Chapter 169 Iron Madman

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Chu Xisheng, who was standing on the beam, was holding a long knife diagonally with one hand and bandaging his right shoulder with the other.

The spear of the man in red armor seriously injured his right shoulder, taking away a large amount of flesh and blood from the shoulder.

So at this moment, his hand can't actually use much strength anymore.

Fortunately, Qin Muge's "Hand of the Sun, Moon, and Heaven" is balanced on the left and right, and there is no difference between the left hand and the right hand.

After Chu Xisheng redeems this card, his combat power will not drop much.

But now he was in severe pain all over his body. The wounds on his chest, thighs, and right shoulder were all in burning pain.

What's even more troublesome is the extreme state of the 'Dance of Burial in the Sky'.

Although this gave him extremely powerful strength, it also tore the muscles, fascia, and bone channels all over his body.

His vitality was also rapidly depleted.

Previously supported by Qin Muge's 'Eternal Blood', Chu Xisheng didn't feel much.

At that time, his vitality was recovering all the time, and the minor injuries in his body were also recovering rapidly.

But when the effect of the character card faded, he felt sharp pains all over his body, and all the energy in his limbs and veins were dried up, making him weak and weak.

Chu Xi remained calm on her face, looking at the three seventh-grade martial arts cultivators who were gradually approaching in front of them.

At the same time, there were four auras in the distance, approaching quickly.

——Those are four more seventh-grade martial arts cultivators!

The heritage of the Xiushui official family is really jaw-dropping.

Chu Xisheng knew that she couldn't delay it any longer.

The three people in front of him didn't rush to take action. On the one hand, they were afraid of his combat power, and on the other hand, they were waiting for their companions.

We must not give them a chance to encircle them from behind—

Chu Xisheng bandaged the injury and redeemed the 'Qin Muge Eleven-Year-Old Character Card (Official Version)' again.

At this time, his pupils turned purple again; a strand of his hair danced without wind again.

The next moment, Chu Xisheng raised the knife in his left hand, and his figure rushed out like lightning, running towards the middle one of the three people in front.

This person must have used fists and kicks. He wore a red heavy armor that covered his whole body, covering all parts tightly, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

Both hands were wearing a pair of red-gold metal gloves covered with iron thorns.

Chu Xisheng guessed that this person's boxing skills must be very good, enough to compete with the sword.

However, every inch is short and every inch is dangerous, and every inch is long and strong, this is an eternal principle in martial arts below the fourth level.

In front of Qin Muge, this man didn't have the capital to resist the sword with his fists! He was also the easiest to kill among the three seventh-level martial arts cultivators.

The two people on the side understood what he meant at the same time, and they were both furious.


"Get back!"

One of them held a pair of knives, the other a spear, each with horns, staggered left and right, and strangled Chu Xisheng like a pair of scissors.

The martial artist wearing red gold gloves laughed ferociously.

This guy has found the wrong person!

He did not dodge or dodge, his fists danced with wind and thunder, and he hit Chu Xisheng's chest like a pair of sledgehammers.

That punch was so powerful and powerful that it was enough to crush steel!

Chu Xisheng's eyes narrowed slightly and he noticed the red energy appearing around this person.

——It’s a horizontal practice of external skills!

Chu Xisheng also did not make any move to avoid, and the knife in his left hand shone like thunder in the sky.

He struck the Yanling Saber Thunderbolt between the pair of red gold gloves, and before the hands shattered his chest, he struck at the man's neck.

Extreme move* Trace of Wind!

The horizontal martial arts cultivator sneered at first.

He wears heavy armor and practices external martial arts.

This person is only holding a broken seventh-grade weapon. How can he be easily broken open?

But in the next moment, this martial arts practitioner's pupils shrank and he couldn't believe it.

Chu Xisheng's Yan Ling Saber actually broke through his body-protecting Qi, and also forcibly broke through his neck armor collar, not only cutting open his trachea and blood vessels, but also shattering his cervical vertebrae!

Chu Xisheng's eyes did not blink, and he was not surprised at all.

He is still in the third stage of the 'Heaven Burial Dance', possessing weak god-killing power.

At this moment, he can even cut through the power of gods, let alone the body-protecting power of a seventh-level martial artist?

After Heng Lian Wuxiu's cervical vertebra was broken, he could no longer control his body, and his whole body was thrust forward with inertia.

Chu Xisheng's body dwarfed and he moved like a civet cat, just passing by the fist of Heng Lian martial arts cultivator.

In turn, he used this man's body as a shield to resist the swords and spears of the two seventh-grade martial arts cultivators next to him.

Chu Xisheng's cold eyes were already fixed on the martial artist wielding a pair of simple swords.

Before, he was only a hair away from killing this man.

It is not too late to send him to hell now!

But just as the knife in Chu Xisheng's hand was about to be slashed out, his expression changed slightly and he looked above his head.

At this time, a middle-aged figure in his forties, dressed in rich clothes, was holding a long sword, using the air to control his energy, and his power fell from the sky like a rainbow.

In Chu Xisheng's eyes, this man was like a huge meteor, falling rapidly, trying to flatten, suppress, and crush him!

Chu Xisheng tried his best to resist the Yajuan Saber intention, but under the man's mountain-like intention, it collapsed every inch!


The two seventh-grade martial arts cultivators around him were overjoyed.

The middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes who fell from the sky was none other than their family leader, Shangguan Shenhao.

Both of them are self-aware. If Shangguan Shenhao hadn't arrived, both of them would have been defeated by Chu Xisheng and killed one by one!

Chu Xisheng didn't know whether he was affected by Qin Muge's character card. He looked up expressionlessly, his eyes indifferent.

Are you going to die here?

His mood was surprisingly calm and calm.

At this time, Lu Luanli, who was thirty feet away, saw this scene, his pupils contracted violently, and his heart skipped a beat.

Blood suddenly overflowed from her mouth, nose, and seven orifices, and the long knife in her hand swung out a rainbow-like seven-color light wheel in the next moment.

The sword surrounded by a halo of light seemed to ignore time and distance, and chopped off the head of Luo Liang, the second master of Baiyun Village, with one strike! Another strike flew away Zhu Yi's big spear.

Then Lu Luanli's figure flew quickly, using all his strength, he ran towards Chu Xisheng's direction.

But this short distance of thirty feet seemed like an unreachable chasm. No matter how hard Lu Luanli tried, he could not reach Chu Xisheng's side.

Just when Lu Luanli's eyes were despairing and Chu Xisheng's eyes were dead, a clear laughter came out in the night sky: "Shangguan Shenhao, you are so shameless. A master with a high level of fifth-level cultivation, but you treat a person with such a level of cultivation...

The juniors of the eighth rank are not afraid of jokes in the world when they take action?"

At this time, a tall figure came to Chu Xisheng's side lightly. He held the sky with one hand and collided with Shangguan Shenhao's meteor heavy sword.

At this moment, the area near Zhiweiju shook violently, with the mountains shaking and the ground shaking.

All the ground within a fifty-foot radius was sunk by Shangguan Shenhao's sword force!

But the land at the feet of the tall figure, instead of being destroyed by the bombardment, actually increased by half a foot.

Shangguan Shenhao's eyes narrowed and landed on the ruins of a house not far away.

He looked at the tall figure and spoke three words in a voice as cold as ice: "Iron Madman!"

The burly man standing in front of Chu Xisheng like an iron tower was the leader of the Iron Banner Gang, the Iron-Blooded Pagoda—the Iron Madman!

This chapter has been completed!
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