Chapter 95: The Third Prince Zhu's Resurrection? Qianlong spit out a mouthful of old blood!

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Huang Shijian fell to his knees and spoke with tears about the Battle of Longgang after the magic reform!

After they joined forces, the battle of defeating the dragon completely changed into a different version.

"I led the team to the Klong Port and found that there was no one at the port. We sent personnel to investigate... and found that there was no man's land within a radius of more than ten miles. Because it was already dark. For the safety of the army, we stationed ourselves at the Klong Military Camp on the spot."

"Nothing happened the first night. Before dawn the next day, I personally led the team to look for the rebels! Unexpectedly, Chen Nian, who was defending the enemy, suddenly took the opportunity to rebel."

"When I led the team back, I found that it was already too late. A large number of warships were occupied by the old ones. We fought bloody battles, and after a day and a half of fighting, we finally recaptured the victory. Seeing that victory was imminent, who knew..."

Speaking of this, Huang Shijian's face was full of fear, and his body was shaking like chaff: "Suddenly a demon wearing white clothes appeared. Wherever the demon went, it turned into a hell of a forest, with countless miserable ghosts surrounding him. My originally loyal demon

The incomparable green camp sailors started killing each other out of control."

Thinking of the terrifying Bai Wuchang, Huang Shijian held back his urine and said tremblingly: "The remnants of the old rebel army shouted 'Prince Zhu San', and our army launched a brazen attack. Who knew this ghost..."

In short, Huang Shijian tells an incredible story, but he packages himself as a general who is not afraid of sacrifice and is willing to sacrifice for the Qing Dynasty.

Su Chang smiled, very happily.

Then, he suddenly roared: "Are you lying to me like this?"

Huang Shijian cried bitterly and said: "Master Dutai, I really didn't lie to you! I waited for the officers and soldiers to fight bloody battles for several days, and found that there was no way to fight against the ghost, so we had no choice but to evacuate. There were only a few sailors in my town.

Hundreds of remnants escaped back!"

After saying this, Huang Shijian shouted loudly: "Master Dutai, as long as I ask the monks and monks to deal with the ghost of the third prince Zhu, I am willing to serve as the vanguard of the death camp and make meritorious deeds! Sir, there really is a ghost in Wanwan.


"Let other sailors come and ask!"

After an interrogation, Su Chang got similar answers. The atmosphere in the Yamen of the Governor of Fujian and Zhejiang suddenly became weird!

Is there really a ghost, and Prince Zhu San is really alive?

Suchang walked back and forth, and the senior officials of Fujian and Zhejiang provinces in the Qing Dynasty also fell silent.

It has been twenty days since we lost contact with Wanwan. In the past few days, a naval patrol ship went to Wanwan to investigate, but they never came back.

There is no news from the Penghu Navy either. Everyone feels that things have definitely gotten bigger since then!

Huang Yingzhuan finally stood up: "Sir, no matter whether there are ghosts or not! I am willing to use the flower feathers on my head to guarantee Shi Jian, and I beg you to give him another chance."

Su Chang, who originally wanted to kill Huang Shijian, suddenly turned into a smile: "Haha, Haicheng Gong, don't do this. I'm just worried about the situation of Wanwan and the third prince Zhu. This matter is a crime other than war, and the official's bravery

, I know it!”

After some flattery, Haicheng Gong Huang Yingzuan became the person responsible for the tragic defeat of the war.

"Sir, if Wanwan suddenly falls, there must be rebels. It is most likely that Lin Luo or Qiu Youzhang and others within Wanwan will rebel. I am willing to take the lead and lead my troops to recapture Wanwan."

Hearing that he was facing feudalism, Su Chang smiled and said: "Okay, then conquering Wanwan will be more troublesome for Duke Haicheng. However, the Minjiang Navy lost 70% in the first battle and has no ability to fight again. It can only train and train."

New sailor. As for the official commander, I can go back with you to discuss the expedition!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Many officials held another meeting, and then discussed strategies to deal with the Wanwan incident before leaving one after another.

In less than half an hour, a doorman came over and handed Su Chang a banknote worth two hundred thousand taels, which he took with a smile.

After returning to the Yamen and waiting for a while, two more old farmers carrying vegetable baskets came in to meet Su Chang.

The domineering Su Chang saw these people, but his face was full of kindness: "Master Fucha!"

A relative of Qianlong's beloved concubine Fucha, Qianlong's most trusted person, the person in charge of the Fujian and Zhejiang Adhesion Department, and a proper intelligence leader.

The old farmer Fucha Yingge had an extraordinary bearing. He accepted Su Chang's experience and then said with a smile: "No need to salute. Today Huang Yingzhuan suddenly gave me one hundred thousand taels of silver. I want to come and discuss countermeasures with you."

If Emperor Qianlong saw this scene, he would be furious!

Fucha Yingge is the head of the stick-stick office in Fujian and Zhejiang provinces. He is a proper spy and an intelligence person!

Su Chang was the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, holding military and political power. The two of them should be sworn enemies. The navy admiral Huang Yingzhuan was the minister of military aircraft, but they joined forces.

This is not counter-intuitive!

However, this is an unspoken rule known to everyone except the emperor.

Why do these people have personal contact and why do they have such a good relationship?

Of course we can make money together to support the family~

Their common master, Lord Qianlong, was used to eating and drinking generously, but he did not allow his subordinates to be corrupt!

What can you do with ten thousand taels of silver a year?

It’s simply not enough!

The human heart is always greedy.

There are policy responses from above, and countermeasures from below.

No, the intelligence chief of Fujian and Zhejiang and the minister of investigation and military affairs are in a nest of snakes and rats, and they are discussing countermeasures together!

Isn't this a common thing?

Anyway, if something goes wrong this time, the people at Sticky Bar will inevitably be blamed by Master Qianlong.

In this case, let’s discuss and deal with it together!

"Hey, if such a big thing happened in Wanwan, Emperor Qianlong must be extremely angry. This matter really needs to be discussed carefully!"

Fucha Yingge smiled and said: "We want... like this, and then like this again!"


After Su Chang and Fucha Yingge discussed it, they separated directly.

After bidding farewell to Fucha Yingge through the back door, Su Chang thought about it for a while and wrote a detailed account of the battle in Wanwan, which was sent back to the capital in a hurry. After that, he wrote another letter to the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.


Fucha Yingge also used the sticky pole to communicate urgently and rushed to the capital.

Su Chang was worried about the coastal defense and quickly ordered the coastal defense of Fujian and Zhejiang provinces to strictly prevent the enemy from landing.

The originally peaceful Qing Dynasty became completely lively because of these letters.

Two days later, Li Shiyao received a military order letter from Su Chang.

After reading the letter, his expression suddenly changed: "Let the coastal battalions strictly guard the surrounding areas to ensure the safety of coastal defenses. Let Qiongzhou send warships to patrol the surrounding areas... Let people strictly guard against foreigners in the Guangdong and Guangxi areas..."

After giving the order, Li Shiyao moved impatiently.

"The Third Prince Zhu is resurrected? Wanwan has lost contact with the Penghu Navy? I'm afraid we will have to go through another battle to recover Wanwan!"

Eight days later, the record of the battle between Wanwan and Kielonggang was delivered to Qianlong, who was having tea with his beloved concubine.

Qianlong took the folder and looked at it carefully.


"Prince Zhu San is resurrected!!?"

"Is this guy Su Chang joking? Where are the people at the sticky pole?"

Soon, a message came from the Sticky Rod Department.

And this news is more detailed and even more incredible!

"A spy who escaped from Wanwan said that a ghost suspected to be Prince Zhu is haunting Wanwan and easily defeated Huang Shijian's tribe?"

"Let Fu Heng, Meng Lin, Laibao, Liu Tongxun and several military ministers come over!"


Qianlong left his beloved concubine behind and returned to his office. He read the letter carefully again.

"Eight thousand Green Camp sailors were completely lost due to age-old rebellion. The ghost of the third prince Zhu is haunted. He is invulnerable and can easily defeat the army?"

"Damn it, the Ming Dynasty has not been dead for more than a hundred years, why are there people using the name of Prince Zhu to rebel again?"

Qianlong was furious and extremely angry.

Wanwan was taken back during his grandfather's time, and it was his grandfather's achievement.

Qianlong, who believed that he lived in the same prosperous age as his grandfather Kang Qian, naturally did not want to lose territory while he was alive.

"We must take it back!"

Later, Fucha Fu Heng, Meng Lin, Lai Bao, Liu Tongxun and several other military ministers arrived at Yangxin Hall.

“Let’s take a look at these two envelopes!”

One was from Governor Su Chang, and the other was a summary of military aircraft intelligence from Sticky Post!

There are more messages on the stick and more details.

Qianlong's first confidant and relative Fu Heng was the first to read the letter.

Seeing Prince Zhu's appearance, Wanwan lost contact and suddenly lost his voice: "How is this possible? Tens of thousands of troops were destroyed, and Wanwan's information could not be found out, but it was blamed on Prince Zhu who had disappeared for more than a hundred years? This is a way of deceiving the emperor. Sin!"

When Lai Bao read the memorial, he also cursed: "Is this Su Chang a fool? Is he really a master who is easy to deceive? He actually wrote such a ridiculous memorial to cover up his guilt for the loss of tens of thousands of troops?"

Liu Tongxun, who had the lowest status, also frowned: "Your Majesty, gentlemen, Sir Suchang has sent the same memorial as the stick stick. Let's discuss how to regain Wanwan."

"Master, if you ask me to directly send a large army to attack Wanwan, no monster or monster can withstand the iron hoof of the Eight Banners Heavenly Army!"

"Master, I also think this is feasible." Fu Heng will also be full of excitement. He has been here from the Western Regions for a year and has been doing nothing recently. He heard that the women in Jiangnan are gentle and gentle, and he wants to give it a try!

Watching the military and military ministers say something, Qianlong was also absorbing their opinions.

In the end, he directly asked Li Shiyao, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, to mobilize troops and deploy the Green Camp Army to assist Su Chang and recover Wanwan together.

There are four provinces in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Zhejiang, with a total military strength of 200,000, and at least 100,000 Green Camp soldiers can be mobilized.

These 100,000 people are enough to annihilate the crooked and rebellious ministers.

Regardless of whether it is the soul of the Third Prince Zhu or a foreigner, it must be annihilated.

Rebellion must be wiped out.

Soon, a large number of military orders regarding the restoration of Wanwan were sent to the south in a 800-mile expedited manner.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the war, Qianlong asked his confidant General Fu Heng to take a boat with 10,000 heavenly troops to Fujian and Zhejiang.

Of course, Fu Heng mainly inspected the local corruption and armaments situation.

At the same time, the people at Sticky Post were also asked to collect more information about foreigners and Wanwan.

In short, all Qianlong's energy these days has been focused on the Wanwan Rebellion!

After finishing all the matters, Qianlong looked towards the far south: "The soul of the third prince Zhu? Humph, they unite to deceive me. Do you really think I am a fool?"

For a period of time that followed, Qianlong ate a lot less and was always paying attention to the Wanwan war!

During the Qianlong period, although the combat effectiveness of the Green Battalion dropped sharply, some units were still capable of combat.

As many imperial edicts were issued, various places in the Qing Dynasty became busy.

Those who diverted military supplies, assisted in the offensive, and went to Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Guangxi to assist in the defense. Hundreds of thousands of troops were being mobilized rapidly.

Because war suddenly broke out in Wanwan, countless officials quickly increased taxes on people everywhere in order to complete military supplies!

This caused many tragedies to occur to the people who were already suffering.

However, although these people were miserable, they did not dare to resist the Qing court!

The Qing court was too cruel.

The rebels were caught and more than ten villages were slaughtered in a row!

In the eyes of the Qing rulers, the common people were just like pigs and sheep.

The people of the Qing Dynasty were so killed that they did not dare to rebel.

This chapter has been completed!
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