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Chapter 96 Fu Heng: Watch me raise a hundred thousand troops to restore Wanwan

Thanks for the generous reward for you (?_?)!

Limited by their horizons, the governors of Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Guangxi, and Emperor Qianlong were unaware of Wanwan's situation at the moment.

They thought that the invasion of Wanwan was just a surprise battle by the enemy.

Since April, the governors of Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangxi have been sending reconnaissance ships to try to land in Wanwan to investigate the situation!

It's a pity that for more than half a month, more than 30 ships have been sent continuously, but they have never returned.

Without any military intelligence information, they are no different from blind men at this moment.

It wasn't until April 15th that dozens of people came out in boats and conveyed very important military information to them!

Li Shiyao immediately met these people who had escaped.

"Are you sure you found at least a hundred sailing warships worth 6,000 materials on the shore?"

"Yes, sir, we attacked at night. Who knew those red-haired devils were bombing us? If not for the sudden strange wind, we would all be buried in the sea!" The soldier said with fear on his face.

"Tell me about the characteristics of these red-haired people!"

"Their fleet flew four flags. There were eagle, French, Spanish, and an unknown flag."

Li Shiyao frowned: "It's really the coalition forces! Have you seen the strength of the troops?"

"We only saw a hundred warships. But we saw that they forced Wanwan people to work on the seashore. They seemed to be building a military fortress!"

Li Shiyao stood up suddenly: "Jianjun Fort? It seems that the foreigners are ambitious and want to invade our Qing land!"

Let people take away these survivors, and Li Shiyao continued to send people to investigate the situation.

In the following days, more news came from the reconnaissance ship. There were more and more military reports.

For example, a large number of military forts and houses are being built in the southern part of Wanwan, and there are also a large number of foreigners here.

The enemies who have occupied Benwan are building military forts in some dangerous locations.

They have plans to occupy this place for a long time.

In addition, their ferocious artillery has reduced the firing frequency.

This shows from the side that their artillery projectiles are insufficient.

This made Li Shiyao feel at ease.

I also contacted the Fujian and Zhejiang Navy and found that the Minjiang Navy calmly boarded the Long Port.

These foreigners actually gave up the northern defense line?

As for the ghosts and monsters mentioned by the officers and soldiers, except for Huang Shijian and a few hundred people, who can remember them?

Soon, Li Shiyao and Su Chang gathered together to discuss how to recover Wanwan.

Based on the available information, it can be inferred that there are more than 13,000 foreigners.

They should be just the vanguard, and there should be coalition forces coming after them.

In order to meet the challenge, Li Shiyao and Su Chang decided to continue to send more troops and train the navy.

In addition, a war will be launched within a month!

Not too early, not too late.

As for why I don’t want to start another war!

Excuse me!

They believed that their own warships could not defeat foreigners.

Foreign warships have many guns and can sail fast. In recent years, there have been many pirates along the coast of the Qing Dynasty, and the navy has had many battles with them.

In the early days of Kangxi, there was no Qing Navy. The Ming Navy was evenly matched with the foreigners, and each had its own victory or defeat. It was not until Shi Lang defected to the Qing Dynasty that the Qing Dynasty had warships.

During the Qianlong and Yongzheng periods, naval battles with foreigners gradually became unbeatable. Qianlong also engaged in trade, which further slowed the development of warships.

What were the main components of the Qing court warships in the 23rd year of Qianlong's reign?

During this period, they mainly engaged in rushing boats (Fu boats), stern boats, and rice boats. Several Ansuo ships in this era were used by them as command ships!

During the Qianlong period, the Mi boat was originally a civilian transport ship. It was famous for its fast speed and strong hull. It was later transformed into a warship. The effect was not good, so it was used until the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894.

Rice boats are divided into three types: large, medium and small. Among them, rice boats are "nine feet and five feet long (31.67 meters), two feet and six inches wide (6.87 meters), and nine feet and three inches deep (3.1 meters)".

As for the Tong'ansuo ship and the Dahengyang shuttle, which were less than thirty meters long and wide but more advanced warships, they were only equipped on a large scale in the late Qianlong period.

The heaviest of these warships was only 2,000 pieces of material, and their sailing speed was only seven knots, which was three times the size of Western warships, and their speed was even 40% slower.

Li Shiyao, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and Su Chang, the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, knew that the enemy was powerful and could not be defeated, so they had to defeat them wisely.

Subsequently, they continued to send troops to Penghu and other places for investigation work.

In the rear area, the navy was organized and trained, materials from various places were mobilized, and human-powered boats were manufactured on a large scale.

They planned to imitate Zheng Chenggong's fire ship attack method and use the fire crow tactics to burn down the foreign warships.

As orders were conveyed one after another, supplies from Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Zhejiang began to be transported quickly towards the two military ports.

A large number of military supplies began to be produced.

A marching formation somewhere in Guangdong and Guangxi.

Thousands of coolies worked hard to balance wheelbarrows and transport war supplies towards Guangzhou.

More than thirty Green Camp soldiers served as escorts.

If any coolie moves slowly, just give him a whip.


"Push me faster!"

The coolie groaned and lowered his head to speed up the transportation of supplies!

It's not that the coolies don't want to scream, it's that they don't dare!

Before, I was beaten until I screamed, and then whipped to death.

The Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Mr. Li Shiyao, issued an order that this batch of military rations must be transported to Guangzhou within fifteen days, otherwise all the soldiers and more than a thousand coolies in the army will lose their heads.

In order to return home alive to see his wife and children, he must work hard to transport supplies!

The green camp soldiers scolded them back and forth, just like scolding animals, urging the coolie workers to move forward.

The whip was raised again, and it was whipped twice at a slow-moving strong man: "Hurry, we must arrive in Guangzhou before the end of the month."

This civilian husband gritted his teeth and persisted.

Seeing the green soldier leave, he looked at his arrogance with envy.

I thought that when I could be a small official, show off my power to my subordinates, my life would be very happy!

There were hundreds of teams transporting supplies like this in the southern provinces of the Qing Dynasty.

Countless supplies were shipped to military camps in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Zhejiang for use by sergeants!

Watching the hard workers transporting supplies, Green Camp Commander Chao Er was thinking about how to earn a little money when he got there, and whether he could use the food in exchange for some capital for promotion.

For these green camp escorts, this is not a sacred task. They just need to transport the supplies quickly and then rest for a few days!

I heard that the red-haired foreigners who occupied Wanwan had sharp firearms, and I didn't know if they would come back alive.

Due to preparations for the recovery of military supplies in various parts of the Yangtze River during the Qing Dynasty, the commissions on various materials suddenly increased.

Daming Lake in the south of the Yangtze River!

Xia Yuhe, who had aged a lot, had a miserable look on her face. She clutched a bag of jewelry: "You can't do this. This is my last family property."


The vicious clerk kicked Xia Yuhe in the lungs.

He said with a ferocious smile: "Go away, if you dare to stop us from collecting military supplies again, I will kill you first!"

The clerk took this bag of jewelry and left.

This widow of the Xia family is really ignorant. Doesn’t she know that the prefect wants military funds?

He doesn't even know how to praise.

court death!

In the Xia family's courtyard, only Xia Yuhe was left paralyzed on the ground, vomiting blood.

Seeing that the few hundred taels of silver he had spent on his life and life were gone, Xia Yuhe cried loudly: "Your Majesty...when will you come back, wuwu..."

Xia Yuhe cried heartbrokenly when she thought about what she had experienced in the past few years.


A little girl of seventeen or eighteen years old just came over. When she saw her mother looking like this, she immediately screamed.

Xia Yuhe was supported by Ziwei and went for treatment.

After several days of continuous treatment, my body became weaker and weaker.

She is obviously in trouble!

Many years ago, I thought that if I climbed into brother Qianlong's bed, I would be able to fly up a branch and become a phoenix.

Who would have known that there were hundreds of women who had climbed into Qianlong's bed over the years, and that Qianlong's children could even form a reinforced camp.

Originally, the Xia family treated her and the couple quite well, and happily waited for Emperor Qianlong for more than ten years.

Who knew that Qianlong was just playing with these women and was completely irresponsible.

In recent years, the imperial court has imposed more and more exorbitant taxes.

Since Xia Yuhe's parents passed away, the Xia family was overwhelmed. They gave these two living ancestors a small courtyard and land, and then ignored them.

Xia Yuhe did not dare to tell the identity of Qianlong's lover, otherwise it would be a crime of slandering the emperor.

A spoiled eldest lady has no family support, and her life with her daughter Ziwei has become increasingly miserable in the past few years.

Today, some blind officials used ruthless tactics and kicked Xia Yuhe into serious injuries.

I don't know if she can survive it.

Thinking of this, Xia Yuhe pushed herself up and grabbed Ziwei's arm: "Ziwei, I... have a secret to tell you!"

Denglai sea area!

Bird boats, shuttle boats, stern boats, rice boats, several newly purchased Tongansuo boats, Dahengyang Shuttle and other ships transported 3,000 Eighth Banner soldiers, and 7,000 experienced Green Camp soldiers were quickly heading towards Fujian and Zhejiang.


On the first ship, Fu Heng was lying lazily on the deck basking in the sun.

Inside the boat, a woman's plaintive cry was faintly heard.

It's obviously a warship, but the voice of a woman is really eye-opening.

At this moment, a small boat approached, and Fu Heng's servants brought a few Green Camp soldiers on board.

Fu Heng, who is a martial arts master, didn't even open his eyes: "What's wrong?"

"Master, I have sent something interesting to the fifth master!"

"Huh?" Fu Heng raised his eyes and saw several slender people wearing green camp uniforms walking over.

Carefully looking at the figure, breasts and face, Fu Heng's eyes flashed with greed.

Smelling a few odors of powder, he nodded calmly: "Go and receive the reward yourself."

The slave's face was full of joy: "Cha~"

Let these pretty women stand outside and wait until the noise inside stopped before Fu Heng knocked on the door.

"Fifth Brother, there is a new trick coming!"

Surprised laughter came from the cabin below. The fifth prince poked his head out of his disheveled clothes, looked at the two women, and said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad, let them in!"

Three pretty women entered the cabin with anxious faces.

Fu Heng closed the door and vaguely heard the voice inside: "Erkang, I want to see who is more powerful this time!"

Along with the girl's exclamation, Fu Heng sighed slightly, then got on the deck, changed to a lazy posture and continued to sleep.

Even though we are old, young people still have good physical strength!

Emperor Qianlong asked him to go to Fujian and Zhejiang to supervise the battle between the two armies. Restoring Wanwan was just a side mission.

According to the shipping speed, it will take them ten days, probably in early May, to arrive in Fujian and Zhejiang.

No rush, no rush.

Take good care of these guys first!

This chapter has been completed!
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