Chapter 163 The Dance of the Burial Sky

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Chu Xisheng's sword intent even impacted Zhiwei Juwai.

Some of the many gangsters outside were the first to bear the brunt. They were all dizzy and had blood oozing from their mouths and noses.

The people behind also stopped. They didn't dare to attack the restaurant anymore, and looked at the dark restaurant in front of them with bewilderment.

"Stop all of you, the idea is prickly!"

"There was no sound inside. Everyone who went in died."

"Fuck! The cultivation level of the guy inside is really only below the eighth level?"

Fei Liqing, the eighth master of the cottage, also came to Luo Liang's side with a gloomy complexion.

He is at the seventh level of cultivation, wearing black Confucian clothes, with fair skin and handsome face. He looks like a white-faced scholar.

"What the hell! This guy's sword intention is so strong, Xiushui Lunwu Pavilion only ranked him eighty-ninth! I'm going to fuck him like a fairy. This guy's sword intention is so strong that even I have to avoid him."

"It should be the intention of Yajuan Sword!"

Luo Liang chewed the straw stem thoughtfully: "Dong Linshan said that this kind of sword intention is extremely special. It was passed down from the Bloody Sword Lord. The stronger and more his enemies are, the more murderous his intention is, the stronger his sword intention will be. .His current sword intent may have reached the seventh level of strength."

Generally, martial arts cultivators at the upper level of the seventh level cannot possess the seventh level of martial intention.

Fei Liqing frowned slightly.

He had also read Dong Linshan's article explaining the meaning of the Yajuan Sword, and thought that this was indeed very difficult.

However, Dong Linshan also said that the intention of the Yajuan Sword will only work within a certain distance.

With Chu Xisheng's current sword intent cultivation, he can only sense hostility within a distance of one hundred feet.

"Can you ask the Shangguan family's generals and soldiers to retreat a hundred feet?"

Fei Liqing glanced behind him and thought that Chu Xisheng's sword intent was so powerful that it probably came from those 1,500 Shangguan family soldiers.

"As long as his sword intensity is reduced, it will be easy to solve."

"No, there are not a few people in the ancient market who are disgusted with our Baiyun Village. Now there are people from the Shangguan family who are guarding it. They will not intervene. But once the people from the Shangguan family retreat, there will definitely be all kinds of troubles."

When the second master Luo Liang spoke, he reached out his hand slightly and held a five-foot horizontal knife filled with cold light in his hand: "There is no need to go to such trouble, I will personally take action and kill him! You block the outside and don't let him He escaped. The Shangguan family said that he has a rich fortune and may have a jade talisman for escape, so he should not be careless."

Fei Liqing nodded slightly: "I will be careful, we also brought three magicians, he can't escape."

The magician's jade talisman is a very disgusting thing. A seventh-grade 'speed talisman' can double the speed of martial arts practitioners; a sixth-grade five-element 'escape talisman' can make people use gold and wood. The power of water, fire and earth can escape dozens of feet.

This is also the reason why they mobilized troops today.

Without hundreds of people, it may not be possible to block Chu Xisheng.

Fei Liqing actually couldn't figure out how Shangguan Longjian of the Shangguan family died.

It seems that it is not surprising for a legitimate son of such a noble family to have a fourth-grade or fifth-grade jade talisman on his body.

Luo Liang didn't hesitate any longer. As soon as he stepped on it, his whole body was whipped up by a strong wind, and he flashed ten feet away.

But just when he was about to rush into Zhiweiju, a thin black figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

This man seemed to be standing in the darkness, with a black, slender straight knife piercing his forehead.

Luo Liang was caught off guard and did not notice the existence of the figure, and almost hit the straight knife directly.

"who are you?"

He stopped at the critical moment and blocked the back of the knife in front of him.

And at the moment when the two swords were clashing, Luo Liang's color suddenly changed and his pupils shrank: "Double cultivation of martial arts and martial arts?"

This is not an ordinary dual cultivation of martial arts and martial arts, it is an excellent combination of two powers.

The opponent's sword also relied on the power of several spells.

Such as the 'Speed ​​Curse', 'Giant Power Curse', 'Light Body Curse', 'Qianjun Curse', 'Thunder Control Technique', 'Wind Control Technique' and so on - at least eight different spells are blended into one.

As for ordinary martial arts cultivators, having two kinds of magic spells on their body is the limit.

The straight sword struck, as heavy as a thousand pieces of stone.

Luo Liang was blasted twelve feet away and crashed into a two-story building. The building collapsed on the spot, sending smoke and dust flying.

Luo Liang's eyes were condensed, wondering where did this master come from?

The opponent's cultivation level is on par with his, but his combat power far exceeds his.

It should be a woman, but her figure was obviously concealed. She wore looser and looser clothes, and had insoles under her feet, which made her taller.

But even so, the opponent still hit him with a knife until he was almost defeated!

Luo Liang had no time to think about it, because the black straight knife silently struck in front of him again.

He instinctively swung his sword to resist, and then his entire body was blasted ten feet away, crashing through several walls in a row.

Not only did Luo Liang's mouth overflow with blood, his body's energy and blood surged up and down, and a small wound was cut on his chest.

But what made him even more chilling was that at this moment, the black straight knife was only a stone's throw away from his eyebrows.

This knife will kill you!

Luo Liang's heart went cold and he felt despair.

At this moment, a long spear stabbed at him from the side, just in time to block the black straight knife.

Luo Liang's eyes lit up and he looked at a tall figure next to him who was also masked in black and was holding a big scarlet gun.

Although the other party had his face covered and specially changed his weapon, Luo Liang still recognized him at first sight.

——This person is probably Zhu Yi, the seventh general raised by the Shangguan family, who is at the sixth level!

This man was no match for the woman in black. He was slashed back nearly ten feet by the sword, but Luo Liang's death was still averted in the end.

Luo Liang did not dare to neglect, and after regrouping, he wanted to counterattack with his sword.

But that black straight knife struck first.

The woman in black had a body like a strong wind and a sword like a tornado. She slashed at them fiercely with her swords. Like an endless raging wave, she wanted to kill them, drown them, and crush them!

Luo Liang and Zhu Yi worked together, but they could only grit their teeth and resist.

At this time, Luo Liang had no time to take care of Zhiweiju. After resisting seven swords in a row, he finally found some free time.

"Fei Laoba, you take command! We must kill Chu Xisheng——"

Luo Liang's words stopped abruptly, and he was struck by the opponent's knife and was thrown seven feet away again.

The other party was obviously filled with hatred. The blade was so sharp that it penetrated his chest through the air, breaking through the iron armor on his chest and leaving a three-inch bloody mark.

Fei Liqing looked heavy.

He cursed secretly in his heart, how did Ruan Qiu, the fourth master, take over the business?

Eighteen thousand taels of magic silver is such a loss! Afterwards, no matter what, I have to ask Shangguan's family for tens of thousands more taels of magic silver——

He then looked at the dark Zhiweiju in front of him with cold eyes.

"Go, one of you, and tell the Shangguan family to step back fifty feet! The others will organize an arrow formation and shoot him to death for me. Laojiu, please select a few men and prepare to set fire to and set off smoke."

This time they did not underestimate the enemy and brought a total of fifty military locust crossbows.

Just a few breaths later, countless arrows penetrated doors, windows, and even walls, and flew into Zhiwei Residence.

Some arrows were thrown, and they broke through the tiles and fell into the house.

Chu Xisheng hid in the simple fortification he had built with his own hands, holding a bottle of Shao Knife that he picked up casually, and drinking wine nonchalantly.

Those arrows hit the quilts, tables and chairs, making a "dong-dong-dong" sound.

Some of the heavy arrows were able to penetrate walls and break tiles, but they were unable to penetrate these water-soaked quilts.

Even if it occasionally penetrates through, it is still at the end of the force, and Chu Xisheng can easily push it away.

As he drank, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Chu Xisheng could hear the sounds of fighting outside. Lu Luanli had already arrived and solved his biggest trouble.

Then it's up to him.


Suddenly, six wolf-toothed arrows penetrated in, as fast as thunder and as powerful as a ten thousand gun.

This was obviously made by a seventh-grade martial artist, and the arrow was very powerful.

Chu Xisheng raised his hand and slashed away the three sharp arrows, then ducked out of the way, but was grazed by a sharp wolf-toothed arrow on the outside of his thigh.

Chu Xisheng looked cold and swung the knife directly to cut off a piece of flesh near the wound.

As soon as the piece of meat fell to the ground, it turned black and quickly rotted.

At this time, the word "Burial of Heaven" appeared in Chu Xisheng's status bar.

——You have been slightly injured, triggering the 'Dance of the Burial Sky', all physical qualities are increased by 50%, and you have medium-strength spell-breaking power.

Note: The more injured you are, the stronger you become!

Chu Xisheng felt the powerful power gushing from the bones and blood in his body, and the corners of his lips rose again.

Today's prey may not be him!

This chapter has been completed!
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