Chapter 166 Beheading

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Just as Chu Xisheng beheaded Dong Hua and others, the 'Spiritual Eye' lurking a hundred feet away and peering subconsciously took a step forward.

He was standing on the edge of the eaves, almost missed his footing and fell from the roof of this three-story building.

The eyes of the 'Spiritual Eye' were filled with surprise and uncertainty: "This guy, he actually killed Dong Huaji——"

‘Heart-Piercing Sword’ Li Ya also looked solemn, and he lowered his hands that were wrapped around his chest.

"It's really awesome!"

There was a hint of admiration in Li Ya's eyes: "His bloodline talent is really unusual. But what Li admires even more is this person's courage.

Under this situation, he didn't even think about escaping, but tried his best to plan a counterattack to kill his opponent. He was extremely courageous, and Baiyun Village couldn't hold it back anymore——"

He then rushed out from the roof of the building and rushed in the direction of Zhiweiju.

'Lingyan' raised his eyebrows upon seeing this: "Where does Brother Li want to go?"

Li Ya, the heart-piercing sword, did not answer, and his figure had disappeared into the darkness.

The spiritual eye also knows the answer when the question is asked.

If Li Ya continues to sit idly by, those people in Baiyun Village may be forcibly killed by Chu Xisheng.

And if he misses tonight, it will be difficult for Li Ya to take Chu Xisheng's life again.

This son's combat power cannot be estimated based on the normal eighth grade.

I will definitely be more cautious when going out in the future.

The masked master who suddenly appeared was more than Li Ya could handle alone.

At this time, Baiyun Village still has a huge advantage. As long as Li Ya intercepts it and prevents Chu Xisheng from using his speed and sharp knife, this person will still die!

Chu Xisheng didn't know that the danger was approaching. He suddenly pulled out the eight-sided heavy sword from his chest, and then took a breath of cold air due to the severe pain at the wound.

——This is actually an extremely dangerous move. Although the eight-sided heavy sword severely injured him, it also blocked his wounds and prevented him from losing blood.

But as soon as the heavy sword was drawn out, Chu Xisheng's blood suddenly spurted out like a fountain.

However, Chu Xisheng had already made a plan and was fully prepared.

He swung the eight-sided heavy sword and just blocked Fei Liqing's heavy sword.

This caused the wound on his chest to further burst and spurt out more blood.

However, Chu Xisheng took advantage of the opponent's huge strength, and the figure flew several feet away, throwing Fei Liqing away again.

He laughed loudly at the same time and said, "Happy!"

At this time, while running, he used the premade cloth strips to bandage his wounds.

Fortunately, he had controlled it properly just now, and Dong Huaji's sword failed to penetrate his heart and lungs, and only slightly scratched his left lung.

At this time, the two injury pills he had taken in advance were working, and his third-level 'Pure Yang' physique was also allowing his wounds to quickly stop bleeding.

Although his 'Pure Yang' is not as exaggerated in terms of resilience as Chu Yunyun's 'Eternal Blood'.

But it also made his weak body have long energy pulses, a steady stream of true energy, and sufficient endurance.

Chu Xisheng was still as fast as thunder. He deliberately avoided Fei Liqing and cleared the surrounding Baiyun Village first.

Fei Liqing was very powerful, surpassing Dong Huaji by a margin in terms of cultivation, strength and speed.

Before the decisive battle with Fei Liqing, he must eliminate as much interference as possible.

After killing Dong Huaji, Chu Xisheng's posture became more calm.

Although others were seriously injured, their fighting strength was not reduced at all.

The 'Dance of Burying Heaven' made his physical fitness increase instead of decreasing, making him even more powerful.

At this time, Chu Xisheng could sweep five feet away with one step, bringing out a series of afterimages. He could easily throw Fei Liqing away. The thunder knife slaughtered the gangsters around him, just like chopping melons and vegetables.

Freehand brushwork.

From the time Chu Xisheng broke out of the inn, in less than two hundred breaths, the number of Baiyun Village gangsters who died in his hands was no less than sixty!

Including the previous number, it has reached more than one hundred people.

At this time, everyone present was frightened and frightened.

Their pursuit and interception had no effect. Everyone was like a wooden pile, letting Chu Xisheng slash and kill them.

At this time, some people had dropped their weapons and fled into the surrounding alleys.

The corners of Chu Xisheng's lips also raised slightly.

He began to gradually slow down the killing rate.

Chu Xisheng's life is temporarily safe, but once these Baiyun Village bandits are completely killed, it is likely that the Shangguan family's clan soldiers will directly intervene.

Although he was running at high speed at this time, because the subsequent killing was too easy, Chu Xisheng's physical strength was not consumed, but he was gradually recovering, and his injuries were getting better step by step.

Therefore, the later the better when it comes to fighting Fei Liqing to the death.

But just as Chu Xisheng passed by an alley, a small black stabbing sword stabbed out from the corner next to him very abruptly.

This sword was like a poisonous snake escaping from the corner, completely beyond his expectation.

Chu Xisheng's 'Tai Shang Tong Shen' could only sense half a step in advance, so he was caught off guard.

He hurriedly waved the thunder knife to seal the attack, and at the critical moment, he blocked the shadow of the sword that was stabbing his throat.

This small stabbing sword was extremely sharp, and the sword penetrated the blade of his thunder knife, and the sword energy was hidden at the edge of the sword.

If Chu Xisheng hadn't reacted in time, the figure would have been pushed back several feet in an instant, and his throat would have been almost pierced by the sword.

However, his neck was still cut by the sword energy, leaving a line of blood.

At this moment, Fei Liqing flashed over and came to the rear of Chu Xisheng.

He glanced at the alley in front of him from a distance, at the thin figure wearing a bamboo hat and covering his face, and then moved his gaze downwards to look at the small stabbing sword in the man's hand.

Fei Liqing's eyes lit up: "Heart-piercing sword, Li Ya?"

There was a touch of joy on his face.

Unexpectedly, it was the gold medal killer of Shashenglou who took action and stopped Chu Xisheng.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Li Ya smiled half-heartedly and kept his eyes locked on Chu Xisheng's figure.

His stabbing sword was pointed at Chu Xisheng from a distance, and the sword energy was suffocating before the sword point, blocking all possibilities of Chu Xisheng's escape.

Li Ya's powerful sword intention turned into a bit of Gengjin edge, which collided with Chu Xisheng's giant Yaizhu ** that manifested his sword intention, causing a wave of energy in the alleyway.

"Brother Fei, it's better for you and me to deal with this little guy as soon as possible. He has extraordinary talents and extraordinary courage. I won't be able to feel at ease for a moment unless I slap him to death."

“Just what I wanted!”

Fei Liqing's eyes were as cold as ice, and the heavy weapon in his hand was surrounded by force: "I will be the main attack later, Brother Li, come and take his life!"

Chu Xisheng looked calm and secretly laughed at himself.

Today, he was actually preparing to use his own strength to resolve the crisis at hand.

But now it seems that his strength is still a little weaker, and he will eventually have to use external force to solve the battle.

Chu Xisheng looked at the illusory screen in his field of vision and opened the martial arts treasure house.

He chose the 'Qin Muge Eleven Years Old Character Card (Official Version)' and exchanged it for ten martial arts points without hesitation.

At this moment, Chu Xisheng's heart beat violently, the blood in his body surged, and his physical strength returned to full strength in an instant.

——You are facing a powerful enemy, and you have inspired God's Sorrow, which increases your true energy, strength, speed, dexterity, explosive power, and resistance to blows by 90% on the original basis, and strengthens all your martial will by one level, making you stronger.

True Yuan has a high degree of spell-breaking effect and can interfere with the power to destroy all spells in the world!

——You were seriously injured, triggering the third stage of the ‘Heaven Burial Dance’. All physical qualities increased fourfold, and you possess a weak power of killing gods!

At this time, Chu Xisheng's pupils turned purple, and her long hair broke away from her hair bundles, dancing without the wind.

At this moment, Chu Xisheng finally realized Qin Muge's peak combat power when he was eleven years old!

This chapter has been completed!
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