Chapter 42 The dying fire mage

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In response, the three wolf cavalry quickly approached and slashed at its body with their sabers.

The three wolf cavalry used the combat skill at the same time, saber slash!

Three silver-white arc-shaped sword lights appeared and struck directly on the mutant ghoul's back.

Three slashing damage multiplied by 1.5 instantly appeared on its head.




Directly causing a huge damage of 255 points, this is because the mutant ghoul has an armor value of 10 points.

Otherwise, these three swords would be enough to kill the mutant ghoul instantly.

Now, only a trace of blood remains of the mutant ghoul.

"Let me hit the last hit!"

Zong Shen shouted and stopped Tie Zhu who was about to attack from the shadows.

Just kidding, you can get half of the experience by just finishing the kill yourself, and the soldiers participating in the battle can also get half of it.

He stepped forward quickly and struck out with his sword!


The mutant ghoul's health points are cleared directly.

It turned into several groups of light and appeared on the spot.

There was actually a ball of blue light in it.

In addition, there was a dying man covered in mucus.

This guy should have been directly devoured by the mutant ghoul just now.

That's why the mutant ghoul's belly is bulging.

Now, the mutant ghoul was eliminated by Zong Shen, and this lucky guy was saved.

[Kill the lv16 mutant ghoul]

[Acquire 880 experience points]

[Obtain mutant ghoul’s fangs x10]

[Get a complete green soul x1]

[Obtain Ghoul Ring (Blue) x1]

[Obtain cellar construction drawing x1]

[Key to Rune Iron Gate x1]

Five white lights flashed at the same time.

Tiezhu, Zong Shen, the three wolf cavalry and the giant wolf under their crotches have all been upgraded to one level.

The wolf cavalry have reached level 11, the iron pillar has reached level 5, and Zong Shen himself is level 6, which is less than half to reach level 7.

Zong Shen took a quick look and saw that Tiezhu added all his attribute points to agility, and the wolf cavalry added all their attribute points to strength.

The strength has been slightly improved.

Only after a long battle.

Soldiers can also continuously improve their strength through upgrades and equipment changes.

Then, Zong Shen focused on the equipment.

There is even blue equipment.

This is the first time he has exposed it.

Don't worry about other items, equipment needs to be checked first.

[Ghoul Ring (Blue)]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Effect: Strength 3, Agility 3, HP 50]

[Skill: Summon lv10 ghoul (summon 2 normal lv10 ghouls to fight for you, duration 10m, cooling time 8h)]

(Congratulations, blue quality, excellent level, you deserve it)

Zong Shen put the ring on his hand directly.

After wearing it.

His power becomes blackjack.

Agility changed to 11 points.

The health value also soared to 253 points.

Properties have been greatly improved.

It is indeed blue quality equipment.

It seems to be a higher level than the green quality, but not as precious as the purple quality.

So far, Zong Shen has discovered six levels.

Damaged (grey), common (white), fine (green), excellent (blue), rare (purple), legendary (orange).

There is already a preliminary quality ladder here.

As for whether there are better qualities beyond the legend, Zong Shen needs to continue to explore.

Zong Shen still put away other rewards first as usual.

He looked at the man wrapped in a ball of mucus.

He was wearing a mage robe with flame runes on it, and he was carrying a short staff with a fiery red gem on it, which looked quite valuable.

Zong Shen thought about whether to strip this guy's equipment first.

[The dying fire mage: Favis]

[Qualification: Excellent]

[Level: lv10]

[Attribute: (Click to expand)]

[Hunger and satiety: 80]

[Loyalty: 0 (original owner died, ownerless state)]

[Take up 2 points of control points]

【(Click to save recruitment)】

It seems that this guy should be the soldier of the unlucky lord from before.

He is a fire mage.

Unfortunately, he was devoured by a mutant ghoul.

Without the powerful soldiers, the unlucky guy was naturally no match for the mutant ghoul, and was quickly killed by the ghoul.

It is difficult for ordinary lords to achieve the personal strength of Zong Shen.

Now Zong Shen's combat strength is close to that of a wolf cavalry without a mount.

This has a lot to do with the force flow at the beginning.

Then this dying mage can be recruited.

Zong Shen thought about it secretly, and then expanded the attributes.

[Fire Mage: Favis]


[Agility: 12]




[Magic value: 27/385]

[Magic damage: 46~49]

[Bludgeon damage: 18~21]

[Head armor value: 0]

[Upper body armor value: 19]

[Lower body armor value: 9]

[Magic Resistance: 9]

[Skills: Fire Rain (chanting time 10S, summons 10 waves of fire rain to attack the designated area, each wave causes a fixed magic damage of 80 points and burning damage of 8 points, consumes 100 magic values, and has a cooling time of 30m), magic effect increase (magic

The value recovery speed increases by 20%), the small fireball (chanting time is 2S, consumes 20 magic points, launches a small fireball, causing 1.2 times magic damage and burning damage that lasts for three seconds, 0.1 times magic damage per second) explodes

Fireball (chanting time is 5 seconds, consumes 50 magic points, launches an explosive fireball, causing 1.5 times magic damage, 1.5 times explosion damage, and burning damage lasting 3 seconds)]

Very strong, this output is simply off the charts.

Especially the explosive fireball.

Magic damage, explosion damage, burning damage.

In terms of skill output, this guy is even stronger than Tasia.

This is also a characteristic of fire mages.

Fire magic has extremely high lethality.

Among all mages, he can be ranked in the top three.

Got a bargain.

Facing such a powerful fire mage, Zong Shen naturally had no reason to refuse.

Decisively chose rescue recruitment.

[Please restore Favid’s health to above 50 first]

"Boys, lift him up."

Zong Shen greeted.

The next moment, several big men gathered around...

Then, Zong Shen took out a wooden barrel, which contained about 80ml of Moon Spring.

These were the moon spring water that Zong Shen took out for trading in the morning. There was exactly 80ml left, so he took it out for later use.

Zong Shen asked Colby to open the mouth of this fire spell, and then poured half of the Moon Spring directly into it.


After a light cough that choked the water.

Farvid woke up leisurely.

He just looked a little confused.

"Did you save me?"

"Where is my lord?"

Zong Shen came up to him.

Unexpectedly, he was a handsome guy with blond hair and blue eyes.

However, the smell on his body is really unflattering.

The mucus exudes a strong rancid and sour smell.

Zong Shen looked at him and showed a smile.

"Brave mage, it was I who saved you..."

This chapter has been completed!
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