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Chapter 215 Attack under the blizzard, the insidious White Walkers

【Danger! Danger! Danger!】

When the Chunfeng team wanted to open the rubber boat and leave, a warning sound suddenly sounded.

Chen Mu immediately looked around with vigilance: "There is a danger warning, stop moving!"

The team members quickly got into battle formation.

The high school team asked: "What's going on?"

Chen Mu said solemnly: "The reminder card sent me a warning!"

Everyone immediately put up a defensive formation.

"Maybe a White Walker."

"Watch the snow!"

"Watch your surroundings!"

Everyone set up a defensive formation to protect supplies and non-combatants near the frozen soil that was not covered by ice or snow.

Non-combatants also raised their weapons and prepared to face the enemy.


A sharp cold wind blew from where they left.

Then, snowflakes splashed down.

Then, the snowstorm came without warning.

The biting cold blew ice and snow that could freeze the human body.

Even Chen Mu, who had entered the innate realm, felt very uncomfortable!

And this blizzard was at least Level 7.

Visibility began to decrease rapidly.

Chen Mu and the people from the Spring Breeze Team put on their wind and snow glasses and looked at the wind and snow around them with vigilance.

Everyone knew trouble was coming.

In the world of ice and fire, White Walkers often accompany blizzards.

The White Walkers are tall and gaunt, with pale skin and ice-like blue eyes. Their reflective armor changes color as they move.

The think tank speculates that the White Walker armor in the world of ice and fire can become invisible in ice and snow.

In addition to this, their weapons are also tricky.

Although the ice sword made of extremely cold ice crystals is only made of ordinary ice, the ice sword is infused with ice magic, making it harder and sharper than ordinary swords.

More importantly, it can instantly freeze the objects the ice sword touches into ice sculptures and then shatter them.

The steel swords used by the Night's Watch break at a touch.

Although the weapons of the Spring Breeze Team have been changed into inscribed weapons, everyone needs to be cautious before testing the power of ice magic.

Moreover, the White Walkers are extremely intelligent, know tactics, are good at manipulating dead bodies, and are even better at sneak attack and combat. They are completely different from the hero's bravery shown in TV series for artistic processing.

The blizzard is getting worse and worse, and the soldiers' vision is seriously affected.

Now, from being able to clearly see the environment for more than ten kilometers before, now I can only visually see a few hundred meters ahead.

The visual distance is still shrinking!

500 meters, 400 meters...

Has been reduced to a distance of 100 meters.

Tap tap tap~

In the snowstorm, there seems to be a vibration~

Soon, the sound became louder and louder.

Chen Mu, who was alert to his surroundings, immediately discovered the anomaly.

He vaguely saw some creatures running towards here quickly.

"Enemy situation is detected directly ahead, the first team detects and fires."

Ten soldiers opened automatic rifles.

Then shoot at the enemy in front~

Da da da~

The bullet was pushed by the gunpowder and hit the front hard.

In the wind and snow, there was a faint sound of heavy objects falling.

There are also some miserable howls from non-human creatures~

The sound was so harsh, like the noise of scratching steel.

The sound of tapping continued, and the ten soldiers involuntarily switched their automatic rifles to automatic mode.

The heavy machine gunners also started shooting.

Da da da……

The chaotic sounds ahead are getting closer and closer.

The high school team shouted: "Three high-temperature cloud blast bombs!"

The three soldiers who had been prepared for a long time directly fired the cloud bombs in a straight line three hundred meters ahead.

High-temperature cloud blast bombs are specially made bombs that not only contain more flammable combat explosives, but also add a small amount of obsidian powder.

Then I saw three lines of fire flying forward, and then suddenly exploded.


Three small mushroom clouds tens of meters high rose out of thin air.

One small high-temperature cloud bomb can destroy enemies within 200 meters, and three cloud bombs directly cover more than 600 meters in front.

The shock wave of the explosion was so large that it directly tore apart the enemies in front of them who had not yet seen a trace.

High-temperature flames of up to 3,000 degrees also covered a large number of corpses who were afraid of fire.

Because of these three cloud bombs, the sound of running ahead suddenly stopped.

Even a snowstorm freezes for a moment!

Then, countless miserable howls sounded~

The miserable howl was so sharp that several old professors couldn't help but cover their ears.

The combat team members were wary of looking around and directly in front of where the noise was coming from.

Relying on the high temperature, shock wave, and a large number of suddenly burning fire candles, Chen Mu and others have discovered what happened ahead.

A few hundred meters ahead, there were a large number of humanoid and animal-shaped candles burning.

It's an attacking corpse!

Judging from the number of burns, it is said to be at least seven or eight hundred.

Zhang Jin swallowed hard and said, "Fuck~"

After everyone marveled for a moment, they continued to be wary of the enemy's attack.

Although the burning candles were extinguished, the blizzard gradually became stronger. Everyone's line of sight once again became 50 meters in visibility.

But the front seems to have stopped!

Everyone had to rely on the terrain and start digging holes for defense.

At this time, problems also arose on the non-combatant side.

"Fuck, electronic products have too much influence, right?"

"What's going on? Wasn't the equipment in good condition before?"

Before arriving, they confirmed wireless communication. Although electronic equipment was affected by electromagnetic influence, most equipment could be used.

"Precision detection equipment can be used before a blizzard occurs, but after a blizzard occurs, it is affected by unknown electromagnetic influences. Just when I turned on the small radar and prepared to lock on the enemy, the circuit board directly short-circuited!"

Looking at the charred circuit board, everyone frowned.

The compass didn't work, and they thought it was a magnetic field problem.

Electronic equipment is severely interfered with, but the equipment can be used normally.

It wasn't until the blizzard appeared that they all lay down, which shows that the White Walkers' ice and snow magic will affect their electronic devices.

This will greatly affect their combat effectiveness.

You must know that their infrared, acoustic and radar detection equipment cannot be used in this environment!

Some BVR missiles also require navigation!

There is an even scarier guess.

That is, they may have been monitored by the White Walkers from the time they came to the present.

If so, that would be big trouble!

"Isn't it tiring to maintain such a huge blizzard? I hope the White Walkers' blue will be exhausted soon." Zhang Jin said, touching his chin.

The high school team shook their heads: "Don't leave the probability of victory to the enemy. Is the wireless communication still normal? Will the noise be affected?"

During the battle exchange just now, everyone just felt that the noise was very loud.

I thought it was noise interference from wind and snow, but I didn't expect it was magic interference.

"There is too much noise. You can still communicate within a few dozen meters, but you have to be prepared to not be able to communicate."


The high school team turns on the tactical flashlight~

"Hey~ the electric light can be used."

Looking at the electric lights flickering on and off, Mr. Wang and Tian Yuanzheng frowned.

"Electric lights can be used, but radar cannot be used. Can magic affect electrons randomly?"


The tactical hand light went out immediately.

Everyone: "..."

"It seems that it cannot be used for a long time. You must be prepared to lose power at any time."

"Strange, why is there no problem with our bulletproof armor?"

Their bulletproof armors are equipped with auxiliary combat and communication systems, and they are all connected to the power supply.

"Maybe the strong inscription played a role."

"The combat team turned off the auxiliary functions and turned off the power to fight. Two people continued to turn on the power to detect whether the energy of some bulletproof armors was affected."


Researchers began looking for solutions.

Chen Mu and others continued to be wary of the White Walkers' attack.

An hour later~

The wind and snow have reduced, but visibility is still as low as ever.

Look at the thermometer.

-65 degrees.

"Ma Dan, why don't the White Walkers attack? Chen Mu, has the danger warning been lifted?"

Chen Mu looked at the danger warning and shook his head: "It's better to warn of danger!"

Chen Aiguo frowned: "It seems that the White Walkers want to consume us to death!"

"Mr. Tian, ​​Mr. Wang, have you found a way to deal with it?"

"Armor engraved with solid inscriptions can block magic erosion. Armor without engravings will be affected."

"It seems that there are more mysteries in the inscriptions carved by 'Convincing People with Reason' than we can detect."

"Also, you can't be in the laboratory building. Electronic equipment will have various problems after it is turned on for a few minutes at most. Without effective instruments, it is impossible to detect changes in charge, but most electronic equipment is short-circuited from within!"

After roughly knowing the plight of electronic equipment, Chen Mu said: "We can't waste it!"

"Then take the initiative and clear out the nearby corpses." Bian Zhuang said eagerly.

"Okay! I agree to go out and attack. It's best to capture two corpses and study them."

"The wind and snow are too strong. Be careful not to get lost, but not to be defeated by the White Walkers one by one."

Under the terrible blizzard, everyone's visibility was seriously reduced.

Although the big guys have super long-range attack weapons, they have not yet formed an industrial chain, so they cannot cover them with firepower.

People can only be sent out to conduct exploratory attacks.

Chen Mu took out his weapon to convince people with reason. His main purpose was to clean up the corpses that might be hidden in the snowdrifts.

Compared to the slender and dexterous lightsaber, he prefers these silly and thick attack methods.

But Chen Mu also held the Light Flame Sword: The Judgment of the Burning Sun.

At this moment, the lightsaber was strapped to his waist. He did not dare to use it because he was afraid that the lightsaber would scare the White Walkers.

Zhang Jin was carrying a special light machine gun with a capacity of 500 rounds.

A soldier from the Wolf Fang Squad held a flamethrower, and the two of them took the lead.

Chen Mu and the high school team were in the middle carrying cold weapons.

Three Wolf Fang combat teams brought multiple flamethrowers and cold weapons engraved with solid inscriptions to protect the rear.

The inscribed weapon was carved by Ju Chengyan before, using the power of magnetism. At that time, more than 300 weapons were made.

The White Walkers in the snow seemed to be completely irritated when they saw Chen Mu taking the initiative.

The blizzard got bigger without warning.

The howling cold wind is like a knife.

It's a pity that Chen Mu and others, who were wearing bulletproof armor, did not feel the terror of these wind and snow.

Chen Mu's group went out.

After wandering around for a long time, the corpse hidden in the snowdrift finally crawled out.

Blue eyes, a body that is almost rotten~

It was a ghoul that had been dead for at least several decades.

But it just emerged from the snowdrift.


Chen Mu waved lightly.


The corpse's head immediately shattered.

There was movement in the snowdrifts again.

The high school team carried a Tang knife with an inscription, and with a slight cut, the head of the ghoul that emerged was divided.

Slash, smash!

The two of them had a great time fighting.

It feels as easy as playing whack-a-mole.

If the ghoul had intelligence, he would definitely be feeling aggrieved at this moment.

Hiding in snowdrifts and sneaking up on the living often succeeds time and time again.

When the living see a ghoul, they will generally be frightened to the point of fear. The prey will often have its throat ripped out in fear and die in agony.

But these damn guys have no fear at all.

As long as a corpse appears, it will be beaten or stabbed.

Any ghoul that sneaks up from the snowdrift will suffer a fatal blow!

Perhaps the White Walkers discovered that this matter was unreasonable and directly summoned all the corpses hiding in the surrounding snowdrifts.

Then, under the cover of a blizzard, more than a thousand corpses rushed towards the seven-man combat group!

This time, everyone finally saw clearly the running speed of these corpses.

Perhaps after death, the body of the ghoul is no longer protected by instinct, so their running speed is at least as fast as Bolt's.

Seeing a large number of corpses rushing towards them, the high school team excitedly said: "Fire."

Da da da~

Fierce tongues of fire rose, and countless corpses were swept into pieces by machine guns.

The miserable howl sounded like steel being rubbed against each other.

Machine gun fire was fired, and the corpses who charged fearlessly fell to the ground like wheat.

However, these guys who died long ago did not encounter their natural enemy, the flame.

As long as their bodies were not shattered, they would continue to rush towards Chen Mu crazily.

After the machine gun fired hundreds of molecular bombs, everyone confirmed that thermal weapons were still useful against these ghouls.

After getting the test results, the high school team yelled, "Fire."

The flamethrower, who had been waiting for a long time, directly pressed the flamethrower button.


A tongue of flame more than a hundred meters long spurted out, and the corpse that had just rushed to a distance of 80 meters suddenly became a torch~


The ear-piercing screams sounded one after another...

Hearing this annoying sound, the members of the Wolf Fang Team silently increased the frequency of fire breathing.

Just keep calling.

The reconnaissance team waved tongues of fire to burn the charging ghouls.

The terrifying flamethrower is simply an artifact.

Any corpses that were not close would turn into flames as they ran.

Then he screamed and was burned to ashes!

Chen Mu shouted: "Leave a few cuties as specimens!"

Chen Mu's shouting caused the burning team members to stop pressing their buttons one after another.

As the flames sprayed out, the surrounding visibility suddenly increased.

Chen Mu poured his inner energy into his eyes and stared around, looking for any strange ghosts that might be hiding inside.

It's a pity that the White Walkers were too cautious. More than a thousand corpses were burned to ashes, and the White Walkers never showed a trace~

Chen Mu and others dragged a few remaining ghouls and continued to wander around for half a circle, but unfortunately they did not encounter any ghouls.

This made Chen Mu a little unhappy: "Mo Dan, if I had known earlier I wouldn't have fired high-temperature cloud bombs."

The blizzard gradually calmed down. It seemed that the White Walkers realized that they could not eat these four hundred people, so they evacuated neatly.

But when Chen Mu saw the danger warning, it was still in red status.

"Damn, how cunning!"

"What's wrong?"

"Be careful, the White Walkers should still be ambush, this is an illusion!"

Chen Mu pressed the radio button and found that normal communication was possible.

It seems that when the blizzard magic is released, it will interfere with radio communications.

Chen Mu quickly informed the other party of the news that the White Walkers were still lurking, and asked everyone to be careful.

Mu Siyue's voice came from the radio: "Chen Mu, I feel that the White Walkers are playing tricks. We can pretend not to know and attract the other party to take the bait."


This chapter has been completed!
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