!"

"Is the river dangerous?"

Tian Yuan was doing some probing.

"The water quality is very clean, but it is too clean. Apart from water molecules, there are no other microorganisms in the river water."

"Is it harmless to humans?"

"Completely harmless, but there is no guarantee whether there will be supernatural phenomena."

Bian Zhuang scooped half a ladle of river water and then opened the sealed chamber.

A few mice brought from the main world came over to drink water.

Everyone looked at the condition of the mice and then walked with heavy supplies on their backs.

Five hours later, the Dongfeng team marched 30 kilometers~

There is too much snow here. It takes a lot of effort for them to walk.

Bian Zhuang continued to observe the white rats.

Stimulated by the icy cold air, the mouse suddenly jumped up and down and screamed.

Bian Zhuang looked slightly happy: "The experimental mice are fine."

"Why don't you inflate the rubber boat and go down the river?"



Many team members smiled and nodded.

Chen Mu also opened his backpack and just pressed the expansion button of the inflatable rubber boat when he suddenly heard the warning sound of the system...

【Danger! Danger! Danger!】

Chen Mu immediately looked around cautiously...

This chapter has been completed!
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