Chapter 92 What, everyone went to observe the feelings of the people?

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The meeting continues...

Mu Siyue rubbed her brows and slowly talked about the development of industry.

"Due to time constraints, we can only prioritize the construction of military production plants for industrial equipment, and we can only endure it for the time being. Non-essential civilian equipment can only be postponed later!"

Yuan Qingkai, who is in charge of people's livelihood medical care, smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone can still endure the hardship after sailing on the sea for more than a year."

He Zhijun said with a smile: "That's good. If we work hard for a few more months and completely capture all the Qing navy as laborers, we won't have to work so hard!"


Happy smiles filled the conference room.

In fact, they are not only busy for a few months, but according to the work progress, they will be busy for more than a year.

But Rabbit’s hard-working spirit has always existed. Everyone is full of hope for the future!

"The military industry is very important. Can the Wanwan iron ore and coal mine be dug out in a short time?"

Ju Chengyan from the Engineering Department shook his head slightly: "Coal can be dug out in a short time, and refining in the heavy steel industry takes a month to produce. Refining low-quality ore in shallow areas is complicated, and we need to waste a lot of time."

Speaking of this, Ju Chengyan said with a smile: "But Robert Clive from the East India Company should ship the first batch of metal supplies soon!"

"There are still seven tons of sugar seized from Europe here, so we can only fight a low-intensity battle."

Chen Mu frowned slightly: "Seven tons of sugar is too little!"

Sugar was a valuable strategic material in an era of low productivity.

It can not only replenish human body consumption, but also make some high-intensity explosives!

This is a true dual-use strategic material for both military and civilian use. Unfortunately, this stuff is also a luxury item in Western Europe.

Ju Chengyan spread his hands helplessly: "There is no way, this thing cannot be industrialized. We have been sailing for more than a year, the sailors have consumed too much, and the military has consumed another batch. Don't even think about clearing the ground with artillery fire in three months."

After much decision-making, Chen Mu kept the Guardian rockets he won in the lottery as his trump card as much as possible.

"So in recent times, we need to take our time in military operations and save ammunition as much as possible."

He Zhijun nodded: "Don't worry, if pressed, let Chen Mu use heavy weapons."

The big guy laughed again.

"In addition to this, the bullet base we consume will also take twenty days to replenish. So we need to hibernate in a short period of time and build the base as strong as possible. Does anyone have any information?"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

The meeting ended, everyone left and started getting busy.

Chen Mu, on the other hand, led a group of Western European mercenaries to the Port of Kielong where a battle was likely to occur.

The navy of Fujian and Zhejiang is close to Fuzhou and usually cruises to and from Jilong Port.

The Penghu Military Camp will only go there when transporting food, grass and money.

Maybe God will help.

From the time we captured Wanwan on March 7th to March 15th, there were extremely heavy winds and rains for more than ten consecutive days.

Such bad weather is a test for sail warships, and the Lvying Navy of Fujian and Zhejiang had to stop its routine cruise time.

After the storm ended, on March 22, the 23rd year of Qianlong's reign, there were no patrol ships delivering news for several days, and only then did the Fujian and Zhejiang naval divisions discover something unusual.

"It's strange. It stands to reason that since the storm has subsided in the past few days, Mr. Li Maocai Qian and Mr. Wang Guangqian should return!"

"Hey, it's strange, I also have two naval cruise ships that have not returned!"

"Is something going to happen?"

"Inform the Commander-in-Chief first!"

"Um...the Commander-in-Chief just married the twelfth concubine yesterday, and he hasn't come back yet?"

"This important matter of military aircraft cannot be suppressed!"

"Let's go find the commander-in-chief. We can't afford this delay."

Soon, the officer who recorded the navy's cruise took this news to look for Commander-in-Chief Huang Shijian.

The family of Chief Soldier Huang Shijian has been prominent for more than 80 years!

His grandfather was Huang Wu, who betrayed Zheng Chenggong.

After Huang Wu defected to the Qing Dynasty, he was named Haicheng Gong. He proposed the extremely evil "Sea Moving Order" and persecuted countless coastal people.

Because they were made nobles and held official positions, the Huang family was die-hard loyalists to the Qing Dynasty. After more than eighty years of development, they became famous generals in the Fujian and Zhejiang naval divisions.

For example, Huang Shijian's uncle was Huang Yingzhuan, the admiral of the Fujian and Zhejiang Navy, a military boss in the Fujian and Zhejiang areas.

Huang Shijian, who was playing with his concubine, was very unhappy when he heard that his subordinates were going to report on the military situation.

"Are you sure it was the three waves of sailors who went to Wanwan who failed to return at the agreed time?"

"Yes, Lord Mayor!"

Huang Shijian frowned. The imperial edict issued by the emperor told them to be on guard against foreigners, but recently the foreigners in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Zhejiang have been very well behaved.

Did something really happen?

"Ask Suo Chengji to take a battalion of the navy to the patrol point to confirm the problem, and also contact General Lin of the Penghu Navy to confirm the nearest coastal defense."


Suo Chengji led the Green Camp Navy with 800 officers and soldiers and 6 warships. Huang Shijian had the right to mobilize them in the name of patrol drills.

After the order was issued, Huang Shijian simply made a military report, and then continued to discuss the joys of life with his concubine Huan in the twelfth room!

He didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

It wasn't until five days later that his soldiers found him in the bed of a good lady he was hooking up with!

"Report to the Lord Chief, Lord Suo Guerrilla has been delayed for two days and has not returned yet."

Huang Shijian pushed his subordinate's wife away and wiped the rouge from his face, feeling something bad in his heart.

He quickly asked the patrol waterproofer to continue sending people to investigate the situation.

Then, he took the patrol list for the past few days and went to look for his uncle Huang Yingzhuan.

Four hours later.

Huang Shijian frowned: "What? The Admiral followed Governor Su to the Wusong Military Camp to inspect the public situation?"

Vice Admiral Chen Nian said respectfully: "Yes, Lord General! Because Lord Su suddenly wanted to patrol the coastal defenses of Fujian and Zhejiang, and was considerate of the people's sentiments, Lord Admiral was suddenly called over."

Governor Suchang patrols the coastal defense of Fujian and Zhejiang?

I'm afraid it's just a taste of something new!

Uncle is too unreasonable, why don't you tell me!

Seeing Huang Shijian's confused expression, Chen Nian secretly smiled in his heart: "Master of the town, the admiral sent a herald yesterday to report on his actions."

Huang Shijian's heart suddenly jumped!

He felt that it must be because of his secret tryst with his wife yesterday that he missed the information.

"Well, I'm just testing you, you're... pretty good!"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhen, for the compliment." Chen Nian looked respectful, but in his heart he despised that this person definitely went to steal someone last night.

If your mind is full of those things, I wish you get sores and lily disease!

Hum hum, when you die of illness, I will definitely earn the position of general soldier.

"Sir, the Admiral has already taken a boat to Wusong. We will hurry up and travel day and night. We can reach Wusong in two days."

"Is the Chief Minister here?"

"In the main town, Governor Su took almost all the officials of the third rank and above from Fuzhou to inspect the coastal defense."

Huang Shijian opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief!

What is he inspecting?

I'm afraid I shouldn't go to Wusong Flower House to inspect it!

What a bad luck.

"Okay, send my letter to the Admiral immediately. Call the navy from several towns on the Minjiang River to discuss how to deal with it!"


Seeing Chen Nian leave, Huang Shijian felt disdainful.

You, a reckless StarClan person like you, will never be able to become the commander-in-chief in your lifetime.

There is no one in the government. No matter how powerful you are, you will eventually serve us.

Huang Shijian first informed Fuzhou civil officials and the Manchu men stationed there.

After Huang Shijian explained the matter, the two deputy generals of the Minjiang Defense Area immediately said respectfully: "We are willing to follow Mr. Huang's arrangements!"

Huang Shijian was extremely satisfied: "Okay, this time to eliminate the Wanwan bandit army, our military industry will definitely be indispensable!"

The two lieutenants were immediately delighted.

"Then mobilize eight thousand navy troops and move closer to the crooked area to confirm who dares to attack our Qing Dynasty!"


The Minjiang Navy in Fuzhou has a full strength of 18,000, but its actual strength is only 13,000.

This also includes some logistics troops.

The Fujian Navy was reorganized by Qianlong's imperial edict years ago. Its military appearance has recovered quite well.

However, the speed of gathering soldiers and dispatching gunpowder was much slower.

It wasn't until the third day that enough gunpowder for a war was prepared.

Afterwards, Huang Shijian led the 8,000 navy troops of the Green Camp of Fujian Province, mounted the warship, and headed towards Wanwan with great pride...

This chapter has been completed!
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