Chapter 137 Burial Day

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Chu Xisheng completely pierced through the invisible barrier, and his feet softened again, almost falling to his knees again.

These three swords condensed all Chu Xisheng's strength and energy. When they were thrust out, Chu Xisheng's physical strength was completely gone, and he was extremely weak.

His mind was also relaxed and he felt quite happy.

The enemy's defeat is undoubtedly his greatest happiness now.

However, Chu Xisheng was just happy for a while and couldn't laugh anymore.

The medicinal spirit inside the invisible barrier was released from the gap like crazy.

The momentum was like a dam releasing floods, and the first person to bear the brunt was Chu Xisheng, who was blocking the gap.

A large part of it was poured directly into Chu Xisheng's arms and body.

Chu Xisheng's face twisted, remembering someone who said before, 'I roll around in the medicine pool, and I'm sure I can raise my body and blood to the level of a genius.'

Now he can tell this person that you may become a genius, provided that your body is not exploded.

The medicinal spirits that had seeped into his body were reacting violently with his flesh and blood.

He felt like his whole body was inflating like a balloon, and every cell seemed to be exploding.

At this moment, it was as if an elephant was trying to squeeze into his body, and something inside was being squeezed out.

And it's not just the medicinal spirit, the 'blood element transformation method' seems to be acting on his body as well.

Chu Xisheng's internal organs were undergoing drastic changes. They were sometimes twisting, sometimes expanding, sometimes shrinking, sometimes annihilating, and sometimes regenerating.

The bones are also changing inside. The difference is that he has awakened the second level of pure yang, which is the feeling of cramps and marrow sucking.

Now it's like squeezing sausages, stuff is constantly being stuffed into his bones.

All of Chu Xisheng's 18,000 pores were opened, and blood and sweat seeped out from inside.

His face was distorted.

Chu Xi thought that was not possible. If this continued, Situ Li would not die, but she would have to die young first.

He was thinking about a way to survive when he felt something move in his chest.

Is it the snow jade white ferret in his arms that has woken up?

Chu Xisheng frowned. This guy had the Heart-Lost Gu, and there were still some hidden dangers.

The key is that it's difficult for him to move now, which is something he didn't expect before.

At this time, Bai Xiaozhao raised his head and looked at Chu Xisheng with weak and confused eyes.

Chu Xisheng was in so much pain that she almost didn't care about him anymore.

But he still raised his eyebrows, wondering what this guy wanted to do?

Chu Xisheng was wondering whether he should use some strength to throw the white ferret out.

Then he saw the snow jade white ferret sniffing it with its nose, looking a little drunk, and then bit him on the right chest.

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but be stunned for a while, looking extremely stunned.

However, it would be wrong to say that this white ferret is ungrateful. Her teeth are very sharp and can easily bite through Chu Xisheng's rune-gold inner armor.

But she didn't bite deep, only about an inch and a half into the flesh.

Then Bai Xiaozhao suddenly sucked out the blood from Chu Xisheng's chest.


Chu Xisheng took a breath of cold air, and then felt - so comfortable!

The medicinal spirit and vitality that exploded in his body suddenly had a huge vent, and at least one-fifth of the amount was distributed.

In fact, he is still in pain and swollen.

The problem is that a balloon that is about to burst will feel very comfortable even if it only loses one-fifth of its air, which greatly reduces the risk of explosion.

The confusion in Bai Xiaozhao's pupils gradually dissipated, and his dark eyes gradually returned to clarity.

She was pleasantly surprised at first, and then she used all her strength to suck the breast.

In just a moment, Bai Xiaozhao's tail stretched out a second tail.

The bloodline of the 'wind-born beast' has seven tails. Each additional tail will double the physical fitness and demonic power, and it can also master more power of storm and void.

Her bloodline will also be more noble.

Chu Xisheng felt even more comfortable, and he deliberately raised his chest higher.

This taste - breathe in more!

At this moment, Situ Li, who was on the altar, suddenly let out a roar.

His flesh and blood was crumbling inch by inch.

After Chu Xisheng broke through the invisible barrier, Situ Li had no time to pay attention to him.

It is not a problem due to leakage of medicinal power.

The medicine in this pool is designed for the first-grade golden body of Shen'ao Sanren. The various kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures in it are terrifyingly abundant, even enough to create ten second-grade bodies.

The key is that this 'Blood Yuan Transformation Formation' has a huge loophole, making it difficult to operate freely.

Situ Li needs to spend several times more energy and effort to maintain it.

Until this moment, Situ Li finally couldn't hold on.

This part of his body that had been shaped completely lost its support and was falling apart.

To make matters worse, the ‘Demon God’s Burial Sky’ in the sky had actually withdrawn his hand. He crossed his arms across his chest and looked down with interest with his eyes between his breasts.

However, this man no longer had the slightest interest in Situ Li, and all his eyes fell on Chu Xisheng.

At this time, the four 'Cloud Sea Sword Puppet' had already broken through the many legal restrictions of this ninth-grade secret realm, and cut the fierce sword intent into the depths of Situ Li's soul.

Situ Li's consciousness and intelligence were almost destroyed, but he pointed his last obsession at Chu Xisheng - the culprit who caused his failure!

"Kill you!"

His remaining body suddenly flashed, and he came to Chu Xisheng in front of Chu Xisheng, and stamped his palm on the top of Chu Xisheng's head.

Chu Xisheng was suddenly startled and his pupils shrank.

Every move he makes now is extremely difficult, and he is completely unable to draw a knife to resist.

The key is that this is a full blow from a fourth-level master!

The opponent's movement and movement speed were so fast that he couldn't even think of using his sword to resist.

To die!

As soon as this thought flashed through Chu Xisheng's mind, he heard a "boom" and the whole white marble square trembled.

Situ Li's palm failed to hit the top of Chu Xisheng's head, but instead hit the legal barrier outside the medicine pool.

Before, Chu Xisheng only broke through a gap the size of a fist, but the invisible barrier built by countless golden talismans and jade talismans did not collapse.

Situ Li's expression was startled, and then he became furious. He gathered his energy like a sword, preparing to rush out through the small opening created by Chu Xisheng and cut the body into pieces.

But at this moment, the four Yunhai sword puppets had already stepped into the medicine pool.

With the light of their swords, Situ Li's body and soul were crushed into pieces, leaving no trace left behind.

After that, these four Yunhai Sword Puppets began to repair everything here.

They have extremely strong intelligence and methodically remove the remaining flesh and blood of Situ Li and restore the forbidden laws here.

Chu Xisheng wiped his hands with cold sweat and was secretly startled.

At this time, his hand was still blocking the gap of the rune law.

Chu Xisheng knew that this opportunity was in danger.

The more medicinal spirit his body can take in, the more benefits it will have.

The premise is that your body does not explode.

The four Yunhai sword puppets didn't seem to care much about these leaks, and they repaired the damaged runes one by one step by step.

About half a moment later, Bai Xiaozhao almost grew a fourth mink tail. The gap that Chu Xisheng poked with a knife was finally blocked by several layers of runes.

At this time, one person and one mink had faces full of regret and reluctance.

Chu Xisheng raised his hand and took Bai Xiaozhao off his chest.

And just when he turned around and planned to leave this medicine pool.

Chu Xisheng's figure suddenly froze, and he slowly raised his head to look upward, and then he saw the Demon God Zang Tian in the sky, staring at him.


At this moment, Chu Xisheng's whole body was burning with black fire.

In his illusory screen, there was suddenly a line of words - Burial Sky (First Order)!

At the same time, an additional piece of information appeared in his mind - you have been appreciated by the demon god Zangtian, and you have awakened the bloodline "Zangtian"!

This chapter has been completed!
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