Chapter 139 Its over

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When many ninth-level martial arts cultivators were removed from the secret realm, most of them were still in a coma.

Therefore, as soon as they appeared at the entrance of the valley, a group of people swarmed over and carried the unconscious Wu Xiu away for treatment.

Chu Xisheng was startled when she saw the crowd approaching, and subconsciously held down the knife on her waist.

After all, what's inside his sleeves is worth at least 10,000 taels of magic silver, so he has to guard against it.

But in the next moment, Zhou Xiongba and his wife came from the air and landed in front of Chu Xisheng.

"Young Master Chu was shocked. I didn't expect that such a change would occur in this secret realm battle."

After Zhou Xiongba landed, he smiled brightly and gave Chu Xisheng a very friendly fist: "But it's a good thing that we invited Young Master Chu this time, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable."

Du Lingxian also looked sincere and said with gratitude: "This battle in the secret realm is extremely dangerous. All the disciples of my Zhou family are living because of the young knight. From then on, the young knight has been the benefactor of our couple. But what is wrong with the young knight?"

If you use my Zhou family, the Zhou family will never refuse."

Chu Xisheng was slightly surprised, and returned the gift with a solemn expression: "You two are serious! Chu doesn't dare to take the word benefactor seriously."

He was a little flattered. These two powerful fourth- and fifth-grade martial arts cultivators were overly enthusiastic towards him and could be described as being extremely respectful.

"Young hero deserves it!"

Du Lingxian shook his head slightly, with admiration in his words: "We have witnessed everything in the secret realm with our own eyes. At that time, I was really worried about you. If it hadn't been for the young hero who fought hard and turned the tide, I really don't know now.

What kind of situation is it? Especially the young hero's determination and perseverance to stand firm under the heavy pressure of Situ Li's spiritual thoughts, we both admire him very much."

Everything she said came from the bottom of her heart.

No matter how talented Chu Xisheng is, no matter how promising his future is, he is not worthy of her respect.

The problem is that not long ago, Zhou Xiongba was ready to sacrifice his life to prevent Situ Li's transformation of blood essence.

Not to mention that her only beloved son survived because of Chu Xisheng.

Without Chu Xisheng, this one-minded kid would probably have died in the third level.

When Chu Xisheng heard this, she raised her eyebrows slightly and glanced behind her.

It turns out that the inside of this valley can be seen from outside?

No wonder the value of his martial arts points kept rising after he entered.

Not right either!

When Situ Li appeared, his martial arts points suddenly increased by nearly a thousand points.

Only the more than a thousand people outside Taniguchi can provide him with so many martial arts points?

What happened during this period?

Zhou Xiongba stroked Yan's beard with his hand and said with admiration: "Young Hero's last three swords are particularly stunning! I saw that Young Hero was covered in black flames just now. He must have received the reward of Demon God Burial Sky and awakened the Blood Burial Sky? This

The devil loves warriors most, young hero, you have fallen into his eyes——"

When he said this, he paused, frowned slightly, and looked around.

At this moment, groups of fully armed guards in uniforms, as well as countless city guards wearing heavy armor, rushed over from a distance.

They lined up neatly and walked in such a hurry that the heavy armor blades on their bodies made a deafening sound.

Zhou Xiongba narrowed his eyes, then snorted coldly, and turned to Chu Xi: "It's too inconvenient here. I have asked people to prepare a banquet at Wangyang Pavilion in Linhai City to celebrate Young Hero Chu's victory.


Chu Xisheng said apologetically after hearing this: "Thank you Uncle Zhou for your kindness, but can this celebration be postponed? My nephew is bold and wants to ask Uncle Zhou to prepare a secret medicine material for the fourth level of Yangyuan Gong for me."

My nephew's cultivation of Yangyuan Gong has reached its limit and needs to be broken through as soon as possible."

Chu Xisheng's Yang Yuan Gong has indeed reached the critical point.

The medicinal spirit leaked out of that pool not only raised his bloodline talents by one level, but also filled up his Yuan Yuan Gong.

What's more, if he doesn't break through in cultivation now, he will suffer miserably in terms of martial arts points.

At this time, how could he have the intention to go drinking and celebrate with everyone in the Zhou family?

"Breakthrough?" Zhou Xiongba glanced at Chu Xisheng and found that his true energy was bulging and continuing to leak out.

This has indeed reached its limit. If it drags on any longer, the moon will become full and then lose.

He smiled apologetically: "It was Zhou's negligence! Xiangshan, go to the drugstore in the city and find Chu Shaoxia a secret medicine for the fourth level of Yang Yuan Gong. It must be the best, and the sooner the better."

Zhou Xiangshan immediately obeyed the order and hurried out of the valley.

He did not ask Chu Xisheng for the prescription.

The secret medicine formula of the fourth level of Yang Yuan Gong is no secret to Dongzhou powerful people like the Zhou family.

Wuxiang Shenzong's attitude towards the 'Ten Arts' is that the wider the spread, the better.

It is a pity that the 'Visualization Picture' and 'True Intention' of the Ten Arts are difficult to produce, and the production of secret medicines after the eighth level is also limited, otherwise the Wuxiang Shen Sect would only wish that all the martial arts cultivators in the world would have one.

Chu Xisheng looked slightly happy and was about to say thank you when a clear and uninhibited laughter suddenly came from beside him.


Following this voice, a young man about 20 years old, with a face as beautiful as a woman's and as feminine as a woman, flew into the air and arrived three feet away from Chu Xisheng.

This man has purple strange runes engraved between his brows and forehead. He is wearing a green dress and a white cloak. On the back of the cloak are two majestic seal script characters of "WEILE" tattooed on it, like a startling dragon.

His tall body was suspended in the air, with his hands folded across his chest, and he looked down at Chu Xisheng condescendingly: "It's interesting. I didn't expect that in the vast land of Dongzhou, a warrior like you can actually emerge. This person is brave and determined.

, are all very good. If you don’t die prematurely in the future, you will definitely be expected to reach the third level."

Si Feng had seen countless talented people in his life, so he didn't care much about Chu Xisheng's talent and understanding.

He only admired Chu Xisheng's courage and determination, which was the foundation for martial arts practitioners to climb to the top.

And just when Si was speechless, the fireworks in Chu Xisheng's eyes exploded one after another.

Chu Xisheng's martial arts points increased by more than thirty points.

But his heart twitched slightly, and he regretted not getting promoted on the spot just now.

Calculated based on the 50% exchange ratio, he just lost more than 30 martial arts points.

Chu Xisheng had a stern expression on his face, cupping his fists and saluting: "Thank you for the praise, senior, but I'm only a third-grade person, but I'm a bit looking down on you."

He didn't recognize the other person, but he recognized the person's voice, which was none other than 'Si Wenfa' who had been hidden in the sky.

The white cloak floating behind this person also revealed his identity.

Si Feng was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, slightly surprised, and then laughed loudly: "You're good! I underestimated you. A martial artist like me should have such an aura that no one else can give up on me."

He then put his hands behind his back and said solemnly: "You saved my nephew's life in the secret realm today, and we, my brothers and sisters, have accepted your love. In the future, if you encounter any trouble in the capital and Heluo Prefecture, you can repay me.

Their names."

After he said this, he grabbed Si Huangquan beside him with one hand and prepared to fly away in the air.

Chu Xisheng's expression moved slightly at this time, and he looked at Si Huangquan, who had already woken up: "Brother Huangquan, can you sell me the Divine Yuan Returning Pill in your hand? Chu is willing to give me three thousand taels of magic silver.

Exchange two drops of 'Blood of the Ancestor God'!"

The 'blood of the ancestors' was no longer useful to him. There were more than 200 drops of the blood of the ancestors in the medicine pool.

Even if Chu Xisheng took it, he would not be able to awaken more bloodline talents.

But each additional 'Shen Yuan Returning Pill' can help Chu Yunyun regain one point of strength.

Si Huangquan's eyes flashed, but he could not make any move.

He still had the heart-drawing Gu on him, and he had been burned by the Burial God's fire for a while, and now he couldn't move.

Si Weneng couldn't hear the words but couldn't help laughing. With a flick of his hand, he threw a pill bottle towards Chu Xisheng: "I'll give it to you!"

Their siblings were rich in wealth. Although their wealth was far less than that of Shen'ao Sanren, he still didn't take this mere 'Shenyuan Return to Heaven Pill' seriously.

This chapter has been completed!
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