Chapter 136 Tenacity (please vote for the climax of the third update)

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Chu Xisheng stabbed the invisible barrier outside the medicine pool nine times in a row with all his strength.

The forbidden methods outside the medicine pool are extremely powerful, and it is difficult for martial arts practitioners who have reached the sixth level to overcome the thunder pool.

However, Chu Xisheng relied on his own 'Shen Shang Breaking Technique' and a pair of butterfly swords mixed with the copper of Shou Mountain to sharpen them bit by bit.

Each of his swords can destroy some of the rune structure, so each sword penetrates deeper than the last.

After the nine swords passed, Chu Xisheng had already taken a step forward.

The originally invisible and qualityless barrier gradually appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Gold talismans and jade jars are suspended in the air. They are layered on top of each other and intertwined with each other, surrounding the medicine pool like a wall.

But at this time, each of Chu Xisheng's swords could make these golden talismans and jade tatters break into pieces.


Situ Li, the Bachelor of Divine Mechanics, looked stunned.

Could this Zhuzi want to forcefully break through the forbidden magic on the outside and break into the medicine pool to destroy his 'blood metamorphosis'?

At this moment, Chu Xisheng blasted out the tenth sword with an indifferent look, shattering the twenty-four golden talismans and jade baskets in front of him, and took the second step.

——The forbidden methods on the periphery of the medicine pool only block a distance of five steps!

Situ Li frowned.

"A mere ninth-grade person dares to block my path?"

Situ Li could no longer concentrate on shaping his body. He forcibly used part of his spiritual thoughts to crush Chu Xisheng: "You are not overestimating your own strength, get out of here!"

Chu Xisheng suddenly made a 'pop' sound in his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

But his hands were still as steady as iron pliers, and he stabbed out the eleventh knife. The power of this knife was actually more powerful than the previous one.

A total of thirty-one golden talismans and jade baskets were destroyed and shattered by him!

Situ Li's eyebrows had already furrowed into the character "Chuan".

Although most of his soul power is concentrated in the 'blood metamorphosis', there is only a thin line at this time.

But even this sliver of spiritual power is no small feat!

Chu Xisheng not only was not repelled by his thoughts, but instead advanced instead of retreating, and his momentum increased.

"The worm shakes the tree!"

Situ Li's face turned even colder, and he said the word "Roll" again, like rolling thunder, roaring.

Behind him, Wu Yi also took shape, condensing into a huge bird in mid-air.

The giant bird looks like a white crane, spreading its wings.

However, its head has antlers growing on it, its head and neck have swirling and triangular moiré-like feathers, and the joint between its abdomen and wings seems to be surrounded by a dragon.

——This is the ‘Deer Crane’, a powerful ancient bird and mythical beast that is good at wind control and magic, and feeds on snakes, pythons and fish.

At this time, it was extending its long beak and pecking at the top of Chu Xisheng's head.


Following Chu Xisheng's front, a mental storm exploded, and blood overflowed from Chu Xisheng's seven orifices.

He felt dizzy for a while, but then he recovered. He suddenly raised a knife and smashed thirty-five golden talismans and jade baskets!

At the same time, a ferocious beast with a dragon head and a jackal body also appeared behind him.

The long knife held in the giant beast's mouth seemed to turn into substance, colliding with the beak it had pecked out.

At this time, on the illusory screen in front of Chu Xisheng, the word "睚禦" in the status bar had turned into red.

——Your Yajuan Blade Intention has been temporarily upgraded to super strength!

This is the first time Chu Xisheng's sword intent has been aroused to this level.

He felt that his spirit was rising infinitely, and his thoughts were as solid as steel, indestructible and unshakable!

Situ Li on the medicine pool knew that the situation was not good just by looking at the giant beast 'Yai Can' that appeared.

The Yaizhan sword will become stronger when it meets the strong!

The murderous intention in his heart will only stimulate Chu Xisheng's 'Yai Can' sword intention to become even more powerful, pushing this son's soul power to the limit.

At this time, he even felt the impact of spiritual thoughts rushing back.

His Luhe Sword Intent is being reflected back by the Yazhan Sword Intent, counterattacking himself.

Situ Li couldn't control it.

The fact that he was forced to transform into a demon made Situ Li's hatred towards his son reach its extreme level. He wished he could eat his flesh, eat his blood, sleep on his skin, and suck his marrow!

At this time, every time Chu Xisheng made a move or took a step forward, the uneasiness in his heart grew more and more, and his murderous intention towards Chu Xisheng also increased.

"I want to see how long you can last."

Situ Li's nostrils suddenly overflowed with blood stains.

This is a sign that his body is collapsing.

Not only was Situ Li unable to continue shaping his body at this time, but the parts that had already been shaped were on the verge of collapse.

However, at the cost of this, Situ Li was able to draw out 10% of his spiritual power and crush him in the direction of Chu Xisheng.

"Go to hell!"

Having already reached this point, how could he fail?

No one can stop him! No one can——

Chu Xisheng's seven orifices once again burst out with a large amount of blood.

He was half-kneeling on the ground. Not only was his mind in pain, it seemed as if it had been cut apart by a thousand blades. All the bones in his body were also cracking.

At this moment, the huge deer crane suddenly scattered countless feathers and flew towards the medicine pond.

Each of the feathers contained Situ Li's sword intent, and traces of blood were drawn all over Chu Xisheng's body.

Chu Xisheng held the two swords tightly and tried hard to stand up, but failed several times. She was forced to the ground by Situ Li's sword intention.

He then managed to raise his head and looked at Situ Li with great difficulty.

Chu Xisheng's eyes were red, but the corners of her lips gradually turned into a smile.

There was only one thought in his mind at this time.

You can't be crushed by this man, absolutely not! Once you're crushed, you're dead!

Enter his immortal board!

It was a good trip to the secret realm, but it was disrupted by this pair of master and apprentice.

Chu Xisheng felt extremely annoyed when he thought that not only might he not be able to get the Shentian Huiyuan Pill this time, but he might even become a stepping stone for Situ Li to achieve enlightenment.

Get up, you loser! Get up!

How can I, Chu Xisheng, kneel down to such people?

Chu Xisheng struggled to get up again. The blood vessels in the corners of his eyes burst open under the pressure, and the overflowing blood gradually dyed his vision red.

Chu Xisheng ignored him and tried his best to stand up.

The kindness of a meal must be repaid, and the resentment of Yaju must be repaid!

Since this bastard wants him to die, he must leave his life to him!

But Chu Xisheng didn't notice it at this time.

In his character panel, the words "睚禦武义(fourth level)" suddenly changed into "睚禦武义(five levels)".

At the same time, the "睚禦" in the status column changed to dark purple color.

——Your Yajuan Sword Intent has been temporarily raised to the limit!

Chu Xisheng stood up suddenly, holding two butterfly swords and stabbing forward three times, creating a huge gap in the rune barrier in front of him.

In an instant, countless pure medicinal spirits were released from within.

However, the eyes of Situ Li, a bachelor of divine mechanics, were filled with confusion, shock, fear and despair.

This chapter has been completed!
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